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Archived questions from: February, 2009 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Comingout question

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5622 days ago

28 February 2009 (M - hello. i am a male, 18, and have recently decided that the time has come to tell my family that i am gay, but i have no idea how i should tell them and am worried that i will just run off when i am about to. also, should the truth have come out earl...

Everyone knows we're lesbians but our parents, should we tell them?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5627 days ago

28 February 2009 (F - my best friend erin (yes she is a girl) and i have been dating for a little. we've fooled around and made out. everyone who knows us knows that we are gay. they've seen us make out in public. the only people who dont no are our parents. we dont no ...

Really like my long distance fella, but falling for his closeted sister!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5617 days ago

28 February 2009 (F - k so I am in the most incredible relationship with this guy and things are fabulous. We have a bit of distance between us so we see eachother whenever we can. All is great. He has a sister (17) (fyi I'm 19-20 and he is 21-22) n e ways, His sister is ...

My boyfriend said he was bi-curious, but found out he's more... help!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5628 days ago

27 February 2009 (F - I am a female who wrote a question about my live in boyfriend. I wrote that I was worried because he had been bi-curious before he had met me. He and I had been dating for 4 months then moved in together. After several weeks I came accross some ...

Will my gf lose custody of her kids because we're seeing each other?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5628 days ago

27 February 2009 (F - I am a 21 year old Female. I am completely in love with another Female who is 39 and she is in love with me too. She has two children and is afraid that if her ex husband finds out that she is with a 21 year old that he will take her to court and ...

Is he gay? Or just experimenting?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5629 days ago

26 February 2009 (F - my husband likes to have phone sex with gay guys he meets on the party lines and he recently asked me if i wanted to put my dildo in his ass is he gay or just wants to experiment?...

My husband is "gay for pay"?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5629 days ago

26 February 2009 (F - Earlier this week I came home from work and found my husband in the living room on the floor writhing with another guy. The windows were blacked out. I asked him what the hell he was doing, and he was brazen enough to say he was making guy-on-gu...

I thought I was bi but I've been feeling much more attracted to women!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5630 days ago

25 February 2009 (F - im 17, and right now i feel like my head is about to explode. i thought was bi but recently i have been feeling so much more attracted to girls and my feelings for guys has sort of vanished. also i feel like i cant talk to gay/bi girls without ...

Pregnant with his child, but suspect he's gay... I'm so confused!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5627 days ago

25 February 2009 (F - Me and my partner are about to have our first child, although he's very manly ie:- sports, beer, sex, the usual, I've seen a few times now that he has been on gay porn for straight guys and shemales websites. It makes me feel sick but I don't wa...

My partner feels nothing when we have sex

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5629 days ago

24 February 2009 (M - I have been with a guy for about 4 months now (my first gay relationship) and we are very much in love. I have a fantastic time with him, except for the fact that he 'feels nothing' when we have sex. He says that he has been like this for around 3...

What is considered sex between two women? My girlfriend says she's waiting for marriage.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5631 days ago

24 February 2009 (F - I'm dating a woman for the first time and my girlfriend and I just started screwing around (rubbing against each other, mostly). Before we started dating she had always said she wanted to wait till marriage to have sex. I asked about this and it ...

In love with a married woman

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24 February 2009 (F - Ok, I'm a woman who has secretly loved another woman for over 2 years, but I've never told her, as she's one of my closest friends and I wouldn't want to lose her. Not to mention the fact that she's likely straight, since she has a husband. But ...

Why do I feel like this and what does it mean?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5632 days ago

23 February 2009 (F - recently i broke up with my boyfriend. we were moving, like, halfway across the world, but i dont think it would have gone anywhere because although there was love there was nothing else. when i came home, i made a new friend. a girl. i have nev...

Getting married with my b/f soon but falling in love with a female friend! I'm so confused!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4667 days ago

23 February 2009 (F - i am a straight woman (have dated 8 men in my life) and currently in a happy relationship with my boyfriend of 18 months...we're getting married in oct! a month ago, i went to a pub with some friends and one of my girl friend's friend (call her...

My fiance won't let my friend come to our wedding because shes a lesbian.

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5629 days ago

23 February 2009 (? - My fiance won't let my friend come to our wedding because shes a lesbian. She says The Dike (that's what she calls her when my friend isn't around) will eye up all the bridesmaids and also she doesn't want her to come because there going to be a lot ...

How do I handle this when she comes to visit me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5633 days ago

23 February 2009 (F - I was with my girlfriend long distance for 3 years and we broke up about a month ago. We agreed we didn't want to date anyone else and she told me if there was to be another chance we would have to start all over, friends first, but the "I love ...

Dreams about my girlfriend cheating one me...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5633 days ago

22 February 2009 (F - Alright so I have a girlfriend, yes I am a lesbian. I've been with my girlfriend for almost 3 years. And lately I've been having dreams of her cheating on me with her ex's, when I say ex's I mean every single one that she's had. These dreams are ...

I need help choosing between them, advice would be appreciated?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5633 days ago

22 February 2009 (F - alright, to set it off, im bi, currently liking girls. problem is choosing between two of them. alright, heres the scenerio, basically, im torn between two ladies. when we start to look for significant others, we have certain "ideals" right? ...

How to ask a guy you like out on a friend date?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5624 days ago

22 February 2009 (M - Hey well I'm a gay male, and I have a little dilemma.... Well I have a crush on one of my friends and I kinda wanna ask him out, as a FRIEND! My problem is, that I get kind of shy, loose, and bubbly and he ends up assuming I'm drunk.... sorry ...

She's muslim and she's lesbian AND she's unhappy because of the flack she gets off her family!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5632 days ago

22 February 2009 (F - I have a girlfriend. She is so special to me, she is my everything. We have been through so much together. I love her and she loves me. There is only one problem. She is a muslim, so it is frowned upon on her religeon to be a lesbian. Most ...

I really like him, but he's bi and I'm not sure how I feel about it...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5623 days ago

22 February 2009 (F - i started seeing this guy, and i am really falling for him. i find out today that he might be bi. im totally straight, and i dont know if im really comfortable with the fact that he likes guys too. if i was left for a another guy, i wouldnt really ...

Lesbian verses Penis

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5634 days ago

21 February 2009 (F - I've been attached to women for as long as I can remember. The past 4 years I've only been dating women and can only picture myself with a woman... but the only way I get off is to think about penis or use a dildo! My current girlfriend of over a ...

I'm curious about this after watching it

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5634 days ago

21 February 2009 (M - Hey well i'm a gay male, and i watch a lot of porn where guys eat the cum. So i was just wondering, what's it like? I mean how is it? uz lately i've been thinking abot it after i jack-off, then i think about it for too long, and end up not eat...

I think there is something between do I tell her?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5634 days ago

21 February 2009 (F - Well, Im 15, bi and recently came out to my friends. One of my friends I am really close to (lets call her X), and I really fancy her and months ago she said she was bi, but then told our other friend that she was not. Then, a few minutes after I ...

Have I turned a gay guy straight?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5635 days ago

20 February 2009 (F - Hello, so i've been on for 3 months and i keep getting matches that have everything i want in a guy but the best match was a gay guy. i dont have anything wrong with that now that i've gotten to know him (over facebook) and he wants to ...

Lesbian attraction?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5635 days ago

20 February 2009 (F - alright, so i've been feeling the strangest feelings for my best friend lately. im 16 and a female. weird thing about my problem is that my best friend is also a female. i've never had sex before and i've never dated a woman before. i've been...

Will sex be painful?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5632 days ago

19 February 2009 (M - I have a tight foreskin and I'm going to have sex with my boyfriend. Would it be painful? If it would is there anything I can do to stop it being as painful?...

I'm nervous she's not going to do it for me

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5636 days ago

19 February 2009 (F - I'm a bisexual female, and just started dating a girl for the first time. I am crazy about her so far but I'm not too crazy about getting oral sex. Only a few people have done it right for me and I don't orgasm from it. Actually, like most women, I ...

I want to come out of the closet, but I'm extremely scared!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5632 days ago

18 February 2009 (F - i am a very confused individual.. im a lesbian, i think about girls in a sexual way 24/7 and find sex with a guy unappealing. guys just dont really do it for me i guess. but i am extremely scared of coming out, and to add to it i have just...

Why did this text make me feel angry?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5637 days ago

17 February 2009 (M - Well a long story short, I feel anxious about something and don't have a clue why? 7/8 months ago a guy stayed at mines, we were drunk, he was given me kissEs, groping me, he didnt care when I says I would help him with down stairs(when he was, lets ...

My friend wants to learn to kiss with me but I'm not a lesbian!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5638 days ago

16 February 2009 (F - My friend has recently told me that she doesnt know how to kiss,, She has never kissed a boy before and is now in a relationship,, And now today she text me on my phone asking me if i could help her,, So i said yeah sure what do you want...

He is also gay, I thought he liked me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5638 days ago

16 February 2009 (M - hey, im 14 and gay. one of my classmates is gay too and i have a crush on him (we confessed to each other that we're gay). we were talking about getting together and stuff, but suddenly on one day he said he's going to meet someone else. what's ...

Bisexual or lesbian?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5639 days ago

16 February 2009 (F - I'm currently in a relationship with this guy. I'm 17 he's 20. I like him alot. but i think i might like girls MORE than him? ive always found myself sexually more attracted to females. and i dont want to hurt his confused! i love him...

Having sex with another girl, don't want my parents to know, don't want to stop either, what do I do?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5637 days ago

15 February 2009 (F - I need you help. Im 13 and i am having sex with another girl (16). I dont know what i shall do. I cant tell my parents, but otherwise, I cant end it because im so horny and i like the sex with another girl. I am afraid my parents could find out....

How can I find out if she's really bi and if she likes me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5640 days ago

15 February 2009 (F - Im 15, and I think I'm in love with one of my best friends. We havnt been friends for that long, but i cant stop thinking about her. Im openly bi around my friends (only my brother knows in my family) , and she says that she is bi too, but i dont ...

Being gay and a virgin, should I worry about the first time?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5641 days ago

15 February 2009 (M - Hello I am 26 and a virgin. I have known that i'm gay since i was 13 and i have come no closer to having a relationship in the next 13 years. Never been kissed or anything! I'm not out but i've been using a lot of gay dating websites and still...

I told my friend I love her but she loves someone else, what should I say now?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5641 days ago

14 February 2009 (F - Okay, there is this girl who I've known since August and she goes to my school and rides my bus. I told her I liked her a couple months after I got to know her. (btw I'm a girl) and then a couple days ago I told her I loved her and she said it ...

How can I change my sexuality?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5639 days ago

14 February 2009 (M - i think im gay but i dont want to be. how can i change my sexuality so that i dont think about men and stop watching videos....

Feelings for my same sex colleague...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5642 days ago

13 February 2009 (F - I got a job in a shop in town about 5 months ago. 2 of us work in the shop, me and my boss. I'm openly gay at work and happy with my sexuality and often make jokes about it if someone doesn't think about what they say first. My boss is 25 a...

I have to stay with my GF because she's pregnant, but I think I may be gay...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5642 days ago

12 February 2009 (M - help me please! im totally confused about my sexuality. im in a relationship for a year and half with a girl. iv been having sex with her for about 7 months and im 21. around 2 years before i met her i was in a relationship with a girl and lo...

Will she forgive me and give me another chance?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5644 days ago

11 February 2009 (M - Can anyone help... my wife and I recently split up because I was drunk one night and ended up in bed with a man, the thing is I can't remember how I got there. Since we have split up I've told her all the truth, that I have been having these gay ...

I kissed a girl and now everyone thinks I'm either gay or really, really stupid.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5644 days ago

11 February 2009 (F - I went to a party on saturday night, and got really incredibly drunk. I know this was a stupid idea, before any of you start, and I regret it so badly. The problem is that I kissed a friend -- a girl -- and now the whole of the school, my brother ...

The office scandal - what do I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5638 days ago

11 February 2009 (F - I am bisexual, my coworker and friend knows I gave big hints. I really like her she's in a unhappy / abusive marraige. We have had a connection always touching each other hands 2 her complmenting my voice. She and I have a eye connection thing going ...

Delayed period, what could it be?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

10 February 2009 (F - i am a 19 year old lesbian ....i have been with my girlfriend for a very long time i usually get my period two days after her is been about a month passed is till havent gotten it i dont sleep with boys so what could it be im very scared...

I am having a lesbian affair even though I'm not gay. What is wrong with me!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5629 days ago

10 February 2009 (F - Dear Cupid. I am in a loving relationship with a guy who i am intending to spend the rest of my life with. And i think i am about to start a serious affair with a GIRL from work. I know what i am doing is wrong and immoral and do feel guilty. How...

Is she serious about wanting to make out with me, I am a girl??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5634 days ago

10 February 2009 (F - I'm a girl. And I feel like lately a girl friend of mine has been either a) making a very bold move on me or b) having a very interesting sense of humor. She messaged me one day basically saying that if I wanted to make out she was totally down...

Troubled by feelings for a younger girl and my older teacher...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5643 days ago

9 February 2009 (F - Basically, Theres a girl a couple of years younger than me who likes me. She is openly gay, everyone knows she likes me. I, on the other hand am a coward, I see the way they shun her and I just don't want that to happen to me. She's in isolation ...

My coworker is an unhappy marriage, should I tell her I like her?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5644 days ago

9 February 2009 (F - I am bisexual, my coworker and friend knows I gave big hints. I really like her she's in a unhappy / abusive marraige. We have had a connection always touching each other hands 2 her complmenting my voice. She and I have a eye connection thing ...

I'm beginning to think my only attraction to him was physical.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5642 days ago

9 February 2009 (M - Hi, so i wrote a question on this site yesterday and i still have more questions. So my boyfriend HAS been dropping hints about sex for those of you who read my question and we sat down and talked about sex. But here are the things that set up a red ...

Am I not being flirtatious enough? How can I tell? Should I just have an open talk with him about our relationship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5641 days ago

8 February 2009 (M - I am a gay male, and I am really confused about if a guy wants to just remain friends with me or have a romantic relationship. I will call him Jon. We became friends about a year ago. I came on pretty strong when we first met. I was very ...

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