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Archived questions from: September, 2012 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

How can I stop being in love with a straight guy?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4287 days ago

30 September 2012 (? - I’m a young gay guy and I feel like a crap right now. I’m in love with my straight classmate. It’s so hard for me that I’m literary breaking down. Of course, he doesn’t love me back. He has a girlfriend, and seems that he’s happy with her. I know I ...

Advice needed on how to meet attractive, feminine women

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4317 days ago

30 September 2012 (F - I'm a 19 year old female currently studying in college. My sexuality is complicated...I guess I would identify as bisexual but with a strong preference for women. I've been longing to meet a girl and have a relationship (or just hook up as long as ...

He is against gay marriage?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4318 days ago

29 September 2012 (M - Hi, I met this guy who is confused about what he wants. He was with a guy and they broke up now he is with a girl. Lately we stated talking and I am getting the vibe that he likes me. He likes to touch me a lot when he is talking to me. ...

I've pointed out the red flags but feel like my g/f never gives me a clear answer

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4318 days ago

29 September 2012 (F - So homecoming is coming up. I'm not going, i dont really like dances. But my gf is, and im really scared she going to be dancing on other girls since i'm not their with her. My friends keep telling me ,they see her playing with other girls. She ...

I feel jealous of the man whom my partner has chosen to be our baby donor

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4319 days ago

28 September 2012 (F - I am a lesbian who has been in a relationship for 7 months with a woman. Her best friend is a male, whom in the past, has declared he was in love with her! Nothing ever evenyuated and they remain extremely close. In the future she want's him to be ...

Why doesn't my ex-boyfriend leave me alone?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4319 days ago

27 September 2012 (? - Well, I have a problem in my life that's actually driving me crazy. I'm a gay man and I had a boyfriend. We were together for 5 years. I really loved him, but in the last year our relationships somehow became very tense, we were arguing often. ...

I'm seeing my crush after years what if my feelings return for her?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4320 days ago

27 September 2012 (F - I need a bit of advice and second opinion in a situation that's come up in my life. First, a bit of back story.  I am a gay woman in a serious relationship.  I have been with my partner for two years.  We have a flat together and are planning in ...

How do I tell my family that I'm a lesbian?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4270 days ago

26 September 2012 (F - I'm a 17, going on 18, year old female... I come from a pretty tight knit family. I am currently living with my oldest sister in North Texas. Me and my sister both are from southern Texas. I've had a total of 2 boyfriends in my life, never really ...

What do I do about this woman who keeps trying to touch me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4324 days ago

23 September 2012 (F - All responses will be helpful, thanks in advanced. Firstly I'm lesbian. I'm a very quiet person regarding my personal life, as to whom I'm dating and am I gay. Reason being, I once disclosed my orientation at a previous job and the outcome was ...

Possiblities? Is he worth pursuing? Is it possible that he may like me as well as I like him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4311 days ago

22 September 2012 (M - The preliminary details: I am an open gay man and I have no problem with my social life, but my curiosity in meeting interesting people all around the world led me to a social networking site that connects strangers from every part of the world. ...

How do I approach our married female friend so I can explore my bi-sexual curiosities?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4325 days ago

21 September 2012 (F - I have been with my BF for over a year now. We are both in our early 20's. We are very open and he know I am bi curious, and he is even willing to let me "explore" those curiosities, if an opportunity happen to present itself. Well, we are friends ...

Should I give it a try with this guy? Give up on my dreams to do so?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4327 days ago

20 September 2012 (M - oK I don't even know where to start. I just moved to a different city like a month ago. And I met a great guy on a dating site when I moved. He seems like a great guy. I'm Mexican, but I'm really attracted to white guys, specially if the...

Relationship or career? Do I stay in this relationship where we both love each other ? Or try to convince my Boyfriend to move?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4327 days ago

19 September 2012 (M - Please help me. I am a 22 year old gay man and in a dilemma of love vs career. About 14 months ago I graduated from university with a degree. I decided then to move back home temporarily with my parents from my student life in another city, whilst ...

Should I doubt his commitment to me? I don't feel secure in my relationship with him as he's getting closer to a girl.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4329 days ago

18 September 2012 (M - I've really liked this guy for 2 years now - I told him about a year ago, and we've endured some troubles over this period in coming to terms with our bisexual statuses, of which has resulted in some bad arguments. During this time, he met a girl a...

Should I tell my parents I'm gay together, or individually?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4330 days ago

17 September 2012 (M - Quick question. Should I come out to my parents together or one at a time? What are the pros/cons? Thanks....

Cool holiday destination for both gay and straight couples? Any ideas?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4331 days ago

16 September 2012 (F - Hey looking for some advice though not on love. Though it is a LGBT question. I'm a lesbian in a serious relationship. My partner and I are best friends with a straight couple who we are chatting about going on holiday with next year. We all fa...

My parents consider him a criminal and want me to break up with him. Why are they doing this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4332 days ago

15 September 2012 (M - I’m 19 years old guy and I’ve a trouble with my parents. I’m gay and my parents know it. And they have nothing against me being gay, but they have something against my boyfriend. I’m dating a wonderful guy for half a year. He really makes me feel ...

He is the man of my dreams and we share a bed together, but he will not have sex with me. Any and all advice is needed.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4313 days ago

14 September 2012 (M - I use to think I knew everything but this time I am so confused and in desperate need of help. I am a gay male who has met the man of my dreams, someone who is sweet loving, responsible and I absolutely adore him. There is no doubt in my mind that ...

After too many arguments I cheated on my girlfriend, with a guy! Now I don't know who I should choose.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4332 days ago

14 September 2012 (M - I’m 18 years old guy and I’ve very strange situation in my life. It’s kind of about my sexual orientation. I cannot choose between a woman and a man. I’ve a girlfriend and I’ve been together with her for almost half a year. First everything was ...

Is my husband secretly gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4333 days ago

14 September 2012 (F - I have a strong feeling that my husband is either gay or bi.... 8 months after we have gotten married I found in his email that he posted on craigslist about sex with a guy... Of course I asked him about it and was upset... He told me he didn't a...

When I was leaving my girlfriend's house I had a weird urge to cry. Should I tell her this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4332 days ago

13 September 2012 (F - Okay, im a girl. Im just making that clear. So me and my girlfriend go to separate high schools, but i walk to her house to see her. Wich is almost everyday after/before school. I saw her this morning, but when i had to leave to go to class, I g...

I have a girlfriend but I think I want to be with this guy! Does this mean I am gay and what do I do about it?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4334 days ago

13 September 2012 (M - I’m 18 years old guy and I’m having a trouble with my orientation. I think I’m in love with a male. It seems so crazy to me, yet it’s true. My father owns a small firm and there’s one worker there who’s driving me crazy. Almost every day I come to ...

He is looking to move out behind my back and I'm afraid he's cheating on me again!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4329 days ago

13 September 2012 (M - My (gay) boyfriend and I have dated for more than a year and have been living together for one. Last month I found out accidentally that he has been looking for a room (he wanted to move out). I actually found that he has been looking for a room ...

I'm a lesbian and I'm attracted to my dad's ex wife!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4334 days ago

13 September 2012 (F - I'm 16 and I'm a lesbian. My parents have been married my whole life, but before my dad met my mom he was married once before for less than a year. I recently came across his ex wife and I'm extremely attracted to her, which I feel like is very ...

How can I help her with her anger issues? We used to have such a good relationship. Now things are different.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4334 days ago

13 September 2012 (F - My girlfriend and I have been dating for roughly a year and a half we have broken up once and dated other people but gotten back together. We do love each other. She has cheated on me twice and I have had the feeling of cheating on her but I have n...

Should I tell him I've never been with a man before?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4335 days ago

12 September 2012 (F - I've never been with a man before, having previously been with a woman for two years previously. I've been single for almost a year now and never before had the oppertunity to date the other side of the fence, so to speak. I've gone for a few d...

What am I? Bi, straight, something else?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4335 days ago

12 September 2012 (M - I'm unsure about my sexuality. I'm an 18 year old guy, and have always been attracted to girls, I get turned on by girls, and date and have sex with girls. But here's the thing, having sex with another guy where I penetrate them, kiss them, or le...

Does anyone relate to this? Being told by a friend that her desires extend past our boundaries?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4335 days ago

12 September 2012 (F - hi. very nervous. my dear friend of 12 years just started confessing that her desires extend past our very comfortable, very intimate boundaries. we're both dykes of a similar stripe: as per gender-performance, priorities in life, vulnerabilities, ...

My Co-worker has a Gf but keeps on winking at me. I'm interested, but how should I indicate that? Or could I be mistaking his intentions?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4335 days ago

12 September 2012 (M - I have a coworker that has been winking at me for sometime. I didnt really pay it any attention at first because I thought that he was just friendly. However,I really noticed it this last time when he winked really slow and pointed his finger at me ...

Why do people hold such views?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4335 days ago

11 September 2012 (F - I am lesbian. Been with my girlfriend for nearly 6 months now. Most of my friends are fine with it, however a handful of my friends don't seem to understand and realise my sexuality. They say that lesbian sex isn't 'real' sex as there is no male to ...

How do I stop gay guys from hitting on me? I'm straight!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4331 days ago

11 September 2012 (M - I don't know whether I should address it at other guys, gals, or perhaps gay men. The problem is that I keep getting hit by gay men. The thing is that I am in no way undecided, I am into women, point. And I'm not exactly the warm, romantic t...

The guy who used to bully me has changed and now he's asked me out, should I go for it?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4311 days ago

11 September 2012 (M - I'm a 15 year old bi guy. There's this guy I have a crush on and he has a crush on me too. I'm just not sure whether to go for it or not. He's slightly older, really smart and a Rugby player as well as really good looking. When he was at school wi...

S this type of attraction possible? Or have I lost my mind entirely?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4335 days ago

11 September 2012 (F - Hello everyone, I am currently struggling with a bizarre situation, and I would like to know if I am the only one who has experienced this. First, a little background: I identify as bisexual and have been sexually attracted to both males a...

Confused bi-guy with some questions

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4337 days ago

10 September 2012 (M - I'm a 15 year old bi guy who is so confused. I'm bi, but really want a wife and kids, but I can't ignore the fact I also like guys. There's this guy, he's actually really good looking, he's smart and a Rugby player, he's my dream guy. But h...

Lesbian with a possible straight crush

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4302 days ago

9 September 2012 (F - I know this may be silly but I've become attracted to a woman at work. I only see her for minimal periods of time. She's quiet, but I have been noticing she has gone from not saying anything to being excited when she sees me. She says hi, smiles all ...

How do I break this to her without her thinking it's about her?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4338 days ago

9 September 2012 (F - I've been in a relationship with a 17 year old for about a month and a half. Its long distance so we only see eachother once a week and for me, its a 5 hour round trip. She is in a big exam year so I feel guilty asking her to come to mine, but the ...

I-am-in-love-with-my-straight best friend, How do I tell her? I'm hesitant to tell her

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4339 days ago

8 September 2012 (F - Hi,I am both a lesbian and straight. My friend is a girl too. Once we did this weird/gay test. It's where we do gross stuff to each other (like humping and all that) She made it up. She did to me first. Every time she did something she would sa...

Am I a racist for not liking a black guy?  

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4338 days ago

7 September 2012 (M - I’m a young gay man and I feel like I’m a bad person. I’m receiving a lot of attention from a black guy (I'm white myself). He’s being really nice, giving me small gifts and everything, asking me to go out with him. We’ve talked many times, he’s a ...

She ignores me for months then flirts with me, what should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4339 days ago

7 September 2012 (F - I met this girl and we talked to each other for awhile at first and even said that we like each other..but than she just stopped talking to me all of a sudden and i saw on facebook that she's talking to this other girl. so i decided to forget about ...

Ex didn't want anything to do with me and now can't take her eyes off me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4340 days ago

6 September 2012 (F - Hey, guna keep it short and sweet :) Basically, I was with my ex girlfriend for 9 months. In march this year she split up with me. Break up was messing, I was a mess, completely hit rock bottom and desperatly wanted her back. Over the summer...

I'm scared about my feelings for another woman and what that makes me

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4339 days ago

5 September 2012 (F - I don't know how to feel about a girl. I have never had a relationship before, I am a 22 year old female. I have never had a crush on anyone before until i had one on a female close friend. I told myself it was fleeting, and when she was with her ...

I feel sexually attracted to men but not emotionally or romantically at all. Is this because of hormonal imbalance?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4342 days ago

5 September 2012 (M - I am a 15 year old male and I was wondering if my sexual orientations are due to hormones? I feel sexually attracted to men but not emotionally or romantically at all.. And I am only attracted to some women (usually middle aged) but have emotional ...

If someone is ready to be pleasured how can they not be ready to give pleasure?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4330 days ago

4 September 2012 (M - Is something wrong with me? My boyfriend and I (I am a gay man) have been together almost 3 years, we are getting married in November. We live together and have a very open and public relationship. The problem I am having is in the bedroom. Our...

My best friend's boyfriend will make him choose between us. What should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4343 days ago

4 September 2012 (M - I am gay and have a bisexual best friend. He is purely a friend and we have a platonic relationship. My best friend has just got a new boyfriend. I am 40 my best friend is 31 and his new boyfriend 20. His boyfriend is very possessive and does not ...

Why does she keep coming back if she never wants to be with me again?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4344 days ago

2 September 2012 (F - Hey everyone! I am a 17 year old female who is bi. So, I this is hard to explain but I will do my best. Almost a year ago, I dated a girl for three weeks. Afterwards she went back to her ex who was also my bestfriend at the time. Since we both dated ...

This older married woman is giving me mixed signals. Do I persist or finish the relationship?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4346 days ago

1 September 2012 (F - hi, well i made friends with this woman who is older then me. we got really close. She is married but they dont get on at all i never get a straight answer from her. One day she is ok, saying 'I love you' then next she just doesn't seem to ...

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