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Archived questions from: June, 2010 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

They say girls don't care about penis size, but what about boys?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5136 days ago

30 June 2010 (M - Okay so I've read all the questions and answers about penis size. And people say it's what you can do that matters and the girl won't care what size you are. I know that but I still feel insecure. And also..I'm a bisexual 15 year old and people ...

I'm gay, and I don't want to be!

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4939 days ago

30 June 2010 (M - Hey Everbody, i really need help with this problem i gay , but don't want to be...i feel that being gay was not meant for me...nobody knows im gay and itz killing me to keep this secret...itz taking a toll on my life and ruining whats ...

Confused about my sexuality!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5140 days ago

30 June 2010 (M - Hey everyone, I am a 19 year old male and have got all sorts going on in my head sexually, am I gay, bi, straight or what? I know people shouldn't label and I agree, and I agree that sexuality may be like on a scale type thing, I just want to see ...

I hooked up with my best friend! Only two problems, he is gay, and he has a boyfriend!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5140 days ago

30 June 2010 (F - "Joey" and I have been best friends for eight years. When we were younger, I had feelings for him, but about four years ago, when he came out as being gay, I completely moved on with my life. Around that time, Joey started dating his boyfriend ...

Do you believe there is any way to change what sex you are physically attracted to?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5140 days ago

30 June 2010 (F - I'll try 2 make this short! Basically I am a lesbian and always have been. I have never been confused about my sexuality, I love women. The thing is that my best friend, who is male, has been in love with me for many years now. We are great ...

Should I stay in this relationship and if so do you have ideas on what I/we can do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5139 days ago

30 June 2010 (F - Me and my girlfriend have had a roller coaster of a relationship...we are at a point now where we fight all the time and I have resorted to reading articles about how you know you are in a toxic relationship or i went through and answered ...

Facing the consequence or live normally with this strange thought in my head?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5140 days ago

30 June 2010 (M - I have a problem. I am a 18 year old male an have a crush on another male. But here is where the problem comes in, I am definitely NOT gay! For one, I am a Christian, two I have better values than that. And three, I do not want to even think ...

I'm straight but I think I'm gay!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5138 days ago

29 June 2010 (M - im straight but i think im gay. i like talking to my mates about my cock and theirs, whos seen whos and how big they are. I get a boner everytime i get naked even if im alone and i always hope for innocent gay things to happen when i'm with mates. ...

She says she loves me but she is staying with someone else to earn money for us to be together!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5139 days ago

29 June 2010 (F - Our Story is: I have a girlfriend I love her so much and I know she loves me too,but it seems that we're not meant to be with each other because we're on the same sex relationship.that's our biggest problem we face. Now we have planned to go to ot...

How do I come out?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5140 days ago

29 June 2010 (M - Hi, im 17 years old and im gay. i really want to tell my parents but im absolutely terrified, i really dont know what to do, i cant feel my self around them and im allways watching what i say and do. what makes it worse is that my parents dont have ...

Was flirting online with a gal, but it's gone past flirting

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5142 days ago

28 June 2010 (F - Hi all, thanks in advance for the advice. xx I have a friend that I met online 2 or so years ago and we talk almost everyday. She told me that she is a lesbian so I can not help but harmlessly flirt with her ocassionly. However, recently, I've fou...

Why do I wish I was a girl?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5143 days ago

27 June 2010 (M - hi i am 17 years old and i am a male and i am not gay but i dream about having a vagina and being a girl and when i am alone i act like a girl and do girl things and a wear bras and thongs and paint my nails and put make up on and i feel like my ...

I'm gay but I think I might miss having sex with women! Help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5142 days ago

27 June 2010 (M - Hello, Re:- Gay man who longs for straight sex I am 34 and live in East London but originally from a small town in the Borders. When I was at School I used to fantasise about men and woman fairly equally. However, I was never any good at...

Will I ever find anyone, male or female, who loves me for who I am?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5143 days ago

27 June 2010 (F - Heyy, Well the thing is I'm a really self-conscious person, I hide myself a lot (mostly my face) and I freak out when I'm standing with or next to a boy or a girl (I'm Bisexual) I know I'm not pretty, and I hate it when person tell me otherwise...

I'm confused, am I into girls as well?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5143 days ago

27 June 2010 (? - hello, well this is kinda crazy because im striaght and i got boyfriend which we are madly in love. 2 days ago i went to a bar with my mates and we all went outside to have a fag, while i was looking for my lighter one girl gave me hers, ...

Gay friend wants to be straight!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5140 days ago

27 June 2010 (M - My friend is gay and we have had intercourse in the past with no problems (I am Bi). But the last time we had sex he cried afterwards and said he no longer wanted to be gay. Since then he has shut me out of his life and I no longer get to see him. ...

He'll never love me but I can't get him off my mind.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5123 days ago

25 June 2010 (M - What do I do? Ive asked questons, and all they say is give up, but I cant. I love him so much, it hurts to be away from him, not to be able to hold him. Hes horrible to me, and is mean to me and shouts at me and takes the mick out of me but I love ...

Strange relaionship with my to explain her behaviour?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5146 days ago

24 June 2010 (F - *OP's Original Title* story is quite long but... I am one of the happier people who once fell in love with their teacher. I am a woman, my ex-teacher is a woman too, 30 years older, so in fact she should be more mature than me. And yes,...

How do I get back that sexual attraction I first felt for him?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5146 days ago

23 June 2010 (M - My partner and I have been together for 10 years. I seem to have lost my sexual attraction for him. I just cant seem to get it back. I dont know what to do. How do I get that feeling back?...

Radical Right-Wing Romeo Drives Juliet Crazy! Help!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5146 days ago

23 June 2010 (F - My boyfriend is a Christian. We've been together 1 and 1/2 years. I consider myself a lapsed-catholic. He feels very strongly about his beliefs, namely he's totally against abortion and homosexuality. My sister is transgendered and in the process of ...

I'm gay and love a straight friend. I'm in turmoil and need guidance!

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 4904 days ago

23 June 2010 (M - Hi, I'm a 14 (15 in like 2 days) year old boy from England. I know what everyone thinks... 14, way too young to be thinking about love, but read on. I'm gay. Not many people know, i've only told my older sister but i don't think my parents would...

Gay guy in relationship with divorced guy with grown up kids

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5139 days ago

22 June 2010 (M - I am in a relationship with a guy for 6 years, we have never lived together and there is a 21yr age gap. I am 43. He used to be married and has two grown up kids in their early 30s, both in straight relationships, one with a kid of their own. ...

Is my boyfriend bi? Should we break up?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5131 days ago

22 June 2010 (F - Help! I'm a seriously confused, stressed teenage girl. I'm 13 years old, mature for my age, and I have a 15 year old boyfried. Let's call him... Alex. Well, Alex thinks he's bisexual, and has considered kissing a guy to see if he is or not. I on the ...

I'm in love with my female boss!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5150 days ago

21 June 2010 (F - I'm 21 year old female and I'm stupid in love with my also female boss, My first though when I get up in the morning is for her, the same goes when I go to bed. At first it wasn't so bad to work with her and work around my feelings, but now, but...

Feel so alienated from my family since they found out I'm a lesbian

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5150 days ago

20 June 2010 (F - well, hello. heres the story, questions at the end. the other day, my mother found out i like girls. there was no question about me being lesbian (which i am) or bisexual. she was just pissed and all depressed about me liking girls. anywho, ...

He's gay, doesn't know I'm gay, but I'm afraid to tell him how I feel!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5144 days ago

20 June 2010 (M - Im really need you guys opinion on this ok. Well, i Have this friend we'll call "Marco", who I've known for 5 years. We have alot of things and common and basically get along really well. Im gay (but not openly) and I think he's cute. i think i ...

What am I supposed to feel or do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4957 days ago

19 June 2010 (F - I'm in such an arkward situation, I really don't know what to feel or do. I've just left school and I have had this particular teacher throughout the whole time i've been there- 5 years. She's always been my favourite, I like her alot. I discover...

Am I gay or is this a fetish?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5144 days ago

17 June 2010 (M - i am a young lad an iv always believed i am straight ive slept with quite a few girls an never really questioned my sexuality until the last year or so. it started when i was told by a friend about his girlfriend slipping a finger up his bu...

Made out, emailed but no replies

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5152 days ago

17 June 2010 (M - I have just broken up from a long relationship and was not intending to meet any one. However whilst dancing in a club and a bit tipsy I met a guy. I flirted with him and refrained from giving him my contact details and name, likewise he did the ...

Second date flake or genuine reason?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5154 days ago

16 June 2010 (M - So I met this guy online, we went out for a date, I was totally into him and I reckon he was into me. We went back to his had a bit of fun (nothing too serious). I was smitten. I texted him the following day telling him it was great to meet him, he ...

My boyfriend wants to watch me have sex with a girl!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5142 days ago

16 June 2010 (F - ok so my bf asked me if i would do sexual things with another girl while hes watching.. idk whats that called but i have been intrested in that (we are both 18) so he said if i wanted he could try and find someone for me to do stuff with. but then i ...

I think I'm bi!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5148 days ago

16 June 2010 (F - here is my story. Im not so sure if I am bi or not. I have had feelings for the opposite sex..and well ?fooled around~ with them too, but I didnt completely feel right to me. I know I am attracted to the opposite sex(im attracted to older ...

If I was open about liking girls and boys with my classmates, will I be a target?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5154 days ago

15 June 2010 (F - If i tell everyone at school i like girls aswell as boys would i be brave or stupid? i cant decide all these questions are in my head and its confusing me i just want to be myself for once i have too pretend to be someone am not and i hate it i have ...

Why do some straight women read/write male-on-male fiction?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5155 days ago

15 June 2010 (F - Hello there, I'm a 23 year old woman from Indonesia. I am single and heterosexual, I can tell, because I don't feel like it with another women. A pair of breasts is more than enough. I am also very into guys, and Dear Lord, some guys are made just ...

My girlfriend and her many exes

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5121 days ago

15 June 2010 (F - "OP Own Title" I'm a teen lesbian and I really dislike my girlfriend being friends with her considering that either they are in love with her or wouldn't mind trying to make out or kiss her. She recently was told by an ex that they were I'm love ...

Could this ruin our friendship?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5155 days ago

15 June 2010 (F - hi guys, im quite confussed on the situation me and my best friend have gotten into. i have addmitted to her that im bi sexual and she said that she has a curiosity for hooking up with girls aswell. one night her mum said it was easy for girls to ...

I'm sexually attracted to my girl cousin!!!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5155 days ago

15 June 2010 (F - I am 17 and a lesbian...I was tlking to my gf and I was joking about how she's always actn like she's flirting with her cousin and she told me that like 3 of her cousins said if she wasn't related to them shed fuk em and she was like WTF....and I'm ...

Do other girls rub there smell on the lips for there b/f?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5152 days ago

14 June 2010 (M - I been dating my g/f for 5 months and we been intimate. She said she is bi and I knew that when we met. She had a long time g/f then but just broke up. On Satuday my friend text me and said he saw my g/f with her ex going in her house. I met my ...

I have gone from being this totally confident, happy, ambitious person to an emotional wreck!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5156 days ago

14 June 2010 (F - hey everyone, kinda new to this so it might be a long question but i'll work with it.. basically, a couple of years ago i had a short fling with my best friend (we're both girls) which lasted about 2/3 months and ended when she got a boyfrien...

3 years after emotional affair and we still don't seem to have moved on much

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5156 days ago

14 June 2010 (F - *OP's Original Title* My partner had an emotional affair 3 years ago and it has been a rollercoaster since - she cut off contact fully perhaps 6 months ago and I have since discovered that she sent her an email during Easter. It's like living w...

I'm confused! Am I a lesbian?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5156 days ago

14 June 2010 (F - hi. i think im a lesbian because i keep dreaming and thinking about the same sex, but im really confused can you help me....

What do I do when I love my ex but I am dating her ex?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5155 days ago

14 June 2010 (F - (OP's suggested title) Alright so if this get a little bit complicated I'm sorry but bear with me here... 1. I'm Riley, I used to be dating Chris. 2. Chris cheated on me with Rose. 3. Chris and Rose broke up. 4. Rose and Lissa got together, ...

I'm obsessed with my cousin!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5142 days ago

14 June 2010 (M - ok I met my cousin for the first time last weekend, and the moment i saw him i have been obsesed with him. i think its wrong by law but i cannot help it. he was so nice when i met him and has been everseen (on facebook) but he lives miles away and ...

Any ideas where I can meet lesbian girls, other than gay bars?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5157 days ago

13 June 2010 (F - hi i wrote the other day about being nervous about going to the gay/lesbian club as nobody knows that im a lesbian except my two best friends anyway, we went to the gay bar and to be honest i was really disappointed. its the only one in our city ...

He is in love with me, but I am a lesbian! He continues to insult me and my girlfriend, is he worth keeping as a friend?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5157 days ago

13 June 2010 (F - So, hey everyone. I just want to say that I've never asked something like this, and this is gonna be a pretty long question, but here goes... Before we start, I'm fifteen and the guy is eighteen. So I was seeing this guy for about two months a lit...

Will telling him I am bisexual ruin our friendship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5148 days ago

13 June 2010 (M - Nobody knows im bisexual and im attracted to my best friend. I don't know what to do while nobody knows im bi and my friend is completely straight,for what he has told me. I dont like holding secrets from my friends, especially my best friend. I ...

In love with my online friend, but don't know if he is gay too!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5155 days ago

13 June 2010 (M - I currently play an online game and here I met someone. he is one of my best friends. We talk almost everyday on skype, and i started to feel incredibly attracted to him that I can get him out of my mind. i do not know if he is gay, but he has ...

Do I confront my boyfriend?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5158 days ago

12 June 2010 (M - I met my boyfriend about 8 months ago. We started out really well and still doing great but lately some things have been bothering me. I don't know if I'm just insecure or there is something I should be concerned about. Before we became serious w...

Is my cousin a lesbian because of me?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5154 days ago

12 June 2010 (M - I am 25 years old male and my cousin is 24 years old female. When we were younger, (she was 9 years old and I was 10 years old), we started playing doctor that got out of hand. We started having different types of sexual intercourse (Vaginal ...

Help! I'm attracted to men!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5148 days ago

12 June 2010 (M - im 24 and last year i started to have feelings for men its been over a year now and i have done nothing about it cuz i dont know what to do plus what makes it worse i think is the fact that i have never had sex with anyone. can anyone help me...

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