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Archived questions from: April, 2008 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Is she my friend or is she just screwing with my head?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5917 days ago

30 April 2008 (F - I have a rather involved question. In high school I developed romantic feelings for my best friend who was also a female. At the time though I wasn't totally willing to admit to it, and I really tried to push those feelings away, and as such I ...

Boys and Men...what do you think about teenage lesbians?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5922 days ago

30 April 2008 (F - Older you think 'Oh she's just a teenager, it's just a phase..she doesn't really know what she wants'? We had to talk about it in class today and it seemed that most boys thought it 'hot'. I know some guys think that, but what do the othe...

Is it OK for girls to look at gay porn?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 3406 days ago

30 April 2008 (F - is it ok for girls to look at gay porn? my parents said being gay was a sin but i like watching the men in the porn and i am worried for hell. also all my guy friends watch porn but say its not right for girls to watch it so am i weird?...

I found gay websites in my boyfriend's computer, should I confront him? Is he gay?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5932 days ago

29 April 2008 (F - I found gay websites in my boyfriends computer, should I confront him? My bf is a people person, very friendly and outgoing. We have been dating for a year now, he is 30 years old. A couple months ago I found gay websites on his computer...

He asks for his butt to be played with and wants to use my vibrator in his anal,-is he gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5932 days ago

29 April 2008 (? - I have been with my boyfriend for two and a half years, however inbetween the years we have broke up alot, however one of the times we broke up he kissed his best friend, who is a guy.. he did it for a dare as his best friends gf asked them to do ...

Is my boyfriend bi-sexual?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5933 days ago

28 April 2008 (F - I think my b/f may be bi-sexual. Last night when we were partying together, he told me that when he was 14 years old he bullied another boy into taking his pants off and fondling himself while my b/f watched. Then another time, he said he let a ...

I'm bi-curious. How do I meet girls other than online?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5920 days ago

28 April 2008 (F - hello im bicurious but i dont know how to meet girls i have no problem meeting guys but i would like to experiment and explore my sexuality so if anybody has some good tips on how to meet girls (except the internet) that would be great ...

My husband and my brother??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5932 days ago

28 April 2008 (F - My husband recently admitted, after 24 years of marriage, that he's been having an affair with my gay brother for the past three years. They've just moved in together, leaving me with three kids (ages 16, 12 and 8) and all the bills to pay. I work...

She's addicted to gay porn and it's getting out of control!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5924 days ago

27 April 2008 (M - I have a problem with my girlfriend of five months. She's addicted to gay porn and it's getting out of control. She has always been very honest about her interest in porn. At first, this didn't bother me in the slightest as I watch a lot of porn ...

Is he gay? He's my first gay love help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5934 days ago

26 April 2008 (M - Im 16 bi and I met this guy about 6 months ago, at first it seems like nothing special but later on I started to like him. Where not friends but know each other. He doesnt know that Im bi but I acted like one. He's my first gay love and would li...

I just want to know if I like men...but I'm challenging that, to know for sure if I do or not.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5931 days ago

26 April 2008 (F - I am doubting my love for my b/f because of questioning sexuality. I asked a question just a week ago and people said that I should stick with him (and i want to) because I love him, but I'm questioning that now. I'm questioning if i truly am attr...

I'm becoming more interested in gay sex, what is wrong with me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5917 days ago

25 April 2008 (F - This is a bit of a strange question but one I am curious about. You know how some men find two women together a turn on, well I find two guys together a turn on. I've got this problems which just seems to get bigger and bigger, I feel as if I am ...

Single and getting old and I really want to meet someone.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5917 days ago

25 April 2008 (M - I'm gay and in my mid-forties. I have been single for over 10 years, and I'm getting lonely. Because of my career I am socially closeted, which doesn't help. I don't have much of a social life, and as a result am slightly socially crippled and unco...

I've been thinking about trying guys?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5933 days ago

24 April 2008 (M - Ok guys i have tons of questions so bear with me. Ok so i've been thinking about trying guy cause girls just cause all sorts of problems. But i have LOTS of issues... 1. I want to expierament but idk anyone who would want to 2. I don't know any ...

Bisexual Husband? Curious gay? Fantasy humiliation? Love or abuse?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5937 days ago

24 April 2008 (F - hello, Im in a relatiomship with a really sexy loving kind man who is a father of our 8 month old daughter. i love him but don't know what to feel about his gay fantasies. he says they are always through me. He gets turned on by feeling humiliation ...

Is my boyfriend gay, or am I just imagining it?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5933 days ago

24 April 2008 (F - Is my boyfriend gay? I'm confused. I have been dating a man 12 years my senior for 2 years now and have serious doubts about his gender preference. He loves to have me come by his place every weekend to 'care for him' and seems to like my company ...

I have found God and decided against my relations with me. Will this leave me lonely?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5934 days ago

24 April 2008 (M - When I was growing up, I was sure that I would turn out gay. My first crush was for a guy who lived down my street, and later, in adolescence, men featured in my fantasies. Then a girl came along who blew my mind. We were together throughout our ...

Confused about sex and sexuality. Help please!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5938 days ago

23 April 2008 (F - basically Im with a guy attracted to him, hot body, LOVE HIM makes me feel good, emotioanl connection, physical as well but never orgasmed with him, i watched a girl strip and O'd by masturbation...wats up with that? but then I experimented with a ...

Am I too young to be bisexual?

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 4913 days ago

23 April 2008 (F - Heya, im 12 years old. I just wanted to know... Am i too young to decide to be bi-sexual? Because i like watching lesbian porn and, i know it semi-normal at my age to feel like this but as i said, do you guys think im too young to decide to be bi? ...

I hate to have to pretend to my parents about my sexual orientation. When is a right time to come out?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5939 days ago

22 April 2008 (F - Hi, I've trying to tell my mom and dad that I'm a lesbian for a while now. I just don't know when the BEST time is, and only someone that has allready come out/has a child that has come out to them can understand when. I'm so sick of havin...

Madly in love with my ex teacher, who I have become very friendly with after finishing school. Should I tell her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5939 days ago

22 April 2008 (F - I'm in a big big dilemma....(sorry if it's long) Basically, Since leaving school some years back, I've become very friendly with one of my ex-teachers. We remained friends after I left school, and even as a student, we got on very well. My problem...

I want to be with her and I know she feels the same, but she's in a committed relation for the past 11 years!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5938 days ago

22 April 2008 (F - I am a female and in love with another female. I have shared my feelings to her and she has shared the same feelings with me. She is in a relationship for the past 11 years and I have been in one for the past 8. Mine just ended and she is still ...

I am bi and constantly struggle with my sexuality. If I am with a guy then I long for a girl and vice versa!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5939 days ago

22 April 2008 (F - I am bi and constantly struggle with my sexuality. If I am with a guy then I long for a girl and vice versa. Only a small part of it is sexual but most part of it is emotional and psychological - like holding hands with a woman feels so different ...

I'm gay and in love with one of my best friends - I keep thinking the feeling may be mutual, so should I tell him?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5704 days ago

22 April 2008 (M - I am a guy and am gay but not out. I have known one of my best friends for about four years now, we are extremely close and just lately I have really been attracted to him but I think he is straight. But I do not know this for sure. He has not had ...

I fancy a girl I know, I like guys also. I feel so confused!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5939 days ago

22 April 2008 (F - Im 13 and i have a huge crush on a girl and shes not the only one ive liked i think i might be falling in love with her but im not sure ive liked plenty of guys but because of this crush i think im gay but how do i know for sure? she already knows i ...

We have dissention amongst our friends due to a newcomer's strange comment - should we ignore the incident or ban the newcomer?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5939 days ago

21 April 2008 (M - I have a question for all you guys/girls out there. I have a close male friend who owns a vacation property (cabin) on a lake with his wife. A few times a year he has an all guy weekend, There's a lake, a boat, a shooting range, etc. Lots of ...

I have been wanting to have sex with a girl after being totally influenced by the lesbian porn and the 'L' word show!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5940 days ago

21 April 2008 (F - Well i am 19 years old and now i have realised that i am bi. It's not by some incident, but for the recent weeks i have been wanting to have sex with a girl after being totally influenced by the lesbian porn and the l word show llol..i have had ...

When is the right time to discuss my sexual orientation with my parents? I hate lying to them.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5940 days ago

21 April 2008 (F - I need advice, bad! I've just started accepting that I'm a lesbian, but I don't know when I should tell my mom or dad. Please help me! I don't want to lie to my mom and dad anymore, I know I'm only 12, but I've known that I'm a lesbian for a ye...

I'm married to great man, but I think I'm in love with a female co-worker.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5942 days ago

20 April 2008 (F - I'm a 41 yr old female, married with two children = 17 and 20. My daughter is a lesbian and my son is straight. Im not married with their father anymore but have re-married a great man, but I have a new job and I think I have fallen in love with ...

How do I come out to my mother without it being awkward?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5874 days ago

20 April 2008 (M - I recently came out to a female friend and she told me I should just be open about it and not be scared of what people think of me because of that. She suggested that the only people I should care about if I told them would be my family. Now part ...

I think I'm a lesbian! Should I contact this girl?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5942 days ago

19 April 2008 (F - Hello everyone!, Ummm well this is kinda hard to say because im not sure if im right. I think I'm a lesbian. I have a boyfriend and I love him and stuff but sometimes when I see girls I feel physically attracted to them and yesterday I think I ...

Gay feelings but I am straight?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5938 days ago

19 April 2008 (M - im a boy and im straight.Im addicted to mustarbating and i have developed that i lost interest in girl i always want to have sex with other boys.IS THIS NORMAL?...

Confused about my sexuality...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5938 days ago

19 April 2008 (F - hi i apoligise now for this being a little long erm well i am a 12 year old girl and whenever no one is in the house i go on the pc and look at lesbian porn the i go in my bedroom and masturbate so much i actually SQURIT. it feels nice and i like ...

Attempting anal in premiere - any tips to make the experience more enjoyable and less painful?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5905 days ago

19 April 2008 (M - I am a 17 year old gay male and I am thinking about having anal sex for the first time with my best friend im a little nervous but excited at the same time does anybody have some tips or advice to help me make the experience more enjoyable or less ...

I am do I approach my best friend about having sex?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5943 days ago

19 April 2008 (M - So i think that I am bi Curiouse and i would love to have sex with my best friend but im not sure if he would be into it to give you some background on the situation about a year ago we got drunk and got naked and just masturbated together and ...

Is this due to low self esteem or could I be gay?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5943 days ago

18 April 2008 (F - I am a woman and at 23 I am still a virgin. I have had boyfriends in the past but found it hard to be intimate. I am attracted to men but I am sexually attracted to women. is this due to low self esteem or could I be gay? I need help!...

Can "shemales" become parents?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5943 days ago

18 April 2008 (M - I have 2 Questions 1. Can Shemales become pregnant 2. Could Shemales make a Lady Pregnant...

Should I tell her that I think her friend is gay, as I don't want her to get hurt?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5944 days ago

17 April 2008 (F - My friend likes this guy and I think he might be gay because of the signals he has been sending her, among other things that me and other people find obvious but she thinks he might like her, and she really likes him. They have things in common ...

I love him so much but he doesn't trust me and I feel jealous abut his friend-What should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5944 days ago

17 April 2008 (M - Never in my life love someone like that the way I love my boyfriend well I don't think if I should call him my boyfriend cause thing are different between us now. When I wana talk about our relationships or sex life, he always he doest like talking ...

Should I experiment with this girl I work with? I can't stop fantasizing about her!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5942 days ago

17 April 2008 (F - I have always considered myself straight until I met this girl named Crystal. We work together and we flirt pretty openly. Over the last several months, I find myself sexually fantasizing about her. A few other girls sometimes, but mostly her. I ...

Love Triangle! Am I living in a fantasy?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5944 days ago

17 April 2008 (F - The backdrop is....8 years ago I was in a relationship with a woman (I'm a woman) we were togther for about three years and then she dumped me to get married to a man. Now, fast forward...this love of my life looked me up about four months ago, now ...

Am I a lesbian for having a crush on my teacher?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5945 days ago

16 April 2008 (F - Hi i really need help! i no a lot of people have problems about a "crush" on their teacher. but i can PROMISE you this is more but the thing is i have never considered myself to be a lesbian but this teacher is the same sex. i cant stop thinking a...

What do you think, is he cheating on me with the pastor? They call each other even 10 times a day...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5945 days ago

16 April 2008 (M - I was wondering, my gay lover is a good man, and he makes me love him more and more ever day but the the thing is im a jealous guy. So please give some advice. My boyfriend he is a friendly guy and and he has a lot of friend specialy male friends ...

Boy I like Doesnt know if he's" Arther or Martha" please help!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5945 days ago

16 April 2008 (F - Theres this guy I like but he makes jokes about being gay, i know hes had girlfriends and he doesnt seen obviously gay but when ive said that nobody would think differently of him if he was, he says things like "nah i aint really, i dont understand ...

I'm a wreck, my boyfriend seems indifferent to sex! What do I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5945 days ago

16 April 2008 (M - I feel like I'm about to have a breakdown. I am gay and have been with my boyfriend for a few years. The problem is sex. My body and mind yearn and ache for it so badly but my boyfriend is indifferent to say the least. We have sex about once a week ...

Why won't he get help for his problem? He isn't into sex much anymore...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5946 days ago

16 April 2008 (M - Okay here's my problem -- my boyfriend of over three years isn't into sex much any more and occasionally will lose his erection when we do have sex. I have tried everything I can do to help but nothing works and I am starting to feel like I'm the ...

Falling for a man already in a long distance relationship...advice?

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16 April 2008 (M - The man that I currently am crushing on is already in a relationship with another man. The other relationship is a long-distance, network-based relationship, which apparently had been in planning for some time. I am located in the same small city ...

Anal is painful whereas in our previous relationships we both have enjoyed it, what shall I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5946 days ago

15 April 2008 (M - Hi i am a 21 year old male and i have a very embarassing problem that threatens to wreck my love life and my sexual life. My boyfriend's penis will not fit into my bottom which is causing a lot of stress for us both. We both do oral sex but anal sex ...

I cant make my BF cum

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5946 days ago

15 April 2008 (M - I cant make my BF cum, ive made him orgasm but he wont cum, ive seen him cum when he masterbates but i can make him , he said its happened before its liek hes shy but he really wants to what can i do to make him shoot? is there anything he can do ...

His new boyfriend is taking my place with my friend!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5945 days ago

15 April 2008 (F - well a close friend of mine is bisexual and he recently got a new friend, but they became closer, now fancy each other and are now doing sexual things. This other person expects to come out with us EVERY day. When me and my friend went on holiday he ...

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