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Archived questions from: January, 2008 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Am I really gay? I can't decide if I want to be with men or women!!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6021 days ago

31 January 2008 (F - I wrote in before about being in a gay relationship and wasn't sure if that lifestyle was for me. I have now ended the relationship and i am gutted.... My ex g/f has been great, i've hurt her really badly but she understands my dilema about being wi...

Would love to reveal my sexual orientation to my parents and friends, but I am scared of their reaction. How do I put it?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6020 days ago

31 January 2008 (M - I'm 22 and live in London UK. I have known that I'm gay since early adolescence. I started to meet guys off the internet, and go to gay bars and clubs. Up to now, the only people I have told I'm gay are other gay men, who have absolutely no ...

How do you know if you're gay?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6019 days ago

29 January 2008 (M - Okay, so I don't know if I'm gay, straight, or bi. My first pornographic experience was near 5th grade, and I sorta got hooked since. I've been looking at boys from time to time, and I even thought some of the boys in my school were cute as I grew ...

I think I am bisexual

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5959 days ago

26 January 2008 (M - hi im a male 24.. i recently broke up with my girlfriend , got drunk and gave my friend a blowjob.. so i think i must bi bisexual.... yes he came and yes i choked but i did swallow.. but the thing is now i have been confused since.... should i do it ...

Should my cousin and I stop getting physical everytime we stop together now we are older? We are both females..

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6026 days ago

26 January 2008 (F - once a year i go to visit my family in mexico and i have a girl cousin there who i always share a room with. the thing is that for many years already we have started to make out and touch each other at night...we never talk about it and we just lay ...

Do you think she could be Bi-sexual?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5992 days ago

26 January 2008 (F - So I think I'm bi.. actually pretty sure just I always tried to ignore that side of me up till now. I've had emotional attachments to close friends before, but never a more physical interest in a girl who is currently my closest friend right now. ...

He wants to break-up and for us to experience other people but I have given all my heart to him.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6025 days ago

25 January 2008 (M - My boyfriend and I met each other about 5 months ago. In the time we have been with each other we have fallen deeply in love and have spent every free moment possible with one another. I truly and honestly believe that he is the one -- I had never ...

Am I wrong to resent the fact that he can afford to go out but not come to see me??

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6027 days ago

23 January 2008 (M - I've been with my partner for about year and a half, we're now living apart in different countries due to my work commitments. The thing is he's just lost his job and has a mortgage and bills to pay. So he can't afford to come and see me as much ...

I love him, but he doesn't turn me on anymore at all, and I can ONLY get turned on by thinking about sleeping with women! Why is this? Am I gay?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6027 days ago

23 January 2008 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for 18 months now and love him completely - I just don't feel turned on by him at all. I've always wondered what it would be like to be with a woman, and lately, can ONLY get turned on by imagining I'm sleeping with ...

I've never been with another woman before. Nervous about satisfying her, sexually.

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5975 days ago

23 January 2008 (F - i,m a female that has never been with a female before and now i have a girlfriend .the time for sex is so so very close and i have no idea how to satisfy her and realy don't wish to dissapoint her help me please i'm very afraid....

I do love my current boyfriend but when ever I see my ex I want him!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6014 days ago

22 January 2008 (M - When i first came out i was with this gorgeous guy so gorgeous i did stupid things !! I felt like i was in competition with him all the time ! We were mad about each other from the start but then he started acting all not interested so it...

I'm bi and thinking of women too much. How can I work this through without it affecting my relationship?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6030 days ago

22 January 2008 (F - I am in a loving relationship with my long term boyfriend. I consider myself to be bisexual and cannot stop thinking about women at the moment. It is beginning to affect our physical relationship a little bit. How can I work through this without ...

Am I spreading myself to thin?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6030 days ago

21 January 2008 (F - Hey, im 20 nd hav had an on off gf for nearly 3 yr's now! My best frnd is extremly gud looking and 6 months ago asked me 2 participate in a 3-sum wit her bf...! He didnt see much action but myself and this friend had amazin sex. Ever sinc then ...

55 Year old boyfriend that's married! Should I leave him?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6030 days ago

21 January 2008 (M - i am seening this man of the age 55 im am 20yr old male i love him he treats me so right that is when he isnt with his second wife and kids all his kids are older than me i know it sounds weird but wat can i do should i just walk away or stick it ...

I might be bi, or not

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6030 days ago

20 January 2008 (M - Hi, i have a bad problem. Right, i go to an all boys school, so girls are hard to meet, and i keep thinking about two boys in a sexual way(Not all together). I do still fancy girls and think they're hot. Am i bi, or is it just because they are like, ...

She doesn't know if she wants a proper relationship with me because she is really worried about ruining our friendship! Any advice?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6031 days ago

20 January 2008 (F - hi ok so im 19 and i fell in love with my best friend, who is also a girl!! i plucked up the courage to tell her how i feel and the response was great!! we got closer than ever after i told her, and we are really intimate with each other! we are p...

I'm gay, he says he's straight - but is he?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5323 days ago

19 January 2008 (M - I met this guy in a straight gym in Essex, England and i fell in love with him from day one. I got to chat with him, and asked him to be my gym buddy, which he agreed to. While we were in the jaccuzi, i noticed how he was staring in my eyes with ...

Cheated on by my boyfriend, how do I get on with my life?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6034 days ago

18 January 2008 (M - I'm a 26 year old gay man, just coem out of a 7 year relationship because my partner had been cheating on me. Going through a messy break up as we have joint mortgage and were married last year. Just wondered how everyone else copes/has coped ...

Am I gay! or just confused?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6034 days ago

18 January 2008 (F - I am a married mum, i have been with my husband for over 15 years. Recently i have been chatting to some new found friends on the internet. I have very strong feelings for 2 of them. I feel like i am in love with them. The problem is, they are ...

Gay mate that I need to help! any advice please?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6020 days ago

18 January 2008 (F - okay this question is about my friend.. she's a lesbian. so there's this girl that she's been dating on and off. this girl hurts her so much and i can't take it. she says crap behind her back, and she even knows what she says. i've helped my friend ...

I think I'm starting to like her again.. although I have a bf. What to do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6034 days ago

18 January 2008 (F - blehhh, i have big problems here. i used to like one of my best friends (a girl) like that, lets call her Sabrina.. she's the only girl i have an interest in. we actually almost went out last year. now i have a boyfriend, which i like a lot. but ...

What can I do about my feelings for my lesbian boss?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6034 days ago

17 January 2008 (F - im a straight woman. had boyfriends before and ive always liked guys. until one day, i realized that im inlove with my lesbian boss. but im just "gay" for her. okay call me a lesbian too because i really really like my boss. the thing is, my lesbian ...

Could I be bi sexual?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4914 days ago

17 January 2008 (F - I am 19 years old and i have a boyfriend. I find men attractive and i like having sex with them. My sex life is quite normal for my age and im only interested in dating men and pulling men and i always have been. The only thing is, i get off more on ...

What does it mean if lesbians went "all the way"... what is that??

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6034 days ago

16 January 2008 (F - when two women have sex or "go all the way" what exactly is the difference between foreplay and just fooling around as lesbians and having sex/going the whole way? if that makes sense like if two lesbians say "we went all the way last night"...

Will a butt plug damage me?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5491 days ago

15 January 2008 (M - hi there, i would like to know what damage can be done to the anus if a butt plug is inserted and is kept there for 4-5 hrs a day every day...

Am I being used and being made a fool of? I love her but I can't cope with this, what shall I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5667 days ago

15 January 2008 (F - I am a 42 year old women who is in a relationship with a 26 year old woman. When we met she was in a relationship with a man for 3 years and they have a daughter and I was in a relationship with a woman for 3 years. Her relationship was very ...

I have met someone else...but I really couldnt cope with somebody breaking my heart right now.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6034 days ago

15 January 2008 (F - I have met a new girl recently who I am beginning to like. My last girlfriend hurt me so badly it really messed me up for a long time. With this girl - I think she likes me (she flirts alot and makes suggestions so at least I think she is attracted ...

I'm bi and have a gf. Not sure about this gay lifestyle as I want kids and family someday. What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6030 days ago

14 January 2008 (F - Hi, i'm a woman who likes men and women. I have never been comfy about my female attraction and kept it hidden for along time, my close friends and family now know, they are great about it. My problem is i have now fallen for a lovely woman, she is ...

FAllen for my best gal pal..but..she is interested in another girl!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6038 days ago

14 January 2008 (M - I have fallen for my best female friend. Unfortunately, she has other interests... another girl. They are consumed with each other, although they do not claim to be an item, they pretty much are and they have kissed, that's as far as I know they've ...

I'm gay..he's straight and he seems to pay a lot of attention to me! Advice?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6020 days ago

13 January 2008 (M - My question is regarding a problem i have and has me crazy. The problem is that a coworker looks at me in a wierd way he gets mad when other people are around me and pays too much attencion to me. The thing is im a gay guy and hes straight. What ...

How should I advise him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6039 days ago

12 January 2008 (F - Well i really dont know what to tell my best friend as i have never been asked advice on anything like this before!!! I have two best friends (both guys) one of whom is gay and came out about a year ago. Well my gay best friend (we'll call him greg...

How do you know if your husband is gay??

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6034 days ago

10 January 2008 (F - How do you know if your husband is gay? we have recently got back together, but when we split up alot of people has asked me was there any chance he was gay, i have heard that gay guys had approach him in the past. The time we broke up i asked him ...

My first love left me after 3 yrs, saying she doesn't want lesbian relationships any longer. What can I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6041 days ago

10 January 2008 (F - i was in a lesbian relation-ship for 3yrs , and 3days ago , she told she doesnt want to be with me becuz she say its not right , she doesnt want to be with girls anymore ,she want to live her life the right way , and she said thats nothing i can do ...

Am I Bi or not?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6030 days ago

10 January 2008 (F - Ok, I am in my 20's now and I am a single mom. I love being with men (only been with 2 so I am not a hoe) but for a long time i have found myself attracted to women. I love the upper body but as far as the lower part I find it gross even mine. I am ...

My long term boyfriend was caught looking at gay porn

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 6028 days ago

7 January 2008 (F - Hi, I am 26 years old and have been with my boyfirend for almost ten years we have two boys together. I have caught him in the past watching straight porn which is fine but this morning I caught him watching gay porn. What does this mean it upset me ...

I like guys but am wondering if I could be bi?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6039 days ago

7 January 2008 (F - hey i like guys alot but i think i could be bi i think some girls are good lookin and when i think about it girls turn me on and guys dont that much i havet had sex yet with a girl or a boy trouble is guys dont turn me on girls do am i bi? or bi ...

How can he be gay and have feelings for me? I'm really confused.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6039 days ago

6 January 2008 (F - Iam a 20 heterosexual female. Ive had the same best friend since I was seven years old. He happens to be a gay man. He has always been my best friend. I love him and he means more to me than anything or anyone. He came out of the closet to to me ...

How do I tell my homophobic Mother...that I am bi sexual?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6036 days ago

5 January 2008 (F - I'm bi. I'm fine with that. I'm not really sure how to explain it but I'm a lot more into girls than I am guys, even though I do like some guys. I'm not sure if that makes sense but I much prefer girls. I want to come out and I'm not too worried ...

What can I do to comfort him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6047 days ago

5 January 2008 (M - I have a problem with something that's going on with my relationship. My fiance and I have been together for almost 6 years now and things could not be better. He has always had this friend that I didn't like because he's loud, obnoxious, and j...

Is he gay or bi?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6047 days ago

5 January 2008 (M - Okay so I need some help before I wind up hurt. Just to begin, I am bi and there is this guy that I have known for nearly three years now. We've been pretty good friends ever since. I've always kind of thought that he might be gay and up until ...

I'm a straight female attracted to gay men. Am I weird?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5621 days ago

4 January 2008 (F - I find myself extremely turned on by gay men. Im not gay myself but i have always loved and admired homosexual people. However about six months ago I pursued a relationship with this guy and he told me he wasnt interested in me because he was gay. ...

How do I avoid being branded a homosexual stalker?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6049 days ago

3 January 2008 (M - im in love with my best friend, i dont want to talk to him about it, i'm scared incase i loose a friend and be branded a stalker or somthing he's 16 and so am i, the confusing thing about it is he kissed me a few weeks ago and from then he's acted ...

I'm a 14 year old girl and can't stop masturbating to lesbian porn!

This question has 60 answers - newest was posted 5167 days ago

2 January 2008 (F - What`s wrong with me!? Okay I`m 14 years old and I littrally just turned 14 last week. Anyway, I`m obsessed with masturbating! I`ve been doing it since I was 12. When I first got the internet on my computer at the age of 12 my parents said "dont ...

How can I get my girlfriend to take part in a threesome with a guy?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6050 days ago

2 January 2008 (F - I am an 18 year old girl who has been dating another girl for a little over 2 1/2 years. I love her with all my heart...she is my everything. But recently i found out she and an old friend of hers made moves on eachother. It had turned me on if ...

I'm not gay, I have a girlfriend, but I'm turned on by gay men, why is that?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6041 days ago

1 January 2008 (M - I am a 14 year old boy and I am "turned on by gay things". I dont want to be gay I have had a girl we have been going out for over a month and she wants to have sex so do I but im scared i want be preparied for....

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