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Archived questions from: June, 2007 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I fancy my married girl friend--what do I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6185 days ago

30 June 2007 (F - I am a lesbian, and a woman whom has 5 children fancied me but difficult situation nw..? Well, just a brief summary, I met her through my mother as she was friends with her mother-in-law. She is about 32, I am 22. I didn't like her at first...

I'm bisexual but I don't know how to pleasure a girl

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6200 days ago

29 June 2007 (F - im a 17 year old girl. recently finding out im bisexual. i really like this girl i have been kissing. she wants me to stay over at her new house next weekend, the thing is. ive never slept with a girl before and im scared i do it wrong and she gets ...

I don't want to push her, but I'm tired of playing the cat and mouse game. I need to find a way to see if she comes to me. HELP!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6233 days ago

29 June 2007 (? - I'm a 46 year old female in love with another female. I am convinced she loves me as well. I told her how I felt about her and she did deny she felt the same way. I am sure that is because she has been married and is confused by her feelings. She ...

Do I need to be circumcised and could I be gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6225 days ago

29 June 2007 (M - ...hi, im 16 years old, and i was wondering...i am not circumcised, but when i get an erection my foreskin does not slide back over the head, and when i try to pull it back it hurts. is there anything wrong with my penis? do i need to be ...

My boyfriend seems to have a wandering eye for other guys!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6238 days ago

28 June 2007 (M - Well I have a boyfriend and me being gay there is a lot of shady things said about being homosexual. Well my new boyfriend has been with 15 guys, I'll be number 16 and I feel like he's never really interested but here lately there seems to be signs ...

I caught my friend kissing a teacher--what do I do?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6177 days ago

27 June 2007 (M - I caught my best friend with another female teacher in a cupboard. They were stood in front of me kissing and I didn't know what to do so I pretended I didn't see. This teacher is engaged and doesn't seem to talk to my best friend--...

I'm a girl--is it normal that I like lesbian porn?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6234 days ago

27 June 2007 (F - I'm a female--is it normal for me to love and get very turned on by lesbian porn?...

I'm not sure how keen he really is

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6239 days ago

27 June 2007 (M - Hello I have been seeing this guy for the past 5 weeks. He is absolutley fantastic. I think about him all the time! We have had sex a couple of times about 3 weeks ago and since then nothing. We do spend time togerther over the weekwend and sometime...

I want my friend, but she has a girlfriend--what can I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6240 days ago

26 June 2007 (F - Hi again, I recently posted a question title: "I got her to kiss me and now I don't know what to do". (please note I didn't force her to--she wanted me to lol). Basically, I really like my friend, and have the feeling she does me. I had some gre...

I have a crush on my female teacher

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6225 days ago

26 June 2007 (F - I am a 16 year old girl and I have a crush on my teacher. That would be fine if it was a man, but it isn't. She's a very hot woman I just have to be around. I need help to get her out of my mind. What can I do? If my parents found out they'd shoot ...

He sleeps with me but doesn't end his relationship--what do I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6230 days ago

25 June 2007 (M - Well, I'm gay, 20, and have fallen for this amazing guy who's exactly like me. We went on holiday for a month with 6 others (including his boyfriend) and well, on holiday we got to know each other more. We kissed and got really close. Once we came ...

I got her to kiss me, but now I don't kow what to do!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6240 days ago

25 June 2007 (F - Dear cupid, First time I have written; I really like my friend a lot, even though she has just gotten with someone recently. The thing is I told her and she wanted me to kiss her so I did. She felt guilty afterwards because of our friendshi...

I spent a peaceful night with my I'm confused about where we stand!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6241 days ago

25 June 2007 (M - I have a female friend I feel very comfortable with. Last night I was at her house. We lost track of time and I realised I'd probably miss the last transport home. She said I could stay and I said yes. In the morning I felt very contented w...

My partner says he doesn't like sex because of the mess--what can I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6240 days ago

25 June 2007 (M - I have been in a gay relationship for four years and only a week ago did we discuss the reasons as to why my partner never wants sex of any kind and I mean nothing in four years. It has been so bad I decided to accept that I would remain celibate ...

My partner has been having an affair with another woman... she's cut off contact but is mourning the loss!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6241 days ago

25 June 2007 (F - I have posted messages on this subject before but things developed. My civil partner has a long friendship with a girl she met in Sweden 6 years ago (We have been together 6 years also, something was developing before we met but never transpired as ...

Does anyone think that telling my straight friend I fancy them is a good idea?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6223 days ago

24 June 2007 (M - A bit of an open question- do you people think that it is the right thing to do to tell a straight friend of the same sex that you fancy them, or to ignore your felings cos you know nothing will ever happen between the two of you?...

Could I have caught a disease from unprotected anal sex?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6242 days ago

24 June 2007 (M - i am really really REALLY worried and i need some help, or just support. straight to the point- i am gay, and the other night i was at my friends house, it was just us there. basically it was very hot, he took his shirt off. we started kissing and ...

My married friend called me gay and is really flirty with me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6221 days ago

24 June 2007 (F - hi im 24 yrs old and im definitely straight but.... it started that my other friend said to me on the txt ooo why dont u kiss her ( as a joke because i said i was out with her) and my mate saw the txt and said ok take a pic of us snogging!! i was in ...

I love her as more than a friend; how do I advance things?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6243 days ago

23 June 2007 (M - over the last year i have become increasingly close to a female friend of mine. we spend a lot of time together and have a very open and honest relationship with each other. we both love each other as friends but i want more. i cant stop thinking ...

When he came back from Australia, I founf out he was looking at gay chat room websites!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6244 days ago

22 June 2007 (F - hi im 20 years old and i have been with my boyfriend for nearyy two years we have a good relationship howerver when he was younger he was very badly atacked and humiliated by 10 guys who kidnaped him they striped him beat him and other things. he ...

How should I tell my parents I'm bisexual and have a girlfriend?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6225 days ago

22 June 2007 (F - How do I tell my parents that I am Bisexual? In the past two years, I have been experiencing feels towards, not only guys, but girls too. Now I may only be 14, but I know my feelings. but I don't know how to tell my mom and dad. they have always s...

I'm gay and I want to be with my straight best friend

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6227 days ago

21 June 2007 (M - To me this problem seems stupidly complicated but I think I just need some perspective. I am a 21 year old gay guy. I have avoided relationships so far, as I have ridiculously high ideals about commitment and intimacy which aren't matched generall...

My mate saw my boyfriend going into a strip club 4 times over the last fortnight!!! When questioned about it, he told me to "F*** off!" What am I to do and think?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6245 days ago

21 June 2007 (F - A friend told me she'd seen my boyfriend go to a male strip club 4 times over the last fortnight. I asked her if she was lying, but she said she was working a late-night shift (she's an airport taxi driver) and had seen him. She said she couldn'...

I found out that my husband is sending emails with photos of himself in his underwear! What am I to think?!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6245 days ago

21 June 2007 (F - Recently I found out my husband has been emailing photos of himself in underwear to another man. I was emailing a friend we haven't seen for a long time some photos of our recent holiday, checked the outbox to see if it had sent, and was stunned ...

My husband of 12 years is looking on gay chat sites! What should I think and do?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6239 days ago

20 June 2007 (F - ive been with my husband for 12 years and we have 2 kids, ive just found out that he has been going on gay chat sites and im not sure if this means he is gay, he has a very high sex drive and a few years ago nearly had an affair with a woman. it ...

Gay pride..what are your views?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6133 days ago

20 June 2007 (F - do you believe in gay pride? jw...

How do I know if I am gay and how can I become straight again?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5952 days ago

19 June 2007 (M - I am so worried. I think, I really do not know, but I think that I might be gay. It scares the hell out of me, I don't want to be gay!! I've got a girlfriend and I love her but I am so confused. I cannot talk to ANYONE about this. How can I become s...

What are some complications that can arise from anal sex?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6242 days ago

17 June 2007 (M - What makes gay anal sex good? Some people say that its very sore and in some cases has its complications. What are the complications, and what do you do to make it good? I know this is graphic, or where could I find out about these things. Like ...

She's a lesbian and I love her but I'm not ready to come out of the closet.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6249 days ago

17 June 2007 (F - dear cupid, a good friend of over 3 years has just come out and has now said that she is in love with me and has been for a while..we are now involved in a very intense relationship, we have a major problem, she wants me to come out, and i told her ...

Over the last couple of weeks I've started to see girls in a different way and I think I'm turning lesbian

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6250 days ago

16 June 2007 (F - Over the last couple of weeks I've started to see girls in a different way and I think I'm turning lesbian, I'm scared to tell anyone how I feel because am scared how they will react has anyone got advice for me x x x x x...

She wants to have sex with me but I don't feel ready yet, I'm 13 she's 15.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6250 days ago

15 June 2007 (F - Hello guys, I got great advice last time I needed help so I wondered if I could have some advice again. You know that gal I loved on line before, well she is down here at the moment and my mum is okay with it now but the thing is she wants to hav...

Sex isn't a priority for him anymore!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6251 days ago

15 June 2007 (M - My bf and I have sex very irregularly these days. It seems like it is at the utmost bottom of his list of priorities, if he even considers it a priority. I have talked to him about it a few times and he sort of brushes it aside and the last time ...

I'm gay. My boyfriend was sleeping with my best friend for the last 12 months of our relationship!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6195 days ago

13 June 2007 (M - How do I get through this? Three months ago I broke up with my gay partner of 14 years. We did this because he told me he had been sleeping with my best friend for the last twelve months of our relationship. He said it was "just sex". But it was an ...

How can I prove to her how much she means to me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6253 days ago

12 June 2007 (F - i am a lesbian and i have just split up with my girlfriend. we only went out for 6 months but it was my first real relatonship. i think she wants to get back with her ex, although she says she will not. she says she is not ready for a serious ...

Is she straight? Or in denial? What shall I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6208 days ago

11 June 2007 (F - I started going out with my best friend after we got very friendly, I knew I was gay, but she wasn't. Still after 8 months she insists that she is still straight. I want to know where I stand. I don't know if she is with me becasue she doesn't want ...

My boyfriend seems to be more interested in his computer game (world of warcraft) than in me.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6251 days ago

4 June 2007 (M - I am a 39 yr old gay man and have been in a relationship with my partner for 16 years. We have always had a good sex life and I have been happy until recently. My boyfriend seems to be more interested in his computer game (world of warcraft) than in ...

Is my boyfriend gay???

This question has 34 answers - newest was posted 4780 days ago

3 June 2007 (F - Is my boyfriend gay? I have questioned my boyfriend's sexuality a bit in our relationship. He is not exactly metrosexual, but he has some interesting tendancies. He is always concerned about his appearance, although he doesn't know the difference ...

I'm gay but I don't think my mum believes me...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6264 days ago

2 June 2007 (F - i really like this girl and she says she likes me i know im a lesbian but she doest know that trouble is i dont really want to be a lesbian because i feel like im the only one round here cus i dont know any and it seems wrong but i guess im guna ...

I understand why a woman could find kissing and petting with another woman stimulating. I wish I could get her to to bring her friends home.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6264 days ago

2 June 2007 (M - My girlfriend admitted to me that she had lesbian sex with a friend when she was younger. The country she comes from there is no complex about doing this. To be honest I have been really turned on by it which has surprised me. Part of me wants her ...

What is going on with my married friend?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6208 days ago

1 June 2007 (F - I am a female in love with a female friend of mine. We are both in our late 40's or so. I would bet my life on the fact that she was falling in love with me as well. Our flirting was so obvious that some people noticed it and said things. There is ...

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