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Archived questions from: July, 2008 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

How do I know if I'm bisexual?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5347 days ago

31 July 2008 (F - Hey I'm a bit confused about my sexuality i mean I'm getting married in 5wks to the most fantastic bloke I could wish for but I fantasize about having sex with women when I watch porn it has to involve at least 2 women I've had 3 somes with women ...

I'm a gay man, married to a woman... am I doing the right thing, pretending to be straight?

This question has 19 answers - newest was posted 4700 days ago

31 July 2008 (M - I need help!! I am a gay guy age 29, trying to have a straight life and relationship. I love my wife more than anything. now i have two questions: 1: Am i doing the right thing by trying to be straight? 2: Are there ways I can spice up our...

I'm in love with my gay friend, but I'm beginning to wonder if he has feelings for me. He acts like he does.

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 4670 days ago

31 July 2008 (F - my best friend told me he was gay when it was too late and i'd already fallen for him. i'm seriously in love with him, and i have told him exactly the way i feel, it didn't effect our friendship and actually brought us closer together. he tells me t...

He said he doesn't know what he wants and he distanced himself from me. I don't know why.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5840 days ago

30 July 2008 (M - Hi everyone, After being single from a guy I really loved for over 6 months I finally met a really nice guy. His names andrew, hes 22 and Im 27. He works as a care worker and I am a teacher, we have lots in common and get on very well. We have me...

He'd rather spend time with his books than in bed with me!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5840 days ago

30 July 2008 (M - So I have a shower, smell delightful, my hair in a nice messy sort of way and jump into bed with my bf on his side of the bed with no pjs on and put my hand down his side. I thought that was nice. It wasn't. He wanted to read. Seems to be the story ...

I'm bisexual (f) and I'm falling for one of my best friends. Help!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5839 days ago

29 July 2008 (F - Hi, I dont really know why im posting this, i guess it'll just help!!. Im bisexual(f) and i think im falling for, well, no, i am falling for one of my best friends who is straight unfortuantly;) lol. Anyway i dont want her to know because, well that...

I want to have more of a relationship with him, but not sure he really likes me, he is a bit cool towards me, should I pursue it or not?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5841 days ago

29 July 2008 (M - I'm a gay Caucasian guy and met a gay Korean guy 3 months ago. At first he would call and return my calls once or twice a week only since he is truly busy everyday working till late and studying. I have more time but don't call more than once a ...

I have boyfriends, but find myself looking at women too. Is this normal?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5837 days ago

28 July 2008 (? - im really confused. am i straight?! i this normal? im 16 and since i was 13 i have had boyfriends, in real i think boys are very attractive, i always comment on cute guys i see or if im out with my friends and i see someone i like, which is pretty ...

Is my guy gay or bisexual?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5841 days ago

28 July 2008 (F - I've been dating this guy for almost a year. He's five years younger than me, and has only dated two other women other than myself. One relationship was 100% online; the other was a live-in gf and that lasted four years. So, here's the thing. He ...

Am I gay for having gay sexual fantasies? Am I just confused?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5843 days ago

27 July 2008 (M - I'm 13 and i know im not Gay. I like women and i want to have sex with a women. When i see 2 gay people kiss i get digusted. There is this kid that's a year older than me, i think he is a slight bit gay. Sometimes when I'm just thinking about stuf...

How do I tell my best friend I love her?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5689 days ago

26 July 2008 (F - Okay so, my friend(whos a girl) and I have known eachother for over 2 years. Were besties. Shes bi and is always talking about this girl who shes falling in love with but the girl doesnt really like my friend. Ive just realized I kinda have feelings ...

After three years I'm no longer interested in sex with him, should I suggest an open relationship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5846 days ago

25 July 2008 (M - I am almost 39 years old, a gay male living in Los Angeles, CA. I've lived here for about 7 or so years. I am currently in a relationship with another male who is 35 years old. I am caucasian and he is Asian American. I am finding that after 3 ...

Being a lesbian is my worst nightmare so how do I prevent it?!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5841 days ago

24 July 2008 (F - So, I'm 17 years old and I'm pretty certain I'm a lesbian. When I was 12 I realised I was bi-sexual, but when I was 16 my feelings for men gradually grew distant. I wasn't happy about being bi-sexual, but I dealt with it, I even came out to ...

Would I be better off in a relationship with someone of my own age?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5847 days ago

23 July 2008 (M - So i'm a gay 18 year old guy, and am going out with a 36 year old. True not the most conventional of relationships, but i've known i like older guys, so that's sorted. We've been going out for over a year, and like with most relationships we've ha...

She says she's not gay but she holds me and kisses me. Is she scared to come out?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5832 days ago

23 July 2008 (F - ok im a lesbian and i've been for three years. so i know like how things go and what not. but i have a bestfriend who like claims she's not gay. but when it comes to me and her being together just chillin'. she holds me and kisses me and what not. ...

Do you think my wife is bisexual?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5848 days ago

23 July 2008 (M - Hi we are couple in our mid 40 and have had our ups and downs. we are currently in a down time and things get tense. we have had a very active sex lfe and tried most things over the past 25 years. my wife has a great body and as always looked ...

If you love your teacher should you leave them alone and let them go?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5715 days ago

22 July 2008 (F - My friend is loving this teacher and i don’t she’s gay but she’s obsessed with her…and the teacher has just left and she’s just depressed and heartbroken.. She’s asking me if you love a teacher should you Let Them go??? Please post your tho...

If I watch gay porn and heterosexual porn, am I gay? How can I stop thinking about boys?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5626 days ago

22 July 2008 (M - hi am i gay if i watch both kinds of porn or does it happen to any person and how can i stop im confused and is there anything ican do to stop thinking of boys thank you...

I'm bi-curious, but the guy I like is in a relationship.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5849 days ago

21 July 2008 (M - I recently started hanging out with a guy who is bi-sexual and open about it. I have always wondered myself whether or not i was gay/bi/whatever because i enjoy gay porn, however, i've never even gone as far as to hint to anyone the way i sometimes ...

My boyfriend fellated a guy! How do we have a healthy relationship again?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5849 days ago

20 July 2008 (F - My boyfriend and I went on a weekend away with another couple that have been friends with us for years. In a drunken spell, my boyfriend and the other guy decided to experiment and gave each other blow jobs (without us girls knowing this). Later the ...

I'm alone and hurting do I keep myself from falling so fast?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5156 days ago

20 July 2008 (M - Im 34 years old, single and gay. I have been reading these letters and responses regarding falling in love so easily and getting hurt. I have always had this problem, when I meet a guy, and he would show some interest, I immediately fall oh so ...

How do I stop people saying I'm gay? And how do I cope with a long-dtsiance relationship? And tell me about shaving for the first time please.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5847 days ago

20 July 2008 (M - i have 3 questions ite first one is im 13 and im strait but everybody thinks im gay. all my friends ,exept one, r girls any advise on how to get people to stop saying this? the second one is im 13 and i met a girl that i only get 2 c in the summer ...

My boyfriend just confessed he's bisexual! Could there be something going on behind my back?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5851 days ago

20 July 2008 (F - Just today my boyfriend of three years [on and off] has told me that he's bi. i figured, because it was VERY obvious but now its akward. we can hardly kiss anymore. and i've always wanted to have a three-some and he's THINKING ABOUT IT. is this just ...

I suspect my friend likes me so how do I tell her I don't like her? I don't want to hurt her feelings...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5850 days ago

20 July 2008 (? - I have suspions that my friend ( a girl ) likes me . I'm straight and I think she may be bi . how do I tell her I'm not like that without hurting her feelings???...

Should I tell my family I'm bisexual?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5852 days ago

18 July 2008 (M - Hey Guys, Basically Im 16 and Ive recently discovered im bisexual. Im Not out yet, except to a few close friends. I really want to tell my family, and get the whole thing off my chest, but almost my whole family are homophobic. I have a gay cousin w...

How do I tell my parents that I am gay?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5466 days ago

18 July 2008 (M - I am a 15 year old gay who has no idea when or how to tell my parents I'm gay. When should I tell them and how. All of my close friends know so I have something to fall back on if they don't take it well. Thanks to anyone who has any ideas....

Am I a lesbian?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5809 days ago

17 July 2008 (F - I'm 12 years old and I'm not sure if i'm lesbian. last week me and my best friends had a sleep over and we all started fingering each other. I masturbate to lesbian porn and I don't get turned on by boys. Am I lesbian?...

Living with my boyfriend but messing around with his friend!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5851 days ago

17 July 2008 (M - Hi I'm a 22 year old male whos been with my boyfriend now for close on two years. I moved in with him last October and everythings been fine...until now. Last weekend I kissed one of his best friends and don't know what to do. I first met his ...

How do I get over this girl?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5849 days ago

17 July 2008 (F - Dear cupid I have been in a very emotional first relationship with a woman on and off for a year. When i met her i was a bit distant and scared of gettin close to someone.I admit i was a bit of a bitch right at the start but she saw this as a ch...

My girlfriend used to sleep with another girl, I'm bothered by her attraction to women...!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5758 days ago

17 July 2008 (M - i fell like my girl friend gets horney by sweet girls and some how she used to sleep whith another girl but she always says no and it make me nuts to find out the truth before married thats very important to me? ...

Can I stay friends with the woman who hurt me, or do I just move on?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5853 days ago

17 July 2008 (F - Well my question is am I a fool to remain friends with the girl who hurt me? What happened is we've been close friends for over 2 years, I kinda knew she was attracted to me, we started to have these discussions and one thing led to the other where ...

I need tips on how to please girls sexually. I'm bisexual.

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5847 days ago

16 July 2008 (F - ok, well, here goes, i am 14, and i AM for a fact bisexual, ive accepted that fact, you might think,. "oh shes too young", but i am more experienced and have seen more than you think. my problem is, i have been fingered by a past gf, and had sex and ...

I had sex with a gay guy. Should I tell his partner?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5854 days ago

16 July 2008 (M - I had sex with a guy whos gay and in relationship should i tell his partner even if it means ever one else will find out that i am gay I had serveral sexually flings with this guy, he has a boy friend but there never do much in bed, he allows m...

At 26, should I stick to sex with guys or try switching to girls?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5853 days ago

16 July 2008 (M - I am 26 years old and never had sex with a girl, only guys, I never had the loving for girls, until few months ago, what is the best way to see if I like girls,as i am trying chatting a going clubbing but cant get any girls, should i just stick to ...

I told my friend I was gay and she still hasn't said anything

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5800 days ago

16 July 2008 (F - I told my friend a couple days ago that I was gay. I told her that she was the only one I told and that i just need help. She said she wasn't judgemental or anything like that but she won't talk to me. And I have no on else to tell. I have another ...

A bit paranoid about the closeness to my lesbian friend, should I talk to her about it?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4855 days ago

16 July 2008 (F - well i got a very good friend and she told me a couple of weeks ago she might be a lesbian, but i didnt mind at all. But i had a sleepover sunday and when my other mate fell asleep she got into my bed and started to hold my hand so im feeling ...

Does my female friend like me back?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5854 days ago

16 July 2008 (F - I'm a girl, go to an all girls school and I have a crush on one of my female friends. We've recently become closer and that's made me like her even more! I sincerely doubt she likes me too and maybe it's just wishful thinking...but i...

Is my boyfriend gay?? help.!

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5854 days ago

16 July 2008 (F - Well, we have just been together for a few months and he is the greatest guy I have ever met. He is sweet, lovely, takes care of himself, no smoking, appreciates what I do to him, but I've always felt something's not right. 1. i met him when I w...

I'm bi and have a boyfriend - if I do stuff with my best friend, does it count as cheating?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5854 days ago

16 July 2008 (F - Ok i need some help again! I'm pretty sure i'm Bi, but i have a boy friend who i've been with for a year and 6 months. I have two questions. 1 is how do i go about messing around in bed with one of my best friends? 2 is If i do stuff with my best ...

Love in cyberspace....and in realspace?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5855 days ago

15 July 2008 (M - Firstly I'm a bisexual male. I've met another man online who I'm in love with. I live in Europe, he lives in America. We will be able to see each other next year. He loves me too, but he also has a boyfriend, also an online thing. They're go...

I think he's into me, but he has a boyfriend, and I don't want to ruin our friendship!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5854 days ago

15 July 2008 (M - Hi, I am a gay male and I am 18 years old. I have a friend who recently helped me accept myself for who i am. Anyway, me and him have shared some past experiences with each other. Not serious. But since I met him I have been highly attracted to him. ...

I got beated up, until I was bleeding, evidently because I am gay, my friend who witnessed it, went to the principal's office, and told, when I asked him not to, why would he do that??

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5855 days ago

15 July 2008 (? - I get pick on a lot because people think I'm gay (which I'm not) the "popular" kids shoved me into lockers, beat me up. One day I talking to my friends (who hadn't ditch me to be popular) until those guys push me into a locker and I started ...

Gay, not out yet, and in love with a straight guy, don't want to harm his reputation or, face rejection from my friends, please help??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5855 days ago

15 July 2008 (M - I am thirteen years old and I am in love with a boy who I am almost positive is not gay. I want him so badly but to get him I would have to come out, which would mean certain rejection from "freinds" I am sure this is not a phase because I have ...

Do you think I should 'come out'?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5856 days ago

15 July 2008 (M - Should I come out of the closet? I'm thirteen and live in a community that mostly hates gays. But i just feel so bottled up with no one to talk to. should I tell my best freind? I don't want our freindship to end. He's also a super Christia...

Why is my gay friend's boyfriend acting so weird?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5835 days ago

14 July 2008 (F - Hi, my best male friend who is gay (I'm straight female) has been going out with his boyfriend for a year. Alot of our friends don't like this boyfriend . Though he's pushed alot of my friend's friends away, he only seems to like me. I do find him ...

Can I be close to my boyfriend AND my gay friend?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5854 days ago

14 July 2008 (F - I have a good friend who’s gay. We used to be best friends until I met my boyfriend. When I introduced them both, they did not get along. They were polite to each other, but my gay friend thinks I can find someone better than my boyfriend. My ...

When and how should I come out of the closet?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5856 days ago

14 July 2008 (M - I'm gay and only 13. Here is my situation. I go to a catholic school. My dad is an uber republican. All of my family is super religious(christian), as are my aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, grandparents. I live in a community where a lot ...

I've started getting into girls, but I have a boyfriend. How can I get over this?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5849 days ago

14 July 2008 (F - Hi i could really use some help. I am a teen girl who has been in a relationship with a guy for a year and 6 months. Lately i have this thing for liking girls, but not like my friends and stuff. I like to watch girls kiss and have sex on youtube. ...

What do you, the agony aunt, think of my situation?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5857 days ago

13 July 2008 (F - I must be crazy... I very recently decided that I should move in with my boyfriend of a year and a bit. He's not that financially stable, but he loves me, and I love him... But I've recently come across my oldest friend. We knew each othe...

He was the most important person in my life. Now this. It's not meant to be. What can I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5857 days ago

13 July 2008 (F - I dont know what to do. heres my story. My best friend (call him simon) is bisexual and he met someone(call him josh) . They had fancied eachother in the past but they became friends..then intermate. then day by day josh took over and i was bein...

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