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Archived questions from: November, 2009 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Should I tell my mum and dad I'm gay?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5338 days ago

30 November 2009 (M - I'm gay what's the problem with it? I want to tell my mum and dad but I know they will freak out, my parents are really homophobic, that's why the only people I let know I'm gay are the guys I date, none of my friends know because I know it will ...

How do I ask her if she's bi or straight?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5352 days ago

30 November 2009 (F - Hey. I'm bi, and I'm in year 12 at school. At school, there is this girl i fancy in year 13. I'm really attracted to her, and I can't stop thinking about her. I want to be with her. I don't know about her sexuality, I just know that she's quite ...

Although the sex is terrific, I never orgasm with him. Should I bring this up with him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5352 days ago

30 November 2009 (F - How or would you tell a man that although the sex is terrific, you don't have an orgasm with him? With another man, I can climax multiple times, but the sex seems mechanical. With the first guy, I am satisfsed more although I never cum with h...

How do I tell my parents I'm gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5353 days ago

30 November 2009 (M - how do i tell my mum and dad im gay?...

Does he want me as much as I wdnt him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5353 days ago

29 November 2009 (M - i think this boy likes me but im not sure whether hes prettending to the problem is i like him were best mates in p.e. he will feel my bum and penis wat sal ido because im to emberrased to ask him out because he might not be gay...

I feel so empty and hopeless after our breakup. How can I get through this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5353 days ago

29 November 2009 (M - Hi, this is marcus, I'm gay and I'm having such a hard time trying to move on, my boyfriend decided to end our relationship 5 months ago, and I still love him and miss him so much, he was really rude on our last talk, it was really heartbreaking. ...

I don't want to be gay or bi, but what if I am?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5338 days ago

29 November 2009 (M - Hey aunts. I need some help. Im a straight male teen, and i just turned 15 recently. And i know i like gurls but i've always had this bi-curiousity since i was just confused. Cuz i've never really had a i wouldnt ...

My bi girl friend blows hot and cold

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5350 days ago

28 November 2009 (F - Dear Aunts (apology in advance for the length! =[ ), Right now, I'm a 15 year old girl, a freshman in high school. I've known one of my best friends, lets call her Cindy, for about three years. We became very close around a year ago when we ...

Betrayed by a friend I fancied

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5262 days ago

27 November 2009 (M - Hi all I fancied a friend of mine who I had been helping out. I am a gay man and so is he. What happened is I kept hugging him when he was upset and we rubbed each others shoulders, I ended up rubbing his face and he didn't like it. He told m...

I miss her so badly, but should I forgive her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5354 days ago

27 November 2009 (F - Hey, I need help. A week ago me and my girlfriend (im 16 shes 15 and we're both female) broke up, as she had sex with another guy at a party whilst very drunk. We'd been togther on and off for about a year. What I dont get is that a week before the ...

I cant find anyone my own age! Help!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5355 days ago

27 November 2009 (F - I'm not sure what I should do, she's 17 n i'm 22. Is that too much of a difference? So instead look what Ive done, I found a girl who's 31 :/ Is that too much of a difference?...

It's his birthday next week and I STILL have no idea what to get him. Any ideas?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5357 days ago

26 November 2009 (M - my boyfriend and i have been going out for a month and a half. his birthday is on monday and i still don't know what he would want. i keep asking him, and all he says is "i don't know, surprise me." which basically makes him no help. any ideas? ...

So I'm thinking about leaving this absolutely wonderful relationship...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5357 days ago

25 November 2009 (F - I’m bisexual, and met my girlfriend in high school. We dated for three years when, this last April, she broke up with me. It was not entirely unexpected- we had hit a bump, and communication had pretty much completely broken down between us, ...

I've never had a partner question my love for them as often as she does! What do you guys think of the situation?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5357 days ago

25 November 2009 (F - Sooooo..... I love my girlfriend..a lot...we have been a couple for a year and a half and through this time have had a lot of ups and downs...we dated for 6 months and then moved in together...within he first few months of living together I realized...

I'm bisexual and attracted to my roomates

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5353 days ago

25 November 2009 (M - Hello I'm a 14 year old sophomore. I'm a closeted bi. I guess I'll get straight to the point. I'm having feelings for two guys. One is my roommate and the other is a senior. My roommate could also fall into the criteria of best friend since I t...

Erections around guys!! Am I gay?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5308 days ago

25 November 2009 (M - Does getting erections more often around guys than girls mean I'm gay. Or am i getting all worked up about nothing...

Am I gay or what?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5351 days ago

24 November 2009 (M - So I've been attracted to girls all my life but shortly after my ex-girlfriend broke up with me(2.5 years ago) I started getting these really strong sexual urges. These urges come by for about 3 days every six months. The thing about these urges is ...

He hinted at bisexuality, initiated intimacy then said he was repulsed. Is he playing games?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5351 days ago

23 November 2009 (M - I am 38 now and a gay guy. I have not had many relationships. Have tended to shy away from them after a rejection years ago. The last I had was 10 years ago. Last year, I met a guy at uni where I was doing a postgrad course. He was 19.....ok I know ...

I'm very worried that I can't tell if I like girls or guys, or both

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5358 days ago

22 November 2009 (M - [Moderator note: You are not bothering us with 'stupid teen' questions. We're here to help as much as we can.] hi i have a big problem and i need help figuring this out in my life. im only 17 but i am having trubble telling if i like girls or guys ...

How to approach confessing my feelings?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5360 days ago

22 November 2009 (M - Hello, I'm a 20 year old gay male, and I've got the issue with bringing up an attraction with a friend of mine. (He does not know I'm gay.) Basically, I developed feelings for him, and recognizing the situation attempted to get him to talk abo...

I would love to have a real relationship with a girl. (I'm also female).

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5355 days ago

21 November 2009 (F - I really want to have a real relationship with a girl, but i'm really bad at starting up that kind of thing. i tried to find some groups and sites and such to help me meet new girls and get to know them, but everyone just seems to be there for the ...

How can I get to know her better without scaring her off or making an idiot of myself?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5363 days ago

19 November 2009 (? - I'm very very picky and very rarely fancy anyone, (I'm a lesbian so this obviuosly adds the the difficulty factor :-D) I really really like a girl at work, I don'r know her very well at all and hardly get a chance to even speak to her because she ...

Should I tell my family I'm gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5363 days ago

19 November 2009 (M - [Moderator Note: OP, there isn't a third gender. If there were, threesomes would be much less messy.] hello to everyone. i need your advice. please tell me what to do to overcome this problem that i am facing now. i belong to a third gender(gay...

Should I leave her to sort out her past?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5364 days ago

19 November 2009 (F - Hi - I need help at this point in my life! I have met a wonderful woman - we met through an internet dating site. Everything was amazing from the very start - a great friendship, common interests, physical attraction, the best sex I have ever had in ...

Despite her denials I think she wants more than friendship too

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5364 days ago

19 November 2009 (? - Okay I need help understanding this! I am a 48 year old female who told a 55 year old unhappily married female that my feelings for her went deeper than just friendship. She denies feeling the same way but based on many things she has said to me and ...

I want a meaningful relationship with another girl, but I don't now how to go about it!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5364 days ago

18 November 2009 (F - I really want to have a meaningful relationship with another girl, but i don't know really how to go about doing that. i haven't ever dated another woman before. i've looked up some chat sites and such, but they all seem to just want sex now and i ...

Is being attracted to older men normal?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5365 days ago

17 November 2009 (M - my name is dan and i am seeing a guy who is 49 and im only 20 he is worried bout the age difference i am too but dnt tell him im worried about wat people will think of us also ive always been into older guys is that normal please help xxxxxxxx ...

I am in lust/love with a straight man... or do I just miss my ex?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5358 days ago

16 November 2009 (M - Hi Guys + Gals I am in a strange situation which is pulling me apart. I currently live with this guy who I met in 6th form and we bonded really well. Since I met him I was attracted to him, although he is straight and has a girlfriend. (he kn...

I never told him that I loved him! What should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (M - please give some pieces of advice.... my problem goes this way.. i am an ESL teacher for more than a year. i told myself before not to fall inlove with any of my students. but after a year i met a new student who comes from Osaka Japan, he had be...

Walked in on my boyfriend with a guy in his bed. Is he gay or did he think it was me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5368 days ago

14 November 2009 (F - My boyfreind went out with friends last night and probably got a bit drunk. Anyway when i called to his house this morning he was in the bed with his friend (a man) but thats normal as sometimes they just crash in the same bed if theres no free ...

The wounds are really deep and the healing process is being tough...pleae help me with your advice...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5368 days ago

14 November 2009 (M - Hi, I'm Luque , and I'm 23 years old. I'm feeling really lonely and without any direction, I've been feeling like crying all this week and I really can't describe what I feel, it's like a deep deep sadness, I've been through a lot of stuff in the ...

He just out of the blue changed towards me and it hurts not talking to him

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5369 days ago

13 November 2009 (M - im a 16 years old sophmore im bi and i think im in love with a good friend of mine. hes 17 years old and a senior.he is straight and used to date one of my best friends. now i told him i was bi and he said he didnt really care.things were going ...

Straight eye for the queer guy?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5343 days ago

12 November 2009 (M - I`m a bi male and recently met assumed straight guy. We met as both of us are business owners in same industry and we found that by joining forces and sharing human resources we can accomodate our bunsiness` needs. Comments from him on how I look ...

Married woman about to cheat with another woman, hubby doesn't know

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5370 days ago

12 November 2009 (F - I have always been bi-sexual, but preferred men. I met my husband 6 years ago and it has been truly great, however he started a new career and is very involved in it, I am so happy for this new step in his life, although he does come home everyday ...

How can I get myself to orgasm?? How can I get her to make me orgasm?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5370 days ago

12 November 2009 (F - Hi everyone, I have a problem that keeps on bothering my partner. I am a 20 year old female in a relationship with a 21 year old female. We met about a year ago, and have been going out for near enough 6 months. I absolutely love and adore her, and ...

I have a crush on her, how do I tell her without making her feel weird?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5368 days ago

12 November 2009 (F - Hi, I have had a crush on this girl for almost a year. I am FAR too nervous to tell her, cause I'm a girl too! Can you give me an idea on how to tell her without making her feel weird, yet making it known enough that she understands? Any help that ...

My girlfriend's ex is overstepping the line!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5371 days ago

11 November 2009 (F - I met my girlfriend a little over seven years ago. She was still married and living with her husband. We did fall in love, however, I told her I did not want to be in a relationship with a married woman. She told her husband about us and then she ...

What is the easiest way to switch from lovers to friends?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5371 days ago

10 November 2009 (F - Hi there, my gf and I have just split up after just over a year together. we still love each other very much, have retained the openess, honesty and trust we have built up and still get along very well. the only reason for the break up is that she ...

How do I know if I'm a lesbian?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5315 days ago

10 November 2009 (F - I always seem to be thinking about how attractive females at my school are. I get turned on by females and occasionaly males. This year I had strong feelings for a female in my class. I had romantic feelings and that tingly feeling. I watched ...

How do I approach her about having an 'exclusive' relationship?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5372 days ago

10 November 2009 (F - I am at my wits end! I'm gay... not that it really matters for my query! I met the most amazing girl online just over two months ago .... we've talked on MSN and occasionally the phone nearly every single night, we also send each other a few te...

Gay unrequited love within a 'relationship'

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5373 days ago

9 November 2009 (M - Hello, I'm a 46 year old gay guy and I have become stuck in a situation and seek advice... I got to know a guy 3 years younger than me around 3 years ago, we met and had safe casual sex and a friendship developed, during the first couple of months...

I like her and need tips on how to handle myself, on our first date...advice?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5374 days ago

8 November 2009 (F - i've known this girl through an online social site for 3 months. she's a lesbian and is also the first and only girl i have ever liked, and even though we have never met but my gut feeling tells me that if we both pursue further we might end up ...

How do I get them Naked?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5358 days ago

8 November 2009 (M - hi. ok here is my dilema. im male and bisexual. im currently in my last year of school and like 3 guys - one in particular. basically i want to get with them/see them naked so i can satisfy my curiosity. my question is how can i get a striaght guy ...

I'm dating my lesbian cousin and I'm scared...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4711 days ago

8 November 2009 (F - i'm dating my lesbian cousin and i'm scared... i mean, i like her but i'm scared of what the family will do... when i told my mom i was bi, she almsot sent me to a different state to live with my grandmother... if i tell her ...

I want her to shave and take more showers, should I tell her?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5374 days ago

8 November 2009 (F - i've seen my girlfriend naked plenty of times and i think she has a wonderful body but theres a problem... I want her to shave...down there... but i dont want to just blurt it out like that... How can i tell her... i mean if i have to j...

What can I do be ready for lesbian sex?

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8 November 2009 (F - Me and my girlfriend have been planning to lose our virginity to each other soon but there's one problem. I dont know how to be ready... I mean, i take showers everyday if not almost everyday but for some reason i just dont feel like im clean en...

My lesbian cousin wants to date me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5375 days ago

8 November 2009 (F - first cousin (she's 17 and im 16 year old GIRL) wants to date me. We used to do sexual things(just oral) when we were younger but i didn't think this would happen. I know deep down i feel the same about her but i dont know what to do. She...

Should I pursue my gay cousin?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5374 days ago

8 November 2009 (M - Okay, so, I am gay, and my 3rd cousin twice removed is as well (homosexual and male), and i'm not going to beat around the bush, i want to hook up with him and have even thought about dating him. 1. Is this bad? 2. What do i do about it?...

Boyfriend behaves badly while drinking...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5372 days ago

7 November 2009 (M - my boyfriend sometimes goes a bit too far with alcohol and does some really stupid stuff but it doesnt rlly bother me except tht he likes to show off his body and wen hes drunk hell strip down to his boxers and dance wiv his friends (some of them ...

I'm in love or infactuated with my female gym teacher, what do I do to get over her?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5376 days ago

6 November 2009 (F - ok so im fifteen years old im a lesbian and is greatly attracted to my ex gym teacher,i had her in 2008-2009 and whenthe school year was over i worked in the school. during my work hours i desided to tell her how i felt she told me that she was a ...

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