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Archived questions from: November, 2008 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

How do I get her out of my mind?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5706 days ago

30 November 2008 (F - Dear Cupid I'm a first year university student in London, and recently went to visit my friend in Manchester for a week (study week). Whilst I was there I met one of her friends and I know it sounds creepy but I can't stop thinking about her. I'v...

I'm secretly bi and in love with a guy - will I ruin our friendship?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5692 days ago

30 November 2008 (M - Heres the story, Im Bi and not out,but a friend of mine i have always been attracted to him but i think im in love with him i cant stop thinking of him and really want to kiss his lips romanticly. I dont know whether to tell him because. 1. i...

Can two people of the same sex get married?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5715 days ago

29 November 2008 (F - Can two people of the same sex get married? My mum says yes but dad says no, and they are falling out about it. What's worse mum turned down dads marriage proposal and now he's thinking of leaving. Mum says it's just a piece of paper. What can i do...

I need him back! It's platonic love...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5715 days ago

28 November 2008 (M - i'm 15yrs old totaly straight but i've fallen for my bestfriends lil bro(llyrs old) i know he loves me too and right now is just afraid because what we are doing should not be shown in public and has been forbidden by his parents we used to be ...

Married man having sex with son's best friend!!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5710 days ago

28 November 2008 (M - I am Joe, I have been married to my wife Hannah for 17 years and we have 2 great kids, I am also gay or bi. I had a few times had sex with men in high school and college, but when I met Hannah who is so beautiful we got married and the feelings for ...

Where do I start with finding a girlfriend?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5714 days ago

26 November 2008 (F - i haven't been with a women for about 5 years and want to get back in the dating scene. with my ex-girlfriends, i met them through friends. but how do i find a female these days without going to find them in nightclubs? for me, it's hard to find a ...

I went online for cybersex pretending I'm a woman and it turns me on! Does this mean I'm a gay?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5694 days ago

25 November 2008 (M - cyber sex hi im male , ive got a wife and 2 kids, we have not been getting lately, ive signed to a web site for cyber sex chat, you can talk to women and even do cam to cam cyber sex , the problem is theres more men on than women and it got...

Should I wait for him or should I stop hoping

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5721 days ago

25 November 2008 (M - There is this guy that I like and I'm afraid to tell him I like him. We had this date like night where we went to dinner and a movies. Honestly, it was suppose to be two friends hanging out, so thats why I don't know what to call it. It was normal ...

If I quit masturbating, will it help my 'performance'?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5621 days ago

25 November 2008 (M - I am a gay 18 year old male and I use to constantly masterbait to porn. Recently I was with another guy and I wasn't able to "perform" because I would lose my erection. I was embarassed and I honestly masterbaited earlier that day. I was wondering ...

I switch between liking boys and girls... is this normal for being bisexual?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5718 days ago

25 November 2008 (M - Hello, although throughout my life I have definitely been sexually attracted to woman, my feelings towards men are starting to come out now. If i was completely gay this would be more of a problem for me but since I'm bisexual I feel like I can ...

Is this how you become gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5723 days ago

24 November 2008 (M - Hi, I have a major problem. I am 14 turning 15 and my whole life I have been sexually attracted to women, I can tell you that. And it's not like because of the society I live in I liked girls to be like others, but I really liked girls. But star...

My BF went through a "gay stage" in the past and I'm freaked out.

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5723 days ago

24 November 2008 (F - I recently found out that my boyfriend went through a "gay stage" in the past. He didn't tell me about it, I happened to come upon one of his old emails. When I confronted him about it, he said he went through a stage but didn't want to talk about ...

He treats me like I don't even exist.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5724 days ago

23 November 2008 (M - It's been 10 days since my boyfriend of two years have stopped talking to me. We never had a fight for this long but the thing is I didn't even expect that he would react this badly to what I did. Basically, my boy and my mom never really got...

I'm not attracted to men themselves, but their body. I still like girls too, am I gay?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5151 days ago

22 November 2008 (M - hey, im 16 okay so here goes, i like girls, well at least i thought i did, and i think i'm starting to fancy men. so i've had a rough time, 12 months since my last relationship and not really close since, i've only managed to kiss a girl twice, an...

People will think I'm gay if they find out I'm sleeping with another guy in school.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5724 days ago

22 November 2008 (M - Im a senior in high school and im starting quarterback,free safety and team captain for my high school varsity football team. I also have girlfriend she is sweet and beautiful, her and I have been sexually active, she doesnt know that i also have ...

My lesbian lover makes me mad as hell sometimes!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5728 days ago

20 November 2008 (F - I am 26 and I am a lesbian dating a 42 year old woman and we are both virgos we have a lot in common and then we don't on views of life and etc. She makes me feel mad as hell when she says things that I don't feel she be said example. When she ...

Lesbian relationship but my partner's family still don't know about us being "together".

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5728 days ago

20 November 2008 (F - I have been in a lesbian relationship for almost 3 years. We have lived together for 2 years and have a dog. The problem is she is not out to her parents. I have only met her mother once and have never seen her father in person. I am 26 and she ...

She keeps ending it when her period is due!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5728 days ago

19 November 2008 (F - I am in a relationship with the most beautiful woman but she keeps ending the relationship when her period is due. She says she can't help it but she hurts me so bad. Don't know if I can take any more hurt. I love her more than anything. What ...

Am I a lesbian, bisexual or just perverted?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 2581 days ago

18 November 2008 (F - Hi!I have a question for you.Well,I am 25 years old,and over this last months I think...I ve changed. Since I was 7 years old, I masturbate, and think about sex at all times. I also remember thinking about sex before that age. So, since then,I e...

Does she truly love me or is she just obsessed?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5730 days ago

18 November 2008 (F - I've been in a relationship with this girl for 2 years now. It is long distance, we dont see each other as often as we would like but we still have managed to stay together this long. Don't get me wrong we break up a lot because I believe it is the ...

Will things change or should I just give up?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5727 days ago

17 November 2008 (M - Hi I'm 21 and have been in a gay relationship for just under 2 years but to say it's been easy would be a lie. I have cheated when we split up over christmas and also spoke to lads on my phone I'll be honest. But he has never cheated so he says but ...

Am I just a sexual pervert or am I bi or gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5730 days ago

17 November 2008 (M - I don't think I have a problem, I just need to understand myself. I'm middle aged and as straight as they come. However, I have recently started a sexual relationship with an oriental 'ladyboy' She still has a penis, but boobs, long hair, pretty ...

My two best friends are a gay couple and I have fallen for one of them! Help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5730 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - My two best friends are a gay couple that have been together for 4 years. I know how crazy what im about to say sounds but I have completly fallen for one of them. We have the closest relationship and at times I truelly believe he feels the same ...

I want to believe my bf loves me, but I feel like he has a weird relationship with this guy!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5732 days ago

16 November 2008 (F - My boyfriend and I have been dating for two years. He has a friend that he has known since early adolescence. I have had the distinct pleasure of spending time with the two of them together at numerous social occasions. I think his friend might ...

Do you think I still have a chance with him? Or have I messed up big time?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5731 days ago

15 November 2008 (M - dear, whoever wishes to help me im a 18 year old guy and i have been speaking to a 22 year old guy for 3 weeks now, we get on really well. we arranged to meet up yesterday and we did, he was really great a bit shy but great. we watched tel...

I'm in love with my best friend, I think I'm gay, help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5731 days ago

15 November 2008 (F - I think I'm in love with my best friend, I've known her for a couple of years, but we've been through a lot. I have some medical problems, that she helped me through them. I'm not the um well I don't know a lot about sexual stuff, I'm told ...

I still feel uncomfortable accepting myself as gay!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5730 days ago

15 November 2008 (M - Hey there guys and guyesses! Well I am openly and surely gay, I have a boyfriend who i think the world of, but the thing is i still feel really uncomfortable with accepting myself as being gay. I mean when you get some friends who you haven't seen ...

Do I still have a chance with him or did I mess up big time?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5733 days ago

14 November 2008 (M - dear, whoever wishes to help me im a 18 year old guy and i have been speaking to a 22 year old guy for 3 weeks now, we get on really well. we arranged to meet up yesterday and we did, he was really great a bit shy but great. we watched tele...

He turned on me. Why did he do all of this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5731 days ago

14 November 2008 (M - Three years have passed and i think im miserable i want relationships. When i was younger i was in awe of this other boy, he was sporty and good looking. I so wanted to be like him, then he started to say some things (sexual) and like at first i was ...

How can I suggest to him we use condoms without hurting his feelings?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5716 days ago

13 November 2008 (M - Hey guys! Well I am gay and have been with my boyfriend now for the best part of 3 years. We've recently started having sex but I am a little concerned about using protection. I mean I know that we can't get pregnant or anything like that but I mean ...

My first ever relationship with a girl!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5734 days ago

13 November 2008 (F - I just found out my girlfriend is still talking to three of her exs what kind of stuff is that and she said it's not a problem so I said it's okay if I do it then but she said no she's different, what's the craziness? Anyone help me should I give ...

Should I stop dating bisexual women? Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5734 days ago

13 November 2008 (F - Hello out there, I just want to say that thanks to the technology we have know in days I ran into my ex-girlfriend from high school. She was my high school sweetheart. As that said, we know that's when we get are young heart broken. My problem with ...

Should I make my BFF dump her boyfriend or should I ignore this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5731 days ago

13 November 2008 (M - Ok, I am in quite a pickle. I have searched yahoo for an answer. First off, I'm gay. My bestfriend is a girl. She's like my sister. Her boyfriend is a really nice guy. At least to everyone but me. HE likes gay people. But he doesn't like me. He ...

My heart is breaking because we're severely sexually incompatible.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5717 days ago

13 November 2008 (M - I am 25, gay and have been in a relationship with a loving man for four years. The problem is since we moved in together three years ago we seem to have become severely sexually incompatible. I have found myself holding back my desires. Wanting...

My loving husband has been seeing a dominator for the past 3 years!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5735 days ago

12 November 2008 (F - I'm 28, been married to my husband for the past 4 years. I found out off a very close friend last night that he'd been seeing a dominator (I can't use the word dominatrix as it wasn't another woman he'd been seeing). She said that she was driving ...

If she doesn't like me, why does she constantly e-mail me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5730 days ago

12 November 2008 (F - I am totally into this girl she's 20 n I'm 16 we both work in the same office we email each other all day but she is so far over on the other side of the office so we can't talk much. I can't stop thinking of her she is gorgeous n her personality is ...

How do I approach this woman, I am female as well?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5736 days ago

12 November 2008 (F - I am female and attracted to a female coworker. I am straight, and I believe she is too (she recently broke up with a boyfriend), and she has a son from her ex-husband. We seem to have a mutual attraction, but not enough for me to figure this out. I ...

We broke up, but we are still attracted to each other, what should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5736 days ago

12 November 2008 (M - My ex and i have been dating on and off for a year yes im gay...but me and him broke up and dont really tlk the other day we were going down the stairs and we stoped and were just starin at each other i left him on the stairs because i was so ...

I need to know, am I wasting my time?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5655 days ago

12 November 2008 (F - I Recently Got A New Girlfriend, We've only been with each other for 3 weeks... My Parents Have Met Her, And I've Met Hers. The Only Problem Is, I'm Hoping To Fall For This One. Her Personailty Is Perfection and she beatiful. But today w...

I'm straight but girls are dominating my fantasies. Am I normal?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5722 days ago

10 November 2008 (F - Hi, I have a question. I have never considered myself homosexual, but all my life I have always fantasized of other girls when masturbating, not the guy I liked or had a crush on at the time. Even at a young age! I am in a wonderful relationship ...

My wife wants to go back to her gay, ex husband.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5733 days ago

10 November 2008 (M - Hello, I've been marriage to this wonderful lady for 2 years. Her prior marriage, her husband ended up being gay. From that marriage, she had 3 handsome boys. Now the father has had multiple boyfriends including a relationship that lasted 2 years. ...

Is he gay? Or is it something else? I'm ready to give up!!!!!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5736 days ago

10 November 2008 (F - I've been dating this guy for a few months now. Everytime we shedule a date something happens and we have to cancel. I'm beginning to think that maybe he's gay and he's just going through the motions of dating me but doesn't really want to do ...

I love my wife... but I am having this battle of wanting to be with men.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5321 days ago

9 November 2008 (M - I love my wife. I really do! But I am having this battle of wanting to be with men. I am so natural with men, whether it be sex or just sitting in a room with them. I don't know what to do. My wife knows I have been with men. I think I am Gay and I ...

Someone Pleeeeease help me, I'm lost and confused on 2 BIG topics. Thanks =]

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5722 days ago

9 November 2008 (F - Hi everyone. I just want to start off by thanking everyone for their time on reading my questions. I've been thinking a lot about what's been going on between my boyfriend and I. My boyfriend and and I have been dating for about 7 months n...

Please help I'm losing my mind !

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5738 days ago

9 November 2008 (F - Hi, i hope i dont bore you with this i just need help... All this has happened since I started seeing my girlfriend, and have been seeing her for 10 months now. Basically suspicion started when she'd text her ex girlfriend say kath about kath'...

I have a feeling he might be bisexual, but I'm not positive. Help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5735 days ago

8 November 2008 (M - Hello all, I have a friend , whos been married and been in relationships with other women. being gay myself i think i have a hard time knowing exactly how a str8 acts with another guy friend. as i probably see into things that a str8 wouldn`t...

Sex... or no sex?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5722 days ago

7 November 2008 (F - My girlfriend is trying to get me to have sex with her she said she is already frustrated with me and because we're together we should be doing that. What should I do? I already told her I wanted to take things slow and not rush into thing but it ...

My girlfriend doesn't know I used to be gay. I want to tell her but honestly have no idea of how.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5739 days ago

7 November 2008 (M - Me and my girlfriend have been together for the best part of two years. We love each other to bits and we're going skiing in Canada over Christmas, just the two of us. But the thing is that before i met her i used to be openly gay. Not camp or ...

My boyfriend just told me that he was gay before he knew me...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5740 days ago

7 November 2008 (F - Hii there. My boyfriend and I have been together for about 3 and a half years. We love each other to pieces. But the other day he sat me down and said that he wanted to get something off his chest. He told me that before he knew me he was openly ...

We never bicker but we always flirt! And he's straight?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5739 days ago

7 November 2008 (M - What's up everyone!!!! its me lotmoney13!!!!! well lately my feelings for the str8 guy have been getting stronger!!!!!we've been talking and we've gotten to know eachother really well. we hang-out, we talk, we laugh, we have fun. the story is...

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