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Archived questions from: July, 2007 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Why did she flirt with me if she isnt gay or bi?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6205 days ago

31 July 2007 (F - It's a long story but basically a female friend flirted with me (I'm bi). Then after a couple of weeks of talking (mostly initiated by me) I said I really liked her and wanted a relationship. She said she's kinda too busy but seemed to still be ...

I snogged my best mate - and we liked it!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6198 days ago

31 July 2007 (M - hiya, im a little worrried as i snogged my best mate, also a male, and we liked it, we both have girlfriends and are scared this may ruin out friendship! please help!...

I love my boyfriend, but i want his mum.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6206 days ago

30 July 2007 (M - hi there, i am young and scared and also confused! i have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years now and for the past year i have had sexual fantasies abou his mum. my question: am i gay ...or am i not? i dont know how to tell! you...

Do I just come out and ask this guy if he's gay just like me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6205 days ago

29 July 2007 (M - I have a good friend to whom I am extremely attracted. Recently, he agreed to attend a convention in Chicago with me next December and share a room. I'm fairly certain he's either bi or gay, and I'm hoping it's gay. He's a bit on the shy side. ...

Married but had a lesbian affair! We broke up but why is it so hard to forget?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6208 days ago

28 July 2007 (F - I'm married 18 years with 3 kids. I recently had a lesbian affair with my best friend of 16 years. I confessed to my husband, who forgave me and since then we have been trying to put our marriage back together. I have always been attracted to other ...

I consider myself heterosexual with strong bi tendencies...

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6198 days ago

27 July 2007 (M - I consider myself heterosexual with strong bi tendencies. My friend Adam is straight to the best of my knowledge, as well. Anyways, we ended up taking E together. First, we ended up making out. By the end of the night, we were naked, in bed, and ...

I think he prefers this new "friend" to me...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6208 days ago

27 July 2007 (M - First off I'm gay and I have a boyfriend that I love very much, he just met this guy that he works with and he told me that he liked him and he liked him back, and he said that it will stay a friendship and he recently started to hang out with him. ...

We are married and both bisexual and want to pursue others.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6210 days ago

26 July 2007 (F - I am a married bisexual woman to another bisexual man. Recently, we spent some time with a girlfriend of mine (non-sexual girlfriend); we have a few drinks, and then next thing I know, we are playing strip poker and her and I are making out. The ...

I'm 17, bisexual but I like older women.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6201 days ago

26 July 2007 (F - Hi, my problem is I am bisexual, but prefer older women, (I am 17). I really like my friends mum(50) the other day I went round to my friends house when I knew she wasn't in, but her mum was. I invited myself in, and we had a chat and a coffee. I we...

Is he still a virgin if he has only ever had sex with a man?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5999 days ago

25 July 2007 (M - Well this is not a question about me but it is about a lot of others OK if a gay man has been gay his whole life and never had sex with a woman but a man , technically wouldn't he still be a virgin?...

Trust broken again with on-line chat

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6211 days ago

25 July 2007 (M - Trust broken again with on-line chat. My partner of 2.5 years has a problem. He's addicted to the internet, chat rooms, e-mails,etc. I discovered this last year when I found very sexual messages he saved from people he was communicating wi...

I'm dating a wonderful guy but I keep cheating on him

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6212 days ago

24 July 2007 (M - Hi everybody! okay, at 24 I have been in a steady relationship for nearly 10 months with an awesome guy.I do enjoy my first real gay relationship. He is sweet and attentive and loving and caring etc. Yet I have cheated on him three times......

I don't like the sex organs i have.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6213 days ago

23 July 2007 (M - I am male and am attracted to females but I dislike having the male parts I have. I am also not sporty and don't really like cars nor do i fit into the catagories of a typical bloke. Could I be a lesbian in a man's body?...

He thinks if we have sex he will lose interest.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6213 days ago

23 July 2007 (M - I am posting this because i am really looking for non involved opinions and what you all think about this situation. First and foremost I am gay I have just started dating this guy about 3 weeks ago in which we flirted on and off for at least 5 ...

My girlfriend and I are curious about different types of orgasms

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6210 days ago

23 July 2007 (F - my girlfriend and i both orgasm very differently. i can only orgasm through clitorial stimulation so i can only orgasm through oral sex or masturbation. Whereas she can only orgasm through some sort of penetration then she ejaculates. i have never ...

Is it just a crush or something more?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6209 days ago

22 July 2007 (F - Ok, this is my first time doing this, and i am pretty nervous about who is going to read this, but i've read a lot of other answers and such, and the people seem to be really understanding so here goes. Well, this summer i met this girl from pol...

How do i stop being in love?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6215 days ago

21 July 2007 (M - I am in love with my straight best friend. I am fortunate to be able to talk with him about this. He wants me to get over it and remain my friend,and so do I. He's assured me that he will always be my friend,and be patient with me so I can heal fro...

Do you think, he might think i've gone off him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6215 days ago

21 July 2007 (M - I am a guy who met another guy(we are both gay and out) about 6 months ago, by chance i have been 'bumping' into him more of late and each time there are butterflies and fireworks between us to a point we can not really speak properly beyond basic ...

I decided that the best thing to do would be to avoid him for a bit to give us both space...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6214 days ago

21 July 2007 (M - I am a guy who met another guy (we are both gay and out) about 6 months ago, by chance have been 'bumping' into him more of late and each time there are butterflies and fireworks between us to a point we can not really speak properly beyond basic ...

He's still living with his ex boyfriend, do we stand a chance?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6214 days ago

21 July 2007 (F - Dear Cupid For a long time I have really liked a man I went to school with, we got on well, he always flirted and I thought at the time it meant he liked me so asked him out. He declined me without much reason but carried on flirting. I...

Two guys fall in why do others try to prevent this from happening?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6216 days ago

20 July 2007 (M - if two guys fall in love and are meant to be togther why should other people prevent this from happening?...

I'm lesbian and just realized my straight friend, whom I really like is homophobic! Any advice?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6216 days ago

20 July 2007 (F - So i recently posted a note saying i was in love with my best friend who is straight. Things have changed slightly and she has been wanting to hang out a lot more. Everyday since about 3 months ago i have been wakimng up to her text messages and ...

Going through puberty experiences and wondering, if I might be gay. Any advice?

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 5320 days ago

20 July 2007 (M - Hi im chris, 11 and (jeez this is nerveracking) i am really getting deep into my puberty such as a different voice and really getting tall in short times and other things that id rather not say. Recently i have had very tight stomach feelings and I ...

We're both girls, and when my best friend tries to kiss me, I feel uncomfortable. What should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6216 days ago

19 July 2007 (F - I think i fancy my best friend, and shes a girl. she fancies me to but i have a boyfriend. also wen im around her she tries to kiss me etc and i sometimes feel uncomfortable, i dont want to wreck our friendship or my relationship with my boyfriend....

How do I choose which guy to go after?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6206 days ago

19 July 2007 (M - Im a 23 year old gay male living in UK. I have been openly gay for 3 years. Recently I have fell for 2 guys. Both have told me that they are very interested in me. One is 19 and the other 17. At the moment i haven't even kissed either of t...

They were always flirty and now I've seen them kiss on the lips; is my worry and overreaction?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6091 days ago

19 July 2007 (F - Just saw husband and bf kissing on the lips. Granted we were in the process of leaving and they were in the house alone while the rest of us were out side. I went to walk from one side of the deck to the other and turned around and saw them kiss ...

Is it possible she is jealous I got a housemate?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6208 days ago

16 July 2007 (? - Female vs Female relationship. I am in love with my best friend. We are seperated by about 1300 miles. She knows how I feel as I have told her. She is unhappily married (no lectures please) anyway I am convinced she feels the same way about me even ...

What can I say to him without offending him or making me sound like a pervert/stalker.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6191 days ago

14 July 2007 (M - I'm gay and in love with a clebrity called Tom Sangstar I've left massages on his website about my love the prbblem is should I tell him I love him when he chats to his fans on Tuesday or should I not? I'm probably never going to meet him but I ...

Is he losing interest? What warning signs should I look for?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6216 days ago

14 July 2007 (M - I am Gay 35 years old and have met a 27 year old guy online. We have had a number of conversations over a 2 week period on MSN. We have also been texting on our cell phones. The first week the guy was regularly sending me texts that were really nice ...

I am bi and am attracted to my best friend!

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 4862 days ago

12 July 2007 (F - ok, i have incredibly strong feelings for my best friend-we are both females! nobody knows i feel this way and nobody knows im bisexual! do i tell her how i feel and risk losing the best friendship ive ever had or do i keep my mouth shut and hope ...

He broke up with me because he doesnt think we have time for each other

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6223 days ago

12 July 2007 (M - Hey people. My boyfriend and I have been dating since the 24th of March and I've become really attached to him, however we had sex on the first date, and we have rarely met up to do anything other than lie in his bed other than maybe once or twice. ...

I have a bf, but I have very strong feelings for my female friend. I don't want to detroy relationships or hurt anyone! What do I do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6178 days ago

11 July 2007 (F - Ok, im 18 and at uni. Ive had a boyfriend for 6 months who is really great but im not sure if I wanna be with him cos I think ive developed feelings for a friend. I met a girl at uni in September and we got along so well. When we had to move she ...

Am I bisexual, or just a cross dresser?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5669 days ago

10 July 2007 (M - hi im 24yr straight male who likes to dress in girls clothes. not very often. Recently i met this guy and have became good freinds. he is bi and we started having sex a few months ago and meeting each other once a week with me dressing as a girl ...

I feel totally in love with him... but he still sees his girlfriend! I'm confused, can anyone make sense??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6074 days ago

10 July 2007 (M - I'm a 34 y/o bi male. I became friends with "Jason" 4 yrs ago. At the time he was by all appearances happily married with 2 children. We gradually became closer and closer friends. He is 5 yrs younger than me, and is an absolute heartthrob. He's ...

Am I a lesbian or am I just curious?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6225 days ago

9 July 2007 (F - Ok. I know that quite a few people am probably going to say I'm too young to really know what I'm feeling but whilst I understand that and know my feelings may change as I get older right now this is impossible. I'd begun to suspect I might be gay/ ...

My ex and I want to get back together but doesn't want me to continue a relationship with my friend

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6227 days ago

9 July 2007 (M - I'm 38 and gay, and have been with my partner (who is 21) for nearly 3 years. We recently had broken up for about a month or so, and in that month I met someone else who I consider a friend. We did hook up once during that month but now my partner ...

Female in love with female. Need some advice on why after I told my best friend that I loved her she denied it, but she would continue to flirt.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6227 days ago

9 July 2007 (? - Female in love with female. Need some advice on why after I told my best friend that I loved her she denied it, would she continue to flirt. She refers to me as "Kimmers" just so you know. She is unhappily married and I don't need a lecture on that ...

I don't want jealousy ruining the one thing I have wanted for 8 years! please someone help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6229 days ago

7 July 2007 (F - I am 7 months pregnant, and I am in a lesbian relationship with a girl that I have been best friends with for 8 years. We met online, and have never met in person. She just got out of a 4 year relationship. I have very low self esteem and I am ...

My straight friend who has a girlfriend made out with me; I like him but I don't want to hurt anyone

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6225 days ago

5 July 2007 (M - I am a comfortably gay 24 year old male. Recently I met a 23 year old straight male that I have hung out with a couple times and really have come to like (both as a friend but also am strongly attracted to him). We were out late last weekend and he ...

My lesbian crush is giving me mixed signals

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6230 days ago

5 July 2007 (F - I recently discoverd im gay (im female and 19 years old)and have strong feelins for a friend but im not sure if she feels the same. Shes also gay only a few years older. we text everyday some days loads but then other days she goes wierd. she knows ...

Why does she keep playing with my feelings like this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6208 days ago

5 July 2007 (F - I am 18 and 'gay' female and recently made friends with a 23 year old 'gay' female from myspace. I have been texting her for ages now and have feelings for her and she knows this. I have met her once before but it wasn't arranged, I was sat in the ...

How do you tell if a lesbian/bisexual woman is hitting on you?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6231 days ago

5 July 2007 (F - what are the signs that a bisexual female or lesbian is flirting and trying to get close with you? just very curious........

My boyfriend thinks I'm bisexual and I think he could be right; what if I'm not and he's disappointed?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6230 days ago

5 July 2007 (F - Hi there ... just wanting some advice. I am deeply in love with the man I am currently with and I hope to be with him long-term.Recently my man suggested that perhaps I might be bi-sexual I dont know if I am or not. I love being with my man but I ...

I'm straight and love men, but when I come, I think of women--what does it mean?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6211 days ago

1 July 2007 (F - Hi, I'm a straight girl but as long as I remember whenever I masturbate or have sex I can only come by thinking about girls having sex with each other or with me. I've never fancied a girl in my life, I love men and I've always felt satisfied in ...

My husband kissed another man and he and I don't have sex

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6235 days ago

1 July 2007 (F - People might find this question funny or stupid but I'll go ask anyway. How will you feel if you see your husband kissed another man... on lips. Will it occur to you that he's gay? I was disturbed and I confronted him about it and he said it's a j...

I'm in love with my ''straight'' friend, who seems to like me too

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6221 days ago

1 July 2007 (F - Dear Cupid, I am in love with my best friend whose straight. Well at least plays it off like she is. (She made out with our Lesbian friend who she knew was a lesbian when she kissed her and she definatley kissed back) There have been many times ...

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