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Archived questions from: October, 2011 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I don't know if I should back off or try to pursue this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4647 days ago

30 October 2011 (M - I'm 19 and in my first year of college musical theatre. This is my first time on my own and I feel like everything is going too fast. guy I like is 22 third year. There is the guy who is gay and well I don't know how I should read this. First...

Can anyone help me with my confusion? I was positive that I was straight, now I'm not sure?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4653 days ago

30 October 2011 (M - i'm here because i'm confused about my sexuality and i don't know what to do. For awhile now i have been thinking about men, specifically kissing and having sex with them and even having a relationship with another man. I try not to but when i g...

To the eye, does this seem like flirting?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4651 days ago

29 October 2011 (F - I'm 19, a girl, and I'm gay. This other girl, she's also 19, I don't know if she's gay or not. I'm guessing that she's straight because she's a christian. That breaks my heart so I try not to think about that. Anyway, there's this guy (my goo...

Is my crush from college gay? or bi?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4652 days ago

26 October 2011 (M - hey there all, and sorry if its long, I am 22 y.o. gay and yes from Cyprus. So you understand that being out of closet means shame for my family and no friends (that is why i am in the closet yet). Anyway, there is a guy at my college that i am...

I have a boyfriend but I think I'm in love with this girl?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4656 days ago

26 October 2011 (F - I'm sorry if this is long but I really, really need advice. I am a 22 year old girl and I have a boyfriend, but I think I'm in love with this girl. She's in one of my classes in school and there's just something about her that.... well I don't rea...

Trying to make a teenage LDR work....

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4655 days ago

26 October 2011 (F - ... So I have a girlfriend she lives in Texas and I live in Illinois were both very young and were in an LDR , it's gonna be like that for at least 3 more years . Longer for her I should say since she's graduating next year as to we're I have two ...

Why do people complain about their LDR relationships when they are not really that far away from each other?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4657 days ago

26 October 2011 (F - Okay, now I don't know if I'm going off topic or something just tell me why do so many people I know who are in LDRs always complain when there only two or 3 hours apart from each other while me and my gf are 18 hours? It bothers me with a passion ...

Is he just leading me on for fun? How do I approach it with him without offending him?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4656 days ago

25 October 2011 (M - Hi, i'm not sure where to go with this situation. My best friend knows i'm gay, and is completely fine with it, as in it's something we talk about daily. He's not got a girl friend anymore and hasn't had sex for a few months so i know he's desp...

He has told me he is bi and he knows I'm gay. Should I tell him how I feel?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4656 days ago

24 October 2011 (M - I'm in love with my best friend. We have been friends since second grade and I've liked him since sixth. I think he likes me too but he already has two people he is interested in, both girls. I don't want to lose the friendship if my observation is ...

Meeting my online date in 2 weeks and I am nervous! Any advice?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4641 days ago

24 October 2011 (M - Just to set things up: I'm 18, just graduated high school in the spring and am now in college. I'm a gay guy and a virgin. Okay, here's the thing, there are no remotely gay people at my school. None. I've been to all the LGBT club meetings and I a...

He's my emplyee and the apple of my eye. Can we be more than that? Do you think that it's all wishful thinking on my part?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4658 days ago

24 October 2011 (M - I recently hired a new male employee (I am a gay male) who is 16 years younger than me. We have a great relationship at work and have even hung around together after work on a few occasions. He knows that I am gay, and single, and he is well over ...

My boyfriend is flirting with transmen

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4660 days ago

23 October 2011 (F - I'm 25, my boyfriend's 27, we've been together for over 5 years, lived together in our own home for 2 years now. We have a young daughter as well - he's the father, I'm not a single mum etc. - she was born out of wedlock to be technical. In the la...

Girl at school told me it's just a phase. It's not. What can I do about my love for my possibly gay PE teacher?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4632 days ago

22 October 2011 (M - Im 15 and i love my pe teacher but he never seems to notice me, my friend caught me staring at him in the cafateria and i had to spill my guts and she just told me its a phase and i'll get over it. but i know its not and i really want him both in a...

I suspect my son is gay and is going to move away because he doesn't want us to know

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4662 days ago

21 October 2011 (F - My son is 30 and for a few year I've suspected he might be gay. As far as I'm aware he hasn't had a girl friend and the friends he seems to be close to have always been mixed sex couples. He has women friends but no relationship that I'm aware of. ...

Does same sex Female Colleague Feel the Same Way as I do or Does she just Not Like Me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4660 days ago

21 October 2011 (F - I started a new job two months ago and although I sit wit a table of guys (the women sit at another table) recently I have noticed one of the girls acting differently towards me lately. I am not sure if she is jealous of the attention I get from my ...

Being ignored by the first guy I ever loved, how can I fix things?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4662 days ago

21 October 2011 (M - I am 15 and i am a bisexual, a year and a half ago, i told a boy in my year, that i was convinced was also gay/bi, that i liked him and he cyber bullied me. It has been a year and a half later and he hasn't spoken to me at all, he has unfriend...

How do I help her gain confidence again? She was amazing before! She is now scared and nervous about sex

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4663 days ago

20 October 2011 (F - Really need some advice. I'm gay and ive been dating this amazing girl for about 3 months and its been perfect. Recently however she has been lacking considerable confidence when we have sex, and now its got to the point where she just won't do...

I'm in the closet and like my best friend. How do I proceed?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4657 days ago

19 October 2011 (M - Im 16 and gay (closeted) and i have a huge crush on my best friend. I just need some advice on how to go about getting with him or at the least coming out to him. I dont know his sexuality. Everytime i see him i i just want him more and more. Pl...

I think my boyfriend is gay...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4666 days ago

17 October 2011 (F - I just want other boyfriend served in the armed forces, he's quite the hard ass at times, and he's the stereotypical alpha male. A friend of his is visiting him this week. This friend is also in the service and is coming from Iraq...

I love her but she's confused on which path to take!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4666 days ago

16 October 2011 (F - I am a 35 year old girl who has been in a relationship with another girl for 8 months.She has asked me for a break between us, to see what she really wants.She says she loves me but she is confused on what path to take.To be with a man in order to ...

Not sure of my sexuality, can you help me??

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4668 days ago

15 October 2011 (? - Im 17 years old and i don't know if im lesbian or not. I really really like guys but i think i might also be attracted to girls. i don't know if this would be the best thing or not for me Please Help!!!...

Did I over-react? my husband defended his friend. Ignored my feelings. The sexual joke was about me

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 4667 days ago

15 October 2011 (F - Tell me if I'm over reacting or if I took this the wrong way. My husband has a male friend who I think has really disrespected me. They were talking online with a bunch of people. My husband's friend said: "We should get you a webcam and have ...

I don't want to be gay. My old friend and I started doing gay things with each other. How do I stop feeling this way?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4656 days ago

15 October 2011 (M - I am 20 years old, My old friend and I started doing gay things with each other, we were at first just trying then it turned into anytime we saw each other. we couldn't stop now I cant even get hard looking at girls. I realize I am probably gay, but...

I'm in love with my best friend and it's complicated

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4671 days ago

12 October 2011 (F - A couple months ago, I finally told my female best friend that I've had feelings for her for 3 years. She is also lesbian, but she admitted that likes someone she'll never get (another married woman who's 10 years older than we are) and she can't ...

My feelings for my female boss are affecting my work! Help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4671 days ago

12 October 2011 (F - Hi, I have a workplace issue. I'm pretty goshdarn smitten with my female manager. I'm not so sure if it's 'I want to date you feelings' so much as a sort of daughter-mother type yearning. Either way, it is making my work environment very stressfu...

How do I tell this married girl to back off easily without hurting her?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4673 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - I really quite like this married bi girl. She's on my course so avoiding her for the next three years is going to be slightly impossible. She reminds me of the girl I fell for in college and looks identical to her. The bi girl in college constant...

My parents don't know that my female friend is my girlfriend

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4674 days ago

9 October 2011 (F - I need some advice on this situation so please can someone help me and sorry for the long story but i need to get all the details in here. My gf and i both 19 , lesbian couple have been together for 3 years a 4 months. We left home on Dec 2010...

My Lesbian Girlfriend is as Nice as the Grinch

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4674 days ago

8 October 2011 (F - Pretty as a princess with the heart of Gargamel (the creepy old mean guy from The Smurfs). I love my girlfriend but she's incredibly mean. We are in a long distance relationship so we actually only get together every 2-3 months. However we talk 6-7 ...

What are the non-verbal clues that a person likes you?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4675 days ago

8 October 2011 (F - Ok just curious on the responses, for both guys and gals, what are some nonverbal ways to tell someone is interested in you...

I'm 37 and a very different aged woman showed interest in me. I thought we had something happening. So why did she lose interest so quickly?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4676 days ago

7 October 2011 (F - Hope someone can give me an advice here, I am really really confused. Here's the story: About half a year ago a really beautiful woman started showing me interest in me She winked at me, talked a lot to me, asked me if I'm seeing someone, and smil...

Does she fancy me or is it just a phase?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4676 days ago

6 October 2011 (F - ok so im freely bisexual and have slept with as many women as i have men. One of my best (female and straight) friends lives with her partner and has been with him a year. Recently, we have been out on the town a few times and iv got quite drunk. ...

Am I setting myself up for heartbreak yet again? 17 and in love with my possibly lesbian teacher.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4677 days ago

6 October 2011 (F - Okay, so I will get right to it. I'm 17, female, a lesbian, and in my senior year of school. Lately I've been having feelings for a teacher at my school (also a female). Firstly, let me just clarify that I've never been in a proper relationship, ...

What is do the numbers signify? What's normal for you? Is more sex with more people success? Or is more relationship with one person more?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4675 days ago

6 October 2011 (M - Out of curiosity, how many a) romantic relationships (i.e. dated for a while, no sex) b) full-on-committed relationships (i.e. with sex) and c) sexual relationships did you have by the time you were 22/23? This question is both for men and wom...

I want my girl to stay with me for a night

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4677 days ago

5 October 2011 (F - hello there i am a lesbian and me and my girlfriend have been dating for awhile now and she wont come and stay the night with me juat for at least a nigh. soo i had asked her why wont u come stay with me. she tells me that she is scared. so i had ...

He's completely avoiding me because he thinks he is the character in my book!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4678 days ago

5 October 2011 (M - Dear Agony Aunts, I am an engineering student and also a writer, living in Germany and I am bisexual. I had a very close straight friend who knows that I am bisexual and because of my false action, he is now avoiding from me. Last week I se...

I love her and refuse to break up but we are on shaky ground!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4678 days ago

5 October 2011 (F - My girlfriend and I have been together for over 3 months. I'm madly in love with her. She's...well she's in love with me right now. She has times when she'll be interested in somebody else, but she always gets over it and stays with me. Well ...

Is he bi? Or just curious?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4679 days ago

3 October 2011 (M - okey so I asked for some advice regarding to this situation before so here's what I asked...I got some answers already but just posting it so you guys now the details so you can understand my question... How do you know when someone is bi cu...

In a troubled argumentative relationship... Should I stay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4681 days ago

2 October 2011 (F - Please help me... I've been with my partner for a year now. We used to get on like a house on fire and we could go out and always have a great time. She has never been a brilliant drunk and for the last 4 or 5 months we fallen out a lot more when ...

What to do when you're a lesbian dating a guy, confused and 22 weeks pregnant?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4681 days ago

1 October 2011 (F - I've been dating a guy for 3mos before I got pregnant. I'm 22 weeks now and I have mixed feelings about him. He was the first guy I've dated and spent a lot of time with in 7 yrs since I've been dating women exclusively. I have feelings for my ex gf ...

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