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Archived questions from: June, 2006 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

My ex keeps texting me and it's jerking my chain every time!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5933 days ago

30 June 2006 (M - Hello, I have a prob and I'm not sure what to do about it. I've written in before about the suprise breakup, and that after a month of not talking nor texting which was really very hard I kept my distance, then one day in the early hours of the ...

My friend is critiscing my choice of lifestyle but underhandedly, I feel betrayed!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6605 days ago

26 June 2006 (M - Ive recently come out to my best friend whos female of 18 years and said im in a relationship at first she was shocked but seemed to get over the shock and seemed generally happy with it.However at the weekend i arranged to meet her with my partner ...

He Broke it off with me over email a while ago, suddenly he texts me to say sorry! I really want to be nasty what should I do ?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6604 days ago

25 June 2006 (M - Hi I'm in need of advice and courage, and opinions, I'm sure when you read this you'll remember which story this is. I was in a long distance secret gay relationship, and my ex decided after 3years to tell me that he no longer wants this relati...

Do I pursue my ex-pupil?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6593 days ago

24 June 2006 (F - I'm a 34 year old female teacher... Last year I had a relationship with an ex pupil (who was 17 at the time) We had a beautiful relationship for an entire year until her parents found out and all hell broke loose. I put my hands up to the blame and ...

My partner now says he is bisexual and not sure what he wants!

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23 June 2006 (M - I was in a gay relationship for 3years. It was my first relationship, and before this my ex was involved with a woman before but they were very unhappy, and ended it. so we got hooked. He said he loved me, and I was sooo in love with him, but 3y...

Guys turn me on more then girls, does this mean Im gay ?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

21 June 2006 (M - WOOHAA got some confusing stuff to ask, I'm 21, never been out with a chick intimately, "still pure" lol Never felt the urge to be in a relationship, but I saw a nude picture of a hot chick the other day, I just felt embarrassed and blushed. To...

My gay friend is getting married and I feel bad about it

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6606 days ago

20 June 2006 (F - Hi this isn't a relationship problem but I'm desperate for help.My best friend of 20 years has suddenly decided she is gay, I have no problem with that.But now she and her partner are having a civil ceremony (marriage?) I got an evening invite and I ...

I made a really bad call with the girl I love! Help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6590 days ago

20 June 2006 (F - Dear Cupid, I am bi which many ppl dont like but I fell in love with this girl. We dated for five months then I, stupidly, broke up with her. Now I miss her alot but she has another girlfriend. She says she still loves me and I know I still love her...

Im confused about my sexuality, I find men and women sexy, how will I know if im gay or straight ?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6612 days ago

19 June 2006 (M - I'm single, 20, and slightly confused about my sexuality. I fancy one particular guy, but would never admit to it to anyone but myself, but I still chat upgirls. Some men are considered sexy by me, but girls are still seen as sexy. I've go...

Not sure i'm ready for a lesbian relationship, how to let my gf down?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6606 days ago

18 June 2006 (F - I'm really confused, I'm 16 and my girlfriend she lives about 3 hours away from me and I really really like this guy who only lives 3 minutes away. I know this sounds stupid but is it wrong to want a relationship with someone you can see nearly ...

What does vanilla mean?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6613 days ago

18 June 2006 (M - On the gay scene (I assume) what does vanilla mean???...

My ex has moved on but i haven't

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6567 days ago

17 June 2006 (M - Hi people, just want to thank you for your advice, I posted a question back in early march about my bf breaking up with me in january and that i had planned to propose in las vegas when he went to visit the star trek experience. Unfortunately we ...

Do I say something about how I feel to the girl who jokes that we're lesbian lovers?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6606 days ago

16 June 2006 (F - Just please help me. Yes I have typed this many many times but the answers I have got aren't helping! This girl I like, we are both girls, she recently made a couple of jokes about me being a lesbian and she is my girlfriend. I used to really ...

Breaking up with my ex has been so very hard to do!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6606 days ago

16 June 2006 (M - I feel like a puppy that has lost his best friend and is walking around with my tail between my legs. I've written several times before pertaining to a suprise breakup with my ex (the bi-gay story),thank you all for your support and I know some ...

Confused about my sexuality (long post)

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6606 days ago

13 June 2006 (M - Right I'm having a problem, and I've tried hard to ignore it for my sake and for my families sake, and ESPECIALLY my parents. but I'm afraid it's not changing. This might be long so please bare with me, I need to get this off my chest. I'm singl...

I don't want my mate telling everyone that we used to kiss! We're both girls!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6606 days ago

12 June 2006 (F - heya. I'm 14 and i dont know what to do. A few years ago me and my mate started kissing round at her house. We did it regularly when I went to her house. We were 12. Now we go to the same school and are not mates anymore (just grown apart really) ...

I'm a virgin lesbian - when she found out, she left! Did I make a big mistake?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6620 days ago

11 June 2006 (F - Cupid.. I am a lesbain.. my friends make fun of me.. it hurts my feelings.. I was kissing this girl and she said that she wanted to take it further so we went up to this room and i told her I was a virgin and she left. Did I make a big mistake? ...

I dated a guy at 15, then found out "he" was a "she", now im confused about my sexuality!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6199 days ago

11 June 2006 (F - I got into a long-distance relationship [my first relationship] with a guy at age 15, found out that "he" was actually a "she" at age 16, and broke up with him/her at 17; about 6 months ago. Before I found out about the person's real identity, I had ...

The breakup was a total surprise, and I was his soulmate. Now he says he might be bi...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6617 days ago

9 June 2006 (M - I'll try keep this brief, I'm so so confused. Please help again. I'm trying to be strong thru my surprise breakup, and it was 3weeks ago. My ex said that he didn't want to be with anyone else and that he needed to sort out where his life was goi...

I'm bi-curious. Can someone tell me what it's like to be with another woman?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6621 days ago

9 June 2006 (F - I'm bi-curious... I've looked at other girls and I know it is normal for most teens (I am 18) but I keep wondering what it would be like to be touched by another woman... When women have sex with each other what do they do?...

I keep sending him emails and texts after our break up, I want him to feel the pain I do, how else can I deal with the pain ?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6624 days ago

7 June 2006 (M - Is this the month for being DUMPED, well at least I dont feel alone- lol My ex dumped me a few weeks ago, over email, and I dont have the courage to chat to him, Im afraid of what I'll say. and I dont wanna hear his voice ever, ever again, I'm ...

What shall I do about my gay friend?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6290 days ago

6 June 2006 (F - I fell in love with a guy named Mike he is very attractive and he is very kind. He laid out the mat when I fell for him. He is gay....which is a really weird situation for me. He says I am the only woman he could or ever would go gay for. I don't ...

I fancy this boy near where I work but he refused a date

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6625 days ago

5 June 2006 (M - hi i am 17 and work parttime on a Saturday. I am bi also. A boy who works outside the place where i work, on a market stall, he is very nice looking and i am attracted to him a great deal. he is not what most gay teens would go for i dont think ...

How do I get more gay friends?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6626 days ago

3 June 2006 (M - Need to get some new friends to discover something about myself. I'm male, 22, and single, and curious. I've many friends, different genders, different race, but not different sexuality. How do I get more gay friends, I've not been to any gay ...

Is friend making hints at me??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6621 days ago

1 June 2006 (F - I posted a question earlier on this site, but i didn;'t make it clear, so here goes again: There is this girl who is my friend and i really love her. We are both girls. Earlier this year a m8 sent around a rumour that h.j was a lesbian. I thoug...

How can I stop being so paranoid, when my partner goes out without me ?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 3739 days ago

1 June 2006 (M - Hello Everyone I am in a good relationship (gay) my partner gives me no reason not to trust him and its the same for him with me.However i do trust him but at the same time when he goes out without me for a night out i cant help but get paranoid...

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