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Archived questions from: May, 2009 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Am I wasting my time or should I let it ride?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5526 days ago

31 May 2009 (M - I need someone's opinion who knows what's going on .... I am 20 years old and I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years, Shane. He's 19. I do love him sincerely and care enough about him to spend the rest of my life with him, as naive as that ma...

How can I get past the touching phase onto something more?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5335 days ago

31 May 2009 (M - Im a gay guy that hangs out with mostly straight guys. Im in a situation that im having feelings with one of my straight guy friends. He has a girlfriend but whenever we hang out he likes to watch porn. He knows i like him and allows me to give him ...

How can I convince him to do it?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5534 days ago

30 May 2009 (M - Hey everyone, Im a bisexual boy and I currently going outwith another boy who is gay. We have had anal a couple of times but just before he cums he always pulls out, I always tell him to finsh inside me but he never does. How can I convnce him to d...

Confused. closet or bi?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5534 days ago

29 May 2009 (F - my ex used to have these moments, usually when he was high or really tired, when he'd blurt out: "oh, i'm gay...i'm gay i'm gay..." and it never had anything to do with what we were talking about or doing. he'd always just blurt this out randomly...

I don't know how to talk to my son about his choice of a partner

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5522 days ago

29 May 2009 (F - My 16-year-old son is gay, he came out to me about a month ago. He's about to finish school in a month anyway and is doing well in his studies. I'm not shocked - it's an alternative lifestyle choice and if it suits him I'm happy with it. My husb...

Am I bisexual or gay?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5537 days ago

29 May 2009 (F - hi guys! i'm so confused with my sexuality lately. let me put up my situation: since i m young (like 8) i have crushes on boys but i never really dated. just some silly childhood crushes i suppose. i dun have any special feelings for girls. ...

My online guy doesn't like hairy guys, and thats exactly what I am!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3923 days ago

29 May 2009 (M - So, I am in love with this guy who I met online we shared pictures and we talk a lot ( been a year now ..we still talk). It didn't work out and we were just phone friends. Lately he's been hitting on me and told me he would pick me over anyone if he ...

First steps as a gay female....

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5538 days ago

28 May 2009 (F - im single. super single. have never been into a relationship before.. have quite a number of male suitors but am not interested in them! i think im gay, and i feel soo trapped. im tall with athletic body, decent looking, but have yet to attract any ...

Is it worth it?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5537 days ago

28 May 2009 (M - hi everyone Three years ago my life fell to pieces. My grandparents, who played a very big part in my upbringing both died within 6 months of each other. My alcoholic abusive partner of 9 years went a step too far, finally admitting cheati...

Am I in love too?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5538 days ago

28 May 2009 (F - we are on the same dormitory but diiferent rooms. we started hanging out until one day she wants to sleep beside me every night. i was used to it that she always sleeps besides me but then as months past by she told me that she don't want to ...

My boyfriend had one previous relationship with a man, and I can't accept it...

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5536 days ago

27 May 2009 (F - hi, so i have a bf which really loves me and i feel great with him, but my boyfriend in the past had one relationship with a man and i really cant accept this thing. if it was you would you stay with him? however he confessed that it was his only...

I'm sure we are both straight but everyone tells us we act like a couple!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5539 days ago

27 May 2009 (F - We've been best friends since high school and now we are in our last year at 6th form, getting ready to leave for uni. All our friends say we flirt with each other way too much and act like we are a couple. Even though we or so i think are both ...

She'll never return my feelings

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5539 days ago

27 May 2009 (F - im 18 years old and attending college close to home. last year when i was a senior in high school i fell in love with a girl berely entering high school. we easily befriended and since we were both in the girls soccer team we became really close. ...

I feel as if he was "the one". How can I get him back?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5540 days ago

27 May 2009 (M - So, I am a little lost. My ex boyfriend and I, who were together for 5 years. 3 months ago we broke up. I need advice on what to do. He tells me constantly that he doesn't want me back at all. That he is not interested in being back with me. But he ...

I'm in love with my close girl friend

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5540 days ago

26 May 2009 (F - we are on the same dormitory but diiferent rooms. we started hanging out until one day she wants to sleep beside me every night. i was used to it that she always sleeps besides me but then as months past by she told me that she don't want to ...

Any suggestions on how to have a great male, anal sex experience, which color lingerie is sexier?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5531 days ago

26 May 2009 (? - I am a male and take on the role of the woman in my relationships with other men. I am a crossdresser and dress like a woman and love wearing lingerie. I give blowjobs and want to recieve anal. I have not yet but my bf wants to do me anally . Any ...

Bi-sexual men-what are their real preferences?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5541 days ago

25 May 2009 (F - Bisexuality--I am female, and I think I'm bisexual. I've never been with a woman, but I have fallen in love with a few, and I am sexually aroused by (some) of their bodies. I am also very attracted to men, and have fallen in love with them as well....

How I feel? Or leave it?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5541 days ago

25 May 2009 (F - So, here is my situation that I need some help with. Im a girl as you can read by my screen name. Me and my friend who also is a girl (she's gay) started talking again after years without talking. I don't like girls but I like her, I think I ...

How can I just hang out with him more without it looking weird?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5532 days ago

25 May 2009 (M - I need some help guys. There is this guy (who I don't know if he is gay or not) that I have a massive crush on. I still don't know myself if I am gay, however I wouldn't be surprised after the feelings I have developed for him are true. He is in so...

Female teacher. Female student. I have deep feelings for her, but I've got to move on!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5494 days ago

24 May 2009 (F - I am 16, 17 in September and I have finished school and I am halfway through my GCSE's. I had a few issues with one of my ex-teachers; as I am not coming back to my old school next year, she is now an ex-teacher. The story is long, but basica...

What can I or my boyfriend do to make the taste of his semen better?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5540 days ago

24 May 2009 (? - I am a male who enjoys giving fellatio to other men. I usually put on condoms on the men I am giving the blowjob to. I do this to prevent the spread of disease and because of the taste of semen I did not like. I have found a man that is healthy and ...

I hate being gay! Can I become heterosexual by taking medication?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4696 days ago

23 May 2009 (F - I HATE BEING GAY. can we deliberately convert a gay person into heterosexual by means of medical treatment? (i.e. hormone injections, hormone medications (such as??))...

Gay relationship woes

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5524 days ago

22 May 2009 (M - I'm a bisexual man and have been in a relationship with a man for the last seven years, living together for the best part of 6 years. I love him deeply but we have an erratic relationshp and have parted twice because we wanted different things out ...

Help! I really want to go but I don't know how to tell my mum, and what their reaction will be...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5541 days ago

21 May 2009 (M - Ok.. well I really need help, I'm gay, my parents know and all they're not happy but they cope with it... Anyway I met some boy online and he asked me on a date, I really want to go but I don't know how to tell my mum, and what their reaction will ...

Need advice - Is my husband gay? Desperate for answers.

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5069 days ago

21 May 2009 (F - I am posting this personal information in hopes of getting different perspectives on my current situation. I am a 39 year old married woman. I have been married to my husband for almost a year, with him for 3 years. I found out 6 months into...

Sperm donation from a friend or go to the Doctors?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5532 days ago

21 May 2009 (F - ive been wit my gurlfriend for 3-years.we live together an we want to have a baby.what should i do.i love her so i go to the dr and try it that way.or should i find a frind that will give the sperm?...

Sometimes I want to kiss my friend.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5546 days ago

21 May 2009 (F - i dont know why but everytime one of my friends thats a girl has a boyfriend or talks to another guy i get mad and annoyed. i know im sorta bi because i do like girls but would rather gys but does this mean i like my friends? i sometimes want to ...

I never thought I'd like girls but I like her!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5546 days ago

20 May 2009 (F - I recently started talking to this girl online and we have been hitting it off more than well!!! We talk for hours at a time every day and night online and over the phone. we both really like each other but im so confused. I didnt think that I ...

Lesbian and proud FINALLY!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5546 days ago

20 May 2009 (F - Hey, some-one help, Last night we had abit of a party anyway we drank a lot and i fell asleep, i woke up during the night still a bit hazey and to be honest really very turned on, i quickly realised that i was being stroked and touched by anoth...

I want to try lesbian sex!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5520 days ago

20 May 2009 (F - I wana try lesbian sex, but i don't know who i would try it with, i don't have many friends and the ones i do have are too close to be asking that kinda stuff. girls really turn me on, i love boys though just the thought of women together gets me ...

Help!!! Confused about my sexuality...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5537 days ago

19 May 2009 (M - i've been getting erections when i see pics of men naked and when i see girls naked, i took a gay test and it came out that i might be bi-curious, then i was surfing the net and come upon this gay club in my town, i looked all over the website and ...

I thought we were so well matched sexually but this is not the case now we have moved in together!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5546 days ago

19 May 2009 (M - My boyfriend of four years gave a very false impression of his sex drive when we were dating. I had no idea at the time. Now that we are living together and our lives are melded I cop his true sex drive/interest which isn't very much. I was hon...

Bi-sexual? Bi-curious?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5548 days ago

18 May 2009 (F - Heyy! I just want to find out what the difference between bi-sexual and bi-curious is?? Any ideas?? Thanks =)...

My husband told me he's gay but he wants to be "ex-gay"

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5542 days ago

18 May 2009 (F - My husband told me yesterday that he was gay. It wasn't a big announcement, he just said to me "I have something to tell you, it's important!" so I sat down and listened. He admitted he was gay, and said tearfully "I DON'T want to be this way! I ...

I want to make a move on my friend but I'm afraid

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5548 days ago

18 May 2009 (F - I am 25 y.o (i think bisexual) female - who has never even been kissed by a girl or a guy. I am completely in love with my same sex best friend, and would like nothing more than to make a move on her, but am scared that I will scare her off. I d...

My husband is gay and is seeing my BROTHER!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5538 days ago

18 May 2009 (F - I found out my husband is gay a while back but although i moved out we were still very close and we have 5 children one who is disabled, but 3 weeks ago my brother turned up and they started a relationship straight away and moved in together! I ...

Just friends or does he like me?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5503 days ago

17 May 2009 (M - So im gay and ive been friends with this guy for about two years. he knows im gay and he used to say he was bi but ive started to pretty much fall in love with him. and it seems like when he found out that i liked him, he decided that he was ...

In love with my band teacher's wife

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4954 days ago

17 May 2009 (F - i fell in love with my band teachers wife. me and him are sorta close. should i tell him how i feel? or should i tell her how i feel? or should i keep it to myself...

I know I'm straight but I'm also curious. What do you think?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5549 days ago

16 May 2009 (F - Im not totally sure of my sexuality. I'm a real girly girl, absolutly love fashion and indie music scene. I have the most amazing boyfriend he's gorgeous and girls drool over him, he's absolutely crazy over me and i couldn't ask for anything more! ...

I'm 'straight' but I've fallen for a lesbian in a committed relationship...What to do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5545 days ago

16 May 2009 (F - I am a 40-something woman, and generally speaking I am and have been straight. I have always fantasised about women, rather than men, and have on a few occasions actually fancied other women, but have never done anything about it, nor especially ...

In love with a professor...what to do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5550 days ago

16 May 2009 (F - Well im an lesbian, and i have given an lady professor some roses. My friend actually did, stating its from me. The professor wanted to see me and i went inside. She started asking me my name and nationality, etc...she then said i could have gone up ...

I get an erction when I'm thinking of men not women

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5529 days ago

16 May 2009 (M - MOD NOTE: Poster is 13, not 28... please help me i dont want to be gay but im so attracted to a man not a girl im 13 years old boy please help me im so depressed im not so attracted to girls but but im so attracted to guys how can be this?pls...

I'm 15, think I might be gay

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5539 days ago

16 May 2009 (M - Hi, im a 15 year old male, and i am confused about my sexuality, i have always been aroused and have always fancied girls and i prefer to masturbate to women but the thing is i cant climax very well when i think about women or watch lesbian porn. ...

Have I lost my virginity to my friend?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5542 days ago

16 May 2009 (F - I have know idea if I've lost my virginty yet. My cherry HAS been popped, I know that for sure, and it wasnt from sports or horseback riding. It was from.. Well. To help me with this you might wanna know im Bisexual. And so are 4 of my best f...

8 years going... and I'm not happy inside.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5551 days ago

15 May 2009 (M - Help Needed 8 years later I'm a Gay man who is with my first guy for 8 years, after the second year i decided to go to France to meet someone else, it was hard but i told my partner that i was not happy and why i was not happy, 6 years later we i...

Am I really in love with him? What if I am....

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5552 days ago

14 May 2009 (F - i met my friend at the carnival one day and well we went on rides and her mom talked to my dad saying i was coming over the next the next day came and she brought her boyfriend.when i saw him i couldn't stop staring at him he was absolutely ...

I think I'm turning lesbian!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5553 days ago

13 May 2009 (F - Hi I'm kikki and I'm 15 I think I might be turning lesbian but not sure. I have a bf but I don't enjoy sex with him anymore it's like he just cares about himself. Recently during p.e at school I have noticed my nipples going hard getting changed in ...

She is my destiny and I want her back!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5554 days ago

12 May 2009 (F - I was in a lesbian relationship for 7 months. My girlfriend and i did argue a lot but still loved one another. Now shes dumped me saying it will not work and shes convinced herself it wont work out. She texts me to ask if im ok but i still love her ...

Should I be worried or go with the flow?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5553 days ago

12 May 2009 (M - I am Bi and my gf is straight. We have been dating now for some time, and things are going really well. We are both kinky and enjoy the occasional addition of an extra guy. I know you must be thinking so here we go...Well we have had extra guy ...

What does my ex want from me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5553 days ago

11 May 2009 (M - My ex broke up with me several months ago, after several weeks apart he came back and said he wants to work at the relationship, he really missed me and loves me. After a great two weeks together, out of the blue he said seeing me confuses him.. and ...

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