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Archived questions from: October, 2008 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Does this make me a lesbian?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4769 days ago

31 October 2008 (F - This is gonna be one long winded question, so yeah! Anyway, I'm currently seventeen. I've been dating my current boyfriend for 3 years. When I was young (about 9-10) I used to have the biggest crushes on boys, and it's been that way forever. ...

It feels weird having sex with him because we are so close.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5663 days ago

29 October 2008 (F - Okay im confused. I have this friend named chris. I have been friends with him for 6 years. He is gay. But i have had sex with him twice. I see him more then a friend. Like a husband, cus i can always tell him everything. I don't know if i'm in love...

I'm gay and I want to know what I can do to find love?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5749 days ago

29 October 2008 (M - Hi I am 18 years old. I am a gay guy and I have been trying to find love for the longest time. I live in a small town and I don't get out much even though I have a car. I really want to find love what should I do?...

How do you decide when you're old enough and it is okay to have intercourse?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5750 days ago

28 October 2008 (M - hi dear cupid people. i am a 15 year old guy and have known i am gay for the last couple of years. i have had this one boyfriend for the past year. he is about my age and goes to school with me. we are not out at all, but we are very comfortable ...

I hate myself because I am bi sexual. Help!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5323 days ago

28 October 2008 (M - Ok this is my question to everyone, i am 17, and a senior in high school, and i hate myself because i am bi, it has gotten to the point where i cant stand looking at myself in the mirror, and all my relationships have become strained to no end ...

POZ man married to a woman and being gay

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5748 days ago

27 October 2008 (M - hello everyone. ! i m here becouse i just googled married man to a woman and being gay. trying to find out answers. i have a woman in my life who has been with me for around 17 years. we had good sex and i was in love to her at the begining of our ...

Gay or bi or neither?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5751 days ago

27 October 2008 (M - I am 30 years old and gay! I have a friend who is 20 years old and claims he is totally straight. We live states apart but every time he visits which is a few times a year I always perform oral sex on him sometimes a couple of times a day. Yhe most ...

Confused and unsure of my sexual orientation...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5745 days ago

27 October 2008 (F - I really do not know what my sexual orientation is. I mean, i thought i was straight, then i thought that i was bi-curious, but im not sure. when im online, and i meet new people, i prefer girls and they have to look attractive. but i date guys. ...

I like my best friend, but I don't know if she likes me back; .

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5741 days ago

27 October 2008 (F - i wasnt sure if i was bi, until i realised i was attracted to both males and females, ill be okay with that one day. i wasnt sure if i liked my bestfriend, or maybe i always wanted to deny that i did, until a few weeks ago when i just admitted it to ...

He has a boyfriend and says the prospect of dumping him for me is tempting...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5752 days ago

26 October 2008 (M - Last weekend at my friends 18th I met this guy Matt. We flirted for a while and then we were making out for pretty much the whole night. Then the next day we started texting each other and chatting on msn. He is such a sweet guy and tells me I ...

How do I tell my parents I'm in love with a girl?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5752 days ago

26 October 2008 (F - im bi curious. im in love with this girl. we are dating secretly and we also have boyfriends. i dont know how to tell my parents cuz every time i tell them they dont believe me but they dont see how i am with her! they think im boy crazy but im in ...

Is she playing with my head? Should I just tell her how I feel about her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5745 days ago

25 October 2008 (F - I've got this friend. I'm 21, and she's in her early 30's. We're quite close but not in a 'talk to her every day capacity'. But, I know I can trust her to go talk to her if I'm trying to deal with something. I met her about 5 years ago, and w...

I must admit I enjoy sex with men, but also love my wife. should I come out?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5753 days ago

25 October 2008 (M - I am 37 yrs. old and married with two children. I had my first gay encounter when i was 13, and thru age 23 had about 12 more. after being married about 5 yrs., i had a want to have sex again with a man ( encounters consist of oral and masturbation ...

Hopelessly single! How am I to embrace my singledom and to rebuild my self esteem so I can actually begin to flirt again?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5753 days ago

25 October 2008 (F - I have recently become single again after a 3 year relationship. It was a really nasty break up, my ex cheated on me and ruined my self esteem. I have been single for 2 months. I have enjoyed the odd drunken snog but it is becoming patentl...

Why do I still feel uncomfortable telling people I'm gay?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5751 days ago

24 October 2008 (M - I am gay and have a boyfriend of about 2 and a half years now, and we are moving in together. my friends and family know, but why do i still feel uncomfortable telling people that i'm gay? thanx. jpmcveigh xx...

We love each other, but I feel like the world is against us. Will he miss me and come back to me in time?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5752 days ago

24 October 2008 (M - I will try to cram it all in here! so bare with me. I'm 20, gay and have had 2 serious relationships, this being my second. The first one left me pretty bruised and torn up, but I came out alive. My current (ex) B/F I have been with for 2 years...

I'm so freakin' confused right now. Is this guy for real?! I mean WOW, I don't even know what I'm asking anymore after re-reading this!!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5750 days ago

24 October 2008 (F - Ok where to start. I met this really great guy, and everyday I learn something new about him. I kind of had an idea in the beginning something wasn't right with him. But you know the old saying you try not to judge the book by its cover. Well he ...

Does thus straight guy like me ?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5753 days ago

24 October 2008 (M - Hey everyone again its plain old me lotmoney13..... i have a new but old delimma again involving the straight guy. well today at class he asked me what other languages i speak, o i told him tagalog, me being filipino so yeah, so then he said to me ...

He doesn't satisfy me sexually.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5300 days ago

24 October 2008 (M - I have been in a loving committed relationship with my boyfriend for over four years but the intimacy and sex has been insufficient (for me) for the past two plus years. We have talked about it a number of times but eventually after all is said and ...

This guy kissed me (I'm male) and more has happened since!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5754 days ago

23 October 2008 (M - Me and 5 other mates went to South Africa for a holiday which we said that we had been planning and talking about for nearly 3 years. 1 of the guys who came with us was openly gay. He wasn't camp or anything like that lol. The group, myself ...

Lesbian's girlfriend's love has faded and now she seems to have feeling for a new guy.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3895 days ago

23 October 2008 (F - My girlfriend, let's call her 'W', and I have been officially a couple together for 2 years (we were friends for 7 years so our friendship foundation is very strong) but last month, she emailed her friend to tell her that she has developed some ...

He cant forgive me because I had sex with someone else! What can I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5755 days ago

22 October 2008 (M - Ok i was in a relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years, and for a year of that was long distance and we were having major issues in our relationship stupidly i got drunk one night and cried on the shoulder of a friend and we ended up having sex. ...

Lesbian teen very attracted to my half sister...

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5604 days ago

22 October 2008 (F - Hi, I know this subject is frowned on by some, but I need to know if it can ever be right? Can it be made right? And I need some advice on how to approach my sister in the right way? I am 17 and live with my 15 (almost 16) year old half sister ...

How can I make the sex more satisfying?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5756 days ago

22 October 2008 (F - I'm in a relationship with a female, I being a female myself and I just need some help or adivice. Well we recently started having sex and I was wondering how could I make it more satisfying for me? I don't know why but for some reason it isn't as ...

How do I get my girlfriend to stop pressuring me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5756 days ago

22 October 2008 (F - Hi My name is Jenny i am a lesbien who has just come out to my family and my girlfiend keeps pushing me further she wants to move in together i have told her that this is going to fast we have only dated for two months and i just dont know what to ...

What can I do to strengthen the weakened parts of my long-term relationship?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5755 days ago

22 October 2008 (M - I have been in a long term relationship for over ten years. I met my partner when I was in my mid twenties and had only dated briefly before I met him. We have had few problems until last year. I started to become a bit more sexually adventu...

Three College Roomates...One BIG Secret...Advice Needed!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5754 days ago

22 October 2008 (M - Okay.... I'm looking for some positive advice on a delicate situation that's developed. Steve, my dorm-mate and i are sophmores in college. We have been best friends since we were freshmen in high school. We purposefully went to the same college so ...

A year on and I can't get over my gay boyfriend.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5757 days ago

21 October 2008 (M - I am gay, had a boyfriend for 4 years - I went away for a year and when I got back things weren't the same at all - we had totally grown apart, so I ended it. It's now been 7 months and all I can do is think about him - I think about him each and ...

Husband on the 'down low'!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5745 days ago

21 October 2008 (F - Apologies if this is long; but it's really worrying me and I need to get it out in the open. I'm 33 and my husband's 36. We have two sons, one aged 12 and the other who's 14. I live down the road from my best friend, and my children are bes...

I'm in love with a gay guy!

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5742 days ago

21 October 2008 (? - What do you do if you love a guy...and this guy is gay? I told him i loved him AFTER he told me he was im tellin him theres no point to say what i want to say. I gave in and said what i wanted, when i did a few minutes later he said he ...

Lesbian affair?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5758 days ago

20 October 2008 (F - OK.. I am 17 and she's 17. We're best friends, and one day we were laying in my mom's bedroom and she said she has never had anyone feel her up (Squeeze her boob) So I squeezed her boob for her playing around and stuff and she was laughing and then ...

Help,I want to be with my (female) best friend.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5756 days ago

20 October 2008 (F - Hi my names Kanja,im 16 and I have this friend that I've known my entire life,she's always been my best friend, ever since we were about 12 people have been calling us lesbians because we hug and hold hands in public and tell each other I love you. ...

I don't understand why she's avoiding the issue of my this too hard for her to bear?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5758 days ago

20 October 2008 (? - Hello, I have a really good female friend and I am female as well. We have been fighting an attraction between us for over 2 years now. There is no doubt she loves me very much and at the very least I would be her very best friend ever. Anyway ...

Do I act on my lesbian feelings or remain alone, for the sake of my closeminded daughter?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5741 days ago

18 October 2008 (F - I met this girl in a strange way, actually in a business setting. Now all I think of is her and anticipate our next meeting. The problem is I ve been attracted to females all my life. I ran from the feelings afraid of what people would say, fore I ...

Is it okay to confess to this girl that I like her? We're a little close but not that much.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5760 days ago

18 October 2008 (F - Hello. I need help. Anyway, I'm a tomboyish girl but many doubt my preferences. Some of them thinks I'm a normal girl while others think I'm a lesbian or bi. In truth, I'm into both but 70% of my attraction are into girls. Anyway, I still don't know ...

Is my husband's sexual behaviour normal? Is he bi or gay?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5709 days ago

18 October 2008 (F - I need advice. I am married 11 years now. My husband had stopped kissing me shortly after our marrage. Always has a male friend around Who never dates an never been seen with a woman My husband expermented with me on several occasions with dildos a...

Is my 'gay' best friend falling for me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5635 days ago

18 October 2008 (F - My best friend acts gay, so I didn't care when he hugged or snuggled quite intimately with me because I didn't believe he could have been attracted to me. However, he just told me that he's straight, and has hinted several times about making out. ...

I feel it's my turn to be happy after being nice and generous to all people?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5759 days ago

18 October 2008 (M - Hey you gus it's lotmoney13!!!! i'm not sure if this'll be my final or not question. everyone who reads my questions knows i'm in love with a straight guy and i can't tell him how i feel just yet. i just wanted to say that i've been so generous and ...

My boyfriend checks out nude guys in the Internet prior to sex, then dresses in uniform for me. Odd! Is he gay or bi?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5761 days ago

17 October 2008 (F - I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years, and our life together has been pretty much good. It's our sex life that's become an issue, however. For the past six weeks my boyfriend's refused to have sex with me until he's seen enough Brad Pitt, Johnn...

Never enjoyed sex with any man; in the past few years I have been fantasising about being with women, what does this mean?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5761 days ago

17 October 2008 (F - I am questioning my sexuality, i was married, i have 3 children but never enjoyed sex with any man that i have been with. In the past 5 years I have found myself wanting to be with women. Im not clear as to wether it is sexually but I am in my ...

My best friend invited me to move in with her until my problem is solved, she knows I'm a lesbian but would she be comfortable with me telling her that I'm in love with her?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5760 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - Hi thanks in advance for your help. Ive got myself in a bit of a sticky situation and im not sure how to get out of it with out a) making a fool of myself b) jeopardising a really good friendship. My apartment flooded (burst pipe) and im getting i...

I really like this guy but he is straight, what can I do?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5762 days ago

15 October 2008 (M - hey there. there is this guy that i really like. he has already had sex with a girl, but I really, really, really like him. I mainly want to lay beside him or on top of him in bed, but he is straight and i dont know what to do. please help me ...

I fell down the stairs at school... AND HE CAUGHT ME!!!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5715 days ago

15 October 2008 (M - Hey everyone it's me again and my problems are growing rapidly. Today I told one of my best friends that I was gay and she said that's cool. I also told her about the guy I liked and she said he's cute and I should make a move. Should I? Again I'm ...

I'm meeting this guy for the first time...what do I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5757 days ago

15 October 2008 (M - ok, i have been chatting to this guy online (yes i am gay) and have fallen deeply in love with him. we are meeting soon and i dont know where to start with anything, especially things like do we kiss, hold hands etc. what do i do.. thanks...

I'm confused about my sexuality - do these feelings make me gay, bi or what?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5752 days ago

14 October 2008 (F - Ok, I'm a 15 years old girl who's a little scared and confused about her sexuality! I'm attracted to guys by their appearance and personality. But, I'm attracted to girls sexually, appearance, and personality! Does this make me gay/bi or what?!...

He left me because he wasn't able to commit just yet, should I stay in touch till he's ready?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5757 days ago

13 October 2008 (M - hey, I really need some help. I am a 15 year old gay boy and my boyfriend of two years left me a couple of weeks ago. Me and my boyfriend where incredibly close. We liked the same things, we hAd the same sense of humor and we where totaly on love, ...

Our relationship is not the same as it was when we started. How do I bring back the spark?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5766 days ago

13 October 2008 (M - Why is it so hurt so when you fall inlove with some one. I just wish my boyfriend knows how much i love him, care about him. I miss the old time we had, the fun etc..... now it is not the same and everytimes i think about it, it makes me cry and ...

I feel neglected by my married boyfriend. I cheated and now he won't call. Help!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5765 days ago

13 October 2008 (M - Hello everyone it has been more than a couple months since since i use that site and now here im, back again seeking for help. My boyfriend and I have been togethere for 11 months now, but i keep on asking myself if we are still boyfrien...

How do I let him know I don't feel that way about him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5766 days ago

13 October 2008 (M - Hey evryone it's me again and i have another problem. for everyone who looks at my questions you know that i already have my heart set on a straight guy. well what happens whrn another guy comes on to you? i was supposed to go to a bowling meet...

He said I just don't "do it for him". What's going on???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5766 days ago

13 October 2008 (F - My gay best friend told me he was "experimenting" when he took my virginity! We were both virgins and he told me for months and months that he liked me, I liked him a lot! I was practically in love with him, we used to spend hours on the phone ...

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