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Archived questions from: August, 2005 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

There's no sex any more! My girlfriend is just never in the mood...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6908 days ago

27 August 2005 (F - I am a 29 year old woman who has been in a relationship with another woman for 8 years. She is ten years older than me. Our relationship is great except for the lack of sex. At first we were at it all the time, but gradually over the years it...

Is my girlfriend really just "best friends" with this other woman..?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6908 days ago

27 August 2005 (M - I really need an honest 3rd party opinion. My girlfriend and I have been seeing each other a little over a year. For most of that time we have been on and off again, mostly because I was afraid of commitment. The past couple of months we have gott...

Thought I might be bi-curious, but am I full-on bisexual?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6911 days ago

24 August 2005 (F - Hi, I have been straight for years, and married, though now I am a divorced mum. I have been in several relationships with men and have always through that I am bi-curious, as I fancy some of my friends in the past, but nothing happened and I never ...

My lover wants me to experience sex with a woman, but the idea scares me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6901 days ago

24 August 2005 (M - I need some serious help and advice. I love a man, but still find women attractive and beautiful, but I also find men attractive and handsome. So if I am in love with a man and we want to spend the rest of our lives together does that mean I am gay...

Hating my life with my family, but I don't feel I can move out!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6912 days ago

23 August 2005 (M - Hello. I hope that you can help me, I'm 21yrs of age. I live at home, and I hate it. I hate my life and I hate my work I hate everything about me. I work with my dad and he is constantly criticizing me; there are days that we get on very well but...

I get nothing but criticism and accusations from my boyfriend. What should I do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6899 days ago

22 August 2005 (M - Hi, I am a 19 year old male and I'm in a relationship with a 40yr old male. We have been having problems now for months. He spends more time with everybody else with me. He's nasty to me, he puts me down, he tries to stop me talking to my family and ...

My girlfriend wants to try to fix things up with her husband, even though she doesn't love him!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6912 days ago

22 August 2005 (? - I am a female involved emotionally with another female. I am in my early 40's and she is in her early 30's. We have been going out together for about six months. She has told me she is very interested in me. She is married and has been for 8 years. ...

My boyfriend doesn't trust me! How can I make him believe that I'm not playing up?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6795 days ago

19 August 2005 (M - I'm in a gay relationship and trust is always a problem. My boyfriend is starting to think falsely that something is going on behind his back. How do I make him trust me?...

I'm under pressure from my family, who don't understand that I love another man...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6916 days ago

18 August 2005 (M - Hey again. I need some advice and some help. I hope I don’t go overboard. I've written and asked questions before and found this website to be amazing, I've seen the advice that everybody gives and the amazing part is that the person that is "given ...

Am I cheating on my girlfriend it it's with another guy?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6096 days ago

18 August 2005 (M - I'm been in a relationship with my girlfriend for a while and I have also been doing sexual thing with a guy and I dont know if that is cheating on her if it is with a guy???...

Am I a virgin if I had a gay experience?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6917 days ago

18 August 2005 (M - I'm 15 and I've been doing sexual thing with a guy friend that I know and he is about 4 years older than me. My question is last night I went to his house and we watched a movie and then we eventually ended up on the floor and with our clothes ...

If I tell my family I'm in a gay relationship, it'll destroy them...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6919 days ago

15 August 2005 (M - Hello. I'm a 21yr old male. I am in love with a 25yr old man. We love each other both very, very much. I even lied to my parents when I went to visit him overseas, saying that it was a group of friends, only to be alone with him. This is our firs...

I love my boyfriend, but sex with his sister really turned me on!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5449 days ago

14 August 2005 (F - Hiya, I'm a 22 year old girl and I feel so confused. I've been going out with a lad for 3 years and he's wonderful, but last weekend I went on a night out with his sister. We were drunk and we ended up having sex. This was my first time with a ...

We're totally different people, but I really love him. Can we work through our differences?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6923 days ago

12 August 2005 (M - I'm gay and so is the guy I've been trying to make it work out with. He was deployed by Nat'l Guard for a year to my home state after I met him in his home state where I go to school. He has since returned home and im still here, about an hour ...

My fantasies have me thinking I might be a lesbian...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6924 days ago

9 August 2005 (F - I recently started to think I might be gay- when I masturbate I always think about girls- either me and another girl or just two other girls. I've had one lesbian experience about 2 years ago but it was just a drunken laugh and I wasn't attracted to ...

I snooped in her email account, I snooped in her mobile. I found out the truth about her best friend, but she's broken up with me over it...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6764 days ago

8 August 2005 (M - I’ve been with my girlfriend for about year, and about 8 months of our relationship has been troubled by her best friend (female), who is in love with my girlfriend and whom my girlfriend has had sex with twice before I we ever met. My girlfrie...

Should I tell my friend what I know about his love interest, or keep my mouth shut?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6927 days ago

8 August 2005 (M - (Gay related) Hi, I have a very close friend who's been seeing another guy for the last five months. My friend lives alone and the guy he's seeing is living with a partner but has told my friend that this relationship is all but over and...

I don't want to have to choose between my love and my parents...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6931 days ago

4 August 2005 (F - I'm 19 years old. My problem is I'm interested in women. I'm a Lesbian. I love a girl. I love her so much and she also loves me too. We want to be together and marry. She so nice. She always takes care of me, stay with me when I'm alone. She makes ...

My girlfriend broke up with me because she can't face coming out to her family...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6932 days ago

2 August 2005 (F - My girlfriend of three years and I just broke up last night. She is not out and this has caused a lot of heartache in our relationship. We have broken up over this before, but this time it is different. She says that she loves me and wants to ...

My girlfriend is developing a friendship with her boss that's driving a wedge between us!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6933 days ago

2 August 2005 (F - I have been with my girlfriend for over 7 years, she has recently developed a close friendship with her boss (who is also gay). I am getting more and more paranoid that something is going to happen, but in the process I am driving her away. I don'...

I don't know if I'm gay, but I've been questioning my sexuality...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6933 days ago

2 August 2005 (F - Hi I am a 22 year old female. I have recently been questioning my sexuality and this has resulted in me going in to depression. I did speak to a psychologist however, she was no help and I still feel the same. When I was younger, when I would get...

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