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Frequently asked questions about the DearCupid.ORG service

(for contact info see the contact page)

What is DearCupid.ORG?

DearCupid.ORG is an online agony aunt service, aimed mainly at answering questions on realationships, dating and sex... Although we will also answer questions on pretty much anything in your life!

Do many people visit the site?

According to Google Analytics in January 2009 we had 1,040,812 unique visitors come to the site. (Yes, over a million people in a month!)

Who runs the site?

Just me, and a team of volunteer moderators who help deal with the content. I'm on the site as DearCupid. I welcome all your comments on DearCupid: The site has grown and improved because of all the great feedback people have given me. The best way to contact me is to send me a private message through the website. I'm on the site as DearCupid, you can private message me from my profile page or email info[at]

Ok, but what is an agony aunt?

An agony aunt is mainly a UK term... It is someone who will help you out with life's agonies! You ask a question, they give advice.

What are the benefits?

If you ask a question on DearCupid.ORG you don't just get one answer and one point of view. You get a wide range of answers from people with different life experiences and different point of views. We think this is much more helpful.

Can anyone answer questions?

Yes, absolutely anyone can answer questions. All we ask is that people stick to our common-sense posting guidelines. You can answer anonymously, or you can create an account and get your own agony aunt column! Even if you have registered you can still choose to post some answers anonymously. You are in control.

Why is my question / answer not posted yet?

To keep quality on the site high, all questions and answers go through an approval process. We reject only a small percentage of questions and answers: Usually only because they are so badly written we have no idea what's going on! It normally takes no more than an hour for new postings to get approved. If you create an account when you ask a question you can see the approval status of your questions.

Can I advertise on your site?

Yes! We run all our adverts through Google's Adsense programme, and you can target this site directly through Adsense.

How do I delete my account?

The link can be found on the "your account" page or you can go straight to the delete account page.

How do I delete my questions?

If you have registered, you get the option to remove your questions when you delete your account. Or you can leave them and they become anonymous. Remember that your question and the answers you received may be really helpful to someone else so it would be appreciated if you leave your questions in place :)

All Content Copyright (C) DearCupid.ORG 2004-2008 - we actively monitor for copyright theft
