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Archived questions from: February, 2014 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Am I feeling scarred by women in general or am I just gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3799 days ago

28 February 2014 (M - Hi Todd here, I posted a comment a few weeks back but only got one comment back, admirable comment, but only one. You can check out my initial question at this link for more info:

I have never had anyone really love me, I feel rejected and alone!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3802 days ago

27 February 2014 (F - I am a gay female, I am not "super frilly or girly" but I am feminine and am attracted to the same in women. Im not the stereotypical gay female, I'm not into the gay scene due to not so good experiences in the past with nasty women. I...

I've come out as gay, but don't know where to go to meet girls!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3805 days ago

23 February 2014 (F - I’m twenty year-old college student whom ‘came out’ as gay last October. Initially, I felt great about this as I could finally talk honestly with my friends and be myself. However, as the months drag on and I still haven’t met any girl I like and ...

Not sure if I'm bisexual or just bi-curious!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3805 days ago

23 February 2014 (F - I am really confused about my sexual orientation. I have liked guys for all my life. I feel attracted to men and sometimes in a sexual attraction,but I was always uncomfortable with the idea of sex whenever it got to where me and a guy were alone. ...

Should I tell my boyfriend that I'm a lesbian and get this over with?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 3804 days ago

23 February 2014 (F - Here goes. I've been abnormal from the get-go, okay? All of my friends would blabber on and on about the floppy-haired fellow down the hall while my thoughts gravitated towards the lunch menu. I never seek out any boys myself, but I'll be damned if ...

Bi Male Attracted to Straight Male

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3791 days ago

19 February 2014 (M - Dear Cupid, I am a 19 year old bisexual guy with very few friends, and the friends I have are all straight guys. Recently, I have found myself very attracted sexually and romantically to one of my straight friends. When we'd drink, we usually e...

Am I really gay or just scarred by women?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3810 days ago

17 February 2014 (M - Hey I'm Todd, I’ve never had any luck with women. Ever since I was a little boy girls never seemed to like me. Many girls seem to give the impression they like my looks although I’ve rarely ever heard anyone say it, besides my mom’s friends. N...

Confused by his behaviour. How to I take it from here?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3812 days ago

17 February 2014 (M - So this is a complicated one, I'm Mike, I met a guy "David" online it was great! We got on so well and I met him a few times, we got drunk on the 2nd meet and then ended up sleeping together. I regret it but it happened. He was a bit off with me afte...

Help, I think I might be gay or bisexual.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3811 days ago

17 February 2014 (F - I think I might be gay/bi...HELP!? I'm a 20 year old female and I am so confused it's driving me nuts! I can't seem to enjoy sex with a man at ALL, I've been having sex for 4 years now and haven't had an orgasm once with a man. I can do it myself...

Am I reading these signs correctly? Is she being friendly or flirtatious?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3801 days ago

15 February 2014 (F - I'm lesbian and find this other lady gorgeous. Something about her drew me to her so I've been trying to find subtle reasons to be around her. We always give each other eye contact and even hold it and smile. Often times she talks with me she ...

.Women I am attracted to run when they learn I am also involved with a man

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 3811 days ago

15 February 2014 (F - Hey everyone... I'm having some struggles with my sexuality/sexual identity. I am a female, and I am in love with a man. We plan on getting married, we are both very attracted to one another and we're super happy. The thing is, I am also very att...

I am in love with him, I think he is gay, but I am not sure!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3813 days ago

15 February 2014 (M - Alright, so I have a problem that I have posted about on here before. It has been years, so hopefully I'n not bothering anyone again with the same question. I am a 20 year old gay (possibly bi?) male. I am in love with one of my sightly younger best ...

Very curious about my LDR girlfriend's handsome friend. How do I handle myself?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3818 days ago

11 February 2014 (F - My girlfriend and I have been good friends for years. We began hanging out and eventually dating this summer before I moved to the east coast for grad school. We see one another on breaks. I love her and we have great communication. She joined a ...

I am not getting what I need emotionally from my girlfriend. We have already spoken about it; what else can I do?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 3818 days ago

10 February 2014 (F - Hello to all. I'll jump right to the question. I'm gay and have been with my girlfriend just over a year. I love her with my whole heart, but lately, I've not been getting what I need emotionally, and it's causing me some issues. I'm pretty l...

How do I come out as bisexual to my parents?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3819 days ago

9 February 2014 (F - I am bisexual. Ive known this fact since like age six. It is NOT a phase . I really like girls and I really like guys. I don't like keeping this from my parents, it just feels awkward. They are straight lgtb allies, so its nnot like they will be ...

We are talking about patching things up, but I have concerns about her lying!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3819 days ago

9 February 2014 (F - I was in a relationship with another woman for about one year. we just recently broke up but are talking about patching things up. We dated casually for a few months, then decided to make it official. During the dating, we never talked about bei...

Crush on a guy at work, but he says he isn't gay

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3789 days ago

9 February 2014 (M - I've been single for the past 4 years and I've been very happy single. However, I've been having these feelings for another guy at work. I came out as gay just before we started working together so he knows I'm gay. I think about him all day, every ...

How am I supposed to trust her again? Do I confront her?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3821 days ago

7 February 2014 (F - Me (20, female) and my girlfriend (21) broke up a while ago. Until last month, we got back together. I've discovered a lot about her during the time we were apart. She slept with a workmate, I found out she was on a datingsite, there's a whole li...

I can't stop thinking about my girlfriend's ex, and their relationship. Help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3822 days ago

7 February 2014 (F - Ok I'll try and keep this short as I don't want to bore anyone! Basically I have been in a lesbian relationship for around a year now with a woman who I love very dearly. She is my first true love and I can't believe how lucky I am to have found ...

My it straight? gay? Just not interested?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3823 days ago

6 February 2014 (M - There is this guy at work I have a crush on. Thing is, idk if he is gay. We are very good friends but I have gotten to a point to when I am around him. I flirt. I tell him I like him, that he is cute and even wanna have sex with him but he dont say ...

I'm still struggling with what happened the night after we broke up!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3825 days ago

4 February 2014 (F - Hey guys. I'm having a hard time and could really use some guidance. A little background. I'm a gay female and have been with my girlfriend for about a year and a half. I'm struggling with some resentment that I seem to be harboring and it's ...

Does she treat me like this because she knows I love her?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3826 days ago

3 February 2014 (F - I am a lesbian and have been with my girlfriend for almost a year. When we first started it was GREAT but then everything started going down. For one she has a 1 year old puppy which I knew when I met her and did not have problem with it. But as ...

Would it be best to keep my sexuality to myself for now?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3826 days ago

3 February 2014 (F - I've finally come to terms with my own sexuality as being gay, and I feel as if my parents already have an idea however they're always making a joke of it and have made it quite known that it's not something they agree with! Is it wrong to not tel...

43 with no children of my own. I'd like to have a child with my gay friend

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 3806 days ago

2 February 2014 (F - I am 43 and childless. I would love to have a child but the odds are stacked against me. I would love to have a child for a gay friend. My best friend is gay and I'd love to be able to broach the subject with him but I don't know how I should bro...

I can't figure out my sexuality!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3827 days ago

2 February 2014 (F - Okay, I'm 16 years old and very unsure of my sexuality. Most people say I'm just going through the time where I'm exploring 'different paths' however I've been unsure of this since I was about 11 years old. I've had a couple of boyfriends, howe...

He was my first and I was his first. But he's afraid of his sexuality and we broke up. How do I handle this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3826 days ago

2 February 2014 (M - Okay I've been dating my boyfriend since about 2012. December 29th. We both realized we had a attraction and decided to try it out. For about 6 months everything was good, into we both had to accept that at this point we we're gay. I accepted it ...

I feel embarrassed that I couldn't reach climax with my new partner

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3828 days ago

1 February 2014 (M - Hey dear cupiders, I'm not sure if this is an appropriate place to ask but not sure where else to ask and since this site has helped me before I thought it may help again. I've been seeing this guy for a few weeks now and he really turns me ...

She hung my bookmark by her bed. Does this mean she loves me back?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3827 days ago

1 February 2014 (F - There is this girl that I have a crush on. We are best friends now and we danced one time it was the best moment of my life. I always wondered if she loves me back.I made a bookmark with her name as a Christmas present cause she loves to read. Well ...

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