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Archived questions from: August, 2011 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Is it normal to have bisexual feelings at my age?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4714 days ago

30 August 2011 (? - Hi. Iv been so confused latley. Iv been going out with a boy for almost a year and i love him to death. before me and him started going out i used to be close to this one girl, and i always seemed to be atrackted to her, abit more than friendly ...

I'm obsessed with my teacher and I've been harrasing her by e-mail

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4715 days ago

29 August 2011 (F - Okay there is this teacher that I am like really obsessed with and I harass her lot on email sending her stuff saying I love her I'm not a lesbian or anything it's just every time I see her at school I just think she's everything. I know it's ...

Getting him to open up?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4713 days ago

29 August 2011 (M - So, last winter, a was a having bi-curious thoughts, and a boys told me he liked me. He asked me out, but after a little bit of flirting, I turned him down. Eight months later, I broke up with my gifriend and realized I liked him. He never stopped ...

I'm a straight guy who likes a bisexual guy!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4697 days ago

29 August 2011 (M - I am a 20 year old straight guy who is in love with a bisexual guy, but I don't see myself with any other man, I don't find other guys attractive nor imagine myself with them nor want to spend any quality time with them. Only him. But the problem is ...

Do I or don't I let go?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4706 days ago

28 August 2011 (F - I am a 32 year old lesbian my ex girlfriend 21 we dated for 4 years then she left me for a guy I still love her dearly. She has come back to me twice just after the breakup and then goes back to him its almost a year now bt I can't move on and she ...

Am I bi-curious, or something more?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4713 days ago

28 August 2011 (F - I know there have been other posts like this but... My problem is that recently I have found that to get in the mood for sex with my boyfriend of two years I have started to imagine myself being with another woman. And it really gets me in the m...

I enjoy having sex with my male cousin. Should I be so scared about others finding out?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4701 days ago

28 August 2011 (M - Hi everybody, this is me confessing something I would never tell anyone. While I wish I can write more in details about it, I'm making it short. This is also a gay thing, so if you are not comfortable about it don't read further. I am not very ...

Should I tell my parents that I am bi-curious? They have never known about my relationship with this bi-girl

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4659 days ago

28 August 2011 (F - A semi-quick question for anybody willing to answer; I don't know if this love is true blue? I'm going to have to explain this better for you to be able to analyze, so...I am head over heels for my best friend. The feelings are mutual for her, ...

We have sex but he pursues girls, too. I think he has trouble admitting to being gay...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4713 days ago

27 August 2011 (M - Ok ... I'm in love with my best friend. He's younger than me. We have sex, we talk and we behave like two people who are in a committed relationship. HE, however, hasn't made peace yet with the fact that he's gay. So, I don't understand how he is ...

Have I misunderstoond what being bi is about?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4717 days ago

27 August 2011 (F - I would identify myself as a bisexual woman, and have known this since I was about 12... But recently there have been a few things said from college debates, stories on the internet that I completely don't understand or agree with- so my question...

My ex recently broke up with his rebound, yet doesn't seem to want us to be back together again. Do I still stand a chance?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4718 days ago

25 August 2011 (M - Please jump to the last paragraph if my background story is too wordy :') I am 17-year old and gay. I was best friend with this guy i just met this year, from Feb all the way to beginning of July. We were best friends and would call each other ...

I don't want to keep it a secret that I'm bi, but will men be ok with me if they know?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4720 days ago

24 August 2011 (M - I am 18 years old and bisexual, even if not completely 50 / 50. A few people know, and the truth is bound to have spread a little. I don't want to be attention seeking and make a big deal of it, but then again, hate hiding it. Will male friends and ...

I feel trapped. What should I do? I've had a threesome and my husband does not know.

This question has 19 answers - newest was posted 2766 days ago

24 August 2011 (F - Hi i'm 32 year old wife and a mom with a kid of 3 years old . I'm feeling confused and trapped with a dilemma all because of my mistakes. Almost 3 months before I met a nice and good looking girls who's 23 years at the gym. We had the same gym ins...

Older guy and I seemed to have this great relationship...and then he disappeared! What is going on??

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4720 days ago

24 August 2011 (M - I know that this is a long story but please read it and give me good answers. I'm so sad. I met this guy on craigslist weeks ago. ( I'm a guy by the way so yeah I'm gay.) He came over my house and we talked and got to know each other. He was very ...

I want him to either realize that he loves me and be committed to me or I want him to leave me....

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4720 days ago

23 August 2011 (M - I don't know how to explain my situation. I'm madly in love(for over a year now) with a younger guy. We've been best friends and all and our relationship developed from there. We have sex, we kiss, we talk on the phone endlessly, but he doesn't ...

I can't believe I kissed my best friend like that!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4721 days ago

23 August 2011 (F - Hi my name is Holly J.I'm 15 years old.I go to an all girl School.My story happened 1 year ago.I always hang out by's really hard for me to make friends.I'm a extremely shy person it took me forever just to talk to the person who sit next ...

Crushing on my best friend.....should I tell her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4719 days ago

23 August 2011 (F - I am getting these things .. and i am starting to think i am bi sexual .. but i don't wanna tell anyone .. atleast not yet , cause knowing the people i know .. they probably won't believe me for some silly reason . .and i don't know what to do about ...

Am I gay, bi or straight?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4721 days ago

22 August 2011 (M - i'm 23 and i'm really confused about my sexuality and have been questioning it for many years now, i used to find women very attractive and i even had a girlfriend once but i ended it because it felt awkward and there was no more feelings after the ...

I'm terrified I'm going to see her with someone again and I get this sick feeling in my stomach. How do I deal with all of this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4722 days ago

22 August 2011 (F - So my girlfriend of five years and I broke up about two months ago, and until recently ive been okay because it was like we were still together. We live in the same buildings paralle from each other, and friday night I was having a smoke and I saw ...

He's hot! Could he be attracted to me??

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4722 days ago

22 August 2011 (M - Okay I'm gonna get to the point straight away.I'm a 19 year old gay guy and I have a crush on this guy in one of my classes.I know he's gay for sure but Could he be attracted to me when he's a whole lot better looking.I'm a latino guy so I have dark ...

I really want to figure out what is between my friend and I!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4679 days ago

19 August 2011 (M - So im really good friends with this guy (he's 19 and I'm 22), who i believe is in the closet (says he's interested in women on facebook and has had not serious girlfriends in the past, and never really talks about it.) He always tells me how good ...

Could being gay just be a phase?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4704 days ago

19 August 2011 (M - First off, I'm just going to say that this might not be the best looking question in terms of spacing. I was wondering if some of you have ever gone through a gay/bi phase? This is a very embarassing thing for me to say, but I'm gay. I'm sure of ...

How can I tell if the girl I like is gay like me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4726 days ago

18 August 2011 (F - I'm interested in a girl I'm not sure whether or not she's gay? She's tomboyish - not in looks but her personality reminds me a lot of me and I'm gay! She slouches when she walks, she walks with her hands in her pockets, she wears no make up, always ...

I'm gay and I have a crush on my female trainer. I think she might feel the same

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4723 days ago

18 August 2011 (F - eed some advice! I've just recently been employed, and currently in training. My trainer is really really good looking, and I took a fancy to her straight away. But I am 21 and she is 35 and has a daughter and a partner. And I have a gf at the...

Could the age difference get in the way of this being a successful relationship?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4726 days ago

18 August 2011 (F - Hey everyone, Just a quick question about age differences. I'm 19 (lesbian, if that changes stuff) and I've just met someone who is 28. I've never had to think about this before and was just wondering what people's perspectives are on the situa...

I want a relationship with this guy and I want my mother to accept it!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4725 days ago

18 August 2011 (M - Hi, I am 21 years old guy, just came out yesterday to my mother that I am bisexual and she didn`t over reacted but the thing is, she did not convinced that I am actually capable to love also guys and enjoy sexual intercourse. She thinks that thi...

Gay guy attracted to a straight lodger -- what to do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4727 days ago

18 August 2011 (M - I am a 26 year old gay male and and have had a straight male lodger for the past 2 months. I have developed feelings for him and told him this recently when i was drunk. He told me he was straight but flattered but has stayed here not so often now. ...

Married bi woman seeking advice on how to keep the trust in her marriage

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4722 days ago

17 August 2011 (F - Hey ladies have a problem about my sexuality. You see im bisexual and never came out to 'ANYONE' in my whole life (there was no point as my family and friends are all old school as well as very homaphobic so i wouldnt have done myself any good....

Close friend got drunk and we made out and now she's cool to me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4727 days ago

17 August 2011 (F - I have a really close friend who I have known for a really long time. Last night she got quite drunk and we ended up kissing and pleasuring each other to orgasm. It is common knowledge that I am bisexual however she thought she was straight. We have ...

How can I tell if this girl is gay or bi and if she could be interested in me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4726 days ago

16 August 2011 (F - Ok girls and boys gay and straight, I need your help!!!! Can you give me 10 tell tale signs this girl is interested in me?! I must say she does wear a ring on her engagement ring finger and as far as I know she is with somebody - I'm not going to ...

Why is my friend never happy for me??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4728 days ago

16 August 2011 (F - My friend is kinda annoying me......she's straight with a bf but did have a fling with a girl once but she's straight! I'm gay and she's known for years that I am. my first girlfriend she told her I was gay before we got together thinking it would ...

I hurt her, I cheated, I was embarrassed, but I want her back!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4728 days ago

16 August 2011 (F - II ended it with my girlfriend and now she won't take me back. We have been going out for 2 years and she has been the best girlfriend anyone could wish for. I on the other hand have been a terrible girlfriend, i've cheated twice, ended it with her...

I get turned on by female porn am I gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4728 days ago

16 August 2011 (F - I have a man that satifies me in everyway an I've been straight from long as I no I never done sexual activities with a female or even thought about it bt I mastabate to gay porn an wen I see a girls porn picture Its the only way I can come if I put ...

His partner died 9 years ago, is it still healthy that he's grieving over him?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4728 days ago

16 August 2011 (M - Hi I am in a relationship with a guy for the last two years and we live together for the last 6 months, my partner had a partner who died 9 years ago and they were together for 18 years and were very happy My partner is very close with his partner...

I sometimes fantasize about kissing girls. Does this mean I am gay or bi?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4730 days ago

14 August 2011 (F - I've only had two boyfriends and one of them I was sexually attracted to. We had oral sex a couple of times and never went any further than that. But we broke up because I was still in love with my best guy friend, Alex. Alex has had a girlfriend ...

Why am I falling out of love with my girlfriend?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4730 days ago

14 August 2011 (F - I used to be so in love even obsessed with her. We have been together for 6 or 7 years ever since high school. We don't kiss or touch as much anymore and hardly ever have sex anymore, romance is fleeting I really love her but don't know what to do. ...

How can I deal with my boyfriend who wants me to cut off or sideline my gay male friends?

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 4730 days ago

14 August 2011 (F - My bf is extremely jealous of my gay friends. I am a female, who has always been around gay male friends. All of my best friends had always been gay. My high school friends is gay, my college friend is gay, and now my work buddy is gay. I have ...

I'm gay and I'm really afraid of the treatment I'll receive and my family's disapproval

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4715 days ago

13 August 2011 (M - Hello,  Please Don't Judge me for the following question(s): I am 16 years old, and I am gay. (A lot of people may argue with the fact I am certain of my sexuality because I'm at such a confusing age, but I know, I have always known.) For the ...

My girlfriend argues about my gay past and it's not stopping.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4731 days ago

13 August 2011 (M - My girlfriend and I have been together for 5 months, we broke up before but we got back together again 3 years later. When we got back together she already had 1 daughter with her ex-boyfriend but I'm okay with the fact that she has a kid. The first ...

Is there any chance she still likes me? I really really like her, I just don't know what to do

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4730 days ago

13 August 2011 (F - Long story short - a girl I've been seeing for around 5 months (we'll call her X) told me she didn't want anything to do with me anymore about a month ago. I have confidence issues after my ex girlfriend (of nearly 4 years) hurt me pretty badly, but ...

Why do people cheat? why be unfaithful? what's the payoff to be the "other woman"?

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 4719 days ago

13 August 2011 (F - I have a question for all the unfaithful and the homewreckers. Why did you cheat!?!? Or help someone cheat!?!? I see so many questions about cheating..and they're the cheaters!! Doesn't anyone know cheating is wrong? And the only acceptab...

How would I get my husband to admit that he is gay?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4731 days ago

12 August 2011 (F - How might a woman know for sure if her husband is gay? And, if so, how does she get him to admit it? Anybody know the "tell-tell" signs? And, I love him, but honestly believe he is gay.. maybe he hasn't come to terms with it himself yet. HEL...

First-timer wants to play safe

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4731 days ago

12 August 2011 (M - hello i need help im about to have my first anal intercourse with someone who i met online and is 10 years older than me he says hes clean but he told me stories about how he lost his virginity and what he likes to do and by the looks of it he ...

I told her I liked her and now she's avoiding me

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4732 days ago

11 August 2011 (F - I asked my same sex friend out whom I flirt with a lot!! And I know dumb of me to ask thru text but its been eating at me for two yrs and I know she says she is straight so I told her i am okay with her not wanting to date me but that I had to tell ...

Are there ways to tell if a straight acting guy is a masculine undercover gay guy?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4734 days ago

10 August 2011 (M - I dont know how to approach guys who act straight? I'm gay and I'm only attracted to masculine gay guys and straight guys but I can't tell which to approach. No one knows I'm gay and I don't want to approach the wrong one. But I want straight acting ...

Gay and 17 and afraid to approach guys in school

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4733 days ago

10 August 2011 (M - I'm 17 and realizing my sexuality that I'm bisexual and it took a while for me to realize that because I was afraid of being gay. But I surely know I'm gay but I having a hard to worrying what others think. No one knows about me I feel like it's ...

I don't enjoy my boyfriend's company, but he seems to really like me

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4735 days ago

9 August 2011 (F - I've been dating this guy for a few weeks now, he's really sweet and lovely and really likes me but I'm just not happy with him. I just find him incredibly boring, I don't like being alone with him, whenever I am I'm desperately texting my friends ...

How can I find out what is wrong without making her mad or falsely accusing her of something?

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9 August 2011 (F - My same- sex partner is really really angry at me lately. Like blind rage angry. from zero to enraged in less than 10 secs.I have tried to ask what is wrong but that makes no difference. It doesnt seem to have a pattern apart from her wanting time ...

Shouldnt I be over her by now?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4735 days ago

9 August 2011 (F - i'm still in love with the same person ive always been in love with, (we were 14 when we got together and i'm 18 now) we've been over for about 5 months, as well as being split up before hand, i inbox her sometimes, she doesnt block me, just ...

I love him but I'm getting tired of him freaking out about us

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4716 days ago

9 August 2011 (M - Hey. My problem is a bit of a long one. I'm an 18 year old guy and I'm gay. I've recently started talking to an old friend of mine from middle school and he confided in me that he is gay and that he has been interested in me since we were kids. At ...

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