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Archived questions from: May, 2010 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Is our relationship over...?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5170 days ago

31 May 2010 (M - I have been in a gay relationship for 1year, and my bf has been going thru a difficult time in terms of his boss cutting down on staff, pay cuts etc, so we have not had the life of luxury we once had as we are both ;living from pay cheque to pay ...

I have spent a long time liking him for reasons that are not comprehendible!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4843 days ago

31 May 2010 (M - I'm now going on 3 years that I've liked this guy. I'm gay, he's supposedly straight. Infatuation? Don't think so because it's not like I don't go out with other guys and fall for them. Obsession? Nah cause I'm not dying without him. Crush? I think ...

Why did I have to fall for my friend who is in a relationship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5164 days ago

31 May 2010 (F - One of my really good friends and I knew each other since high school but we really didn't start talking and getting to truly know each other until this year, which is our senior year. My friend, she's gay, and I really got close, we're so ...

Help! Am I just too sensitive?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5171 days ago

30 May 2010 (F - Hi I don't stay with my lover at the moment, we chat but she is always busy on google and other sites when i want to chat she's always too busy doing other things, does that mean she does not love me? It feels that I am not important to her but ...

Am I gay or not?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5168 days ago

29 May 2010 (M - I recently questioned that i might be gay so i met up with a guy i met online to see if I enjoyed it. We preformed oral on each other then he preformed anal sex on me. I did cum but am still not sure if I'm gay or not?...

15 years old and in love with a 26 year old straight guy.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5157 days ago

29 May 2010 (M - I'm now a 15 year old teenage boy and I'm in love with a straight guy which is our poultry boy, I just can't help the fact that I'm in love with a 26 year old straight guy, I've been asking my friends about this matter, well they told me that maybe ...

11 when I discovered I am a bi.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5172 days ago

29 May 2010 (M - I was 11 years old when I knew I was bi, I was attracted to a girl yet much with a guy he was my best friend for two years and I told my mom and dad about it too bad for me they weren't able to accept but the fact that they transfered me in the ...

Is he really gay? Or just curious?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5173 days ago

28 May 2010 (F - I really need your help and your opinion on my story. I don't know what to do anymore. I met my bf a year and 4 months ago. He was in the military. The first time he came to see me everything was perfect, until he told me that he had kissed a girl ...

how do I go about not being so awkward with her?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5173 days ago

27 May 2010 (F - so i met this girl at prom a while ago. i thought she was very cute, but thought nothing of it because i am gay, and most girls are straight. well, her friend, her, and i danced that night and had fun. on the ride back, the girl i thought was cute, ...

Sexual frustration!! My girlfriend doesn't touch me : (

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5175 days ago

26 May 2010 (F - I'm a newly outed (to myself and everyone else!) lesbian, and I've been with my girlfriend for about 5 months now. We're very much in love and quite frisky and spend a lot of time in the bedroom, but things have begun to seem increasingly one-sided ...

I know he loves me, but because he is bi-sexual he still wants to sleep with women! How should I handle this?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5154 days ago

26 May 2010 (M - hi, i am a 22 yr old guy, deeply in love with a classmate, who is 21.he is bisexual, for i know he had girlfriends and was physical with them.he is extremely caring, affectionate and i know loves me very much. but problem is, he still wants to have ...

Turned on by girl porn, but being with a girl just doesn't fit!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5174 days ago

26 May 2010 (F - I love watching women strip but dont wana touch a girl, i have no desire watsoever to touch a chick except 'to know' if im bi....but thats a stupid reason, if i really wanted a chick i'd 'want it' to 'want it' not to 'know' i also like watching men ...

I'm newly bisexual. I'm sure he likes me back, but he's already with someone...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5154 days ago

25 May 2010 (M - Hi, I'm a 21 year old male, I've been heterosexual all my life, but just recently I've become bisexual, almost purely because of one of my closest friends, who I've completely fallen in love with. I'm absolutely sure he likes me too (he's also bi)...

Is he shy or do you think he is gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5176 days ago

25 May 2010 (F - Hey guys, Ok so my bf (20) and I (22) have been seeing each other for about three months now. But I can't help but question if he really is gay and not bisexual like he says he is. With in these three months he hasn't tried to make a move sexu...

I am gay, he is straight, should I tell him how I feel?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5175 days ago

25 May 2010 (M - I'm a 15 year old guy and I'm gay. I've always known that so that isn't the issue. I've been having REALLY strong feelings for another guy, but he's straight. I don't know if it's love (I doubt it) but they're strong enough feelings to make me ...

Fiance is posting ads for bi sex

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5178 days ago

23 May 2010 (F - I snooped into my fiance's (of 8 months) emails and discovered that he's answering and posting sex ads as a bisexual man (he posted as such). He's never discussed this with me. I don't have a problem with it as I realize that sexuality comes in ...

Developing feelings for my male best friend

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5179 days ago

22 May 2010 (F - I am a guy, and I have a male best friend. He had nowhere to stay and we've been sleeping in the same bed for about a year and a half. Recently he moved out as he found a place but at some point before that, something weird happened between us in a ...

Why would she spend time and effort flirting with me if she has difficulty accepting "the whole gay thing"

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5179 days ago

22 May 2010 (F - Dear Cupid, I'm a girl, and I've fallen for a girl who happens to be my best friend. Now,she's told me twice before that she's straight,she reads gay and lesbian romance stories, and has been flirting with me for the last few months, and telling ...

Come on people, am I in denial? Is this an obvious one or what?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5169 days ago

21 May 2010 (F - I’m dating a guy who’s most cherished memories are when he was in a band as a singer and both men and women adored him. 1.He’s extremely meticulous about everything he does from dressing to cooking to barbering. He unconscienably spends hours in ...

Is he into me? Or is he not that into me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5174 days ago

21 May 2010 (M - Okay, so there's this guy I am somewhat interested in. And one day he came up to me, and asked me for my name. He purposely came over to talk to me even knowing I am gay. On top of it, he's very shy with everyone else, but he seems to only talk to ...

I am bi and have a homophobic family! Help!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5057 days ago

20 May 2010 (F - Hi, iam 14 yes old and am bi and I have a really homophobic family and I have not told them. How should I tell them? ...

This has made me question my sexual preferences!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5181 days ago

20 May 2010 (F - Hi i'm in a bit of a dilemma, i'm 17 years old and female and i can't stop obsessing over this thing that happened. Well one day i went over to my friends house like just to see how she was cus she had been ill the past couple of days. As i went in ...

Is my girlfriend just using me for sex?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5181 days ago

20 May 2010 (F - my gf and i have been together 2yrs. im the lst female she has ever dated. she says she is in love with me but when we have sex she wont pleasure me and i always pleasure her. she wont even use a toy on me. is she just using me for sex or does she ...

I have feelings for both girls and boys, but I don't want to be gay!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5180 days ago

20 May 2010 (M - Hi there, I'm 16 years old, and I'm gay. I don't want to be gay, because I want to have a life, where I get married to a beautiful woman, and have great kids, and be successful (I'd like to). Plus people who are gay are really frowned upon where I ...

Why did his relationship status go from single to it's complicated?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4949 days ago

19 May 2010 (M - well i have been dating my significant other for about 6 months and he had his status as single until recently when i looked and saw that it said, "it's complicated" now i don't have any idea how i'm suppose to take that and i don't know if that is ...

Does he really have ED or is he seeing someone else?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5172 days ago

19 May 2010 (M - Another day, another burning question. So I slept over my boyfriend's place last night and noticed the following: 1) A note I had sent him back in January that he has kept on his fridge is no longer there 2) A picture of us that he had as hi...

How can I become friends with her again?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5182 days ago

19 May 2010 (F - my ex an I haven't been close for about 2 years now...the reason for that is that she loved me physically and emotionally. but i was just attracted to her physically. we messed around and because of that i care about her now emotionally. she says i ...

Should I continue trying to get closure after he cheated on me, or should I just keep on lashing out at him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5182 days ago

19 May 2010 (F - Im 19 years old, and my boyfriend and I have recently broken up due to the fact that from the day we started dating, he was cheating on me with LOTS of men! I knew that he was bisexual from day one so the men didn't shock me, it was the fact tha...

How can I move on when I have never felt this way about anyone before?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5183 days ago

18 May 2010 (F - i left my boyfriend of 7 months for someone i just met. by the way its a girl. She was super sweet. we were talking for a few weeks then i got locked up. well she sent me flowers to show she cared she called me all the time just tell me that i was ...

I love sex with women but like giving this guy bj's!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5182 days ago

17 May 2010 (M - I am 27 years old and I am dating this woman right. We have sex all the time and please each other all the time. But thursday night I was at my apartment and I got on craigs list and posted that I wanted to give a guy a bj. Well I did not think any ...

I"m gay but engaged to mentally ill woman--how do I end things with her?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5184 days ago

17 May 2010 (M - I've been in a relationship with my now fiancee for a decade, within the first 6 months she was having a hard time. She would constantly start crying and become very sensitive, not over anything that i did, but when something happened at work or ...

Gay guy interested in someone who is straight, and keeping him away from a girl he's interested in

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5170 days ago

17 May 2010 (M - So, im gay, straight acting, outed to everyone, and have had serious relationships with guys. but for the last few months ive had strong feelings for a straight friend who lives a few doors down in uni halls, ive tried to get over him because i know ...

Since my friend came out I've been wondering if I'm gay too

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5183 days ago

17 May 2010 (M - ever since my frend had came and told me that she was bi sexual i have been haveing weard feelings. this mad me think about being gay and now that i got the idea in my mind i cant get it out i keep fatiscizeing about gay sex. im not shure if its ...

My gay friend prefers a new girl to me. Have I lost my friend?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5174 days ago

15 May 2010 (F - Can someone please help me. I have a male friend who I met a year and a half ago - I see him as my best friend and have done a lot for him and been extremely supportive :) When we met he didn't know many peolpe, but I introduced him to lots of ...

I don't get turned on by girls but I want to get married some day in the future! What is going on with me?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5179 days ago

15 May 2010 (M - Ok so im 13 and im soooo worried of being gay! I dont get attracted to girls only guys (i get crushes on girls but im sexually attracted to boys), and it doesnt help that i go to an all boys school, i really dont want to be gay (not that i have ...

Why does she have time for friends but not for me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5186 days ago

15 May 2010 (M - I have a girlfriend that is really unique. We started dating about 6 months ago. She has always been very straight forward with me. But, I did not know that she was in a gay relationship with another female for two years until about in our second ...

I'm 65 and want a gay relationship

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5186 days ago

15 May 2010 (M - I am a 65 year old divorced man and think I want a gay relationship. I dream of getting anal sex and really think I want it. I also want to give oral sex. Any advice on where to find a relationship on this....

I feel guilty for wanting someone else despite being in an open relationship!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5187 days ago

14 May 2010 (M - ive been in an open relation with my boyfriend for a few months now and even though it is an open relationship i feel guilty for wanting someone else. im flirting with another guy that im madly and truelly in love with and i keep getting a really b...

At my new school do I pretend to be straight or come out as gay?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5168 days ago

13 May 2010 (M - New School New Chapter! but I can't hide myself as well as before! The thing is people say I'm shy when I only am when I'm around guys and ages ago I started to see why. I'm gay and in my old school I couldn't really hide it anymore and even...

Friend acts like he's attracted to me but says he isn't gay

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5189 days ago

13 May 2010 (M - me and well.. lets call him tom... me and tom have been good friends for about 2 years now, best friends even, he knew i was gay cause im open about it but not obviously gay... about a year ago my atraction to him went from friendship to wanting to ...

I really want my homophobic father to meet my girlfriend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5189 days ago

12 May 2010 (F - Hello everybody. For about a year now I've been positive I'm bisexual. I live with my father who is highly religious and for this reason he condemns homosexuality. My problem is that up until now, I've had no reason to do the whole "coming out" ...

If I'm not sure she's gay, should I still ask her out?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5189 days ago

12 May 2010 (F - Okay, a girl I was certain I really loved had to move far away. This was back in August and I had been having trouble moving on, but now I feel I can try dating again. There's now this girl at school that I'd like to ask out, but I don't know how to ...

I had sex with a gay person, now my friend is making me feel afraid

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5190 days ago

11 May 2010 (F - Hi, I know there are so many questions asking about this kind of thing already, but I would like to ask for some advice or comments anyway. I'm a female, 22 years old and now living in the UK. Right now I'm having a bit of trouble identifying my s...

Did my wife have gay tendencies?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5190 days ago

11 May 2010 (M - I have been with my wife for about 2 years total and one year married. I love my wife more then life itself, and we have a baby on the way. However, a past relationship she had with one of her friends (who is a girl) has always vexed me. Just befo...

Should I kiss my lesbian friend?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5191 days ago

10 May 2010 (F - hi. i have quite a complicated problem!! my best friend has recently told me that she is a lesbian and has been having a complicated relationship secretly with one of my other friends. it was really amazing that she trusted me with such a big ...

I like my friend, but she's in a relationship

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5176 days ago

10 May 2010 (F - I have a bi friend (she's a girl, I'm also a girl), I didn't think I was bi, but I became jealous when she got her first girlfriend and began to question myself. When they broke up, I realized I probably liked her. I think she liked me too, cuz it ...

B/f wants to get more intimate but I'm unsure about it

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5188 days ago

9 May 2010 (M - Im a 16 year old guy. And I'm gay. Me and my boyfriend have been togethr for a while..but now he wants to get more intimate with me. I want to.. but i'm afraid at the same time. What do i do?...

Hes got a gf, is there no chance now? (I'm gay)

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5190 days ago

9 May 2010 (M - Im so confident, and comfortable with myself. BUT I fall in love to easily. Its starting to hurt. Theres one boy. Everyone says were cute together. I love him and I flirt with him all the time. But just yesterday he got a gf. Is there any chance for ...

We adore each other and have been good for each other but I can't be intimate with him because I'm a lesbian

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5187 days ago

9 May 2010 (F - Hi there everyone, I really need some advice. I've been with my boyfriend for about 6 months now and I absolutely adore him, I love him. But I'm a lesbian. I've been with girls, had relationships with girls and I'm unable to be in...

At my age, my parents still don't know I'm a lesbian. How do I tell them?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5193 days ago

8 May 2010 (F - Hi My parents doesnt know I been a lesbian all my life. My parents and I never have even asked me if I date! Never been a subject of conversation. I respect my parents and I wish I could just be me but I cant. Better yet dont know how to approach...

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