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Archived questions from: March, 2006 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I'm almost ready to come out as bi, but I'm still married, any advice!?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5912 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - hi there, I am 32 married with 2 kids, but I have a VERY big problem..I'm fairly new to the area we live and have struck up several friendships with new woman but with one this is very different, I have fallen in love with her in a BIG way..This ...

I am in love with my friend but is he viable?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6686 days ago

26 March 2006 (M - I am gay(19) and in love with my friend, how should i play the situation? He has behaved in many ambiguous ways and although i have told him my feelings we have always been under the influence of E. He has suggested that although he doesn't find men ...

I would like to beable to find a partner that doesn't only want sex...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6699 days ago

23 March 2006 (M - I am a gay English male living in Mallorca. I find it almost impossible to meet likewise guys as everyone seems to only want sex. I enjoy sex but find it difficult and often painful with a new partner until i feel i trust them 100%. Any advise?...

Is it normal for gay guys to flirt with girls they don't fancy?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6027 days ago

21 March 2006 (F - I have a friend and his gay, the thing is he seems to flirt quite a bit with me. for example he would touch and sqeeze my leg, he wanted to give me a eskimo kiss, and he rub his face against mine, mirroring my body language. I dunno , is he ...

I have a great boyfriend but fancy a girl at work like crazy!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6702 days ago

21 March 2006 (F - Ok, I'm 21 and have a great boyfriend who would do anything for me and always treats me right blah d blah but I can't help to think im gay. I work in the usual workplace where everyone is bitchy and stubborn! however there is this new girl an...

We've fooled around, but now it's stopped and I don't know how to mend things.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6703 days ago

19 March 2006 (M - Im a 17 year old boy.Me and my male friend have been in a sexual relationship. we used to do it every now and then, but now we completely stopped, and havent done it in months.I cant stop thinking about him, but i also cant tell how he feels about ...

Totally in love with my husband, but I fantasise about women... am I gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6670 days ago

18 March 2006 (F - hi, I am really confused as I am completely in love with my husband and children, yet I can't stop thinking about women! I see this as betraying and hurts me, but I feel jealous of my husband as he has a real woman and I don't. Sex between us is...

Stunned by my ex's news, so how do I deal with this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6708 days ago

15 March 2006 (M - I have recently split with my gay boyfriend, 21, after six months together. I am 33 and found out at the weekend that he has left me for his best friend who is 37. This man has just separated from his wife after 13 years of marriage and has...

I'm bisexual, interested in a young man, and the object of a woman's affection too!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6708 days ago

15 March 2006 (M - I’m a bisexual male. Not totally ‘out’, only ‘out’ to my closest friends. I have had sexual ‘relations’ with both males and females, but I find myself attracted more to males rather than females. Two things are bothering at the moment: 1. There ...

I need more ideas for my gay male sex

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6709 days ago

14 March 2006 (M - what alternatives are there for pleasurable gay male sex? toys? any ideas thankyou...

So, now I've left school, I can get it on with my teacher, right? But how do I know if she's a lesbian? And does she like me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6704 days ago

13 March 2006 (F - I’m a 17 year old girl and I have liked this women for 6 years. As always she was my high school PE teacher and in my last year she found out it was me who sent had been sending her presents on occasions like flowers for valentines etc. We got on ...

If he didn't have a girlfriend, my friend might be interested in something with me! Is there anything I can do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6711 days ago

12 March 2006 (M - Ok I have a male friend that I fancy rotten. I'm male too. He knows my sexuality - he seems intersted and has said that if he did not have a girlfriend he would try things. What should I do? (I want the ball to roll now)...

I'm a straight guy who fell deeply in love with another man eight years ago: Should I get in touch again?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6711 days ago

10 March 2006 (M - This is a complicated one. I am a guy that is heterosexual. I have only had straight relationships. but when I was younger, early twenties, I fell in love with my best friend, another guy. He actually felt the same way at the time. But we didn't ...

I find myself wondering what sex with a woman is like, even though I'm happy with my lover

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6709 days ago

10 March 2006 (M - Hello everyone. I'm a little worried about the way that I've been feeling. I've just recently come to terms with the fact that I am gay. I'm 21 almost 22, I lost my virginity to my boyfriend, and it was very special, and I want to be with him for ...

He says he wants to meet, but I have to remind him

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6714 days ago

9 March 2006 (M - Me and my boyfriend have just split up after five months together. He is 21 and I am 33. We are gay. We had a wonderful relationship. He always texted me each day telling me how much he loved me until suddenly after New Year just came out with the...

What goes where?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

7 March 2006 (F - how do lesbians have sex...

He says he wants to meet, but never remembers to call!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6716 days ago

7 March 2006 (M - I have just met up with my ex again after five weeks apart. We are gay, I am 33 and he is 21. After a good night chatting, he suggested we meet up for a meal mid-week. This took me by surprise as I was not expecting another meeting. During our nig...

I don't think that I'm gay, but what just happened with my friend?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6711 days ago

4 March 2006 (F - Hi there, I'm a 21 year old single girl and was out with a couple of mates last night on the pull. Two of my friends left early so I ended up ging clubbing with my pal Leanne. We got back to hers at 3ish as I was crashing there. She got a doub...

My gaydar is in good shape... But now I've fallen in love with a gay!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6715 days ago

3 March 2006 (F - Howdy, need some help. How do you spot a gay closet man, that's hiding his true colours, and is as manly and butch as possible, but something somehow gives it away? what is it? I've met this guy, the best looking, well groomed, fashionable, smells g...

Are you born gay or do you "go gay"?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6711 days ago

3 March 2006 (M - Please help are you born gay, or do certain things in life or the way that you grow up determine your sexuality. Since childhood, I was not very boyish, or tough, more soft, timid, femine, as I got older and knew the ways of behaviour i bcame mor...

Not sure how to leave my husband for my lady-lover...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6715 days ago

1 March 2006 (F - Hi, I really need some advise! ive been with my husband for 8 years and married for 18 months! but for 19 months I have been having an affair with a women who i also work with! i got married for all the wrong reasons, mainly to keep my family happy ...

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