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Archived questions from: August, 2008 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I clearly prefer sex with a girl but I can't see me in a relationship with one, so am I lesbian?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5808 days ago

30 August 2008 (F - For some reason when i have sex with a does not feel good...but when i do with a girl i like it finding myself looking at girls now and feel more attarcted to them...but at the same time to see me in a realtionship with a girl....i ...

My lover doesn't enjoy sex!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5809 days ago

30 August 2008 (M - Yesterday I asked a question about whether it was healthy/normal to want sex all the time and the answers were basically yes and enjoy it... problem is I'm in a relationship with a great man who doesn't want to enjoy it. I just go longing. What ...

I'm a young, gay male who is heart broken over a married man!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5809 days ago

30 August 2008 (M - i am a 28 year old gay male i have been in a relationship with the same guy for 10 years we live together things are ok our sex life kinda faded out and is rare if ever i think we are both in it for convienience... i met the man of my dreams my ...

I don't want someone nasty like her in my life! So, did I do the right thing?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5803 days ago

29 August 2008 (F - Well, I was friends with this girl called Helen. But when we fell out, she would really say some nasty things and really mess with your head so you always felt that you were in the wrong. You never really knew when she would blow up and get majorly ...

She's left me for a woman twice her age, an alcoholic and drug user, I've never felt so humiliated... help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5810 days ago

28 August 2008 (F - Me and my ex always had a volatile relationship, for nearly 3 years we were on an emotional rollercoaster. Sometimes things were really really good, sometimes things were really really bad. About 3 months ago she met some people and started hang...

My whole body and mind are crying out for sex but my gay boyfriend seems to have lost interest!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5813 days ago

27 August 2008 (M - I am gay and have been with my boyfriend for a number of years. The last few years have been a real emotional struggle for me trying to deal with his decreased interest in anything even remotely connected to sex. Talking seems to be pointless as ...

Is there any way to increase my sex drive?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5813 days ago

27 August 2008 (M - Hey, I was wondering if anyone had any tips or ways to improve sex drive, i'm only 20, i've been with my boyfriend 10 months and we arn't having that much sex. At the beginning i couldn't keep my hands off him, and he is still as horny as ever. But, ...

Is he really 'straight' or is he too afraid to be with me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5812 days ago

26 August 2008 (M - About 6 months back, I met a guy, who was 19 at the time, we started to hang out, and the second time we went somewhere I told him I was gay, which he had no problem with. He was 3 months out of a relationship with his fiance, things just didn't ...

I'm in a relationship with a guy but I met the perfect girl!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5814 days ago

25 August 2008 (M - Hello everyone, I'll try to make this short. I've been in a relationship with a guy for 5 years now. I used to date girls back in High School but started dating guys during college, then I met my current bf. The journey has been long, great at...

I'm worried about my parents' reaction when I tell them of my gay relationship!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5812 days ago

25 August 2008 (M - im a 16 year old gay guy and my boyfriend is 17 and we really hit it off straight away wev been together for 9 months i really love him and he told me he loves me weve talked about coming out of the closet but im nervous about it not sure if my ...

I'm worried I might lose my boyfriend because his father objects to our gay relationship.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5814 days ago

25 August 2008 (M - Hi Im 18 year old guy im gay and ive been with my boyfriend for almost a year i really love him and we decided to come out my parents were ok they were happy but his father hasnt really accepted it he went right off and after that my boyfrien...

Everyone thinks I'm gay because I got an erection while changing in the locker room.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5797 days ago

24 August 2008 (M - alright well i have a gf and have never thought about sex with men before but i was changing out in the locker room and got an erection so now every1 thinks im gay what do i do?...

I am afraid that I am gay, I like to watch porn movies, could I be gay or what?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5816 days ago

24 August 2008 (M - hi im 14(male} am i worried that im gay i get erections both sides mainly the women but that still doesent convince me because when i watch porn i like a certain type of porn(blowjob) i know you dont want to hear this but im scared.. and i cant ...

We are very much in love but I hurt all the time!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5816 days ago

23 August 2008 (F - I am 30 yrs. old and recently divorced with 2 wonderful kids. I am also bisexual. When I was 19, I began a 2 1/2 yr. relationship with my first girlfriend and she cheated on me a couple of times. Once we ended it was when I very hastily got ...

My boyfriend's use of sex toys makes me think I want a girl.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5817 days ago

22 August 2008 (F - I have a boyfriend and I love hime with all my heart! He doesnt want to have sex with me and im fine with that but he does stick dildos up my pussy to get me horny because he knows i like it! He has never shown me his dick or anything and we have ...

My best friend got a boyfriend who took over and got obsessive! How should I handle this?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5818 days ago

22 August 2008 (F - I need help. My best friend and i used to spend every day with eachother until he got a boyfriend who took over and became obsessive. I never seen my best friend because he spent all the time with his boyfriend. This really upset me. My best friend ...

I've never felt this way about a woman before and I don't know how to deal with it. How do I get her to notice me or tell if she likes me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5811 days ago

21 August 2008 (F - I am a 25-year-old woman who just started graduate school. I have always been straight and only interested in men. I met another girl in my program three weeks ago, and out of nowhere, I've completely fallen for her. She is a very proud lesbian, ...

I've never broken up with anyone so how should I handle this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5773 days ago

21 August 2008 (M - It has been the hardest choice I've ever had to make in my life but have decided for my own happiness I need to break up with my boyfriend of four years. We have a great relationship but there have been intimacy issues for three years and I just...

I think she wants more, but I don't know if I'm gay and to be honest I wouldn't mind!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5770 days ago

20 August 2008 (F - Hi, I have a bit of a problem! well i'm not sure if it is a problem! I have been working with this woman for aobut 3 years! I am like dependant on her for certain reasons. She always want's to be alone with me and she is always hugging me. The work ...

I'm more attracted to her mentally than sexually... I love a different girl!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5820 days ago

20 August 2008 (F - ok so ive been in love with this amazing girl since 2 years ago. ive never gotten over her and i have never wanted to. i mean i want to have kids with this girl and marry her! i love her more than anything. now at the beginning of this most recent ...

How common is it for girls to experiment with other girls? I'm not attracted to them but I like sex with them.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4971 days ago

20 August 2008 (F - How common is it for girls to experiment with other girls?? i am not attracted to other girls but like sex with them . am i alone in this?? my first sexual experiences were with girls when i was young(about 9 or 10) me and my best friend would ...

She won't take the risk for me but she says she needs me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5820 days ago

19 August 2008 (F - ok so i fell in love with this girl.. shes 19 and lives in tx, still with her parents and im 14 and live in illinois.. we met online, not looking for relationships or anything, i was bi curious and she was just straight. so we talked for awhile, we ...

I am going to go out with a boy cause I am bi curious

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5821 days ago

18 August 2008 (F - I have agreed to go on a date with a boy i dont even fancy, because ive started to become bi curious. I haven't had a boyfriend in about a year now, ive kissed boys while ive been out partying but nothing more in a year, and now im wondering if this ...

I'm confused about my sexuality as I have thoughts about kissing a girl and I got bored easily when dating boys...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5820 days ago

17 August 2008 (F - Im confused about my sexuality, i don't know whether i am bi curious bisexual or straight? I've had boyfriends and been on plenty of dates with guys, but i get really bored of them after a little while and end up messing them about un intenti...

Am I paranoid about having a crush on her?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5822 days ago

17 August 2008 (F - I don't even know her name.. I'm only 15 and know that it will take some time to figure out my true sexuality- but its darn annoying!! i go to a all girls school and i have a -what i think is a crush? I feel like a see this girl everywhere i g...

Does my straight friend like me? We act like we are having sex...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5823 days ago

16 August 2008 (F - Right, I have a little question: I have this...friend, and I'm sort of infatuated with her (I'm a bi grrl, she identifies as straight). Anyway, I have 2 problems: the first is, does she like me? Whenever she's round, we end up acting ...

I'm gay and no one has approached me yet. How come I have all the other things but I cannot find love?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5812 days ago

16 August 2008 (M - So here it goes. I am a single guy with feelings for other guys, but still in the closet and its better that way for me. I am 22 now and I have never been in a relationship before or even had a boyfriend. My life is a bittersweet adventure. I am not ...

I am straight but have sexual feelings for my male best friend .What do I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5823 days ago

16 August 2008 (M - I self-identify as straight because i have sexual feelings for girls and am repulsed be the idea of anal/oral/kissing a guy; however, I've been having sexual feelings for my MALE best friend Could this be just because of a dry spell relations...

He is 39 and I am 19... the problem is that I don't know how to tell my family and friends about us.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5823 days ago

16 August 2008 (M - It's a long story really, and its really getting me down because i dont know what route to take or how to approach the problem and just kind of want other peoples point of views. So basically I'm a guy and I met a really nice guy.. one night ...

How do I tell my gf I like men more?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5810 days ago

15 August 2008 (M - Hi i an 13 and i an bi i like men more than women and i also have a girlfriend. how do i tell this to her without her breaking up with me or her feelings getting hurt?...

I can't seem to stop flirting with other men, and I sometimes question my love for him!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5825 days ago

15 August 2008 (M - I have been with my bofriend (i'm gay by the way) for 10 months now, and I love him to bits, but despite this, I cannot help but flirt with other men and I cant seem to stop it, i dont know what it is whether I just like the attention (I suffered ...

Is my Boyfriend on the Downlow? (secretly gay).

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5536 days ago

15 August 2008 (F - Hello My name is Natasha and i wanted to know if my boyfriend was on the Downlow? We dated for six months and he waited until i was ready to have sex. Which is Rare in men but we had sex and it was good. What makes me think hes on a Downlow hes ...

I am a woman and it's been four years now, that I have cared for this other woman, she gives off mixed signals, maybe I want her to be gay, I don't know if I am a lesbian, I am confused, should I tell her how I feel?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5825 days ago

14 August 2008 (F - Hi Readers. I'm a female in my early 20's and I am completley in love with another female who's in her early 30's...I'm so lost as to what to do because I'm unsure how she feels. I've felt this way about her for about 4 years now, and I had...

I've been having sexual thoughts about my best friend... do I tell her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5825 days ago

14 August 2008 (? - Hi... this is odd for me to say but recently I've been having sexual thoguhts about my best friend...and it's a girl. I don't like her as anything more then I friend but I want to kiss her and have sex with her but I don't want a realtion...

I like this guy at school, but I don't know if he's gay or not. What do I say?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5799 days ago

14 August 2008 (M - im gay and i like this guy at school.Last year we became really good friends and we tell each other everything. i wanna be with him but i dont know if hes gay what should i say without ruining our friendship.Please help me im really crushing on him...

I have these thoughts that my boyfriend is having gay sex with our roommate, I confronted them, after I followed them, my boyfriend started crying and denied any of it, am I wrong to have these thoughts?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5823 days ago

14 August 2008 (F - I think that I am just highly insecure and crazy. Okay, my boyfriend has a best guy friend and he moved in with my bf and i after he came out of jail cuz he had nowhere to go. His girlfriend of three years also broke up with him cuz he was abusive ...

I want sex and my boyfriend doesn't. He doesn't seem to understand how I feel.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5736 days ago

13 August 2008 (M - I am in a bind and feel as though I am starting not to cope with things. I feel stupid writing this but the problem is I just want sex and my boyfriend doesn't. I can deal with that for a few days but beyond that it just makes me feel so down and ...

As my feelings got stronger he got more distant (he is bisexual), should I move on?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5827 days ago

12 August 2008 (F - I thought my best guy friend fancied me.. he went to kiss me a few times (proper kisses) in the bar and all through the summer i developed feelings for him. as my feelings got stronger he got more distant (he is bisexual) We went out last weeke...

I have accepted the fact that I am gay, recently, all I think about is sex, but how do I approach a guy, without being awkward, please help me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5820 days ago

12 August 2008 (M - im 15 and im gay. It took me a while to accept it but i finally have. Latley all ive been thinking about is having sex. I really want to be with someone but i dont know what to say to a guy without feeling awkard. please help me!...

How would I go about finding another woman to have a sexual experience with?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5827 days ago

11 August 2008 (F - I am married, a little unhappily, and I was very interested in being with a woman. I would POSSIBLY be interested in including my husband but I'm a little afraid he might be unfaithful after that experience. I really need a woman though and I hav...

My fiancee has been having a secret sex life with men!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

11 August 2008 (F - I recently discovered that my boyfriend has been living a secret life. He had meet meeting men online and having sexual relations with them. When I first found out he said nothing happened, he was just curious and he still says he is only curious ...

How should I tell my mom I'm bi?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5829 days ago

11 August 2008 (M - What do if my mom finds out im bisexual, she absolutely hates people who arent straight and we already have a rocky relationship? shes been suspicious of late, so should i just tell her and hope for the best? She had a hard time accepting that i'm...

Am I bisexual because of what I've done with my friend?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5807 days ago

11 August 2008 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for three years now and i'm really happy with him. We are both students at the same university and live just next door to each other in rented student houses. Life at uni is a blast, we work hard but play harder, the ...

Married, and thought I was over being bi. What's going on?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5829 days ago

10 August 2008 (F - Dear All A really strange thing happened to me...I used to be bi sexual . .. well umm not exactly. i was just influenced by some lesbian gfs and i got it on with a girl.. Also at that time my parents were very strict and i wasnt allowed to date ...

Me and my fiance are both bisexual... and afraid of our parents' reaction...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5829 days ago

10 August 2008 (M - Me and my fiance are both bisexual and have an extremely well working relationship, we love each other to no bounds and the sex is absolutely amazing. We are both extremely loyal and would never dream of cheating on each other. But the question is h...

Where is it best to find bisexual women for intimate encounters?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5828 days ago

10 August 2008 (F - I have always been bi-curious and have always wanted to experiment sexually with women. Experimenting with female friends or friends of friends is out of the question as I would like to do this in secret without all the unnecessary judgment and ...

Confused about my sexuality..can you help me figure this out?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5809 days ago

9 August 2008 (F - hey ok since i was like 13 iv kissed girl mates i mean i was young u dunno what your doin and your confussed about everything but now there like 16 -19 with boyfriends and im 17 with no one iv tried to date guys but i always push them away iv ...

I want to fall out of love with my best friend - my other friends would hate me!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5823 days ago

9 August 2008 (F - i'm attracted to both females and male. i just can't control it. i wished i'm normal. and i kind of fell in love with one of my bestfriend. i wish i could tell someone about it. but in my country if you're a lesbian or a gay. you would be ...

I had a short relationship with my also bisexual friend; I loved her but never told her, what can I do now?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5820 days ago

9 August 2008 (F - Just to make things clear, I consider myself bicurious, and I came to be okay with that when I fell for a friend of mine. She's also bisexual. She's someone that hasn't had a lot of people truly care about her, so I was kind of a new thing to her. ...

I'd feel uncomfortable if the school found out my boyfriend is bi...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5831 days ago

8 August 2008 (F - My current boyfriend is bi-sexual,i don't really care because i know he only loves me... Your going to think this is a stupid question but he has had rumors and the only one that's true it that he's bi. He's also 4 years older than me,and the peop...

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