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Archived questions from: March, 2013 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Should I just try to play it down, make fun of it, blame it on being drunk and try to keep some of my dignity? Or should I try to be honest and say I put a little more feeling into all this than her, even if that will make things awkward?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4133 days ago

31 March 2013 (F - On saturday I went to my best friends place, she's a very attractive woman, she's straight and has a boyfriend, but she knows I'm bisexual and single. We got drunk and I already felt like she was flirting. Then we went to a party and she started to ...

Could his attitudes potentially drive a wedge between him and me, and affect me because of my own pet loving family?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4126 days ago

30 March 2013 (M - Hi guys, I am so desperately looking for help So there's this guy I really like. And he expressed he likes me a lot. And everything is leading up to the possibility of us dating, except today he said one thing that makes me worried about ou...

Had a fling at a party, he's in a relationship, and now he's offered to meet up again

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4126 days ago

29 March 2013 (M - Quick question Don't need a lecture cause I know this is bad but I was at a party last night and I was making out with a lot of people but mostly with one of my classmates boyfriend, they are in gay relationship and I'm gay myself. We was a...

I am not sure if my boyfriend is proposing or just hinting at marriage.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4137 days ago

29 March 2013 (M - I'm having this strong feeling in my gut but I might be wrong but my boyfriend of nearly five months kept hinting about marriage, adopting kids, living together, etc...I am not 100% sure but I think he's trying to find a way to propose in a funny ...

How can I make new friends? I'm very shy.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4138 days ago

27 March 2013 (F - This may sounds stupid, but how do you make friends? I'm getting quite jealous how inactive I've become and just sitting in all the time watching tv whilst my girlfriend is having the time of her life with her friends near enough every night. I...

What does the term "significant other" means in the homosexual relationship

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4139 days ago

27 March 2013 (F - I would like to know what the term "significant other" means in the homosexual relationship. I used the term in an essay regarding interpersonal relationships. I stated that relationship of all kind can become complicated. whether it is with ...

I like this girl but she's confused about guys and I don't want to get hurt!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4140 days ago

25 March 2013 (F - Hi, I have been seeing this girl for a few months. When I first started talking to her I was with my ex, I didn't have any intentions of doing anything with the girl I'm seeing now at the time, we were just really good friends. When we first st...

My husband jacks off with other men!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4140 days ago

25 March 2013 (F - My husband jacks off with other men I just found out he has been doing this for years. I'm shocked to find this out. Even more shocking, are all the sites where married men communicate and set up times to jack off together. He says he will sto...

Lack of passion and intimacy is making me paranoid and suspicious

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25 March 2013 (F - Hi there, Myself and my girlfriend have been together around 6 months now and its been brilliant. We're both very happy together and can see the relationship having a real chance of a future. When we first started dating we had that honeymoon pe...

How can a relationship continue without sex?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4138 days ago

25 March 2013 (F - I have come to terms with being a bisexual, maybe even lesbian if the future remains this way. This all started when my very close friend and flatmate told me she loved me and threw me into a whirlwind of questions. After a month of separati...

My step sister is falling for me. How can I tell her I only like her as a step sister? I have a boyfriend.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4138 days ago

24 March 2013 (F - My parents at separated and my mom has a bf with a daughter. That daughter (my step sister) doesn't live with us,she lives with her Mom who is a lesbian. Her Mom lives with a Gf. My step sister is a month older than me . She has had becom a bise...

Please, how do I get my high teacher off my mind?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4143 days ago

23 March 2013 (F - My old English teacher is in my high school now. Since I was in 7th grade I have liked her, but now in high school, I know I really like her, as a crush. I don’t really recall being gay or bi, but I do have a gay feelings for her. I really do li...

How to know if a friend I like is dropping sexual hints or just being flirty?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4144 days ago

21 March 2013 (F - okay, I've been getting close to this girl, she's in some of my AS classes and I think that she might be dropping sexual hints. I laugh and go along with them because she's my friend and we've became close really quickly, so I don't know whether ...

She worshipped me and I treated her like dirt. I want to contact her. Should I try to do that?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4143 days ago

21 March 2013 (F - Some time ago I met a girl on a dating site and ended up hurting real bad and now she hates me. I can't very much blame her because she was always sincere with me and went out of her way to show a concern for me and interest in me. I was the exac...

Girlfriend seeing her ex and it makes me uneasy

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4146 days ago

20 March 2013 (F - so my girlfriend has never been with a woman before me. we've been together for about four months now and i feel very confident that she loves and cares a lot for me. we seem to be a phenominal couple and have no real issues in our relationship at ...

I found my girlfriend flirting with another girl through texts

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4147 days ago

20 March 2013 (F - Found gf flirting with another girl via text. When I confronted her she confirmed that she was an old friend who started by saying hi and got inappropriate, she didn't like it and she asked her to stop. But I read the texts and there was not ...

How can I let him know that I'm interested but not straight?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4146 days ago

19 March 2013 (M - So I’m an Asian guy and recently I met this guy, the first time I saw him I was like: omg, who the hell is this gorgeous guy? The second time we talked for 1 or 2 minutes and I didn’t even know his name, but his accent showed he comes from England. ...

Is this younger guy just messing with me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4146 days ago

19 March 2013 (M - I am a gay guy. I met this guy about an year ago. He is 21 and I am 35. He used to hang out with the girls of his age a lot,and I have seen him talking with the girls without his shirt. He goes to the gym and stays in shape, and although he makes a ...

She's spending too much time with her best friend!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4146 days ago

18 March 2013 (F - I'll keep this short. I hate my gf's 'best' friend. At first it was fine, until it was no longer me and my gf's time , it was me , my gf and her best friend's time...Our time together is important to me so I tried to talk to my girlfriend about how ...

How can I meet girls that are into girls?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4148 days ago

18 March 2013 (F - So I've been bicurious for a while, but despite knowing there are plenty of lesbian/bi girls out there, I never seem to meet any. The only ones I ever notice are because they are kissing in public or holding hands (aka taken.) And I don't like the ...

Is my friend Gay

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4148 days ago

18 March 2013 (F - I have a friend and we went for classes together and became great friends. She told me she was dating a guy named D and loves him but turns out that she was never dating him. Once I asked her if she found me more attractive than him, she said sh...

How can I show my ex that I am not needy?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4149 days ago

17 March 2013 (F - In January my girlfriend broke up with me after almost six years together. She said she just doesn't feel that spark and is not sure if she ever has. Six years is a long time to figure that out. Recently, I found a letter she had written to someone ...

In private he is affectionate towards me. But in front of others he pushes me away. How do I handle this?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4139 days ago

17 March 2013 (M - So, this is going to be a little long so bear with me. + I have been talking about this on a forum anonymously for over 3 years now, and it hasn't gotten any better. I even turned to y! answers one other time to ask about this, but I am in a diffic...

How do I salvage my relationship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4150 days ago

16 March 2013 (F - How do I salvage my relationship? Where to start... I have been a completely idiot and c**t towards my partner who has only been supportive and full of love to me. We've been together for two and a half years and for the majority of that ti...

I love her, we had passionate sex, but she says she's straight and doesn't want a relationship

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4149 days ago

16 March 2013 (F - im in love with a girl whos straight , she said shes attracted to me, the first night i met her she stayed at mine with me and we just cuddled all night , after that i didnt hear off her other then the odd messages, she invited me over to hers 2 ...

Is my husband bisexual?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4144 days ago

15 March 2013 (F - I recently found out my husband cheated on me through the casual encounters section of craigslist. He met with three people. The first was a transsexual prostitute, he paid for this person to give him oral sex. The second person he met with was a ...

Husband watches man to man porn. Is he still solely hetrosexual? Or is he more likely gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4149 days ago

14 March 2013 (F - I am married. In the every first year of our marriage I discovered a CD hidden by my husband. But on that porn were relations between men to men. I was so innocent about it. I talked to my husband and he asked, with tearful eyes, forgiveness ...

Can you get sick from cuming in someone?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4153 days ago

14 March 2013 (M - So my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. I was topping and the day after he said he felt like crap. Can you get sick from cuming in someone?...

I have a girlfriend but I have gay desires but don't want to hurt anyone.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4153 days ago

13 March 2013 (M - Hi I'm a 20 year old guy who has been in a serious relationship with a girl for 3 years. We don't get to see each other much because i'm at university. I have been having gay thoughts and desires since I first started puberty and watch mostly...

Is there some way for me to be with both of them? She is the girl of my dreams. But now I have fallen in love with a guy.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4150 days ago

13 March 2013 (M - I have been in a relationship with the girl of my Dreams and i love her so much. But i met a guy that i have also fallen head over heels for him. What should i do? I love them both so much. Is there some way for me to be with both of them?...

Is she scared or leading me on?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4153 days ago

12 March 2013 (F - We love each other very much....we have known each other for 9 years ....the first time I was not aware she liked me but finally I got to like her .....I left for university, though she was still in high school she is the one who tried the most to ...

Looking for advice ... am I bisexual?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4153 days ago

12 March 2013 (F - Okay so I'm a bit confused would you say I'm bi or not. My close girl mate told me the other week that she fancied me I've been friends with her for ages. I didn't know how to take this as I thought she was straight. Anyway she took my hand and took...

I thought I was gay but I'm attracted to this it just a one time thing?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4154 days ago

11 March 2013 (M - I'm a 19 year old guy. I've assumed I was gay since I was about 13. I tried to fight it at first because there was a stigma to being gay, but eventually I grew to accept it and had gay relationships and it really wasn't an issue anymore. But ...

Will I ever find love with someone? What do I need to do to find love?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4156 days ago

11 March 2013 (M - Hey y'all, I'm 17, I'm from a small town in the south of Missouri. I'm gay (Closeted) and my biggest fear is that I'll never find the right person in life. I know I'm young, but what if I never leave this town? What if when I turn 30 all my f...

She's a junior in high school and she just broke up with me, Should I wait for her? Or keep trying to change her mind?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4156 days ago

10 March 2013 (F - I've been with my girlfriend for two and a half years. We have been happily in love since we first met, of course with the usual ups and downs of a normal relationship. Recently one of her aunts found out she was dating me from rumors going aro...

Might the boy I like also like me and should I tell him the truth about my feelings?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4157 days ago

9 March 2013 (M - ..hey,i am 15 years and bi..i fall in love to a guy..he is not totally straight i think but he's not gay too...i want to forget hm..but doing ths is so hard.,everytime i try to avoid hm,he always comes near to me...i also caught hm staring at me so ...

I'm not attracted to bad people who treat me poorly. So why do I keep on attracting women who cheat?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4157 days ago

8 March 2013 (F - Is there such a thing as ever actually being honest in relationships anymore!?!? Do people actually know what it even means? I stayed friends with my ex after we broke up a few months ago because despite not working out she seemed like a good, ho...

Straight female with lesbian tendencies? Wtf?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4158 days ago

8 March 2013 (F - Good evening everyone, Thank you for stopping by to read my post. I am having a hard time explaining my sexuality. I classify myself as a straight woman, as in if I were to marry I would choose a man. I don't care about labels, but if you do th...

I'm dating but online girl I never met in person now wants to meet. How should I handle this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4159 days ago

7 March 2013 (F - so i've got a very basic question. i'm in a stable, committed relationship with my girlfriend. we've been together about four months now, and were casual for a while, taking it slow at first. but now we are exclusive and i don't even want to look at ...

Which label do I apply to myself? Am I bi or lesbian?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4160 days ago

5 March 2013 (F - In the past, I've identified as bisexual. The thing is though, I don't like to date guys. (I mean maybe that will change, but he'd have to be pretty amazing.)I only find them attractive physically. When I've done things with guys, I picture a girl. ...

How to accept my gay boyfriend's son

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4159 days ago

5 March 2013 (M - My "100% gay" boyfriend used to be in a relationship with a woman and had a son with her. How can i accept this child? It's testing me apart that now WE can never have that first child experience. What do i do? And please don't say "get over...

I am wondering if I should give up or take a risk and chase her!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4156 days ago

5 March 2013 (M - I've been seeing this one girl lately since for the last two months, and she and I have been having fun a lot of fun. We started off with coffee, and went toward sharing a pizza in the park, to getting movie tickets on Valentine's Day... and also ...

Is there one person that would turn straight for, even if for just one date?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4161 days ago

4 March 2013 (F - This question was kinda inspired by my friend. She was telling me how this chick she saw was so attractive she would turn lesbian for her, and she is currently in a hetero relationship so obviously she didn't turn lol :) What I was wondering fo...

My boyfriend will not acknowledge to his family that we are a couple! How am I supposed to deal with this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4162 days ago

4 March 2013 (M - Here's the deal - I'm a man. I've been with my boyfriend for 7 months. We live together love each other. Have a great relationship. Except for one BIG thing that has a bunch of sub sections. And it's driving me crazy. we live in the same city as ...

Why does my boyfriend need a male sex partner?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4162 days ago

4 March 2013 (F - Okay, you think I am crazy? My instinct is telling me that my boyfriend I am with for 7 month has a guy sex partner. The only proof I have is txt messages: "I really I like to see you this week"... "8 am tomorrow morning?" "K, your place or my ...

Haven't heard from girlfriend in 12 hours, am I overreacting or is this logical and legitimate?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4161 days ago

4 March 2013 (F - Am I being ridiculous or do I have a reason to be worried and sick over this? My girlfriend called me last night after work and we talked a while. Everything was perfectly normal and great. She told me she was going to take some adderall (I'm not a ...

I am turned off by my girlfriends vagina aroma, How do I talk about this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4159 days ago

4 March 2013 (F - I am a gay female and I have currently been seeing a woman for the past 4 months. We have been taking it slow, and recently have begun to get more comfortable with one another. Anyways, we were playing a sexy lovers board game to get closer, and ...

How can I find a way to bring my true love to my heart?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4162 days ago

4 March 2013 (F - hello I;m a 48 years old woman I have this friend we are very very very close with each other we tell each other everything. We have known each other since we was little girls but now we are in our 40s. i was in a long term relationship with thi...

Am I gay now, if I had sex with my friend once?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4161 days ago

3 March 2013 (F - Mod note: OP is a male. I'm a young man. Some time ago I broke up with my girlfriend, it was very hard and painful, because we had a long relationship, but I had to end it because she lied to me, cheated on me and did other nasty things. That even...

My Girlfriend and I just split up. She does have a lot on her mind. But how can I cope with this distressing break up?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4163 days ago

3 March 2013 (F - Hi, Thanks for reading this, I really need some advice. My girlfriend of 1 year and a half has just split up with me. We have an amazing relationship, before christmas everything was perfect. One night before christmas, we were at her house and...

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