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Archived questions from: September, 2008 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I'm a lesbian and I need advice!

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30 September 2008 (F - dearcupids! i really dont know what to do at the minute, well, im 17 and i am a lesbian, i was pretty ashamed at first, didnt want to admit to myself or my family but it was easier than i thought, when i introduced my girlfriend to my family, she ...

Shall I go back to my ex-girlfriend and move on or stay with him - the person I love?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5778 days ago

30 September 2008 (M - Well how shall I ask my question, that’s a big question already but yups why not start by introducing u to my story. I always have been known for being so down to earth and outgoing, well that’s what friends and ex- partners say about my persona...

He's straight, how can I deal with the feelings I have for him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5651 days ago

30 September 2008 (M - i am a masters student. i'm in this class with another guy. the class is really tough and most of us do our homework in groups, discussion mainly. so this guy and me started working together. i think i'm in love with the guy, or at least am deeply ...

She hasn't told her mom about us yet so she keeps getting set up on dates!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5766 days ago

29 September 2008 (F - Okay here is my problem me and my girlfriend have been together for like 5 months now and she hasn't told her mom yet. Then her mom set her up with some guy and she had to date him and she was still dating me!!! This really hurt my feelings but I ...

My best friend likes girls and now she's attracted to me! How do I respond to this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5768 days ago

29 September 2008 (F - I have a best friend and she likes girls. She told me she had a crush on a girl and I advised her to tell her and see where it went from there. A couple of days later she told me that she was sexually attracted to me. I'm not sure how to react to ...

How do I get over these feelings I have for my friend?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5779 days ago

29 September 2008 (F - About 2 years ago I started having sexual thoughts about a friend. Nothing ever happened, as we're both female, and I wasn't sure what i really felt about her. (up until this point I thought I was straight) The feelings were getting pretty strong, ...

On having a bisexual boyfriend.....

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5775 days ago

28 September 2008 (F - I am currently dating a bisexual guy. I know he loves me and would do anything for me - that's not what is in question here. I recently found out that he's been looking at pictures of naked guys. Fine- it's like how straight guys look at porn. Wh...

Why do I think about giving my friend a blow job, since I am not gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5610 days ago

28 September 2008 (M - right, i am not gay but every time i see my friend who i have been friends for about 1 year and a half, i just like think about sexual stuff. like him giving me a blow job and stuff. why am i thinking this? plz help me...

My soulmate is a gay male who's sending mixed signals. I fear I'm going crazy

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5747 days ago

28 September 2008 (F - Four months ago I connected with a co-worker. We began hanging out profusely shortly thereafter, with an unexplainable urge to be together every night. We would find ourselves talking until 3 am in parking lots in deep discussions that we never ...

Do I tell my best friend that I am a lesbian and in love with her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5780 days ago

27 September 2008 (F - I'm not sure whether to risk the best friendship I've ever had. I'm pretty sure she's straight, but it's eating me up the idea of her with a man (or anyone else)! She is very confusing, and a lot of people have said to us that we are pretty much in ...

I'm in love with a guy who's got a girlfriend but I don't want to turn him gay. So what can I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5781 days ago

27 September 2008 (M - Hey Guys I'm a 18 year old gay guy and i have 2 really big questions so here is the first one: I am deeply in love with a guy who is in two of my classes with me, since im a total failiure with relationships i asked some "flirt" advices to my...

What did he mean by this 'spanking' message? Should I ask him about it?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5780 days ago

27 September 2008 (M - I was talking to a very intimate friend (possibly was a bf pref) early this morning we were casually flirting and sending pictures over msn, and just normal casual stuff, then he sent me a message saying oh yes send me that picture and i'll spank ...

I have an extreme attraction toward transexual pornography. Does it mean I'm gay or bi?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5760 days ago

27 September 2008 (? - I have a problem. I'm 16 and I fancy girls, I fantasize about girls, but I also have an extreme attraction to transexual pornography. Does this make me gay or bi sexual? Even the thoughts of gay porn arouse me......

Has anyone had a good experience with a younger still coming out to herself and others lesbian? Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5782 days ago

26 September 2008 (F - So I am dating this woman(23) who has never been with a girl before let alone in any kind of long-term relationship..i am 9 years her senior and have been in several relationships, so knowing everything she is thinking about i am being uuuuber ...

I told her I needed time to get over her but that just makes her upset! What's the best way to handle this?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5780 days ago

26 September 2008 (F - i recently started liking my best friend who is a girl. we found out that we both liked each other and things were going slow but good for a week or so until her ex's dad ended up in the hospital. to make a long story short i told her that she ...

My ex returned to his ex, it's getting confusing and I can't understand why suddenly he's insisting on being my friend!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5780 days ago

26 September 2008 (M - I'm 27 and had been seeing this 19 year old guy for four months. We had quite a pleasant relationship and I grew very fond of him. Then suddenly he wanted to end it because he said that he can't handle the emotions. He comes from a tough past and ...

If a guy likes both men and women, but likes men more, is he confused?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5781 days ago

25 September 2008 (F - I am just wondering.. if a guy came out as gay..then realised he liked women as well but is more on the gay side...then comes out as "bisexual" do you think he is confused?the guy i am talking about used to be gay but now he is bi.. he seems to...

What should I do about my attraction towards a male co-worker? I hear he was into guys before.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5711 days ago

25 September 2008 (M - Hey everyone who is taking the time to read this. This is my first posting and I kind of really need some advice. I am beggining to have a huge attraction for a co worker of mine. I knew I was into guyz before but I never actually had feelings for ...

I'm so confused, do I go with my gay friend or find somone who's straight?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5781 days ago

24 September 2008 (M - Don't know what to do. I am in love with a good friend. We have done stuff before but I don't think he is gay, at least he will never say anything about it. I am afraid to say anything to him in fear of ruining our friendship. I keep waiting for ...

If I had a 3'sum with another guy and my girl, would that make me gay?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5513 days ago

24 September 2008 (M - I'm a straight guy and i'm just curious, i haven't done this yet, but i want to try for once to have sex with another man and my girl. Also, would that mean i'm gay?...

Is my friend gay? We fooled around a bit, but we never talk about it.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5784 days ago

24 September 2008 (M - Is my friend gay? I am a bi guy still in the closet, and my best friend ,that is a few years younger than me, who clearly acts straight in public or around other friends, but when we drink alone he always likes to get get naked, and we always end up ...

He makes insecure comments now after our threesome, and now when I want to interact with one of my friends I don't tell him. What to do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5784 days ago

24 September 2008 (F - My Fiance and I had a threesome with one of my friends. Everything was beautiful, but now he makes these insecure comments when he knows i'm going to see her alone. I think its unfair, because she was my friend before this episode. I was open with ...

I will sacrifice just to be with her forever!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5784 days ago

24 September 2008 (F - ., I am inlove with my friend,i want to fight for it, but how? i cant,..because she is also a girl, i knoe that she also love me, we kissed already,! im not a lesbean, and shes not also a lesbesn, pls help us!!!...

This guy I like has a two kids with his girlfriend, but says he wants to get to know me better. Should I?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5780 days ago

24 September 2008 (M - i have feelings for a guy and he also has feelings for me.i been talking to him for about a month now and about two weeks ago he told me that he has a two year old little girl and a seven month baby and he also lives he with his babies he ...

My lesbian partner has no sex drive, what can I do??

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5589 days ago

23 September 2008 (F - I'm a 32 yr old lesbian, and i've been living with my partner for 4 yrs. We are 12 yrs apart, she is older. My question is; my partner has no sex drive, what can i do??...

My gay friend's boyfriend doesn't like me... What do I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5715 days ago

23 September 2008 (? - My gay friend's boyfriend hates me. He thinks im going take him from him (im not gay) (not true we're just friends.) We dont get along at all. I lip off to him a lot (he so annoying.) It bugs my friend a lot (I dont blame him.) If we're in the same ...

She wants to move in, but I'm happy the ways things are. I feel like she is being selfish. Do I stay or do I go?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5784 days ago

23 September 2008 (F - I don't know whether to stay in a relationship or to tell her I give up? We are both lesbian. She wants me to move in with her--has wanted this since 2 months after we met. I am not used to moving this fast. Apparently this is common with les...

Are these signs my friend's giving out - letting me know that she is bisexual?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5774 days ago

22 September 2008 (F - Hey i am 19 years old, so is my best friend who is 19 years of age too. recently i have realised that she may be bisexual and probably wants to make out with me. Just few days back she said that if she were to get really high she would make out with...

I won't help my gay friend come out. Why is he angry at me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5787 days ago

22 September 2008 (? - I have guyfriend whos gay and has a boyfriend. His parents doesnt know about it. He wants to tell them but afraid they'll kick him out. He wants me to help him tell them but I told he should do it on his own. Hes mad at me for not being there for ...

She asked one night if I wanted to kiss her, I said yes, and we did. Then she says she's not okay with it. I need some answers please.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5715 days ago

21 September 2008 (F - I have a friend who Ive fallen for, and when I told her she ignored my comment. One night after another conversation she asked if I wanted to kiss her and I said yes, so we did. It was the best ever and I never felt complete. After that night she ...

It's been 4 years and I love him so much, but he's messed with my head! What should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5788 days ago

20 September 2008 (F - Im really stuck. Iv loved someone for 4 years now. He used to like me too. but then messed me around, saying he liked me, then I would do things with him, then he would shoo me off and say he didn't like me. He said he liked me more than a girl, ...

They all think I am gay! Why they are saying this about me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5779 days ago

19 September 2008 (F - I just started hs, and i think theres been a rumor abt me being gay. Well it all started in May when we had a pizza party 2 get 2 know all the freshmons. I met this girl, there and we were just talking and then just randomly her boyfriend comes up ...

Is this normal behavour for a straight man in a woman's company?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5779 days ago

19 September 2008 (F - i was out with my boyfriend last week having a few drinks when a gay man sat down and started chatting to him. he then preceeded to rub his hands over my boyfriends face and through his hair and admired his voice. the gay was asked to stop, but my b...

My husband's a miserable asshole who only discusses the prospect of us getting a threesome on, so he can boost his self esteem!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5786 days ago

19 September 2008 (F - I have been married to my husband (we'll call him steve) for less than a year (we've been a couple for over 9 years) but i have been cheating on him with our good friend (we'll call him rick) for nearly a year and a half. Rick and his wife (cal...

How and where and when will I know if they are attracted to women too?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5789 days ago

19 September 2008 (F - I am a 40 year old female and ever since i was 17 i have sexual fantasies about other women, i get far more turned on thinking of womens bodies than i ever do thinking of mens, even though i have only ever had relationships with men, i have just ...

How do I get him back, and help him accept that he is gay?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5735 days ago

18 September 2008 (M - I am a 46 year old male. A friend and i he is 27 were together for a year and a half. We came back home to our hometowns for a while and he freaked out that people thought he was gay. He is now dateing a women who is the same age as me, he use to ...

Who should I focus on trying to start a relationship with? I've fallen for my guy friend who is straight...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5790 days ago

17 September 2008 (M - First off, i just figured out i'm bi. I have fallen for my guy friend who's straight but also very "friendly" to me. Such as lots of hugs, clinging to each other during scary movies etc. I think it's best to keep it quiet between us. In addi...

I am afraid I will marry this guy and divorce to be with a woman!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5782 days ago

16 September 2008 (F - so, i am in a relationship with a man. and i always knew i was attracted to girls, but the more serious our relationship gets the more i really feel the lesbian inside of me coming out....Im afraid i am going to marry this guy just to divorce him ...

I found photos of him as a cross dresser in the Internet, it seems he was an escort and is bi, I am so frightened to aproach him about this and don't know how.

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5790 days ago

16 September 2008 (F - I have been with my man for 2 years now, we hit it off from the word go and fell in love pretty quick, we are so close and always confide in each other if we have anything on our minds. We have just bought a house together and I could not have bee...

Me, my wife and our girlfriend...happily ever after?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5775 days ago

15 September 2008 (M - Okay, here is the situation. My wife of nearly ten years fell in love with a woman after a period of time, where it was mostly just playful and some physical stuff. It was not intended and I always thought my wife was bi curious, but she obvi...

I have stronger feelings for my ex-girlfriend than for my current one. Should I break it off?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5793 days ago

15 September 2008 (F - sorry its long and kinda mumbled So i've been seeing my latest girlfriend for about 3 months. before me and her got together i had a thing with a girl called amanda. we were never offically just two people who had deep feelings for each other, ...

How do I find a new boyfriend after I broke up with my last one?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5792 days ago

15 September 2008 (M - I met my last boy friend by complete chance. I met him while I was working at video ezy, only because he worked there to. Just a little about myself before I continue. At the end of last year I came out to all my close friends that I was gay, they ...

His family doesn't like me so what should we do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5795 days ago

14 September 2008 (M - Okay I'm bi and there's this boy I like. We're pretty good friends, and I know he likes me. My mom has no problem with it, but his mom and his sister do. Another problem is there's a bit of an age difference between me and him. I'm 16 and he's ...

I am more attracted to naked men but want to date girls...will I grow out of this phase??

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5626 days ago

13 September 2008 (M - I am 14 and i wanna know why am i attracted to naked men before naked women. I have absolutly now feeling for men at all i just get horny to sum of them, i look at gay porn and masterbate to it but after that gayness takes a left i don't have fee...

My fears were put to rest once but now I really worried!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5795 days ago

13 September 2008 (F - i wrote on here on 1st september called is my perfect boyfriend gay? The thing is you all put my mind at rest as i understood that just because he enjoys sucking a dildo and everything he is just experimenting and having fun. the thing is last night ...

I keep having this dream about her! How do I stop the dreams? And do they mean I'm a lesbian?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5792 days ago

13 September 2008 (F - I am still unable to get over my high school crush, and I am now entering my second year of college. When I was in high school there was this girl who seemed to be flirting with me non-stop. However, as a female myself, I was never sure if sh...

I don't want to get to like him any more, but I don't want to stop talking to him. What do I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5797 days ago

11 September 2008 (M - Hi, Im 17 (male), soon to be 18, at college doing my a-levels, got a good part time job etc, but I havent been in love since I was 15, had a boyfriend since February or had any form of sex since April. I'm quite goodlooking but Im a warm person t...

I'm involved in a consensual three-way relationship with two other women... and now they want to bring in a fourth! Do I say yes?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4207 days ago

11 September 2008 (F - Okay, my situation may seem a bit wierd but i need some help. I am in a three-way relationship with two women, Tara and Sophie. We are all lesbians and we are all involved with each other intentionally. We have had sex together numerous times over ...

This isn't a lesbian crush, because I am straight. But why then this desire to be always near her? What is this feeling?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5798 days ago

10 September 2008 (F - This is really weird, so i'll try and explain. I've just started 6th form and there's this girl i've just met who ever since i first saw her i felt really drawn to her. By the way, this isn't some lesbian crush, i know i'm perfectly straight and it ...

I'm too afraid to stand up to her because I don't want to lose her! How can I do this without appearing 'bitchy'?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5798 days ago

10 September 2008 (F - I first met this woman through a close relative, we started talking over the net and then met up a few times for a couple of drinks. We've been getting to know each other for a couple of months now, she's not quite ready for a relationship yet ...

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