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Archived questions from: October, 2010 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Only one date in eight years; need some reassurance

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5016 days ago

31 October 2010 (M - Hi. I am 34, single and never been married. I have had one relationship, with a woman, for 10 months, eight and a half years ago. Since then, I have been on one date. I have made friends, like I had an older gay guy friend for two years. Then...

I feel disgusted after masturbating to porn, help!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5017 days ago

31 October 2010 (M - Okay I'm 16 and I'm gay... or bi (confused). And I've got something that I don't understand. So I'm hoping you guys might have the answer. So the thing is I only like porn when I'm turned on. And when I masturbate and cum; afterward I find it ...

My mood swings are jeopardizing the relationship

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5017 days ago

31 October 2010 (F - Im a lesbian. and ive been with my gf for 2 and a half years. We were planning to move in together by the end of this month. We are both 18 and want to go to the same uni. So we were planning on flatting or rentin' an apartment. But lately my ...

We spend most of our time together and I can't hide my feelings for him

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5016 days ago

31 October 2010 (M - So I'm caught in a an awkward situation with myself. See I'm really good friends with this guy, let's call him Bob, we've been friends forever. We're both the same age, but the thing is I'm gay. He knows, I came out to him 2 years ago. He accepted ...

Is my friend in love with me?

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29 October 2010 (M - Let me tell you my puzzle.I am 25 and in a strong relation ship with my friend of age 25.We work together and we spend almost all the times together.We give some gifts to each other and i can't express the beauty of the necktie he gave me last ...

If only she knew how much I care about her......

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5018 days ago

29 October 2010 (? - There's this girl who comes in my tutions... We are only two people sitting on the same bed We studied for 1 and a half year... We were in the same school, My parents and her family are good friends I used to dislike her before as I was simp...

Does it seem like she's interested?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4937 days ago

28 October 2010 (F - I’m a 17 year-old girl, and I like an older woman (29). I knew the first time I saw her that I liked her, and tried not to due to the age difference and the fact that I thought nothing would ever happen. But I can’t help it. For the past 18 months ...

His dad found our sexy texts and now thinks I am gay so he is not allowed to see me anymore!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5020 days ago

28 October 2010 (? - So me and a friend of mine were planning to experiment sexually and we were planning and talking about it through texts, we were really good friends and just wanted to try it out, well i guess he was careless but his Dad read the messages and thinks ...

Is he gay or straight?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5020 days ago

28 October 2010 (M - hello Hi i'm bisexual ok and I have a friend who claimed not bisexual but he said he's cool to snuggle cuddle with me like really close no space at all, which is weird. do you think any straight man on earth would allowed this? well i still dont ...

Could he be gay/bi? And what do I do now?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5017 days ago

27 October 2010 (M - I am 16 and a sophmore in highschool. I am a bi guy. Nobody knows that I am bi. I have a huge crush on this guy. He doesnt know im bi, and I'm not sure if he is gay or bi. He takes every chance he has to hug me, and he said that I was cute. In our ...

Is my partner gay because he sends rude texts to his male friends?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5018 days ago

27 October 2010 (F - hi so i have a burning question my bloke talks dirty to his mates and also send really rude and descriptive disgusting texts to each other what i want to know is is he gay ? might sound silly but id like oppinions from people who ,maybe do this or ...

Is it time to give things up?

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27 October 2010 (F - I am a 56 year old woman,in the middle of a divorce after 30 yrs. 2 years ago I met a woman 10 years younger than me, who has been in a relationship with her lesbian lover for 8 years. They were very happy together, until we fell in love 2 years ag...

Am I a lesbian? I'm in love with my bestfriend, but no other girls.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4984 days ago

26 October 2010 (F - I've just turned 17. Me and this girl have been best friends for about 5 years. No exaggeration, she's absolutley gorgeous, she's a model, she's so funny and really genuinely nice. She used to say "Oh, I love you" (as a friend I persumed) which al...

Does my friend have any feelings for me? Or is she just fooling around?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5022 days ago

26 October 2010 (F - Hey everyone. I'm 15. And I think I'm in love with my best friend(who's also female). About five months ago, we were at orchestra practice when I suddenly went like 'OMG is it just my imagination or is she just too good-looking.'Well, it took me ...

Should I risk losing our friendship, or hold my feelings in?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5010 days ago

26 October 2010 (? - Hi, im 24 years old and I'm in a relationship with a guy for 4 years now. I love him and can't see my life without him, but I've fallen for my best friend who is a girl. She is my life, I love her so much, and we cant go a day without talking to ...

Still single after a year and wondering what could be wrong with me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5022 days ago

25 October 2010 (M - I am at the point where I really don't understand what's wrong with me. I am too young to be so depressed and too old to be desperate over such childish things. Being gay isn't easy but this is just ridiculous. I am going crazy over the fact tha...

Love VS Like

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4951 days ago

25 October 2010 (F - I think I really got in over my head this time everyone. So I feel in love with this girl that I have known for a few months but she was going through a lot of thngs with her ex boyfriend. I felt as tho she was not ready to pursue a relationship ...

My daughter told me she is bisexual and I don't know how to handle this?

This question has 19 answers - newest was posted 4422 days ago

25 October 2010 (F - My 17 year old daughter has been trying to tell me she is bisexual for the last six months.I have responded with kids today are bicurious and that is what she is doing. Each time she mentioned it I would cut off the conversation, and say I can't ...

Is there gay play going on with my man?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5023 days ago

25 October 2010 (F - ok, I am with a man of 8-9 years and we have 2 kids. He is really friendly and approachable. he has a million guy friends he knows, I mean everywhere we go some dude pops up and knows him. he even was friends with homosexuals in the past, which i ...

Is it normal to want to experiment with each other?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5023 days ago

25 October 2010 (F - Me and my bestfriend are both 14 (and both girls), lately, we've been talking to each other on Msn over webcam, and talking about experimenting with each other, and we've shown each other our boobs over webcam already. she's sleeping round mine thi...

Should I have gay sex with my best friend he is asking help me!!!!!!!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5022 days ago

25 October 2010 (M - i'm 15 and i know i'm bi but i've told a few people at my school and they told everyone now i'm getting teased but now that everyone knows a lot more gay and bi people ane coming out but now i keep getting asked by a mate of mine who is gay foe gay ...

Why am I crazy about this average looking guy who I have nothing in common with?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5023 days ago

25 October 2010 (M - So theres this boy at school, and i have been "In love" with him for about a year now, he's says he's straight, although he does give off some gay vibes ( to most people), anyways, I have NO idea why i am so crazy about him, i mean, we honestly have ...

Should I tell my partner at school I'm gay?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5021 days ago

25 October 2010 (M - Hi, I'm 15 years old and have a crush on a guy, and I'm gay, but no one knows. (except you of course) I just recently switched classes, and I'm in the same class as him(the guy I have a crush on) ... and for better or for worse, we're partners. We ...

Tell does a person wake up one day and decide to fall out of love? Confused!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5024 days ago

25 October 2010 (F - I have been with someone since June, we spent all summer together and fell madly in love. She was the first to say I love you and reminded me everyday how perfect I was and how much she wanted a life with me and of course I feel the same way. She ...

I'm gay, he's 'straight'? I'm absolutely in love with him and don't know what to do...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4963 days ago

24 October 2010 (M - Wow, Ok. I'm 22 and openly gay, and so I have this friend. We met a couple months ago at a party and I immediately had an attraction towards him. He's adorable, funny, sweet, kind and "straight" supposedly. Everyone thinks he is gay or ...

I'm confused. I think I want to have sex with a woman!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5012 days ago

24 October 2010 (F - Hey I'm 19 years old and I think I want to have sex with a woman. I only feel like this when I watch lesbian porn, but when I don't I do NOT think of woman like that, I would rather have sex with a man which I have. But I've been with a woman be...

How do I get my wife to show me affection again!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5024 days ago

23 October 2010 (M - I just returned from a deployment from iraq. my wife had an affair with another woman. I have forgiven her for the infidelity but now she will not have sex with me. The other woman is now trying to get my wife to leave me by laying these games. ...

I have a 30% chance of living so he dumped me for his ex

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5025 days ago

23 October 2010 (M - I fell for this man, he was everything to me. I was diagnosed with cancer, which is spreading to my lungs...I have a 30% chance of getting through it...but when I saw messages on Kellen* phone (I was using it because mine was broken) I noticed ...

I am afraid a guy I met online will tell all and the life I have built will crumble

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5021 days ago

23 October 2010 (M - Hey everyone heres my problem . i started at a different college for the second time . quite quicky i was put on the rugby team . for many years i had / still am unsure about who i am - seeing as so many people have played cruel mind games...

Could she have feelings she's not ready to admit to?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5026 days ago

22 October 2010 (F - I'm a 15 year old female, and I'm bi. At the moment I am really confused about how I feel. There is this girl who I developed very strong feelings for, and she knows. I think I may be falling for her, but I don't think she likes me. She is a really ...

I'd like to be with her, should I try to contact her again or forget it?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5025 days ago

22 October 2010 (F - So in July I met this great girl online. She lives in the next town. She randomly messaged me one day and we clicked. We got to know each other, She kept pushing to see me, so we did, I had a really great time we went somewhere where it was just us ...

I love this guy to pieces and don't know what to do!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5026 days ago

21 October 2010 (M - I've been having so much trouble with this guy I work with. A couple of months ago he said to me (while drunk) that he loved me and wanted a relationship with me. For three weeks after that night he never spoke to me, until I found out he has...

I'm worried about my future because of my sexual orientation!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4986 days ago

21 October 2010 (M - Hi everyone, Well, I am a 26 years old male and I’m virgin by my choice. I’m gay or at least bisexual, I like both men and women both attracted me but when it comes to sex, I feel I’ll be more comfortable with men. I don’t want to be with men, bec...

Bisexual or just curious

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5027 days ago

21 October 2010 (F - Hey Guys and Gals... Don't know what I'm really looking for here, suppose its for someone to relate so it doesn't all feel so bizarre and illicit. Basically, I'm a straight girl, virgin, no real experience to speak of, but very into guys. I ...

How do I go about satisfying my bi-curiosity?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5028 days ago

21 October 2010 (F - I want to try having a sexual experience with a woman, but i'm not sure how to go about it. I have been bi-curious for a while now, but i have only ever been involved with men, although, i am a virgin, and i haven't dated many guys, and the guys i ...

She's broken up with me three times, but I'm still heartbroken without her? Do you think she actually loves me?

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20 October 2010 (F - Hi, I don't really know where to start with this one. I've been in a relationship with a woman now for the past seven years ( I am also female). At the start of the relationship we just ignored the fact that it was a secret and noone knew about...

Crushing on a straight guy

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5027 days ago

20 October 2010 (M - I'm a 17 y/o boy and have had a crush on a straight guy at school since I was 14. My feelings for him have only grown stronger and I'm starting to develop an obsession its worrying. Ive tried to get over him but nothing works. Help! What should I ...

How can I tell if she's just bizarre with her interactions or if she actually likes me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5026 days ago

20 October 2010 (F - Okay, so I have this friend in High-School that I see everday during passing periods. (I'm busy during lunches so I can't hang out with her.) Every single time we see each other we smile, hug, and have small talk. Things for the most part seem n...

My best friend is only using me till he gets a girlfriend

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5025 days ago

20 October 2010 (M - I have been blowing my best friend since I was 16. Now I am 25. I’m gay, but my best friend is not. He really is straight. He will mostly watch straight or lesbo porn when I blow him. he let me do it because he’s ugly and he doesn’t have a ...

Should I see him when I'm worried about what he's like?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5028 days ago

20 October 2010 (M - Hi i was always talking to a guy i met online and he was really nice and handsome and i really liked him until i found out he was with someone it really hurt and another thing is this other guy who talks to me alot puting xxx at the end of his ...

Should I continue things with my sort-of bisexual boyfriend?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5028 days ago

20 October 2010 (F - I just recently became involved with my one of my best friends...who also happens to be bisexual (which he discovered 6 months ago). The last two months have been tumultuous because we would hookup and then I would find out he was also texting other ...

My friend is a lesbian and I'm bi-curious should I sleep with her?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5028 days ago

19 October 2010 (F - I have recently made friends with a girl my age. She is a lesbian which isn't something that bothers me. While chatting a few days ago she said that she would really like to sleep with me. She told exactly what she would like to do me. At the time I ...

Same sex relationship... How can I get her to be more sexual with me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5029 days ago

19 October 2010 (F - hey, I'm writing to ask for advice on an issue im having with my girlfriend. this is our first gay relationship although i've slept with other girls before i met her. we've been together for about a year now. in the beginning she was very n...

How can I send flirtatious vibes to a girl?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5030 days ago

18 October 2010 (F - Ive always had interest in females and I have been with a few but was never n a relationship with one. It seems as tho I can only get a guy to date me for long term. I like butchy girls too and also thought being with a butch would increase my ...

How do I make my move with him without coming too desperate?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5029 days ago

17 October 2010 (M - Hey there, I am gay and I am attending a community college and in a public speaking class there's this guy that both intrigues me and I am convinced he's gay. I can't explain but just like other gay men, there's just a certain feeling you get when ...

How can I put my girlfriend at ease and let her know she can trust me?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5032 days ago

17 October 2010 (F - My girlfriend is really quiet and shy. She's explained to me why (childhood experiences relating to abuse and fitting in pressures). And I'm totally understanding of that. I just want to know what would be the best approach of getting her to trust ...

Am I right to distance myself from cheating HIV+ Ex?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4574 days ago

16 October 2010 (M - My boyfriend of 5 years (3 great 2 up and down) is HIV+. I have know this from the start, and accepted it, and we have always practiced safe sex, which lead to there maybe not being as much passion in our sex lives, but I was ok with that and ...

How can I turn my straight friend bi?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5029 days ago

16 October 2010 (M - Im bi and I have a friend who is straight but gives me sum gayish hints of bi-curiousness and i want to turn him bi...or just want to have sex/play around with him im a new friend of his ive known him for about a month and a half now and we hang ...

I'm an in-the-closet gay guy, and I really like this guy I work with.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5029 days ago

15 October 2010 (M - Ok, so I've asked a couple people I know about this, but I want to get an outside opinion. I'm an in-the-closet gay guy, and I really like this guy I work with. Sometimes I think that he might like me back, but I feel like its just me seeing what I ...

I'm attracted to other guys but I don't want a relationship with one

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5015 days ago

15 October 2010 (M - So, I'm now 16, and I realize I am attracted to other guys. But, I don't want to have a relationship with one. As for girls, I now am starting to get less turned on by them, and yet, I still do like girls too want a relationship with girls. Am I ...

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