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Archived questions from: September, 2009 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I've known her for ages - how can we get back together?

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30 September 2009 (F - Sooo...ive known this girl since 6th grade.we were bestfriends since 8th grade.we dated at the end of 9th grade (my first real and my only real girlfriend).and ended everything (stoped talking)the beggining of 10th grade and now im in 11th just ...

My g/f thinks I"m having a gay affair with one of her friends! I'm not!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5410 days ago

28 September 2009 (M - I'm 23, been with my girlfriend since second year of university (Nov. 2005), and our relationship's been mostly good. Yes, we've had arguments, like every couple do, but usually silly ones. However, my girlfriend has recently started ...

Living a secret life is hurting me

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5400 days ago

28 September 2009 (M - I am 17 years old and im gay. No one knows about this, only myself. Some people suspects that im gay, my friends even my girlfriend. I dont know wat to do or what to say cause it will be a disgrace to my family and to my community. It hard to accept ...

Sometimes I think I'm gay, other times I don't?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5416 days ago

28 September 2009 (M - ok i have a problem at times i think im gay and then i don't, when i look at gay porn i believe im gay but after i masterbat to it, it makes a left and i feel stupid for doing it like what is wrong with me, and then there are girls i like and would ...

My boyfriend wont include me in his life

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5391 days ago

27 September 2009 (M - Ok, im gay and im 27, my boyfriend of one year is 21. He is very mature for his age and looks mature.. he works in a corporate enviroment and he is Jewish... Im Russian/Italian. He is so obsessed and concerned about what others think about hi...

Is it ok to have sex with both men and women?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5416 days ago

27 September 2009 (? - hi i like have sex with girls as well as boys but i am afraid to tell to my mom and i one thing i wanted to ask is when i am with my girlfriend she says that i don't make her happy in oral i dont how to make her happy and when ever i go near her...

Do I tell my parents or hide it longer?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5415 days ago

27 September 2009 (F - over the last few years i have had several crushes consisting of both sexes. I struggled alot with coming to terms with it and have now accepted myself as bisexual. However admitting it to myself is alot easier than admitting it to anyine else. I ...

How to stop the feelings without giving up the classes?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5416 days ago

27 September 2009 (F - I am currently doing 3 fitness classes a week at my local gym. I get on really well with my instructor but i am confused about the way i feel. I have feelings for her and will do anything during the classes so that she notices me. I know she is ...

Does all this mean I'm gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5415 days ago

25 September 2009 (F - Im deeply in love with a girl at school and I fall in love her all over again when I see her and think about her. Also I get really excited(down there) and my nipples erect. I have never liked anyone this much before but i want to know if i am a ...

Should I admit that I'm bi or keep it a secret from others?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5415 days ago

25 September 2009 (M - hey everyone, im so frustrated. after getting dumped by my girlfriend, i felt relieved cuz things between us werent working out. after the events between us were over with, i didnt feel like being in a relationship anytime then i thought "what if ...

His sister walked in on the two of us while we were nude and kissing. Do we talk to her about it?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5419 days ago

24 September 2009 (M - My friend and I are bicurious and we were having some fun (both of us were fully nude and french kissing). He is 19 years old and I am 24 years old. While we were nude and kissing, his 14 year old sister walk into the room (next time we will lock ...

I have a crush on my lesbian teacher and its making me question my sexuality!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5069 days ago

24 September 2009 (? - [Moderator's Note: 2 questions from the same poster have been merged together] Question 1: I know the topic of teacher crushes has been discussed to death on this site but I feel that my situation is a little more unique in that my teacher happ...

What can I do to get him out of my mind

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5420 days ago

24 September 2009 (M - I really need help guys, I'm Ethan, gay and brokenhearted. My boyfriend ended up our relationship like 3 months ago but I still have a lot of feelings for him, he was very rude to me that night, he said really bad things that I'll never forget, I ...

Is urinating inside each other okay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5420 days ago

24 September 2009 (M - Okay, my boyfriend and i are both into a fetish called watersports. It's got alot to do with urination. Well my boyfriend likes it when i pee in him, and vice versa, but i was wondering if it was okay? Like, is it safe for us to be urinating inside ...

Do other men experience this same sensation?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5403 days ago

23 September 2009 (M - I'm gay and my question is really for other gay men: Whenever I'm kissing or touching my partner, along with the usual signs of arousal, my butthole starts to tingle and even sweats at times(sorry if this is a bit crude) like its longing for him to ...

I love him but ever since our encounter he's been with other girls sexually!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5421 days ago

23 September 2009 (M - I'm 19yrs old my best friend and I have known each other for about 2years. I enjoy being around him, we have hold hands and told each other I Love You before. A while back we were both under the influence and he spend the night at my house. I slept ...

I am suddenly attracted to girls but don't know how to approach one

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5421 days ago

22 September 2009 (F - I have always been attracted to guys and i always had relationships with guys. I used to always think if girls were cute or not, but i thought thats normal everyone does that. But lately especially since ive been at college (I'm 18), I have ...

Should I tell him how I feel? Or let things continue the way they are?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5422 days ago

22 September 2009 (M - hey everyone, i dont really have a problem but its more of a curiousity thing. my friend lives like nextdoor to me and we've been friends for 6 years, hes the type of guy to name call as a joke. he doesnt do anything bad, he has a girlfriend and we ...

I'm a little obsessed with this one girl so should I ask her out?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5422 days ago

22 September 2009 (F - Okay I'm a 14 year old girl and recently I have found out that I'm a little obsessed with this one girl in my school. Last year I thought it was because I was jealous that she was prettier than me, and this obsession has been there since I first met ...

Is this girl in my class gay or not? I'm clueless...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5410 days ago

21 September 2009 (F - So heres a fairly normal situation for once. I just started college, there's a girl I like in one of my classes. REALLY like. Problem, is she gay or not? skip the intro/context if you want .........................

I'm gay and want to marry a woman so I can have children. How do I go about this?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5422 days ago

20 September 2009 (M - hi,am a gay man.36 yrs old have not hraed sex with woman but am willing bcoz i have to.i want to live a normal life.i want children.but am sacerd to have sex,i dont no if i can get it african and is really important i have children.and if i ...

Fallen for my best friend and she's a female!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5422 days ago

20 September 2009 (F - Hey everybody ? I need some help plz! Sorry for the length btw, but ther was a lot to say!!! Ok I'm not entirely sure where to start, but here it goes... About 6 months ago i noticed i was really attracted to one of my closest friends. I hav...

Am I bi? Should I confess my feelings to hall mate?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5410 days ago

20 September 2009 (F - I'm a freshmen at a college and I live in a dorm. I met this wonderful hall mate who I have gotten quite close to. Oddly enough I can't stop thinking about her and I think I might be experiencing feelings for her. I never really had any feelings...

Best friend and I messing around but now he's also seeing alot of girls!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5411 days ago

20 September 2009 (M - I'm 19yrs old my best friend and I have known each other for about 2years. I enjoy being around him, we have hold hands and told each other I Love You before. A while back we were both under the influence and he spend the night at my house. I slept ...

She's 26, but her family influences who she dates

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5422 days ago

20 September 2009 (F - Hi...I have been in a hidden relationship. With a brazilian women for almost 4 years and she refuses to come out of the closet. 1. She tells me. She doesn't know if she is gay. Bc she is attracted to men ( although she's only been with 3 men. For no ...

Confused and need help/advise

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5424 days ago

20 September 2009 (F - I have always been attracted to guys and i always had relationships with guys. Sometimes I used to think if girls were cute or not but i thought thats normal everyone does that. But lately especially since ive been at college (I'm 18), I have ...

Am I confusing the signals?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4954 days ago

18 September 2009 (F - Im a 16 year old female and over the past 3 years ive had feelings for my female 29 year old pe teacher.The past year has got out of hand, ive grown to love her. Sometimes i wonder if she feels the same way.... Ive been reading a book on body lan...

I really want to go out with her, but she has a boyfriend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5425 days ago

18 September 2009 (F - I need help! Basically I Bi (well I have never been with a girl but am seriously interested in them... eg. watches Bi and Les porn)... Anyway, I'm Bi and none of my friends at school no this. But there is one girl I at school I SERIOUSLY like. ...

How long does sperm live outside the male body?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5003 days ago

18 September 2009 (F - My girlfriend and I want to have a baby, She is the dominant one in the relationship, however she wants to have the baby. She also does not want to have sex to get pregnant, so we are trying to come up with other ways to get her pregnant. I want ...

I had feelings for another woman but it was disturbing my family

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18 September 2009 (F - im not gay or bi i fell in love with another women we got really close but we would only meet each other at a park. she never told me that she was gay but her body lauguage told me she like me.we got close and she knew i was in a abusive ...

Don't you think he should show me if he wants to be with me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5425 days ago

18 September 2009 (M - Hello, I' m Artemis, and I'm gay. I ended my relationship with my boyfriend a while ago and I can't move on, I'm desperate because this whole situation is affecting every single aspect of my life, 3 weeks ago I saw him, we said hi and all that, we ...

Should I make an advance or back off?

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17 September 2009 (F - Hi all, this summer i met a girl. I wasn't immediatley attracted to her, but we've become quite good friends. As i say, i didn't immediatley feel anything romantic, but i'm a firm believer in personality, and that it can make or break someone....

Why is my gay best friend so possesive over me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5427 days ago

16 September 2009 (F - I have a male gay best friend. We have known each other for 6 years now but over the past 2 years or so he has become really jealous of my relationships with straight men and is very possessive over me! I have no doubt that he is gay and have nev...

Is it wise to keep hoping something would occur between this married woman and I?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5427 days ago

16 September 2009 (F - I fell deeply in love with a woman last year, but I've never confessed this, since she's already married. She's just one of the loveliest people I've ever had the honor of knowing. Inside and out, she's so beautiful - she has the most wonderful ...

Straight but kissed another guy, and feeling really crappy about it.

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5428 days ago

14 September 2009 (M - I'm a straight male and this weekend I made out with my male friend, while we were drunk. I've been sort of wanting to experiment with the same sex, despite not really being attracted to other guys.. and only having a history of dating females. ...

Where to buy tasteful gay pride jewelry

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5429 days ago

14 September 2009 (F - Hi So I've recently came out to people as being gay However I can't be bothered to tell everyone, and tbh I don't really know how to bring it up in conversation So I want to buy a small gay pride rainbow badge or item of jewlerey, something that...

She ended our 3 year relationship because of an old crush, who won't even go out with a girl!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5429 days ago

13 September 2009 (F - I'm 21, have been dating my girl best friend who is bisexual for almost 3 years. I'm in love with her. She always seems to be very good and loyal to me. All of the sudden, she told me that she still likes this one girl whom she had a crush on in 8th ...

How do I experiment with my sexuality without making people think I'm bi or gay?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5430 days ago

13 September 2009 (M - how do i experiment with my sexuality without making people think im gay or bi? Also, i think two of my friends my be well, ones probaby bi and the other seems to be like me, curious, but i dont want to blow my friendship if their straight. And...

Broke up, now I have to move out. Should I tell him I am going?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5428 days ago

13 September 2009 (M - I had hurtful break up with my ex month ago. It was the most difficult situation I ever faced. He was my true love, he lied on me and he said stay here in my place as long as you need as a good friend and good flatmate, but I found out that he is ...

My gay ex-boss wants to watch a movie together before the re-hire...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5431 days ago

12 September 2009 (M - I have an ex-boss who is considering hiring me again. He is gay and kinda tries to hang out all the time. He suggested he is renting a movie and we should watch it at my place before we get into the job thing. I'm scared but I need this job and ...

This relationship is really promising but I don't want to be a mom to her 6 year old son!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5402 days ago

11 September 2009 (F - I am openly, and proudly, bisexual, and I make no apologies for that. I have recently started to become involved with a woman, which is nothing unusual for me. What IS unusual, however, is that she has a kid, a 6 year-old son. The father is still ...

I've been with my partner for nearly a decade, but I cant help fantasizing about men!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5432 days ago

11 September 2009 (F - I have a wonderful relationship with my girlfriend, except that I frequently fantasize about men. We have been together for nearly a decade, but I can't seem to stop wondering what it would be like to be with a man. I once broke up with her to be ...

My boyfriend wasnt paying me any attention when we had a threesome but now I think I want to try another one!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4972 days ago

11 September 2009 (F - so I'm bisexual female and Ive had the same boyfriend for over a year now. a threesome came up in our conversation about four months ago and we'd thought it be fun to try it with one of my friends thats a girl whos also a bisexual, we asked and she ...

I'm very worried because in my dream I was lesbian!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5372 days ago

10 September 2009 (F - About a month ago now i had a dream i was a lesbian, before that I was perfectly straight. Now i'm really confused about my sexuality. I have a boyfriend but now i just don't know; i feel really happy when i'm around him and i really love him. But ...

Desperate for answers... please...

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5429 days ago

10 September 2009 (F - I am a gay woman in a 2 year relationship with my partner. I also have a 5 year old beautiful, intelligent little girl. My partner is extremely strict with my child and only shows her affection when we have company around us. This is hurting me ...

He no longer wanted to have sex once he decided we were friends

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5432 days ago

10 September 2009 (M - Hello all! I'm a 24 year old gay guy, that is for the most part closeted but have come out to a few at work and in forums. I have finally accepted that I’m gay, but not quiet ready to announce it to the world. I don’t have a family so that’s ...

Should I tell her about the dream as well? or should I just forget about it?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5429 days ago

10 September 2009 (F - I've been a lesbian for 3 years, and when I seen this girl in my class I fell in love with her and we spoke and we've been good friends ever since. So a couple of nights ago I had a dream that me and her got married. I was just wondering if I should ...

What should we as a family do about my brother's relationship with a much older man?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5434 days ago

9 September 2009 (F - I was out in town yesterday when a friend of the family suddenly stopped me and told me he had something important to tell me. He told me that my 16-year-old brother was in a relationship with a 45-year-old married man who's also a basketball coa...

Help! I've fell in love with my best friend

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5432 days ago

9 September 2009 (F - I am in college and living with 4 other girls..two of which are my best friends...however, one of them I am very very close with and she knows everything about me and I know everything about her. She is by far my very best friend. Only one ...

Met someone on the internet, but now I think he is gay!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5435 days ago

8 September 2009 (F - Hey guys. I feel really strange typing this, but I need someone else´s advice. Ive been chatting to an english man for more than 2 years. Ive made a big big effort to go to his country and finally we met. I went to the city where he lives. The first ...

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