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Lesbian teen very attracted to my half sister...

Tagged as: Family, Gay relationships, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (22 October 2008) 10 Answers - (Newest, 23 March 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Hi, I know this subject is frowned on by some, but I need to know if it can ever be right? Can it be made right? And I need some advice on how to approach my sister in the right way?

I am 17 and live with my 15 (almost 16) year old half sister and our mother. We are half-sisters with the same mother, not step. Neither of our fathers are involved, and our extened family is pretty messed up. We really pretty much have just each other. I am lesbian and have been out with my family for over a year and my mother has accepted it.

In the past year, I began talking to my sister and answering her questions about sexual topics as she became sexually active with her boyfriend. They broke up a few months ago. Before the break up, my sister beagn asking questions about bisexualism and lesbianism (she knows my orientation). I have always been honest with her and tried to answer her questions the best I could. Lately, she has been bringing the topic up a lot.

I know this is going to sound gross to some, but I have been having very strong feelings, both emotional and sexual, for her. I'm pretty sure she is also dropping hints to me that she is available and wants to as well. Just her casual touch makes me so hot.

I need some advice. Our mother will be gone this weekend and we will have the house to ourselves. if I'm going to approach her about things, I think this might be a good time. If I'm reading her right, we would not be interrupted. If I'm wrong, there would be time for things to settle down.

So, back to my questions Can this ever be right? How can I make it right? What is the best way to approach her? I'm looking for some POSITIVE advice and would be happy to post back the outcome. Peace.

View related questions: broke up, lesbian

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A reader, anonymous, writes (23 March 2009):

Yea dont' that is weird but yea I wouldnt if i were you i'd just use her as kinda like a practice thing imagin her as a boy and then just invite boys over and use them for real but dont do anything as in falling in love with her that is wrong and to stop it i would just start hanging around really hot guys and try to get addicted to them instead, dont have any kind of sex with any member of you family that's just wrong!!!

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A male reader, dean96 United States +, writes (5 March 2009):

I don't think this is bad. You love her, and she is obviously hitting on you. Go for it. Next time, ask about her feelings on being gay. Just hint it, and see where it leads.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 February 2009):

Illegal and immoral don't don't don't I understand what is like to be attracted to women but your sis no stop thinking about it chances are she wants to be with girls too since she is talking about it but not you family should never have any kind of sex

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 February 2009):

The facts are the facts. If you seduce your sister and your mom ever finds out, it is sexual abuse. If your mom can't handle it, she might send you to go to a girls group home--alot of your freedom is taken away. What little family you have could be shattered.

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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (11 December 2008):

eyeswideopen agony auntYou know damn well this isn't right nor will it ever be, that's why you are waiting to pounce on her when your mother is away. No one should be advising you on how to sexually assault a underage child, and it doesn't matter one iota whether she is sexually active or not, she is a minor and it's illegal on two counts, she's your sister for crying out loud. You are a predator.

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A male reader, Pohtsy90 United States +, writes (11 December 2008):

i would talk to about the situation and if she agrees to you the go ahead

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (23 October 2008):

Just because you want to have lesbian sex with your sister doesn't give you the right to ruin a family relationship. For a short term gain you are risking a long term mentality.Rest assured that it might sound bewildering to go out and have a lesbian relationship with your sister, the consequences of this action can be disasterous. You will never look at your sister the same way again. If she chooses to live a life that is heterosexual, it will have drastic affects on her love life, her family life, and her kids. Take deep breaths, and think it over a couple of days. Don't let your hormones overshadow your sibling relationship. Don't confuse lust and love. Just imagining how things turn out and how they actually turn out are totally different. Make sure you respect your sister and her feelings. Don't go through with something you'll regret. If your mother is willing to accept your sexuality why shouldn't you respect her trust. She is trusting you not to betray her. If you go back on your own mother and how do you think it will effect her? Life is too short, cherish what you have. Don't dwell on small things too long. Sex comes and goes, family is forever.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 October 2008):

It seems to me you've already made up your mind and are just looking for emotional support to live your little adventure. This will never be right. And even if it was Why would you want to get involved romanticaly with the only family you can count on in this world and risk hurting the relationship you'll share with each other and your mother for the rest of your lives?

At your age the world is pink and pretty, but when you two grow up you will be pretty ashamed of what you are planning on doing. Make plans for the weekend with friends and don't stay home. Do not succumb to temptation because is plain incest and you'll feel demoralized afterwards.

It shows you both have very low self esteem when you are feeling attracted to your own flesh and blood. I say not only your extended family is messed up but you are messed up also. No offense intended. Go to counseling.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (22 October 2008):

Wow, that's really tricky. And potentially very romantic. Quite a dilemma you have there.

I suggest you play it really cool. Rent a movie like "heavenly creatures (1994)", order some pizza and chill out together. At a moment you feel appropriate open up - be honest about how you feel about your half-sister. Keep a straight face.

If (in the HIGHLY unlikely event) the reaction you get isn't what you hoped for, laugh it off.

Good luck - I hope it works out for you!

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A male reader, Dr Vendetta United Kingdom +, writes (22 October 2008):

Dr Vendetta agony auntok i'm all for gay rights and lesbians.....i will be.. short with my answers. not saying you're going to like them but,

Can this ever be right?: Morally? no you still share the same mother, praticly same blood. Legally?... i think it would still be classed as incest.

How to make it right : get a girl friend and understand that she's your half sister and thats all.

Best was to approach her : Advice? sure. but i'm not going to give you a good situation to bang your half sister.

I hate to say it but asking for positive replies is going to be..tricky at best, you're asking us how to approach your underage half sister for sex... understand that thats not what we're here for.

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