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Archived questions from: August, 2011 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

My child found a porn video!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4715 days ago

29 August 2011 (F - Please somebody help me I need urgent expert advice! I just walked in on my 6 year old son watching a porn dvd. The dvd was one my boyfriend gave me for a laugh lastweek, I tossed it in the back of a draw without looking. I left my son watching ...

Do I support her in her wish to work in the porn industry? OrI find reasons to help her decide against it?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4705 days ago

28 August 2011 (M - She says she wants to do porn.. my fiance is a very beautiful woman however due to her past (abusive mother and a father who was never there) she has almost no self esteem and because of that was often taken advantage of by men when she sought l...

Why did he start taking photos during sex ? Is it a trophy thing?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4718 days ago

26 August 2011 (? - Very long story short, me and a guy i had a thing with ended up bumping into each other a few days ago. One thing led to another and we slept together. It was a huge, huge mistake. Since then I found out he has a girlfriend and so I removed ...

My wife says that sex with me grosses her out. Can that change?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4718 days ago

25 August 2011 (M - I am 38 and my wife is 41. We do not have sex anymore and have not for at least a decade. She says that sex with me grosses her out. She says that the idea of sex itself does not gross her out, and she fantasizes about sex with other men sometimes, ...

I watch porn and masturbate most days. Should I reduce this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4720 days ago

24 August 2011 (M - i am 19 and am watching porn nearly every day. I really enjoy watching it but feel as if i couldnt go a day without watching some. i do not neglect friends or anything for it but do normally watch it every night before bed. this also leads to ...

I masturbated on shemale porn. What does this mean?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2220 days ago

24 August 2011 (M - I have been watching straight porn quite lot for the last 2 years or so but of late gay thoughts striking my mind but when I looked at gay porn , it didn't turn me on but Shemale porn did and I masturbated like three times on watching Shemale porn. ...

Am I the only woman not threated by porn?

This question has 34 answers - newest was posted 4531 days ago

23 August 2011 (F - I just read an article about porn here on DC so it made me interested to post a question. Am I the only woman who is not threatened by porn? I mean, I read a lot of questions here about it, of ladies breaking up with their boyfriends and w...

Why do some women feel so bad if their man watches porn?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4709 days ago

21 August 2011 (F - I ask this question as I'm fed up seeing questions about porn coming up frequently and women complaining about their men watchin it. I'm 26, I've had 3 serious relationships and each man has loved to watch porn. Sometimes I've watched it with the...

I feel betrayed by this hypocrite

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4723 days ago

21 August 2011 (F - My former fiance and I have not spoken in 3 months. We were together for 3 years. I am so confused and sad about how he dropped me for someone new as if our relationship never happened. I have only called twice and texted once. He does not ...

Guys - which is best - your woman or porn?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4710 days ago

21 August 2011 (F - A question for the straight guys: If your girlfriend/wife gave you the ultimatum to choose between her and porn, which would you choose? Regardless of her reason, would you choose her if you knew that you would never be allowed to look at porn...

He looked at porn that involved a female friend of his, and now I feel cheated on. What do I do

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4723 days ago

20 August 2011 (F - I have posted this question allready, but it didn't get many responces so I'm posting it again hoping that it will this time, I'm really in need of more advice... I am distraught, I've never been comfortable with porn watching in a relationship, ...

Our relationship is in the doldrums because of all the Porn he has watched. What would improve things?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4724 days ago

20 August 2011 (F - I'm confused by my feelings. My boyfriend told me he watches a lot of porn, then changed his mind and said he used to watch a lot. Then he said that he's pretty much seen everything and is desensitised to it all now. He joked that he'd have to see ...

He watched porn that involved a female friend of his, and now I feel cheated on, what do I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4725 days ago

19 August 2011 (F - I am distraught, I've never been comfortable with porn watching in a relationship, but I've come to accept that the women that my boyfriend has looked at in the past are women he doesn't know, and would never meet in his lifetime. So I managed to ...

New boyfriend uses pornography and I'm afraid its going to cause problems like with my last boyfriend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4726 days ago

17 August 2011 (F - Hello. Well I apologise if this turns out to be a longwinded question. But I’m really struggling to come to terms with my boyfriends use of porn. I’ve been with him nearly a year and he has always been honest about the fact he watches it. He tells ...

Porn: sometimes it's helpful

This question has 24 answers - newest was posted 4711 days ago

16 August 2011 (M - I’ve read countless posts about porn. Women saying porn is killing their self-image, ruining their relationships. Men replying that it just goes with the territory, get over it. By and large the women having a problem with porn are young (18-25)....

Why do some men prefer porn over true love?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4730 days ago

14 August 2011 (F - I guess I am just an old fashioned girl. I have been married twice/divorced twice and am in a relationship with a wonderful man right now. We are both in our mid forties. To me, "sex" is about intimacy and love. It is about sharing the m...

We have a great relationship all around--so why does he need to watch porn??

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4728 days ago

14 August 2011 (F - Hi, I am trying to understand why my bf watches porn and would like your insights. We've been together 1 yr, and everything is great:) We have told each other we love each other. I love spending time hanging out with him, we share interests, make ...

I found out my boyfriend has watched porn and now I don't trust him around other girls

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

14 August 2011 (F - Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and a half. I'm his first girlfriend and he's my second boyfriend. We're absolutely sure we're in love. We even have plans of moving in together soon. My problem is my self esteem. The past few mont...

Are people who look at porn more likely to cheat?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

14 August 2011 (F - Hey, I'm interested to know-do you think people who look at porn are more likely to actually cheat on their partner? I'm asking because I know my bf of 1 yr watches porn videos online every 3-4 days. It used to get me down, but so many people have ...

Boyfriend doesn't want sex unless we are watching porn!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4730 days ago

11 August 2011 (F - Please you guys out there, help me!!! Since early on in our relationship my bf liked to talk dirty ok i tried it he liked it for a while, but then wanted more. So we started watching porn while having sex and looking at pictures of naked women and ...

How are some people so immune to nudity?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4733 days ago

11 August 2011 (F - My boyfriend wants me to watch this show game of thrones. The story sounds interesting but he told me there is a lot of nudity. To me then it sounds like porn with a really long story. I want to try to enjoy it since he loves the show but I can't ...

He's wonderful, except we have no sex life. He resorts to porn. How do we improve things?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

8 August 2011 (F - I know that question of porn was discussed many times, but I would like to get some opinions on my particular situation. I'm in a long-term relationship with a wonderful guy. We have our little ups and downs, like in any other relationship, in gener...

Found out he's looking at porn, feeling very insecure. what to do??

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4725 days ago

7 August 2011 (F - I found out my boyfriend looked at younger women in porn and now I'm embarrassed to be naked in front of him. This is the first relationship I've been in where I actually felt GREAT about sex. I was excited by the sight of him and initiated re...

Is he still loyal to me? Or is he besotted with this girl at his work who looks like a porn star?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4735 days ago

7 August 2011 (F - i am distrustful of my boyfriend so logged into his computer without him knowing. i searched through his internet history and found that he had found porn star images that look exactly like a girl who he works. And I know that girl at his work likes ...

Could I be gay? Watching girl porn excites my husband AND me

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4738 days ago

7 August 2011 (F - I got married last dec. and my husband and i started watching porn just a few months ago for ideas. we have been watching a lot of girl on girl action and it has turned me on to the point that we have thought about asking another woman to join us. ...

Does getting turned on by 2 girls porn make me gay?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4738 days ago

6 August 2011 (F - i have got turned on by watching two girls have sex on t.v. i was watching porn with my hubby. Does getting turned on make me gay?...

Does storing porn dvds at home lead to any kind of badluck to me ?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4738 days ago

6 August 2011 (M - my dad stores lot of porn DVDs in his room but does not watch it frequently .I have a bad feeling that storing porn at home itself will give a bad effect to me and my family. i feel that am facing lot of bad-luck because of this.i many times wont ...

When are men going to STOP being so selfish about porn and START realizing they are destroying the woman that loves them?

This question has 34 answers - newest was posted 4732 days ago

6 August 2011 (F - Some women like porn and don't mind if their bf's look at it. This does not apply to those women. This is for the rest of us, the majority. Those of us that HATE PORN and HATE HOW IT MAKES US FEEL ABOUT OURSELVES. Seriously, after all the ex...

Sexual confusion in my head

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4739 days ago

4 August 2011 (M - I am 30 years old and over the last 8 months, I have been consistently hitting by gay thoughts and also straight sex ones. Two days back, I masturbated imagining myself being female porn star and having sex with guys. I have been addicted to porn...

Why arent women hardwired to accept porn if all men are hardwired to watch it?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4736 days ago

3 August 2011 (F - If all men are "hardwired" to look at porn and women other than their girlfriends or wives then why aren't all women hardwired to be understanding and accepting of this? ...

Married man, watching gay porn and wanting to try sex with a man

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4726 days ago

2 August 2011 (M - Male married for 26 years. The last 5 or so years, I have started looking at gay porn. I love to see two or more men together and want to try it myself. I bought myself a large dildo and love to use it on myself. I have never cheated on my wife but ...

Is this normal? I think I'm bordering on Asexual

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4741 days ago

1 August 2011 (M - Okay, I'm confused. So, I'm a seventeen year old male. I know I'm biromantic - I'm fine with being in a relationship with either a man or a woman, I do prefer men, but it's close; 40/60% I have no trouble with my sex drive, I masturbate only ...

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