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Archived questions from: January, 2008 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

How do you know if you're gay?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6019 days ago

29 January 2008 (M - Okay, so I don't know if I'm gay, straight, or bi. My first pornographic experience was near 5th grade, and I sorta got hooked since. I've been looking at boys from time to time, and I even thought some of the boys in my school were cute as I grew ...

No loving at home has me looking elsewhere

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6025 days ago

26 January 2008 (M - I have a strip club, porn addiction. Is it totally wrong or can it be worked into a marriage successfully? My wife has been very negative towards any real love for a long time. I have been married for 30 years, but I am very interested in sex and ...

My husband is a good man but I am struggling to deal with his porn watching.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6021 days ago

25 January 2008 (F - I have been reading the QandA's on porn because i am trying to understand how to deal with this issue. My problem with my husband watching it has nothing to do with the sex part. It's my body. I am not over weight but do have the typical c-sectio...

Should I worry my wife might be gay because she watchs lesbian porn before sex??

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5917 days ago

25 January 2008 (M - My wife watches lesbian porn before we have sex. Do i have to worry if she is a lesbian????...

Do guys compare their girlfriends to the girls in porn?

This question has 22 answers - newest was posted 5704 days ago

24 January 2008 (F - do guys compare their girlfriends to the girls in porn? I was just wondering because my boyfriend watches porn all the time and lately I have had a hard time in bed because I am worried that I am not attractive enough because he'll be thinking...

He doesn't meet my sexual needs but masturbates to porn...does this mean he wants more sex but just not with me??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6027 days ago

24 January 2008 (F - My sex drive is much bigger than my boyfriends. We've talked about it before, and he says that he likes to 'save it up' because it feels better when he cums if he doesn't have sex everyday. I would definitely prefer having sex more often than every ...

Should I accept his use of pornography whilst we are in this long distance relationship?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6023 days ago

24 January 2008 (F - Dear Cupid, I am currently in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend who is in Australia, I am returning within the month to move in with him. About 5 months ago we discussed pornography, he said that he'd delete anything from his computer...

How can he say he loves me when he behaves like this?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5723 days ago

23 January 2008 (F - My husband has damaged our relationship, we have been married for 30 years, recently I discovered he had been watching porn and masturbating to it, he said he would stop and that it was probably due to boredom having been together for so long. Then ...

How can I believe him and trust him again?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5933 days ago

23 January 2008 (F - Dear Cupid, I am in a dilemma, I have been married for 6 months now and have been going out with him for 4 years before that. I just cannot tell you how much i love this man, he means everything to me and i thought I meant the same to him. The...

The guy I like is into swinger's clubs and porn. I've thrown in the towel with him but how do I deal with my broken heart?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5512 days ago

22 January 2008 (F - I met some one over 7 years ago. We have had a loving relationship during that time, we live apart. He prefers staying single. I now find that he is going out and is part of a local swingers club with another woman, he is dating other women, and ...

Husband has deadly secret! who can I turn to?

This question has 34 answers - newest was posted 5999 days ago

21 January 2008 (F - my husband is into child porn , he has these storage things not sure what they are called. you can save pictures and videos on them. went through them when he was at work found images and videos of child porn . what should i do i have 5 children...

Should I be worried about him looking at 'Granny Porn'?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6014 days ago

20 January 2008 (F - a few months ago i found about 20 videos in the recycle bin of the computer i share with my 24 year old boyfriend of porn featuring mature women. i thought this was a bit strange however i put it to the back of my mind. Recently I discovered tha...

Feeling guilt for looking at porn while I am away from my gf! Is this normal?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5640 days ago

19 January 2008 (M - I'm in a relationship and I love my girlfriend a lot. She's always expressed that she doesn't like the idea of pornography or masterbation, and so I've never admitted to liking either of these things. We've been together a few years, of which we ...

Found porn on his phone! Please someone give me advice

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6031 days ago

18 January 2008 (F - I've been with my boyfriend for 3years but lately I found lots of porn on his phone. I comfronted him about it and he deleted it all, he seemed really upset but I'm not sure whether he was truely sorry or just sorry he got caught. A few weeks la...

I cant forget that my boyfriend used a sex line. How do I cope ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6033 days ago

18 January 2008 (F - Hi this time last year I had learnt that my boyfriend now my fiance had been making calls to sex lines. I was drinking a lot and he had just lost his Nan and we had a lot of money toubles. At the time I was cut up however after a lot of thought and ...

Are my interests normal?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6035 days ago

17 January 2008 (F - ok i know i probably already know the answer, but im gonna ask anyway. i look at porn sometimes wen i masturbate and i prefer looking at girls and girls rather then 'straight' sex, and i think about it too. i have a boyf and love him to pieces but i ...

I have a porn addiction and I need help getting through this.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6036 days ago

16 January 2008 (M - I am 20 and although I am single, I think I have a porn addiction. I have got the K9 web protection program seeing as that I couldn't reach a target of 1 week without porn (which lasted 1 day). Is there anything else I should to beat the ...

I feel betrayed because of his watching porn!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5821 days ago

16 January 2008 (F - Dear Cupid, My boyfriend is bisexual. Which inst a big deal except he isn't faithful to our relationship. It's happened several times thought 5 years of being together. Every time he promises that he loves me and that it wont happen again. but in ...

I'm 15 and my boyfriend planned for us to reenact porn scenes...

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5593 days ago

15 January 2008 (F - Hi I'm 15 and my boyfriend wants to see me squirt I need help my boyfriend is 18 and likes us to watch porn together then reenact it he got his best mate to join so we could reenact this scene with two boys one girl help please ...

He swears he loves me. But I can't help but feel he's truly not attracted to me. Advice?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6030 days ago

14 January 2008 (F - My boyfriend is 27 and I am 36. I want sex about 5 x a week, but he says he just can't do that. I found, however, that he looks at porn about every other day. I could do it more than we do, and he knows how his choice of porn over me makes me ...

Am I bi?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6038 days ago

13 January 2008 (F - Lately I seem to look on the internet on porn and I can't stop myself... I'm disgusted in myself. I don't really have a degree in masturbating but what I do seems to work... is it wrong?? Also sometimes I seem to do it when thinking about p...

Why do men need to watch porn and how should I handle my husband's preference to pornography?

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 5851 days ago

11 January 2008 (F - Why do men need to watch porn? Every time i go away from home my husband masturbates and watch porn,even if we had sex 2-3 times during the week. It makes me feel uncertain about his love for me. I have told him that but now he does it when I am not ...

What are the signs my bf could be addicted to porn??

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6039 days ago

11 January 2008 (F - I recently moved in with my boyfriend that I met in military training. I just recently noticed that he looks at internet porn ALL THE TIME. The wierd thing is that he doesn't try to hide it like most guys I hear about. Usually something like thi...

Found receipts of my husband's, which I suspect to indicate porn watching. What do you think?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 6013 days ago

9 January 2008 (F - What is Video Pay TV on a hotel receipt. Is it porn? Found it on some of my husbands receipts when he was away on business. He denies it is porn, but has viewed porn many times behind my back, and would deny it no matter what anyway. He says he ...

Am I being stupid or not?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6043 days ago

9 January 2008 (F - i have been with my partner for 2 yaers now sex was amazing at the start and has slowly drifted of i have a realy high sex drive and want sex every day well to the point my boyfriend has totaly gone of sex and only wants it if he is drunk or watc...

Why doesn't porn come with a 'How to get over it' manual?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6042 days ago

3 January 2008 (F - Hi I just need a little guidance and avice. My boyfriend of 7 years has (in my eyes, and his) been unfaithfull, We lived together, and after a blazing row we decided it was best i move out back to my mums.I did. We didnt see eachother...

Do I have a right to feel that he's not satisfied with me?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6039 days ago

3 January 2008 (F - I have been with my bf for a year and a half now and we have a very good sex life but yesterday i caught him looking at porn and it really hurt me and made me feel that i am not satisfying enough for him and that our sex life isnt satisfying enough ...

His lying to me about watching porn has caused me much heartache and trust issues. Am I wasting time in this relation?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5907 days ago

3 January 2008 (F - My boyfriend and i have been together nearly 3 years. He was right into porn before i moved in. It caused a few issues and i talked to him about how uncomfortable it made me that he watched it behind my back. I thought he stopped. Countless time...

I caught him watching porn and now I'm not sure what is the right thing to do, to forgive or to leave him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6045 days ago

2 January 2008 (F - Hi I broke up with my guy of 7 years because he looked at porn, joined a sex chat site,and chatted to girson aol aswell ascreating a myspace profile, notmentioning me and tatus single. All this happened over a month when we had a row and we w...

Anyone think this might spark her interest?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6049 days ago

2 January 2008 (M - I'm trying to find ways to get my wife horned up and wanting sex by leaving sex dvd's laying around my room. I have a nice variety and she is home alone on weekends but she doesn't seem interested. I was thinking male masturbation dvd's? Does anyone ...

I'm 13 and a porn addict

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6039 days ago

2 January 2008 (F - I really need help. I'm a porn adict and i cant steam to stop watching it. I'm 13 and i was exposed to it as a young girl. My mom has been suspecting it but i really want to stop do you people have any suggestions?...

Am I some sort of sexual deviant?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6050 days ago

2 January 2008 (M - Alright, so this question is going to be a bit weird, but here goes... My friend sent me a site the other day as a joke, and when I opened the link it was hermaphrodite porn. And for whatever reason I got turned on by it. I'm not gay beause I...

I'm a 14 year old girl and can't stop masturbating to lesbian porn!

This question has 60 answers - newest was posted 5167 days ago

2 January 2008 (F - What`s wrong with me!? Okay I`m 14 years old and I littrally just turned 14 last week. Anyway, I`m obsessed with masturbating! I`ve been doing it since I was 12. When I first got the internet on my computer at the age of 12 my parents said "dont ...

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