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Archived questions from: February, 2013 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Is he bored with me? I caught him yanking off in bed next to me!

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 4155 days ago

26 February 2013 (F - I have been in a relationship with a man who was married for over 20 years. The last 7 years it was a sexless marriage. We happen to have sex very often but there are times where I find porn on his phone and have caught him a few times masturbati...

Has a partner ever said they wouldn't watch porn but then do it anyways?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4168 days ago

26 February 2013 (F - Has anyone ever had a relationship where they have told their partner at the beginning they don't want porn in the relationship and their partner has accepted but done it anyway? I am worried this is going happen to me, I don't want to give myself ...

Porn Addicts - how to spot one in 13 ways

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4163 days ago

25 February 2013 (F - Here are a few ways you can spot a porn addict. I've had it happen to myself. 1. They pick on your appearance, they try to change your appearance. "Can you not wear your hair like that tomorrow?" "Why don't you wear fake tan?" 2. They think r...

Some dating mistakes to avoid.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4150 days ago

24 February 2013 (F - School Girl Errors There seems to be a flood of questions associated with infidelity etc, I have compiled a list of common mistakes I have noticed I have also made, not sure if some of them are obvius but here goes; - If a guy is acting cold...

Guys, do you compare gfs with porn actresses and think about them in sex?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4167 days ago

24 February 2013 (F - guys, be honest, do you compare your gf's body to those of the women you see in porn? and do you have mental images of the women you watch in porn when you're making love with your gf? thanks for any answers :)...

Should I leave my boyfriend because of his addiction to cyber sex?

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 4136 days ago

23 February 2013 (F - Hello Dear Cupids I discovered my boyfriend had been emailing female contacts he has on yahoo and also paltalk, to talk about sex. I discovered after I checked his computer after he had repeatedly clicked off the screen quickly when I came in t...

Why would my 62 year old husband start looking at porn on the computer?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4169 days ago

20 February 2013 (F - Hi, My husband is 62 Years old and for the past 2 months he has been looking at naked women online. He confessed to me last night. I was so hurt. What would cause this? I feel like I have nothing left. Donna...

Reasons why guys could have no/ lose their sex drive?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4174 days ago

20 February 2013 (F - So I'm with this guy who just doesn't want sex often at all. Almost like we switched stereotypes. I'm the one usually pursuing it, and it takes several days before he considers it. I'm not complaining, it's probably better that I have someone keep ...

After a month of dating he's still into porn and doesn't like it that I complained

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4175 days ago

18 February 2013 (F - I was moaning at my boyfriend for not appreciating me sexually more than he did, and he said what after a month of dating? Does he have a fair point? I was moaning at him for still being interested in porn....

Husband can't preform because of pornography!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4176 days ago

17 February 2013 (F - Frustrated at most, I've been married for 22 yrs and I'm still young early 40s ,however have hit a rough patch in my marriage which entails my husband can't preform the sexually act because he is busy watching porn ... We do have opposite schedules ...

Together 20 years. He says he's only just started watching porn. How do I recover from this?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4175 days ago

17 February 2013 (F - My husband and I have been together 20 years. My husband has never been interested in porn and if he has been he's hidden it all these years. Recently I walked in on him watching porn he said he'd just started watching it the last 6 months and h...

Why don't men realise they are being disrespectful when they use porn in a relationship?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4172 days ago

16 February 2013 (F - Why don't men realise they are being disrespectful when they use porn in a relationship? My ex just says I think it matters more how I treat you when we're together, I don't understand what he means because the way I see he's still in a relationship ...

My boyfriend was cheating on me online and has some fetishes I never knew about, how do I get through this so we can work things out? I'm so scared of getting hurt again....

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4175 days ago

14 February 2013 (F - Wondering if anyone can give me some much need advice and reassurance, I am really hurting and not sure where to turn for help! My boyfriend and I have been together 3 years we have a 7 month old baby girl, I love this man desperately and want to ...

Am I deluding myself or could this just be a phase?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4183 days ago

11 February 2013 (M - I watch shemale porn and I have to say that I do enjoy it. I first found out that I liked it when I first discovered it in comics when I was a teen. At first, I found it wierd and beyond the norm'. But over time I found that it was something that I ...

My crushes are always on girls and I like dating girls. So why do I like gay porn? Does that mean something?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4180 days ago

11 February 2013 (M - I'm thirteen but I am a late bloomer so I only just started puberty. My problem is when I masturbate I have mainly gay fantasies or videos playing. That is not always but my favorites are 2 guys 1 girl. I know that should mean I'm gay but when it c...

Are there men who voluntarily don't look at pornography?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4172 days ago

10 February 2013 (F - Is there any women here whose boyfriend/husband doesn't look at porn? If they don't do you know for sure? Where did you find them? Did you have to tell them to stop? Are there any men here who don't use it in a relationship? If they d...

My wife watches porn when I'm away!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 3286 days ago

10 February 2013 (M - Im in desperate need of help and advice, i checked our pcs history the other day for wedding venue sites that i was interested in. I stumbled onto a porn site and one of the viewed searches was "f***ing while on the phone with your husband"!!! I was ...

Porn users: how valid is my Bf excuse that he 'forgot' his user name on a porn site? Was that said to prevent me seeing his porn use log?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4184 days ago

9 February 2013 (F - Right this question is slightly different than most porn questions. It is directed at the techies. My boyfriend told me the site from which he downloaded his porn from, I asked his username. I discovered I could try and find out when he last log...

Always been attracted to girls. But also like watching gay porn. Could my porn use be affecting the fantasies I masterbate to and think about?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4183 days ago

8 February 2013 (M - I am very confused at the moment. Since I was younger I have always been attracted to girls. When I see girls in the street, I'm instantly checking them out. Never in real life have I ever looked at a make and though hmm they're attracti...

Is it weird for someone straight to like gay porn?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4186 days ago

7 February 2013 (F - Hey, this is really embarrassing but I was wondering if anyone else had this problem: I'm 19 and I'm completely straight, like I've never been "confused" or anything like that, but from the age of about 15 I've only liked gay (guy on guy) porn, an...

What can I do about my girlfriend, who is so jealous of the relationship I have with a sweet guy?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4175 days ago

6 February 2013 (F - My girl friend as been so jealous about my relationship cause it going well for me. Her boyfriend is a close friend to my boyfriend, and they both work in a construction company and see most time at break, without knowing abt my friend jealousy...

Being A Good Agony Aunt or Uncle

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4168 days ago

6 February 2013 (F - I have been reading comments and feedback from agony aunts and uncles to queries and questions posted by OPs. Some of the advice, opinions, comments and feedback are encouraging, motivating and insightful But nonetheless many are very negative, j...

Desperate - wife found a pic and says she is leaving

This question has 25 answers - newest was posted 4181 days ago

4 February 2013 (M - My wife and I have had a very close relationship - and we have both been known to get a little freaky regarding sex. We both use porn (me more than her), but she has never had any issues w/it at all. I recently created a "locked" folder on my pho...

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