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Archived questions from: February, 2009 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Why do some girls want to become porn stars?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5013 days ago

27 February 2009 (F - why do some girls want to be porn stars .why can't they get office jobs?...

When you cannot find a partner, is their anything wrong with porn to take care of your needs?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5626 days ago

26 February 2009 (M - When you cannot find a partner, is their anything wrong with porn to take care of your needs? There is a difference between fear of rejection and abundance of rejection. I am not a picky individual. But I am just not attracted to larger women. ...

Should I trust that he isn't having sex with men?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5626 days ago

26 February 2009 (F - My husband and I are soul mates. We have the best marriage of all our friends and everyone tells us that we look so much in love even after being together for sixteen years. We have 3 children,and have always been good parents. I recently found ga...

I cannot accept porn versus my own esteem.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5631 days ago

25 February 2009 (F - I have awful body image issues. This is very embarrassing. I have a boyfriend who loves me and I know he watches porn on Redtube. He's told me so. He knows I'm insecure, but he doesn't understand it. Now, I don't nag him about this, but I feel very ...

If my man watches heaps of Asian girly porn and teen porn, does that mean he would prefer them in real life?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5631 days ago

24 February 2009 (F - If my man watches heaps of Asian girly porn and teen porn, does that mean he would prefer them in real life? I have found all this crap on our pc and now when we go out I am seriously paranoid he is perving at asians etc. (although I have...

Is this legal? Or not?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5631 days ago

24 February 2009 (F - I'm 17 and my state's age of consent is 18. He's 19 and his state's age of consent is 16. We're not having actual intercourse yet (he lives about an hour away) and probably won't by the time I turn 18, which is in 2 months. But we hav...

I don't want my partner to know I secretely prefer to watch women in porn

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5631 days ago

24 February 2009 (F - I am in a loving releionship, but I when my partner is not around I secretlety watch porn, preferring to watch girls than men. In real life I find men very attractive and would not want to date a woman. i have had an experience with a woman in ym pa...

Partner kept nude pictures of a one night stand, I'm not sure what to make of it all!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5631 days ago

23 February 2009 (F - Hi:) My dilemma is a bit complicated but here goes! I was on my partner's PC looking for pics of a family holiday we had recently had. While looking for the folder they were in I came across a folder full of poetry and short stories he had written. ...

Should I come clean or keep it a secret?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5608 days ago

23 February 2009 (M - hi guys this is me and i need serious help. am tryn to date a very hot gal who is slightly younger than iam but am afraid she may freak out when she discovers my addiction to porn. Should i come clean or keep this addiction as top secret?...

Help in masturbation...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5608 days ago

22 February 2009 (F - This is a little embarrassing, but I need answers! I'm 19, have NEVER masturbated before in my life but I'm not a virgin (I've only had one partner) and the guy I'm with now doesn't believe in sex before marriage. I like him a LOT and I can see ...

His porn watching is so bad I've even thought of having an affair!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5630 days ago

22 February 2009 (F - I'm 42 and in a relationship with a man who is 40. He has recently been injured at work and since then he would rather sit in the bedroom in front of the computer every waking moment.. He watches so much porn that one would think it would make him ...

Is it me or is he a sex maniac?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5630 days ago

22 February 2009 (F - my husband is opsessed with women of all types porn celibrities, calendar girls. he watches naked girls on line early morning then come and has sex with me makes me feel like he need them to turn him on and I am just a filler. I am getting breast ...

Obsessed with porn, how can I slow down?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5633 days ago

22 February 2009 (F - I dated a guy for two years. We had sex countless times. He then decided to cheat, so we broke up. Four and a half months later, I'm now with another guy and he doesn't believe in pre-marital sex. I totally respect that and all, but since we started ...

What is his game plan??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5635 days ago

20 February 2009 (F - Help. I met a guy over the internet who lives in NSW. I live in Perth. We seemed to get along really well. He then started sending me pics of his lower private parts and wanted to know what I was wearing etc and wanted intimate pics of me. At first ...

I feel less sexy in bed thinking my b/f would prefer a porn star's body!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5631 days ago

20 February 2009 (F - I know this has been asked a zillion times before and that I'll probably get the same answers telling me to get over it, but I feel very insecure about my boyfriend watching porn. It's obvious from an objective point of view that these women are ...

Why always the porn? Does he not enjoy sex with me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5635 days ago

20 February 2009 (F - I been married to my husband for three years now, but for the past few months I had realized that whenever we have sex he always have to put on a porn movie to watch. It hurts me so much because I feel like I am not good enough for him and while we ...

My husband doesn't touch me anymore! What can I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5636 days ago

20 February 2009 (F - I have been married for a little over 18 years and my has suddenly started sleeping on the couch in the livingroom. I have found porno materials downstairs and have thrown them away in front of him and I have found XXX rated pay per view movies ...

Porn makes me feel like I don't do it for him anymore...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5636 days ago

19 February 2009 (F - My boyfriend looks at porn. I know it shouldn't really be a big deal, but it is. I mean I dont mind if i watch it with him, but he says he is goin to the restroom and i dont really think anything of it when he takes the laptop with him, cuz i think ...

Why do some women hate their men watching porn?

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 2017 days ago

18 February 2009 (F - why do some women have a problem when they find out their man enjoys a little porn? i don't get it. we all know men need something visual to get them excited, so what is the difference between a woman reading an erotic novel or having a fantasy...

She doesn't trust me since I lied about watching porn, how can I make it right?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5239 days ago

18 February 2009 (M - Hi everyone. I'm a male, 20 years old. I need some serious help. I've been with my girlfriend (we got engaged recently) for almost 3.5 years now, and we have had a great relationship. I love her to death, she loves me, and everything was fine until ...

I feel like a bad person for watching porn, how do I stop?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4358 days ago

17 February 2009 (F - Im a 22 year old female with religious values and am a virgin, and in March 08, a friend of mine jokingly told me to watch some porn, i laughed it off, i never really cared for it. but i got curious and saw it, was disgusted but then liked it, i ...

What to do about his porn habit?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5639 days ago

17 February 2009 (F - I am currently engaged and I am about 7 months into this relationship. I also am pregnant, but even that doesn't mess with the way I feel about the "porn" issue. I was raised in the country and never believed in looking at another person, whether it ...

50 GB of porn clips in one week?! Does he have a problem?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5629 days ago

16 February 2009 (F - I hacked into my bf's email accounts and found out that he's been downloading an excessive amount of porn: he's downloaded close to 50GB worth of porn in the span of one week. Is this normal? I am just so utterly disgusted with this righ...

My fiance lies to me about watching porn!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5612 days ago

12 February 2009 (F - I have wrote on here before about my fiance being really into porn. we broke up twice over it last night was the third time! He don't have the internet on his phone no more cause he said he took it off so I could stop thinking he was doing it! So ...

My boyfriend looks at porn all the time- he even asks me to leave so he can look! Any advice?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5632 days ago

12 February 2009 (F - Hello. My boyfriend is a porn fanatic. He looks at it whenever he gets the chance, even with me around. He asks me to leave. We have sex regularly, at the very least once a day if not (usually) a lot more. I dont have a problem with him looking at ...

Is he looking and signing up at porn websites? please help!!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5644 days ago

12 February 2009 (F - My boyfriend gave me his email password along time ago when we were just friends and he knows I still have it. Anyways I always go though my junk and delete it but he never does so I go on his and do it for him. For the last 2 days there have been ...

Is it unreasonable to ask my bf to keep his Playboy mags out of my sight?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5633 days ago

12 February 2009 (F - I sincerely appreciate the response of men to this topic. However, I am always discouraged because it ultimately ends with the conclusion 'it's normal' and/or guys will become addicted no matter what. I really want men to GET what porn CAN say to ...

Is it normal to not like porn?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5629 days ago

11 February 2009 (M - Is it normal to not like porn? All my friends always talk about the porn they watch but whenever I try to watch it... I didn't find it very interesting or arousing, I prefer to just use my imagination when I am masturbating. Is there something ...

Is looking at live nude webcam girls porn or cheating?

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 2406 days ago

11 February 2009 (F - I have asked this question before but feel the need to ask one more time. Has any girl out there had her boyfriend look at live nude girls on a video cam? Or are there any guys who watch it? Is it normal and I'm being old-fashioned or is it ...

I discovered the man I date does porn for a living! Should I confront him?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5643 days ago

10 February 2009 (F - I have a really big delma that i can only ask you guys about. Ok, so I've been dating this guy for 5 months and i just learned from searching him up on google, that he does porn for a living. I he's really nice around me and consideret i mean he ...

We're trying for a baby but the problems we have are a stress to our marriage, please advise.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5644 days ago

10 February 2009 (F - I've been married for last 10 yrs and have a 4 yr old son. 1st problem: We were planning on having a 2nd baby through artificial insemination(we had to do that for 1st child also). The doctor told us that I can get pregnant but would be better i...

What do you do when your bf chats to girls on sex sites?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

10 February 2009 (F - What do you do when you find out the boyfriend you have had for a year is using sex sites to chat to girls everyday...

How to work out my differences with my boyfriend?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5644 days ago

10 February 2009 (F - hi everyone.. i have an issue, thought i should get some opinions on it to help clear my head a bit. i'm 18, i've been with my guy for just over a year now. seems young but im sure that im in love with him, he really does mean the world to me. howe...

Am I a nag, or has he over stepped the trust line?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5645 days ago

10 February 2009 (F - After looking through my fiancee's phone i noticed a girls number from work in the recieved calls listings, i asked him why she called him and he denied all knowledge untill i said it was an answered call. later i realised the same time he got the ...

18 year old b/f sent me naked it illegal?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5647 days ago

8 February 2009 (F - my boyfriend sent me pictures of him naked on my email, and we both r aware of r realtionship being illegal, cuz he is 18, but is it illegal for me to have his naked pictures. cuz i no its illegal if i send him pictures, thats child porn, but he i...

Boyfriend's porn makes me feel betrayed

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5646 days ago

8 February 2009 (? - My boyfriend and I have been together for around seven months, it is my longest relationship and it seems to have been going better than usual recently.I love him and am happy in the relationship. However, the topic of porn came up recently...

Can't stop looking at porn on the internet!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5524 days ago

6 February 2009 (M - hi! i've become an addict to pors on the internet since i once broke up with my girlfriend.Eventhough we're back togather now i cant stop hunting for porn on the internet.what shall i do?...

Porn, lies, drugs, stealing

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5610 days ago

6 February 2009 (F - What should I do? What would you do if you were in my situation? First of all, please do not answer this in a rude way or say "Porn is natural for a male." My boyfriend and I have been having some problems lately and I've been getting very sus...

Bf watches she-male videos every morning and is hardly interested in me now, help!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5573 days ago

6 February 2009 (F - im 22 years old i have recentley checked what my bfs been lookin on,on the internet and ive found hes been watchin shemale videos but its happening every mornin before he goes to work and hes masturbating over them he hardly ever cums near me nemore ...

I'm turned on by watching fat, unattractive men in porn videos, is this strange?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5621 days ago

5 February 2009 (F - Any other girl with the same "fetish"? Thanks for answers. Hay, This question might sound a bit weird. I'm 19 and I recently found out that i have some kind of fetish about watching porn movies with older man having sex with younger girls(18-25)...

Someone is trying to blackmail me

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5650 days ago

5 February 2009 (F - Hi I have some problems with someone blackmailing me online. He has threatened to post some pictures ( compromising ones) online if i do not do what he wants me to. I do not know what to do. I only know him online. I have no idea of his ph...

Could my boyfriend be gay because he watches she-male videos?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5646 days ago

4 February 2009 (F - i`m 22 years old i have a 2 year old daughter and im 6 months pregnant and my boyfriends goes on porn alot but when i recentley check what videos hes been on it says chicks with dicks and shemales does that mean he could be gay?...

I hate porn....hate it!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5644 days ago

2 February 2009 (F - Ok, so i have been with my bf who i love and who loves me back a lot for a about 1 1/2 years. Things are great btwn us...we live together, have a great sex life, went and constantly go thru the good, the bad, the really bad, etc. but he watches ...

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