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Archived questions from: February, 2008 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

What are the advantages of watching porn?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4935 days ago

28 February 2008 (M - I'm sorry to ask ladies and gentlemen but i need help in this area. Are there any advantages in watching porn? if yes what are they?...

We both agree watching porn is cheating and the only issue in the relationship, yet he can't refrain from this habit!

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5961 days ago

28 February 2008 (F - I have been engaged for over a year and, to my dismay, my fiance has been looking at porn every opportunity he gets. He had made countless promises to top but has been sneaking. I have caught him on our computer, as he tried to sneak a way that he ...

Desperately need advice about my partner's porn watching.

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5259 days ago

28 February 2008 (F - Hi, I'm so unhappy at the moment. I work full time but my boyfriend works from home. Every day he watches porn, despite at the beginning of our relationship him telling me he doesn't watch videos. Today I went to the shops for one hour and came bac...

She caught me watching porn, but we don't have sex anymore, so whose fault is this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5994 days ago

27 February 2008 (M - My live-in partner caught me watching porn and wacking off. She ofcourse pretended as though she didn't see anything. I don't like her trying to sneak up on me and it ticks me off because she's never allowed me to have sex with her for years no...

I brush him off when he wants sex, so now he's watching porn and hiding it from me, what should I do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5923 days ago

27 February 2008 (M - (This is my fake anonymous account. I am Female) I caught my fiance masturbating in the basement while watching porn over the internet. I pretended I didn't see him as he scrambled to cover his tracks. He minimized everything in his desktop and ...

How can I get my husband to start paying attention to me,instead of masturbating to porn?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5272 days ago

25 February 2008 (F - My husband and I have been married for 8 years and lately I feel that he doesn't think that I am attractive. He is always looking at pictures of naked girls online. He admits that he likes masturbating to these pictures even though usually I am ...

Am I unattractive, for my husband to prefer porn to being with me?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5996 days ago

25 February 2008 (F - me and my husband have been together for 5 years. lately he acts like I am not even here. i feel like he does care about me anymore. i love this man with all of my heart and i dont want to ever lose him. he doesnt seem interested in me in the ...

Am I gay because of what I did?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5773 days ago

23 February 2008 (M - Am I gay Over the last year I have been watching gay porn. At first it was just one or twice here and there. At this point it was just to see what was what. After watching a few time it started turning me on I enjoyed it more and more. A...

Pornography and relationships

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5817 days ago

21 February 2008 (M - As some people reading this will already know, I moderate and write regularly on this site. Porn is one those issues that is often cited as a problem and also causes a fair amount or moral controversy. On the one hand are the people whose ...

To men: do you ever think of your wives/girlfriends while masturbating to porn? Why would you prefer porn to homemade erotic videos?...

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5754 days ago

21 February 2008 (F - well, i was working with a guy who's very tight with me on a lot of subjects, and he later showed me some new porn dvds he had bought the other day... he made a comment about this porn stars parts which he described as" looking very very tight". ...

I am in so much confusion thinking my husband maybe bi or gay.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5997 days ago

20 February 2008 (F - I have been married for 10 years and recently learned that my husband has been viewing porn on the internet, what makes matters worse is it mostly involves other men not women. He told me it's normal for this to happen when I confronted him about it ...

Is there a happy-medium when it comes to porn?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5994 days ago

19 February 2008 (F - I found out that my boyfriend had a porn addiction in the past after I had fallen in love with him and been with him for over a year. I couldn't stand it and we fought and he did it a lot less. He only got "sucked in" because he got them in his ...

Sometimes I am laid in his bed naked and he is still masturbating to porn...what should I do??

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5999 days ago

15 February 2008 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for three years. We have sex almost everyday, sometimes more than once. I want to know why he is looking at porn everyday, sometimes more than once? I try my best to satisfy him. Am I the problem? I tried to talk to ...

Today I came across lots porn in his drawer - and not classy porn either, and it seems to really bother me.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6006 days ago

15 February 2008 (F - Hi - I have been with my boyfriend for about two years now and everything seems nice; although today I came across lots porn in his drawer - and not classy porn either, and it seems to really bother me. I know that it is seem as normal for men to h...

Is my boyfriend Over-exposed to porn or bi-curious?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6008 days ago

12 February 2008 (F - GUYS: NEED AN HONEST OPINION...Is this weird? Or the result of too much porn? No homophobes, please. I recently discovered alot of porn on my fiance's computer. We;ve been together 5 years and I love him with all my heart but the content freaked ...

Is my gay bf becoming confused about his sexuality? I discovered he is watching heterosexual porn, but won't confirm my suspicions!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6009 days ago

11 February 2008 (M - Hello, I'll get straight on to it. I'm a gay male in a long term relationship with another gay male. We have been together for 6.5 years, and though neither of us are "first timers" as far as long relationships go, I consider him to be my first re...

What are your thoughts on internet porn?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5907 days ago

8 February 2008 (M - I am asking all of you Agony Aunts how you feel about Men watching Porn on The Web. You men out there, Please, let the women have their say. Who knows,Together we may learn how they feel about Web Porn. And you Ladies, please, feel free to speak ...

How do I know if my boyfriend's sexual behaviour is too affected by porn?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6013 days ago

8 February 2008 (F - How can I know if my boyfriend's sexual behaviour has been "brainwashed" by porn? We're both fairly young so porn was very available during our teenage years. We're also both inexperienced. So he must've learned everything he knows from porn....

Do girls like porn?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5845 days ago

8 February 2008 (M - do girls and women also watch porn and if they do, which types?...

...he was watching porn and masturbating, without even asking how I'm feeling!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6012 days ago

8 February 2008 (F - My boyfriend and I were having sex when I felt a severe abdominal discomfort and I asked him to stop. After taking a rest for about 5 minutes, he wanted to force himself into me again but my pain was still there so I said I didn't want to do it ...

Why is he watching porn so often?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5960 days ago

7 February 2008 (F - I just found out my BF watches porn just about 3times a week. We have sex together about more than 5times a week and its always great. I think I am very good looking girl and I love sex .. I do whatever and I am not shy at all ... I found on his...

She doesn't see anything wrong with posting trashy pics of herself on line. Am I being out of order?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5688 days ago

6 February 2008 (M - I'm going to try to be as fair on this question as possible. I'm not going to leave anything out, even things that I did. My girlfriend and I have been together for years. Toward the beginning of the relationship, she posted a picture on one o...

Porn is somewhat ruining our relationship, as he enjoys watching it whereas I think it's a sin! How to convince him?...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6014 days ago

6 February 2008 (F - Hi, I have a boyfriend who likes to watch girl on girl porn, but unlike him I hate it, it's wrong and version of porn and I know it's a sin. How do I help him understand how I feel about it and why it's so wrong because he seems to think it's per...

What's your opinion about porn?

This question has 30 answers - newest was posted 6008 days ago

6 February 2008 (? - Ok every time I write that i have a problem with my boyfriend watching porn i always get this answer that all guys do it and to expect it. I just want to see more peoples thoughts on it cause if its so harmless, why am I getting so hurt by it? Ill ...

How do I stop his porn addiction?

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 5362 days ago

5 February 2008 (? - My boyfriend is still watching porn daily, and I can't stand this horrible feeling that I have. I've asked this before, but I'm not satisfied with any answers or results. How should I get him to stop watching porn? He wants to marry me and i want to ...

How can I respond sensibly to my girlfriend when she asks why I look at porn sometimes?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 6014 days ago

5 February 2008 (M - Hi this looks like a nice site. Hoping I can get some sensible advice. I'm living with my girlfriend, and we have been talking about getting married. Been together more than 2 years. She can be cool, knows I go to strip clubs with the guys some ti...

I still feel insecure that he would be looking at women who are so much more endowed, how do I get past these feelings of inadequacy?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5999 days ago

5 February 2008 (F - I'm upset because I looked at my bf's history and found that he had looked at youtube clips of women. They weren't nude but were huge busted women wearing bikinis and lingerie. He feels very bad about upsetting me and feels bad that it's such a...

Sex was never the greates, now his porn habits are growing, and our sex life is waning even more, help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6017 days ago

4 February 2008 (F - I've been goin out my bf for 2yrs, when we first got together we had a healthy but not very adventerous sex life.I also knew like every other guy that he looks at porn which didnt really bother me... until now cause ive been gettin less action than ...

We argue because he buys a paper with 18 year old topless girls. Got opinions?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5955 days ago

4 February 2008 (F - Need your opinion!! Just found out my boyfriend who is 34, reads the Sun newspaper daily. He says he doesn't buy it for the page 3 girls but has admitted to having a look and reading the sleazy Deadries casebook. I feel very upset by this as I fin...

Do men fantisize about ordinary people and is it normal?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6017 days ago

4 February 2008 (F - I am married with two young children and found porn and a 2 pictures of my husbands colleague on his PC. I am convinced that he masterbated to the porn as well as pictures of his work collegaue even though one was of her at a christmas party and ...

Discovered noncommital boyfirend digs porno: is that why there is problems?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6019 days ago

2 February 2008 (F - For some reason, my boyfriend has always differed in only one sense regarding having a Christian relationship . . . sex. He is more liberated, claims it is beautiful between two people who love each other, yet believes marriage is not necessary. I ...

He makes me feel unwanted and ugly and I am starting to feel like cheating is the only way.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5155 days ago

1 February 2008 (F - I've been in a relationship for 8 years now.Of course my significant other watches porn and at first I had no problem with it but now it seems to be a huge problem for me. We went to having sex all the time to where he couldn't keep his hands of...

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