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Archived questions from: October, 2009 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

I'm having trust issues over the porn and text messages to a dominatrix!

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 5377 days ago

29 October 2009 (F - HELP!! I am Having TRUST ISSUES due to Porn Sites I found my BF visiting!!!!!!!!! Its been almost a month since I have confronted him with what I found...including text mesages to an AD he answered about wanting to b dressed and dominated! I bel...

Is my husbad using porn as a weapon? Is he a heartless jerk?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5387 days ago

26 October 2009 (F - when my husband and i started out, i was ok with watching porn as a couple and i let him know that. porn wasn't a problem for me until our sex life turned downhill and i found the underside of our bed peppered with porn! now porn is an issue bc now ...

Is a woman's worth tied to her breast size?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5370 days ago

26 October 2009 (F - I have many issues with my body. I hate having small breasts, because men may accept small ones, but secretly they all want big! My boyfriend masturbates to big chested women. Also I don't have all the time in the world to exercise, sure I...

Should I avoid hanging out with people that are gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5378 days ago

25 October 2009 (F - Hey everyone, I need some adivce. I'll try and make this short and sweet and to the point. In March of this year, I was diagnosed with OCD, more specifically HOCD. It's been a problem ever since it started and while it's gotten better, it's not...

My husband slapped me and left for the titty bar!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5388 days ago

25 October 2009 (F - How can I finally say I am done My husband has a drinking problem and addicted to pornografy. Today he slap me and left to a adult entertaiment I know because I call him he was there...

My boyfriends addicted to porn and barley has sex with me

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5389 days ago

24 October 2009 (F - my bf and i have been together for years,we live together and i knew he liked porn,but now,he is putting porn under the sink,in his mp3 player,everywhere.we have sex like once a week and i tried to come on to him,he declined,later that night he is ...

Should I feel guilty about watching porn?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5385 days ago

24 October 2009 (M - I watch a lot of porn and can't help myself everytime I try to stop. Should I feel guilty about this?...

I don't want to control him but I don't like him looking at pornography!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5380 days ago

23 October 2009 (F - Hello there, I have a horrible feeling that I can't get rid of. It's probably quite common but I need to get over it. My boyfriend always said he didn't look at porn and wasn't interested in other women, just me, which i knew sounded too good...

I will leave my husband as I have been living a lie, what is your advice?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5359 days ago

22 October 2009 (F - When I married my husband I was so in love. I trusted him but recently found out he had betrayed me by spending thousands and thousands of pounds not only on gambling but on other women. I found text messages from a girl, called Claire... and I ...

Help with my boyfriend that's addicted to porn, but still has sex with me. I feel like I'm his sloppy seconds.

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5376 days ago

22 October 2009 (F - My boyfriend masturbates to porn everyday. He still has sex with me, but it makes me feel horrible about myself because I am a very attractive woman that is in my early 40's. I look very good for my age. Men tell me all the time that any guy ...

Porn addiction vs wanting a real relationship

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5391 days ago

21 October 2009 (F - I have been seeing a man I have fallen in love with for nearly 3 years.I think he has an addiction to porn and I can't discuss it with him, but I need to understand more before I decide to walk away. We have both come from long term marriages a...

I flashed him online and now I'm worried he'll put it on Youtube...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5385 days ago

21 October 2009 (F - Hi.I have something worry about last night. I had met with that guy on the internet. We chat at online last night. Its our first time chatting. We was chatting about 3 hours and we have little conversation about sex. And I've show him my upper body ...

How do I control my excessive sexual desires?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5393 days ago

20 October 2009 (M - I have excessive sexual desires and I have no idea how to control it. I am 28 years old but there’s no sign of me getting married soon since I am still not financial well off....doing part time jobs here and there. Most of the time , I masturba...

What do the guys in porn movies do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5387 days ago

20 October 2009 (M - Hi. I m 21. I have a simple question. P.E is a common problem nowadays. I want to know what do the guys in porn movies do? I mean they keep it inside the girl for a considerable time and stroke at 90 miles/hr. How do they do it? Are there some ...

Could too much sex cause his testicles to hurt?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5393 days ago

20 October 2009 (F - Okay here we go, I have a few questions all wrapped in one. Me and my husband are going through a rough patch. I told him I didn’t like him watching porn he said he would stop a week later I saw him masturbating to pictures of his ex. He said he ...

How can I tell my husband it hurts me that he hides porn?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5394 days ago

20 October 2009 (F - My question is how do I tell my husband that it hurts me when he watches and hides porn? I have told him I would watch it with me and that doesn't work. I have tried dressing up in sexy clothes and that doesn't work either. I have found porn under ...

Why is my b/f allowed to look at this kind of stuff and I'm not?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5391 days ago

19 October 2009 (F - I am an insecure teenage girl. Sounds like the typical teenager but even my friends think my insecurities are weird. The thing is, lately my boyfriend of 7months has been asking to by ZOO magazines [a 'car mag' with spreadsheets and pages upon pages ...

My boyfriend carries around naked pictures of his exes!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5385 days ago

19 October 2009 (F - My bf of 10 months, but we worked together for a year n a half prior ... Has a lunchbox full of nude pics of himself w/ him, exes end , exwife. They are all very tiny and apparently very comfortable w/ themselves. I believe that he loves me and may ...

He uses porn for sex instead of me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5395 days ago

18 October 2009 (F - Since me and my partner have been going through a bit of a rough patch for the past few weeks, we haven't been having sex. I recently found some porn websites on his phone...(I was borrowing his phone, as mine broke.) and he had googled up 'hot ...

Will he enjoy porn more than he does talking to me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5395 days ago

17 October 2009 (F - My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. We connect by having phone sex almost everyday. But all the sudden, it has seemed to stop. He doesn't want it as much and says it doesn't turn him on like it used to. I don't mind not having ...

Should I leave a marriage after 30 years over my recent discoveries?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5394 days ago

16 October 2009 (F - History: Married 30+ yrs. Just found out he's emailing old school friends (women), adding girls (20 yr. olds!) on facebook, porn addicted, and hiding large sums of money. I got nothing for our anniversary. He gave his gift back and told me to re...

How do I tell my husband that it hurts me when he looks at porn?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5395 days ago

16 October 2009 (F - My question is how do I tell my husband that it hurts me when he looks at porn and hides it from me. I have told him over and over again that it hurts me. His response is that he will stop and he doesn't I love him a lot and don't want lose him. ...

Urgent Help- sexually confused 18yr old male!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5380 days ago

15 October 2009 (M - I was going through a stage of wanking over gay porn for a while then as soon as cumming I imagine a girl or tits etc(I stopped a few days ago), and it is really confusing me because I find girls attractive and have only ever fancied girls but ...

Does watching porn movies constitute cheating?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5394 days ago

15 October 2009 (M - When I was in a relationship with my ex-girlfriend, I used to watch porn movies twice or thrice in a fact i still watch it. Whenever she would ask me that do you watch porn movies? I would answer saying that last time I watched porn movie ...

How do I leave my husband so I can have a happy life?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5400 days ago

13 October 2009 (F - We have been married for 5 yrs now. My husband never flirts with me nor he never takes me out. We always have sex but we have never made love. My husband has got lots of cyber relationships which i have lost count of. Each time i find out we have a ...

What can I do to fix our sexual problems?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5400 days ago

13 October 2009 (F - im a 51 y/o female my partner is a 54 y/o male, we have been together about 8 mths and at first our sex life was FANTASTIC, as usual, he said he had a high sex drive which suited me just fine, he has been on anti-depressants since before we met, and ...

Does he really like me? Or will he cheat due to his porn habits?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5401 days ago

12 October 2009 (F - Hi everybody. I've seeing this man for 2years and he never have girlfriend before.He is 30 years now.But I don't believe it.Its imposible never had girl before.Do you guys think he lie to me.And his family said that's true.He dating some girl before ...

What should I do with a husband who has so many addictions?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5384 days ago

10 October 2009 (F - ive been married for 5 years now and i made the mistake of not getting to know the man first ,soo i feel responsible for where im at today .before i married him i seen he had a lot of girly magazines around ,told him i will not tolerate porn in my ...

Why did he delete the sexy photos I sent him?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5404 days ago

9 October 2009 (F - i took a sexy picture of myslef in lingerie for my man, put it on his computer for him as a surprize and he deletes it!!!!! what the flying fuck? i'm not fat i'm not unattractive so what the hell? i've asked him about it but haven't got a response ...

I just keep asking myself if I'm gay

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5405 days ago

8 October 2009 (M - hi 26 and ive been attracted to females all my life,im in a serious relationship but latley ive been asking myself am i gay,i cant get it out of my head.when im around other males i get an uneasy feeling and my thoughtss run wild,not in a sexual way ...

She told me to get porn then changed her mind, what gives?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5406 days ago

7 October 2009 (M - My wife and I were talking recently about porn, just in general. We don't watch it or anything. During the conversation I brought the fact that one of our favourite TV shows was used as a basis for a pornographic film. She said that it sounded ...

Where is the line when you're dating and heading further into your committment?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5406 days ago

7 October 2009 (? - Not another question about porn!? I'm looking for some specific advice on here, and I can't seem to find anything else online specific to what I'm dealing with. I've been dating my guy for two years now, and I'm pretty sure we're going to end up ...

We put on gay porn and had sex am I gay

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5405 days ago

7 October 2009 (F - Ok i have a problem, A few weeks ago I bunch of my buddies and I went out to a bar we got really drunk and one of my buddies decided to crash at my house. We were bored and put on porn, we weere just talking when we looked up and didnt ever realize ...

How am I supposed to sit with a bunch of guys I don't know and watch porn? Who's in the wrong here?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5406 days ago

7 October 2009 (F - Last night my bf started yelling at me heaps because when I met his friends I was quiet and shy. However, I do feel I had good reasons for acting the way I did. Here is why: 1. I didnt even technically "meet them". I mean, he didn't introduc...

He's accepted a job that will keep him away from home for 4 weeks at a time; I'm afraid he'll look at porn while he's gone

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5406 days ago

7 October 2009 (F - My husband recently accepted a job (without my opinion) that will keep him away for 30 days at a time versus coming home every 2 weeks as he did before. He works on a riverboat with men only and with this new job, I will only see him for a total of ...

I caught him watching porn again despite him telling me he quit! Should I leave?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5407 days ago

6 October 2009 (F - I am 26 yrs old, im latina, most of my friends says im a vey pretty women, i am living with my bf, he is from usa, i love him so much, i left everything to be with him (my family, friends, job) . the fist time i caught him watching porn was bec...

I can't get over his dirty magazine habits!

This question has 29 answers - newest was posted 5404 days ago

6 October 2009 (F - Hi All, i cant believe im am writing and asking for advice, ive always been the one giving out advice and never needed any before. I am one of these that tackle any problems i have had in my life and then just get on with it. But im at a loose en...

Is is possible to build trust in a relationship again?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5408 days ago

5 October 2009 (F - My husband and I have been together for almost 20 years. Recently, I came to discover he likes porn a whole lot more than I realized. He looks at way more online porn than I am comfortable with. I also found out that he was having "chats" online ...

My teenage daughters found my husband's porn and our sex life has been replaced with his fetishes!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5408 days ago

5 October 2009 (F - After 18 years of marriage my daughters found my husband's porn on his computer, they were thirteen and fifteen. They informed me because they did'nt know what else to do. A few weeks later I was checking why insulation was on the floor and found ...

My husband is really in to gay porn

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5408 days ago

5 October 2009 (F - My husband and I have been married 3 years, our sex life started out strong and wild...He asked me to buy a strap on and play the man with him. I have been against porn and he knows this. I caught him buying porn and it almost ended our ...

Does his use of porn effect your relationship?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5410 days ago

3 October 2009 (F - 1 - Does his use of porn affect how you feel about him and having sex with him? 2 - Have you talked to him about how you feel and what did he say? 3 - What makes him/your relationship so great that you feel you HAVE to accept this if it makes ...

I'm now no better than my cheating husband. I need your help! What should I do?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5172 days ago

2 October 2009 (F - I don't know what category this comes under, to say my life feels like a mess right now, would be an understatement. I'm desperate for advice or words of wisdom. Have been married fifteen years now and it all started about two years ago, when ...

Why use my pictures when he has access to much sexier porn ones?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5408 days ago

2 October 2009 (F - My boyfriend tells me that he loves to masturbate to half-naked pictures of me. I take this as a compliment, but I wonder; why would he use pictures of me when he has access to porn where the girls are fully naked and much sexier? Is he just ...

It's been 21 weeks, and I'm still in agony

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5383 days ago

1 October 2009 (F - Hi, thanks for taking the time to read a 33 year old gal from London, i went through a divorce 4 years ago from the father of my 2 children, until May 27th this year i was living happily with my partner of 3 years. we hit off immediately...

Do you think a man who lies about watching porn will lie about other things?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5411 days ago

1 October 2009 (F - Do you think the man who lie about watching porn can lie about other things? I have never thought that my husband lie until I married him. We were in different country before we got married, I knew he was watching porn because he had no women ba...

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