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Archived questions from: June, 2010 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

My husband chooses porn over sex!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5139 days ago

30 June 2010 (F - i am 24 years old and i've been with my husband for nearly 3 years. when we met i knew he liked porn, but it wasnt a problem for me at that time because we were having sex. but soon i became pregnant and the sex stopped. Even long after having my ...

I've lost so much respect for him because of his porn use

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5076 days ago

30 June 2010 (F - My boyfriend and I have been dating 1 year and a half, I love him but I've lost so much respect for him because of his porn use. I find his internet history full of porn videos, with titles like illegal teens, incest, and other disgusting things ...

Could he be bi or gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4534 days ago

30 June 2010 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for 6 months now and when I was using his computer I found his extremely extensive collection of porn. It is mostly quite graphic images of men receiving rough anal sex - both from women who have strap-ons and from ...

He's working again but I don't understand where his money goes

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29 June 2010 (F - I just don't understand thing sometimes. Me and my boyfriend have been together for years. He lost his job about 7 months ago which wasn't a big deal since we are both in school and I had a job. So for 6 months I had to pay for everything which ...

My man doesn't want to watch porn WITH me, only behind my back. Should I be worried?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5079 days ago

29 June 2010 (F - My man watches porn online while im sleeping or not home. I have asked him nicely to only watch it with me as a couple, but he still does it behind my back. Should i be concerned? Is he loosing interest in me?...

I cant bring myself to have sex with my boyfriend anymore because he looks at other women

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5121 days ago

29 June 2010 (F - I just read this quote on this website as a reply to one of the questions about porn: "Men are a thousand times more visual than we are. We just have to grin and bear it, and move on to bigger problems like they often say." My that it IS ...

I know that men look at porn so why does he claim not to? I'm not the jealous type.

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 5121 days ago

28 June 2010 (F - Why do guys lie about watching porn? My boyfriend and I have been together for several years and at the beginning of our relationship would look at it together quite a lot, usually just for fun (i.e. trying to find the weirdest stuff we could) but ...

I don't mind my husband watching porn but I feel so disappointed in what I have found on our PC

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5133 days ago

28 June 2010 (F - My husband of 50 resently got this sick mind of watching the music DVD of "Cameltoe" over and over everytime im at work. On our pc at home i found on the history that he was watching it just after he woke up (he was working nigh shift)at 10H25 and ...

I am Bisexual, But I am a Bit Confused, What is The Answer??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5142 days ago

28 June 2010 (M - hey im bi and ive had sex with my mate. i love it but i have this constant feeling that because i love gay porn and that my first sex was with a guy does that still make me bi because i wanna hook up with this girl and do anything with her and for ...

Why are men turned on by fake women?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5110 days ago

27 June 2010 (F - Okay, so I just thought I'd ask a question about men's taste in women when it comes to sexual desire. You see the adult magazines, and the women in them look nasty.. Fake boobs, overly tanned, slutty, what is it that men find sexually arousing by ...

Had a miscarriage at 14 now I long to be pregnant again...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5131 days ago

25 June 2010 (F - i had a miscarriage at 9 weeks and im 14 years old. i was really scared about the pregnancy but came round to the idea and accepted it. and now i have strong sense of longing to pregnant people and young babies and want to get pregnant again. i dont ...

He trades pictures with women and masterbates too often to be intimate with me!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5142 days ago

25 June 2010 (F - my longtime boyfriend masterbates so often now it is getting in the way of our sex life, he is using porn to view other females and i have found pictures of him in the act on his computer, he said he did trade some with some ladies but never met any ...

My boyfriend is so obsessed with porn, he ignores my crying!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4704 days ago

25 June 2010 (F - i've been with my boyfriend for almost a year now and i cant seem to get past his porn viewing habit. i didn't know to what extent it was to until i found out he looks at it every single day!! he has lied to me about it several times saying that he ...

Pictures of my girlfriend's chest are on another man's phone!

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5146 days ago

24 June 2010 (M - What should I do. I have found out on a recent night out my long term girl friend allowed one of her friends boy friends to take pictures of her breasts? I only found this out when I read some messages he has been sending her on facebook about h...

Any men on DC who don't like porn?

This question has 49 answers - newest was posted 5142 days ago

24 June 2010 (F - *OP's Original Title* Are there any men on DC who don't watch porn? Or never have? If so, why not? Ii'd like a tally please. I've only ever met one man who doesn't. ...

How can I get him to stop looking at adult websites?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5147 days ago

23 June 2010 (F - Hi, sisters..We married last year after six month dating. He is a wonderful man who is hard worker and caring his family. But one thing is bothering me very much is he's sexual behavior. He having pantyhose addiction and want sex all the time. Many ...

Why does he ignore me for porn, when I'm perfectly willing?

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 5138 days ago

22 June 2010 (F - Hello, I seem to be having problems with my boyfriend and have no clue what to do. We have been dating for nearly a year now. Deep down, I know he's a good man, but for reasons I cannot understand, he prefers watching porn instead of doing anythin...

I hate him looking at porn, how do I get him to stop?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5138 days ago

22 June 2010 (F - ok so i've been reading some of the posts in the pornography section and i have a question to ask myself. I am a 17 year old girl. I have been with my partner for 2 years now and we have a 10 month old baby together. I haven't got the best bod...

Being with him is killing my self-esteem, with an excuse for everything I don't know what's going on here?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5148 days ago

22 June 2010 (F - I've been with my boyfriend for over 3 years. I'm 21 and he is 27. For the past year he hasn't been wanting sex as much as usual. I know that sounds common but he is a very sexually active person and we went from having sex almost every day to once ...

I am 15, want to be a porn star, any suggestions?

This question has 21 answers - newest was posted 2809 days ago

22 June 2010 (M - i am 15 and i want to be a pornstar so bad any tips?...

He's cheating on me with porn!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5150 days ago

20 June 2010 (F - a few days ago i found out that my boyfriend, who i've been with for 6 months, has been watching porn on a regular basis, it hurt alot. mostly because he made a point for 5 months of telling me he was proud because he hadn't watched porn or ...

Won't have sex with me, but I catch him watching porn??!!!??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5151 days ago

20 June 2010 (F - I see a lot of this "boyfriend/husband watches porn" topic on on here. So what's the deal when he says he's never been interested in porn, you've been together 3 years, living together for 2, and maybe had sex a total of 10 times--no, it wasn't ...

Natural women verses porn...

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 5125 days ago

17 June 2010 (F - I have a question... I know there is A LOT of porn out there, many different genres, featuring a lot of different types of people, amateur, alt porn, etc. But if we talk about mainstream porn, which is the most common type, we'd all agree that t...

Am I gay or is this a fetish?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5144 days ago

17 June 2010 (M - i am a young lad an iv always believed i am straight ive slept with quite a few girls an never really questioned my sexuality until the last year or so. it started when i was told by a friend about his girlfriend slipping a finger up his bu...

I looked at porn and my wife thinks I cheated!

This question has 39 answers - newest was posted 5144 days ago

16 June 2010 (M - How can I prove to my wife I am not, and have never cheated on her? Recently my wife found out I had been looking at porn, it is something we had agreed not to do in the past, argued about in the past, and for some reason I looked at it again (I am ...

I hate porn! Is it true all men watch it?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5151 days ago

15 June 2010 (F - I'm a 21 year old girl, and I HATE porn. I really, downright hate it. I think that, because of it, I may be doomed to stay single forever. I had a boyfriend until recently. He watched porn, but I just had to deal with it and it killed me inside...

Why do some straight women read/write male-on-male fiction?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5155 days ago

15 June 2010 (F - Hello there, I'm a 23 year old woman from Indonesia. I am single and heterosexual, I can tell, because I don't feel like it with another women. A pair of breasts is more than enough. I am also very into guys, and Dear Lord, some guys are made just ...

Is it possible to do this while sleepwalking?

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 5155 days ago

15 June 2010 (F - Well basicly last wednesday i discoverd a sex site in my fiance's name, emial adress, pic and even his regular password(all of which i knew). obviously i confronted him, and he said he knew about the site and had been trying to get rid of it for ...

Boyfriend with pornography addiction

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5156 days ago

14 June 2010 (F - *OP's Original Title* Me and my boyfriend have been dating almost 6 months and recently starting to planning our future together. hes planning to build a house and buying the funiture while Im studying. When Im finished, I just need to get a job an...

Did his friend really influence him to masturbate, or did he change?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5156 days ago

14 June 2010 (F - I recently caught my boyfriend of 5 years masturbating to porn on his PS3. He said he had only been doing it for about six months, when he was friends with someone he was "influencing" him to be a..."pig." He says that other than those six months...

How do I deal with my step-father's porn habit?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5158 days ago

13 June 2010 (F - I was using my step-dad's computer and saw a bunch of porn sites in his most visited, along with a bunch of websites intended to hook people up with with other people for sex or webcam chats. I'm not sure what to do with this. I know most men look, ...

Damsel in distress

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5156 days ago

11 June 2010 (F - Here is my situation... I have been living with my bf for 3 months now and we have been dating for 8 months. I am unemployed and spend alot of time at home and have no motivation to go out and find a job in my field. I do have my own money so he ha...

Should I be worried my partner watches porn?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5157 days ago

11 June 2010 (? - I need to get advice and other women's point of view on my current situation.... my partner watches porn and downloads videos on both the PC and his mobile, which he thinks he keeps secret from me, when i find it and confront him he lies to my fa...

Why is the porn argument so one-sided?

This question has 38 answers - newest was posted 5147 days ago

11 June 2010 (F - Why is it that when a woman is hurt by porn use it's always about why she should change herself to accept it and how it's her fault that it bothers her and how basically, it's all about the sacrifices she needs to make to accommodate him? Why is it ...

His porn makes me insecure!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5159 days ago

11 June 2010 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year, and we just started having sex a couple of months ago. We were both virgins, and he made it clear to me that he masturbated a lot before me, which I have no problem with, all guys do. ...

What is a normal amount of sex for a relationship and why can't he stay hard?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5159 days ago

10 June 2010 (F - dear cupid, my boyfriend and i have been together six months and at first, he explained that he left his wife because there was no sexual attraction anymore, that she had gained a lot of weight, didn't care about herself, and as a result, when the...

How can I let him know his porn watching is hurtful to me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5160 days ago

10 June 2010 (F - dear cupid, i have been living with and only dating my boyfriend for six months, so we really jumped into our relationship too fast. after about two months, he wanted to watch porn while having sex. my ex husband, unfortunately, ruined the expe...

Pregnant and feeling unloved!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5161 days ago

10 June 2010 (F - I am 30 years old. I have been married for 5 years and am currently pregnant with my second child. My husband has refuse to have sex while am pregnant. My husband is one of those husbands that does'nt share his feelings or say much. He comes home ...

How can I stop masturbating?

This question has 32 answers - newest was posted 5150 days ago

9 June 2010 (M - So, I really want to get married some day. I know deep down that if I'm going to have a successful relationship with my wife, I have to be the best I can be. That is, I know I have to end my addictions, such as porn and masturbation. Parasites like ...

Apparently I have made him paranoid because of the porn I have been watching!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5161 days ago

9 June 2010 (F - Hello i am in need of some advice. My partner and i have been together for 4 years and have 2 children together, 3years and 6months, and recently we have been arguing a lot. Since having my second child i promised myself i'd get out more and have...

How do I know whether to believe my fiance?? I found 100's of porn and dating sites, but he blames a virus!

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 5156 days ago

9 June 2010 (F - Well basicly last night i accidently stumbled across porn that had been viewed on the computer...I had to know where it had come from so i looked and it was from my fiances acount...hoping i'd made a mistake i checked again and to my horror found ...

He looked at porn right after we made love - whats wrong with me?

This question has 22 answers - newest was posted 5161 days ago

8 June 2010 (F - I recently posted on here as i'd accidently discovered my fiance had been looking at porn on the computer..only one site had come up so i tried not to let it bother me as you all said and put it down to a one off. But earlier curiosity got the ...

How can you get over the feeling of being lied to from your boyfriend about his porn watching habits?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5162 days ago

4 June 2010 (F - How can you get over the feeling of being lied to from your boyfriend about his porn watching habits? I've been obsessing over this for the past few days. I almost left him for me being suspicious of him lying after finding sketchy files on his c...

Suspect boyfriend lying about porn/photos/etc...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5167 days ago

4 June 2010 (F - Real quick to begin in the past I was with a guy who was in my opinion addicted. He even was watching it while I was lying next to him asleep and would go to bathroom to relieve himself. Ever since then I've found it to be disgusting in a ...

Is he gay, a sex addict or just someone that really enjoys porn?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5161 days ago

2 June 2010 (F - Ok..I have been researching this. I honestly need as honest and truthful and insightful answers as possible on this one. I have been with this man for a little over a year now. I am 31 years old. He is 50 years old. He just got out of (what he ...

Is it relatively normal to be doing this in a relationship?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5160 days ago

2 June 2010 (M - I have a girlfriend that I love a lot and would never heat on her. I've never even thought about it or anything like that. I feel guilty now if I watch porn, or masturbate thinking of someone else. Should I be feeling guilty or is it still ...

Is it normal for lesbian porn to turn me on?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5169 days ago

1 June 2010 (F - Hello, recently I have had these "fantasies" with my friends. My female friends, and I love watching yuri/lesbian porn. The thing is that i have never had any reaction to another female. I've never had that tingly feeling inside when I talk to them. ...

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