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Archived questions from: January, 2007 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

He watches porn all the time... which makes me insecure!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6372 days ago

31 January 2007 (F - About a month ago I was looking through my boyfriends online history and saw a lot of porn sites. I never knew that he watched porn but this knowledge didnt really bother me until I started checking his history on a daily basis and saw that he ...

Worried about getting up the duff... any tips to reduce fertility?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6388 days ago

29 January 2007 (F - I have recently become sexually active, but I have been very concerned about pregnancy. I am not ready to be a mother, and although we are using protection, I can't help but wonder if there is anything more I could be doing to keep myself ...

My bfs obsession with fat porn is killing our relationship!!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5959 days ago

29 January 2007 (F - My boyfriend has an obsession with fat porn! We have been dating for 18 months and it makes me feel worthless. I am a curvy woman and i now question his original motives. I have talked to him about it openly and it hasn't done any good. I love him...

My libido has gone and the porn on his PC has only made me more upset!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6393 days ago

24 January 2007 (F - My sexual libido has gone. ive been with my bf for over 2 years now and recently moved in with him. I ve also put on weight so i dont feel sexy anymore or comfortable in his presence (i dont even like getting changed infront of him). now ive fo...

Partner has erection he no longer interested in me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6394 days ago

24 January 2007 (F - sometimes my partner does not get an erection does this mean he no longer fancies me and sometimes when he is aroused it becomes soft for no reason...

Should I tell my Mom that Dad looks at porn?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6385 days ago

23 January 2007 (F - Hi, I'm 13 years old and about three days ago i was searching through my parent's computer's search history. To my horror, I found that my father had been looking at porn. I went to google desktop to find that he had been looking at it since Aug of ...

He gets off on porn so why can't he get off on me? What's going on with this guy?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6394 days ago

23 January 2007 (F - Ive been with my boyfriend for years now..hes always liked to watch pornos,which I'm OK with..i just don't enjoy them myself. So lately we've been having sex only once in about a month or month and a half..Ive tried everything to excite him and get ...

I never used to like porn but now I think it's ok. Should I tell my boyfriend about my change of heart?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6394 days ago

23 January 2007 (F - Ok so i've been with my bf for almost 10 yrs. when we met i was just 16. I have always been against porno where on the other hand he likes it. We used to get into fights about him watching it because it made me feel inadequete.Although i told him i ...

He's taken to watching porn, but says its my fault as I cant have sex at the moment!!!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6392 days ago

23 January 2007 (F - now it is worse! I have gone broadband after my bloke convincing me it would be faster for me on ebay etc, I did this on the 12th jan. all good, but on 18th i go out for my daughters 11th birthday to find he has been using it for big boobs porn and ...

I like watching lesbian porn, does this mean I am bi sexual?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4914 days ago

22 January 2007 (? - i have a boyfriend but i like to watch lesbians kissing and naked girls and i find some of my friends and even girls i walk by very attractive...does this mean i am bisexual? please help me im a confused 14 year old girl! x...

His porn usage makes me feel insecure! How do I tell him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6386 days ago

22 January 2007 (F - im a very open minded but i just wonder if any one can suggest how i can tell my bf that his porn internet surfing makes me feel insecure. I look at porn and we watch it together but when i find out he's been looking i worry he will realise there is ...

He has an obssession with "shemale" porn! What can I do?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6376 days ago


Why can't I experience orgasms like the girls in porn? Any thoughts?

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 5733 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - I keep watching porn and seeing these girls come loads! I mean like waterfalls of come! Is this real or fake? Why can't I do it? Thanks...

Is he addicted to porn? Nor sure what to make of this. Advice?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6398 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - Ok, my boyfriend has a huge collection of porn - i mean thousands of images on his computer - i knew he looked at porn when i met him - but it is now bothering me that he has such a big collection. We have been together about 18mths and live ...

He said he doesn't want sex b/c he's "got something" that's none of my business. Then I found a vile text from him to another woman!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6397 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - Dear Cupid My partner had been tempted to have a fling with a girl he met at the gym and I found a text he was going to send her, which was vile. He swore nothing came of it and never would. It forced me to look at myself and why he may want to ...

How should I bring up the subject of my husband visiting porn and porn chat sites, with him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6400 days ago

16 January 2007 (F - While looking at the history on the computer i have found quite a lot of porn sites which my husband has been looking at, i dont mind him having a look and we have looked at them together before but what worries me is that some of them were ones ...

Do I need help? Can't stop myself from looking at porn and I want to stop!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6231 days ago

14 January 2007 (M - dear cupid, im 17 years old and i keep looking on the internet for porn, i only look at it because there is nothing else to look at. I try to tell myself not to go on it but i just do. Do i need some kind of help? i have been doing this for over a ...

After we have sex...he finishes up with masturbation and porn. I hate that..what can I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6404 days ago

13 January 2007 (F - Sorry for the long story.. Im going through a tough issue. I love my bf dearly he's good to me in every way possible. We have plans to live together by summer 07' We've been together for 4 yrs now. I discovered that when ever we hav...

My boyfriend is a porn addict... could he get better and how could I fill the void?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6405 days ago

12 January 2007 (F - Dear Cupid, My boyfriend of two years has an addiction to porn. He gets off on it about every day, even if we have sex. He has also been known to e-mail other women and chat with them initiating that he wants to hook up. He tries to explain ...

I saw that a woman emailed my husband about spanking him! I'm devistated but don't want to end it b/c of an email!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6405 days ago

11 January 2007 (F - I put this one on other place and I have never done this before but I need help. So public I need your advise. Here we go. I have been happily married for 12yrs. been together for 15yrs. We don't have children. We have always done things t...

He's lied about seeing other girls - now I can't stop going through his computer and phone...b/c I've found things!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6406 days ago

10 January 2007 (F - Hi, i've been with my boyfriend for almost two yrs, we get on really well all of the time. Accept that i don't think i trust him. We met in the internet, i knew that he spoke to a lot of girls who were just, friends, i accepted that. I asked him ...

How can I stop my insecurites over his porn viewing, even to the extent I cant bare him seeing women on the TV!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6371 days ago

9 January 2007 (F - Im driving myself insane and probably ruining my relationship in the process! HELP! Ive posted on here before about my struggle to deal with finding that my boyf of nearly 4 yrs masturbates occasionally over page 3 girls and that I found a small ...

He looks at pics of naked women, so why doesn't he want to dress *me* up and play around with photos?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6408 days ago

9 January 2007 (F - Please help me - my boyf has always been honest about the fact he looks at porn at thats cool cause i doto sometimes but its like he is addicted to it i know he looks at ametuer sites whenever possible and thats what gets me its just photos of women ...

He looks at Shemale Porn is this normal!?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6391 days ago

9 January 2007 (F - my boyfriend and i have been living together for 2 years now. we have a great relationship and good sex. my only concern is that he looks at shemale porn. is this normal? i'm a little nervous to ask him about it....

My bf looks at gay porn and we hardly have sex anymore. I have to beg him to have sex.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6194 days ago

9 January 2007 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year now, we were together once before but I broke up with him after the birth of our son. Now I catch him looking a porn and pictures of men with men on the computer but I have to beg for two or ...

Boyfriend's addiction to porn is ruining our relationship

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5805 days ago

8 January 2007 (F - Iv been with my bf for 3 years, im 20 and his 25, the problem is I work all day and when I come home I often find evidence that he has been getting off to porn, it really bothers me because he says that his sex drive is low do to some medications he ...

He admitted to watching porn and paying for adult emails through our relationship... three days before our wedding! I couldn't back out and still feel resentful! Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6409 days ago

8 January 2007 (F - Hello. I've been married to my husband for almost two years. About three days before my husband and I married, I found out that he had been watching porn online and paying for emails from women to get him off. The reason I found out is because I ...

Im only 13 and watching porn sites. Is this normal?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 6394 days ago

6 January 2007 (F - I need some help. I've been looking at porn sites, but i'm only 13. i do it almost everyday, but a few weeks ago i stopped. Just last week i' starting to view them again. is this normal?...

My girlfriend appeared on an adult video site age 19... and I can't get over it!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6412 days ago

5 January 2007 (M - So my girlfriend confessed to me that when she was 19 she appeared on an adult website to earn some extra cash for school. She is 24 now and realizes it was the worst thing she could ever do and regrets the whole thing. We want to get married but I ...

Someone in my family is watching animal porn. Is there something wrong with him?

This question has 22 answers - newest was posted 5176 days ago

4 January 2007 (F - Should I be concerned if someone in my family is watching animal porn? Is there something wrong with him or is there a reason why they like to watch that? It makes me feel sick about it, but i'm not sure what i'm supposed to think about that. ...

Is it ok for a teenage girl to watch porn? I want to

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6401 days ago

3 January 2007 (F - Is it ok for a teenage girl to watch porn? Because ive noticed many guys do but i dont know any girls who watch it. I wanna stop but i cant. help....

We only have sex once a week he stares at porn the rest of the time!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6411 days ago

1 January 2007 (F - My significant other watches a lot of porn and we have sex about once a week. I want to be with him more. I feel like hes cheating on me because he is fantisizing about other woman. I feel very low and disgusting although I have very men hit on me ...

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