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Archived questions from: December, 2007 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

I've found pornographic pics of my 16 yr old sister on the internet! What shall I do?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 6055 days ago

28 December 2007 (M - ive found pictures of my sister on the internet. She is with different lads having sex, anal, bondage etc. she is only 16!! should i tell her or our parents or just ignore it?...

How can I believe him when he says I'm beautiful?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5049 days ago

27 December 2007 (F - My husband gets up really early in the morning for work. This is also when all the porn is on. I understand men wake up excited and need a release. My problem is I feel like I'm being compared later when we have sex or I am naked in front of him. He ...

My boyfriend has been logging on to chatlines giving them his phonenumber to share sexual text and pic messages, what shall I do?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5918 days ago

26 December 2007 (F - my boyfriend and i have been together for almost a year,the last three months we have been having a lot of problems. he has been logging on to chatlines giving these females his phone number and then they share sexual text and pic messages back and ...

Boyfriend lies about watching porn

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6032 days ago

25 December 2007 (F - I know that my boyfriend watches porn sometime back. But when I asked whether he still watches, he denied. But I discovered from his browsing history, he still watches on a regular basis, at least once a week. He told me these are pop up sites. But ...

My girlfriend is a stripper and it is driving me crazy!! Is lap dancing to be considered cheating? I don't want to loose her, how do I deal with this?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5716 days ago

23 December 2007 (M - heres my question im in love with a woman who ive been with for the last three years on and off, we are talking again. the problem is that she is a stripper. i have mixed feelings about the whole thing, she has quit for me in the past but this tim...

My boyfriend watches porn and visits gentleman clubs. I don't know what to think about all this, and what are the gentlemen really doing in their clubs??

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5277 days ago

22 December 2007 (F - Questions, specially from all the guys out there. Do all men have to watch porn? Is it OK for a guy, who is in a relationship, to go to gentleman clubs. The thing is that I've been having problem with understanding why my bf watches porn or go to ...

I love my husband but there are lies and unreciprocation!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6062 days ago

21 December 2007 (F - My husband of 3 years tells lies. I work and travel alot and I discovered that when I am out of town he watches porn. I found hookup sites that he forgot to clear and approached him, he denied. then his hotmail password was changed-well it all ...

Help. I'm pregnant and my husband is addicted to porn!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6048 days ago

20 December 2007 (F - I am 28 years old and have been married a little over a year. I am also 37 weeks pregnant with our first child. I just recently discovered that my husband has an internet porn addiction. I found out through my own means, while he virtually lied and ...

I want to trust him when he says he is not a porn addict but should I?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6048 days ago

18 December 2007 (F - We went from normal to sex rarely only when I initiate it. I questioned everything but yesterday I opened his computer and found tons of porn saved. He claims he's been saving that for years. It's all categorized by year, name, subject matter: ...

I think my 15 year old son was looking at my porn collection, how do I approach him?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5800 days ago

18 December 2007 (M - i believe my 15 yr old son has been looking at my few porn dvd collections which i kept well away from view in my room. i saw they ave been disturbed and one found under d bed where it should not be(maybe left in a hurry)I ave now gotten rid of a...

He is lying to me about watching gay porn!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6059 days ago

18 December 2007 (F - help! i have been with my husband for 5yrs and married for 2an a half, but things have been gettin a bit wierd! i knew about him watchin porn its happened bout 6times and everytime he swore it'd b the last, but its still happenin a yr on, but now ...

I am trying to rid myself of my porn addiction. Any ideas?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6059 days ago

18 December 2007 (M - I am 20, I have been with my girlfriend now for 2 months and it is starting to get serious. The problem I have now is that I have a porn addiction that I want to get rid of. I've tried to get help on it but when I told my counsellor about it (who ...

My fiancee has used porn in the past and lied to me about it!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6063 days ago

18 December 2007 (F - Pornography is effecting my relationsip..Help! My fiancee has used pornography in the past and lied to me about it. He has done it whilst i have been asleep, or gone out for a while. We have always had a very healthy sex life until this cropp...

Should I go for therapy or separation?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6066 days ago

17 December 2007 (M - Hi. I have been married for 8 years. My wife was a virgin at 23 when we married (I was 30 when we married). We have not had sex for 5 years because of lots of reasons (too many to get into here), but I have looked at pornography out of frustrat...

What does it mean when the husband masturbates and looks at porn more than has sex with his wife?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6068 days ago

15 December 2007 (F - what does it mean if your husband masterbates and looks at porn more than he has sex with me? [Moderator's note. Please provide more details as for example when did this situation become upsetting and when it started]...

Would you say I'm addicted to porn? And is it illegal to watch porn when only 13 years old?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6068 days ago

15 December 2007 (M - Hello i have been watch porn for maybe 5-6months..I know at my age with just want to learn about this stuff but i seem to be addicted like ill be watching tv and then ill get a sence that i should go watch some Is this against the law ...

Why does he lie about his naked picture thing?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6068 days ago

14 December 2007 (F - why does my husband hide and lie about forwarding and looking at pictures of necked women?...

Worried that my porn addiction is out of control... I keep wanting more and harder stuff!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6068 days ago

13 December 2007 (M - I need help with my porn and masterbation addiction!! I have to masterbate atleast once a day, sumtimes more. Also wen i go looking for porn my fantisies get worse and worse, first it started with the simple tits and pussy, then it went on to anal, ...

We have a brilliant relationship and hot sex life, so why does he need all these virtual chats?...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6063 days ago

13 December 2007 (F - why is my husband addicted to chatrooms and online flirting? why can't he realise what he's doing to me. i've caught him many times and every time he says it will stop. we have a brilliant relationship and hot sex life, so why does he need all this ...

Saw my ex but didn't talk to him. Should I make the effort,next time I see him?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6069 days ago

12 December 2007 (F - Hi i saw my ex boyfriend for the first time since we split last night down the pub and i really wanted to talk to him but was to scared,he was the one who wanted to split he said he did not feel the same and that we should stay mates. but the thing ...

I'm working on getting over the break up and visuals of other women being with him, I feel robbed, betrayed and angry, help!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6066 days ago

11 December 2007 (F - Alright I have been on this off and on for a few weeks to see if anyone is going through something similiar and if I could get some info off of theirs. Found one or two, but not exact so im just going to go w/it. I broke up w/my boyfriend of 2 y...

Is it wrong to occasionally use porn?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5999 days ago

11 December 2007 (M - I met my wife 10 years and married for 2. I love deeply and think she is one of the most attractive women that I have ever seen. Occasionally I watch porn.By occasionally I mean I may not watch it for a few months then I may watch it say 3 or 4 tim...

He watches pissing porn. Should I accept it?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6074 days ago

9 December 2007 (F - I have found out that my boyfriend looks at pissing porn and I dont know what to do. I find it really weird and it makes me feel abit sick that he gets off on watching this. He does not understand why i am so upset and says that it is just porn on ...

He can't keep a job, he stays up all nights watching porn and he is avoiding talking about our problems. What can I do to improve this situation?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6074 days ago

9 December 2007 (F - My boyfriend of 2 years is a solitary, friendless, introverted person who has barely worked in the 2 years we have been together. He is teaching himself programming at home with the aim of getting a job he wants, although I am concerned about the ...

Should I be worried that my dad watches porn? I don't think it's fair on my mum!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5019 days ago

7 December 2007 (F - Dear cupid, I recently discovered that my forty-six year old dad has been watching porn on the internet. I accidently walked in on him one time and saw briefly images of naked women on the screen. As soon as he saw me, he quickly closed the lapto...

Does he lie about other things?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6077 days ago

6 December 2007 (F - Yesterday my bf was on his psp, and i asked him if he was looking at porn. (I know he does, he says he doesn't) anyways.. he told me no. So today i was going to use his psp for the internet because the net on my computer wasn't working right. And ...

Why do men look at she male porn?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6077 days ago

5 December 2007 (F - Why do men look at she male porn? Does it mean they are bi?...

My gf will only watch girl on girl porn, does this mean shes bi??

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4914 days ago

1 December 2007 (M - My girlfriend and i watch porn about once every three months, however she will only watch all girl on girl she gets very hot horny and we have the best sex so im not complaning. Does this mean shes bi? She said shes not. ...

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