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Archived questions from: August, 2009 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

I'm thinking of ending our relationship because of his lying about porn...what do you think? And how do I block websites like that?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5432 days ago

31 August 2009 (F - i have been having problems with my fiance , we moved last month and while i was moving his clothes i found a hidden porno in his sweatshirt.. i was more mad that it was hidden and he had told me when we got together he doesnt even like porn .. when ...

G/f likes to watch porn while having sex!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5382 days ago

30 August 2009 (M - I've been seeing this woman(41, I'm 40) for several months now. She always wants to have a porn flick on when we make love and I really hate it! For one thing, it's a distraction! I want to focus on her, not what some bimbo is doing to the mai...

Why won't my boyfriend be intimate with me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5434 days ago

30 August 2009 (F - Hi I need help with a very frustrating relationship problem I have. I've been with this guy for a little over a year now and at first he just seemed absolutly perfect, he was extremely nice, caring, fun, good looking, but now whenever I'm around him ...

I'm confused! I don't want to be gay!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5134 days ago

29 August 2009 (F - Dear ppl, Lately I've been thinking about my sexual orientation, I used to watch porn and I stopped because I hated it and I felt disgusted every time I do it. I watched lesbian porn and It turned me on but I HATED it afterwards. Straight pornogr...

I'm young, in great shape and fiance still won't stop looking at porn!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5415 days ago

29 August 2009 (F - I am having a lot of problems with my fiance CONSTANTLY looking at porn. I can't understand why anymore because I am still young, I am in great shape and I always say yes when he wants to try new things. I mean, not just new posistions but any ...

I just want to be a normal teenage boy!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5446 days ago

27 August 2009 (M - im 15 years old and i so lonely and depressed in my life im the only child so i have no one to talk to or hang out with i don't get out much because i really don't have any friends i can just hang with (at least good people) every since i turned a ...

Porn makes me feel insecure and not good enough, so how do I get over that my boyfriend was watching?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4975 days ago

25 August 2009 (F - Me and my bf have been together 2 yrs and I recently had a baby.well 4 weeks after the baby my bf started looking at porn cuz I was recovering from labor and tearing. Well he got addicted to it and I didn't even kno he was doing it in the 1st place. ...

I'm dating a man who flirts with other girls at the treatment centre we met at and is always blowing hot and cold, but I still want to make it work. How can I prove my love for him is worth it?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5450 days ago

24 August 2009 (F - I started dating this guy the day i got out of a treatment center he used to go to meetings in the facility and the things he said were so inspiring!! imagine my suprise that right after we started dating he was still going to meetings not to stay ...

He likes shemales porn!?!?!? Can I still marry him??

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5323 days ago

24 August 2009 (F - My boyfriend of nearly a decade recently asked me to marry him and I accepted. Just about a month later I now find that he's been watching shemale porn on the internet! He was certainly enjoying it too! When I confronted him he tried to deny it ...

Is it wrong of me to want my husband to give up porn for his family?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5447 days ago

22 August 2009 (F - Is it wrong that I want my husband to give up porn for his family?...

Hubby looking at transvestite porn!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4812 days ago

21 August 2009 (F - I discovered a few days ago that my husband has been looking at transvestite pornography. Not just looking at it, but magazines, and even a series of emails arranging to meet with a transvestite! The emails were rather mundane to say the least....

During our split we dated other people. I got pregnant but had an abortion, and since then he always brings it up!! What can I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5453 days ago

21 August 2009 (F - When I was 13 years old I met this Special someone, we both feel in love the minute we saw each other. And now we are all grown up ages 19 and 20 and we just got married this year. But there is a big problem... Last year we broke up for about 6 ...

I found out my boyfriend has been looking at pre-teen porn, what should I do?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5451 days ago

21 August 2009 (F - This is so hard and I have no one else that I can talk to about this. I am 20 and my I guess you can call him boyfriend(I am rethinking that) have been together almost 5 years. We have been arguing and I have been losing trust in him because he was ...

Does looking at porn make me a pervert?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5454 days ago

21 August 2009 (F - I don't understand it, I use to watch porn every single day 2 hours a day blah blah. After I lost my virginity things changed.. I don't even remember the last time I watched porno besides today o.0 I mean I waited till my bf's roommate went to bed ...

Now I'm pregnant my boyfriend has started watching porn, and the worst thing is he lies about it!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4798 days ago

19 August 2009 (F - whos in the wrong? my boyf and i have been together for a year and a half. before i got pregnant he wouldn't look at porn, now im 9 months pregnant he looks at it all the time.. and i can understand why.. i look terrible. but i have told him wh...

He watches porn but he won't have sex with me!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5456 days ago

19 August 2009 (F - i have been in a relationship for almost 2 years and getting more and more frustrated with our sexual relationship. we have not had sexual intercourse for the past year. he blames it on his high blood pressure pills. i know he watches porn at ...

My boyfriend thinks I'm the one ruining our sex life, when it's him that's bringing the porn dvd's to bed with us!! What should I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5456 days ago

18 August 2009 (F - Porn Wars :My boyfriend is telling me i am sabbotoging our sex life and our relationship. I feel it is he that is. We just made up over a 4 day battle cuz last week he was busy messin w/his tools, so i got in the bath. When i got out of the tub i ...

What do you think? Is he lying about watching porn?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5456 days ago

18 August 2009 (F - Should I believe my boyfriend claiming he doesn't watch porn? He claims he hasn't watched porn the entire 3 years we have been together. I do send him nude pictures and videos everyday but I still think he must be tired of looking at the same woman ...

Is it odd for straight girl to watch gay men porn?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5456 days ago

17 August 2009 (F - Ok this is going to sound odd Im in my mid 20's and im not in the head place to be in a relationship right now so ive started to pleasure myself to porn (not alot but fairly frequently). I came across a gay porn site the other day and there was a ...

If you had a hot partner, would you still look at porn?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5440 days ago

17 August 2009 (F - I would really like to know from guys... If your girlfriend/partner/wife is like really hot,(And i mean not only you think so, but other guys as well!) do you still need to look at porn? Or is she enough?...

Husband stuck on porn!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5457 days ago

16 August 2009 (F - I don't show it to my husband how much he hurts me, but it really bears down heavily Before our wedding my husband was really a great prince to me. Too late. We're married...and I depend on him financially now, although this could change if I move...

Will my husband think I'm a slut if I say yes to all the things he wants me to do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5459 days ago

15 August 2009 (F - I have a question: My husband like porn. And certain things that the women there either do, or have done to them. He has mentioned to me stuff that "might be intersting" to do. (That he obviously got from watching this stuff.) Mild bonda...

Why is my boyfriend of five years looking at shemale porn?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5126 days ago

15 August 2009 (F - i just discovered my boyfriend of 5 years has been looking at, and jacking off to shemale porn. i discovered it while using his computer. i was on google, and the little "memory typing" came up and said transvestite dating sites. i called my ...

Does looking at gay porn me I'm bisexual?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5389 days ago

14 August 2009 (M - I'm 23, and was in a relationship with a girl for 3 months until I broke up with her of my own volition 4 weeks ago. In the past few weeks I've been looking at gay porn (like Mr. Gay UK, Gay Times) and then I feel dirty afterwards, as I'm norma...

I'm 15 and addicted to porn

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5460 days ago

13 August 2009 (F - Hi i'm a 15 year old girl and i am addicted to porn! i dont know what to do! everytime i am alone or someone is downstairs i always turn to porn! i always masturbate while doing it. i am really afraid that i will grow up to be one of those bad nas...

Why is he still watching porn? I don't get it!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5461 days ago

13 August 2009 (F - Well I have been with my boyfriend for about 2 1/2 half years. Everything is going pretty well. We don't fight much, we still laugh and have fun, and we have sex regularily (and yes we are both very happy with it!). What I don't understand is th...

Men, please help me? Is watching tranny porn normal?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5461 days ago

12 August 2009 (F - Almost a year ago this month we met. He was obsessed with my sex!! Wanted it all the time, everyday every he is always tired when he comes home from work. Or he complains about how it sucks getting old his body is out of shape. I left ...

For 5 years my boyfriend has lied to me about watching porn. What should I do now?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5446 days ago

12 August 2009 (F - my boyfriend has lied to me for five years about watching porn, what should I do? I feel so uncomfortable that my boyfriend watches porn. I know he used to watch porn a lot when he was single and i know a lot of men do that. But after we started...

I'm willing to do almost anything but he'd rather watch it on the computer!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5454 days ago

10 August 2009 (F - Hey - I have been having a little problem for a while now regarding my boyfriend of 3 years. He is a great guy and i love him. But our sex life can be a bit lacking at times and i find myself knowing some things i shouldnt- because i snoop. (...

My hubby's sex drive has decreased. I just found out he watches Asian gay porn! Help?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5464 days ago

9 August 2009 (F - I've been married for 4 years now to my husband, our life has been good, and we often socialise with friends. However, recently, for the past few months, my husband's sex drive has been on the wane. We went to the doctor, and the doctor said ...

Should I tell my mom I went through a phase where I watched porn, just incase she finds out?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5466 days ago

8 August 2009 (F - Right big problem! im 17, 18 at the start of next year. I used to watch porn ALOT! i went threw a big phase , was totally addicted. I fele so dirty about it now, becuase i feel liek its a man thing, even though i know other women do it. Iv...

How can I learn to live with knowing that he doesn't find me attractive? Is that even important?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5461 days ago

7 August 2009 (F - My husband told me before me we married that he does not look at porn, but about 6 months ago I caught him at it, and he admitted he has been doing it throughout our 2 year marriage. When we were dating, he couldn't keep his hands off me and wanted ...

Why can't or won't my husband tell me the truth about his infidelities?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5463 days ago

7 August 2009 (F - Recently I found out my husband of 13 1/2 years moved up from visiting porn sites to answering escort ads from sites like craigslist. I also found out that he has been visiting asian massage places for a while for r and t...found his account and ...

Teen porn

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5458 days ago

7 August 2009 (F - So here it goes. My boyfriend and I don't live together, and we are both in our early twenties. Every once in a while I'll go over to his place and use his computer to check my facebook and myspace. His browser history pops up every time I start to ...

Does watching gay porn make me gay?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

7 August 2009 (M - hi, i am 14, and a male, and i am straight, but sometimes when im watching porn i like to go to gay porn and watch it and when doing so i fantasize about my male best friend and i like it alot and it turns me on more than women do, but when ive ...

If I fantasize about heterosexual sex and breasts, am I a lesbian?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5469 days ago

5 August 2009 (F - I'm a 14 year old girl. When I masturbate, I often look at pictures of women. When I fantasize, I always think of a man and a woman having sex. I am neither of these people, nor do I identify with them. Although I usually make the girl about my ...

How do I explain to my b/f how I feel about porn!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5464 days ago

4 August 2009 (F - how do i explain to my boyfriend how i feel about porn! it gets me really depressed that im not the only person he wants and he wishs he could have sex with these girls! i ave low confidence and my confidence is completely gone because of this! its ...

His mum offers him a porn mag and I can't help comparing myself to pornstars

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5471 days ago

3 August 2009 (F - Hi Before me and my bofriend got together 3 years ago, he watched a lot of porn. Now i can't help but compare my body against a porn star. Also i don't know whether my boyfriend is still watching porn. I was once at his house and his mum asked hi...

Am I being irrational thinking that my boyfriend will cheat on me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5463 days ago

2 August 2009 (F - I'm obsessed that my boyfriend wants to cheat on me even though I know he never will. He has never cheated on any of the women he's been with, yet every girlfriend he's had (including his ex-wife) has cheated on him. His mother told me that I would ...

I feel dirty and like a dumb bimbo to him when he watches porn. Please help

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5471 days ago

2 August 2009 (F - heres the deal. i am in love, i know it for sure. my boyfriend and i have been dating for almost two years, the first year was amazing. i lost my virginity to him .. as a real sexual experiance because i was raped so hes not technically my first.. ...

My boyfriend has sex with me at the weekend, then goes back to porn during the week! I don't know how to handle this, what should I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5472 days ago

1 August 2009 (F - MY boyfriend and i have been togeather since Dec. 2008 and he ive caught him watching porn and he admits to it but when im talking to him at night and he gets off the phone early i ask him if he is really going to bed and tells me yes. but today i ...

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