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Archived questions from: June, 2009 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Is it normal to masturbate "to porn" while in a relationship?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5449 days ago

30 June 2009 (F - I have been with this guy for 3 years and I was just wondering if it is normal to masturbate "to porn" while in a relationship. I understand that it is a natural thing but when I think of him masturbating to another naked women it makes me feel ...

Are porn sites bad for me?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5466 days ago

30 June 2009 (M - When I was 11. I was goning on porn sites till I was 15. Why? Because I was curouse and I want to know if that it can change the way I act? Also, is going on porn sites is bad for you and me? If yes, tell me everything please. ...

My wife watches a lot of porn. Is this normal?

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 4653 days ago

29 June 2009 (M - I just found out my wife has a tonne of porn on her laptop. We have an ok sex life having sex about 2 times a week but many times she turns me down. I noticed she seldom goes to bed the same time I do and comes to bed really late like 2am. Her ex...

He sends and receives dirty texts from random women and tells me this is normal behaviour!

This question has 21 answers - newest was posted 5486 days ago

29 June 2009 (F - My bf (we've been together 5 years) looks at porn on the internet a lot (which I don't mind) BUT he also checks out adult dating sites, uses adult text messaging services to send/receive dirty texts to random women (including naked pics and texts ...

My teenage son enjoys child pornography. Please help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5506 days ago

29 June 2009 (F - Well, this is embarrasing too say as a mother for starts. But I will anyways.. It all started with me finding my son who is 14 years old, with my finding porn on his computer, in his drawers. Stuff like that.. sounds normal so far, right? B...

My porn use and cyber sex obsession ruined my marriage! How do I get my wife back?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5493 days ago

27 June 2009 (M - I have been married 19 years. For 8 yrs I watched porn and engaged in cyber sex, and even Emailed women. This became an obsession. My wife found out about it and I tried to lie my way out of it. I did stop eventually, but she left me anyway. How can ...

What's so wrong with my enjoying the female form?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5501 days ago

26 June 2009 (M - My girlfriend is very upset because I enjoy watching porn. We've been together for little over 2 years, and she lost her virginity to me. I love her, she is such a great girl, she is different from other girls I've ever met or been with. I've told ...

Why does it bother me that fiance masturbates all the time?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5506 days ago

26 June 2009 (F - I am together with my fiance for almost year and I can't get over the fact that he masturbates several time a day. I know already that it is normal for men to masturbate all the time, but we have sex a lot... some days up to five time and other ...

Pornorgraphy against Religion!

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5392 days ago

25 June 2009 (F - Hi I'm having trouble with my boyfriend watching porn. Sometimes when i can't satisfy him myself he wants to watch porn... I feel like he's cheating on me when he does this because he's looking at other women (prettier than me might I add) and it h...

I need a free porn blocker!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5510 days ago

25 June 2009 (F - my brother(35) using porn websites on my 10 years sister computer is there any free porn blocker on the internet. i fought with my brother over it.hes just a **** about it. He says it was none of my business and he got vicious with me ...

I need help with this dream...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5512 days ago

23 June 2009 (F - Well, this dream was very confusing, so I really hope you can help me out. Ok, my ex-husband, his bestfriend, and myself were in the in living room. They were sitting on the floor watching T.V.. I was on the couch and in that very second, they wer...

Caught watching porn by my brother's friend... help

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5512 days ago

23 June 2009 (F - earlier today i got caught looking at a pornish video and im really embarrassed about it. let me explain... ok so i was talking to my friend on IM and he linked me a video that was supose to have a funny ending, i told him i didnt wanna watch it b...

Why does porn upset me so much?

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 4439 days ago

22 June 2009 (F - Why is porn such a big deal to us women? It's a big deal for me, but I don't even get why! I know I don't like my partner watching it, but I mean, it's just pictures and videos, so why can't I get past it? Why is it so upsetting? I know some women ...

His favourite sites are "rape porn"!

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5502 days ago

20 June 2009 (F - I found out that my husband looks up hardcore porn. His favourite sites are "rape porn" where women are shown to be attacked and brutally treated. I'm completely repulsed by this and feel sick to my stomach that anyone would be excited by this ...

He wants oral sex every day and is going on porn sites

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5515 days ago

19 June 2009 (F - I am 40 years old with and have 2 grown children. I have been in a relationship for 6+ years now and was actually proposed to a few months ago. Things have really been going great.... until lately, I have recently become unemployed, to which my ...

Why don't men get it?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5489 days ago

19 June 2009 (F - Why dont men understand? If men were the ones who had the babies and their bodies stretched and scarred how would they feel if their women were masturbating over buffed men 20 years younger than them...? I still don't get how men seem to think ...

He's more interested in looking at porn pictures than being with me

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5517 days ago

18 June 2009 (F - My husband and I are 23 and have been best friends since we met in high school and started dating our senior year.We have been married for four years and have two children that are four and two. We have a great relationship except for one problem. I ...

Hes clearly not going to stop. How do I tell him I know hes still watching porn?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5505 days ago

17 June 2009 (F - I'v written on here before, and the advise I've been given is sound advise... It's about porn. My boyfirned used to watch a lot of porn. I'd talk a lot about it to him because I've never undertood the attraction myself. I'd tried watching it with...

Fiance watches porn every day but turns me down for sex

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5505 days ago

16 June 2009 (F - Ello all. My fiance who I've been with for 5 years and counting has been watching porn EVERY day that I'm not home, which can be 7 days a week. But I'm only gone for about 3-4 hrs at a time. We had this issue before and it seemed to go away but now ...

How can I keep him off these websites and bring sex appeal back into our marriage?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5490 days ago

15 June 2009 (F - I have been married for 12 years and my husband and I have been together for 14 years total. We have 2 kids and we both work full time. In the last 3 years we have been through a lot of stuff, his admitted affairs after I found him emailing and ...

What do I do about him as I don't trust him but we have a child together.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5521 days ago

15 June 2009 (F - HELP! OK so me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 and a half years and we have a baby I'm 16 years old 17 soon he is almost 20. we had some problems he tryed to ask another girl out. he kissed her and was at her school trying to find her...

I just can't get over he watches porn!

This question has 24 answers - newest was posted 5508 days ago

14 June 2009 (F - ok so me and bf have been going strong for nearly a year and a half but the other day he told me he watches porn and now i cant get the thought out of my head!! does it me he doesnt love me? or does he not find me attractive?? i guess because i dont ...

I feel pushed out because of him looking at porn!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5513 days ago

14 June 2009 (F - I am in a bit of a pickle if you would call it. My boyfriend looks at a lot of porn and his nieghbours and roommate all look at it as well. In general, I've never had an issue with it and it was never a big deal until I realized that he does it ...

I found Big brested porn on the pc. Should I be bothered about having smaller breasts?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5519 days ago

13 June 2009 (F - My fiance and I have been living together for a while and he never openly showed much interest in porn before and I liked that. I went out of town and when I came back our computer was completely messed up with viruses. I checked the history and ...

Lesbian, but turned on by straight this normal??

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2336 days ago

13 June 2009 (? - Ok, hi people! I've been having some trouble trying to understand something, so thort you guys could help!?! i'll try keep this short, and i hope im not to explicit, or too confusing. Basically i know im gay, and have known like f...

My husband's porn watching reminds me of the time I was a prostitute, should I break up over this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5522 days ago

12 June 2009 (F - Hi, IM LOOKING FOR SOME ADVICE, I HAVE JUST SEPERATED WITH MY HUSBAND OF 5 YEARS, We have always had a difficult relationship,this is how it started, he had just got out of jail, and i was working as a escourt, i studied in the day and he was a muso ...

Girlfriend won't talk to me because of looking at porn

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5503 days ago

12 June 2009 (M - I'm 24 and my girl friend is 20yr old girl we have been together for about 10 months now. I have been in several relationships before but nothing has come close to this. She is amazing, she drives me crazy and has so much going for her. We are both ...

Should I put my foot down or am I overreacting?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5524 days ago

11 June 2009 (F - I am 34 weeks pregnant and I have been married for 7 months. My husband, however, is still visiting a dating site and contacting the women on there. He does let them know that he is married, but he wants them to send him messages and pictures. I ...

Questions about porn...

This question has 34 answers - newest was posted 5518 days ago

10 June 2009 (F - I have some questions about porn: 1. Why do most (notice I said 'most') women in porn have HUGE breasts and are blonde? Those are obviously fake, and men always say they don't care about size, and that they hate implants, but is this a lie? I me...

Should I be worried about the pornography?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5519 days ago

9 June 2009 (F - my boyfriend has been masturbating to porn alot when im away....and i find porn on the computer alot lately we have been having sex and stuff should i be worried?...

Pornography, cheating & lying

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5512 days ago

9 June 2009 (F - my husband is watching porn and lying to me about it and every time i offer sex he makes up excuses like im tired or im sore. i have confronted him several times and i go through the history on the computer and his phone. there is porn sites. what ...

Sex life is going down the tubes

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5527 days ago

8 June 2009 (F - Hi All, I am 30 years old and have been with my boyfriend for almost 5 years, we have a 1 year old son and baby number 2 on the way. My problem is our sex life. From the beginning of our relationship our sex life hasnt been brilliant. After...

Hes mentally cheating on me with pornography

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5519 days ago

7 June 2009 (F - I have a problem, i am completely and totally against porn, i just cant accept it and i cant accept my boyfriend looking at it. I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years and he has always known how upset it feel about it, i have tried to understand ...

Caught him with porn now I'm constantly checking his web history

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5528 days ago

3 June 2009 (F - Hi, Ever since I caught my boyfriend watching porn while I was at home, I haven't been able to stop randomly looking at his web history. I've seen him look up pictures of real girls that we both know alongside porn. Is it normal for guys to mast...

I'm sleeping and hes watching porn right next to me

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5530 days ago

3 June 2009 (F - My fiance and I have our computers next to the bed. I know my fiance watches porn, I don't have a problem with that. It's just a little unsettling when I wake up to him sitting on the end of the bed, at his computer watching porn and pleasuring ...

My boyfriend is addicted to porn. How can I help him?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5521 days ago

3 June 2009 (F - Help my boyfriend is obsessed with porn? am with my boyfriend 2 half years, and i had alot problems. woman has been big threat in our relationship cas of cheating and him having them as friends. my boyfriend also loves porn never stop looki...

Text messages, pornography, after 14 years so I just throw the relationship away?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5534 days ago

1 June 2009 (F - At this moment I really feel desperate and I could use some help to make me think clearly. I have been in a relationship for almost 14 years now. I met my boyfriend when I was 18 and he was 17 and we got in love. None of us had a relation...

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