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Archived questions from: June, 2007 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

I want to send my boyfriend naked pics of myself

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4943 days ago

30 June 2007 (F - My boyfried of two years is now long distance and I miss our sex life. Would it be stupid to e-mail him some nude pictures of myself? I am no model and a little bit round around the waist. Will he be shocked? How do I pose?...

Is it normal for us to enjoy filming eachother having sex with other people?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6202 days ago

28 June 2007 (M - I have always talked about my girlfriend have sex with other guys as a turn on. i met a girl 6 months ago and brought up this during sex. she started describing scenarios of what she would do with another guy. one day she asked if i would like her...

He's been chatting online to women with the webcam and even plans to meet someone!!!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6227 days ago

27 June 2007 (F - Several months ago, I found out my boyfriend (of 14 months) was using a webcam to chat online with other women while I was gone. I found this out because I came home a little earlier than he'd expected one day and caught him. He told me he wasn't ...

My boyfriend doesn't understand how upset his porn viewing makes me!

This question has 28 answers - newest was posted 5971 days ago

27 June 2007 (F - My boyfriend doesnt understand how I get hurt if he watches porn, pictures of naked females and mastrubates to it... Hello, my bf of 2 years and i broke up 9 days ago. We want to get back together but only after we both read the book on a relati...

Can the DearCupid men elaborate on their views on porn?

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 6214 days ago

25 June 2007 (F - Hi, I just read some answers to a question that was posted about porn and some answers from you guys were that men look at porn stars who are completely different for what they go for in real life and it's not a threat at all to their partner. ...

He's looking at porn; doesn't he find me attractive?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5710 days ago

24 June 2007 (F - My husband has been using porn and all of the women he has searched were completely different to me...for example I am older and show sigs of having had my children..My body has stretch marks and scars. He searched thousands of women all of them ...

I hate porn and no guy I am with is going to look at it!

This question has 35 answers - newest was posted 5703 days ago

23 June 2007 (F - Are there an men who would be satisfied with one female sexualy? Is this too much to ask? I mean not be interested in porn etc...I ask this because I am considering whether to start dating again..Frankly Im very against porn for political and ...

I found porn on his computer and I feel betrayed, like he's cheated on me

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5687 days ago

23 June 2007 (F - Yesterday I was on my boyfriend's computer, and clicked on the html drag history box to find the google link, and I saw all these porn links. I do not in any way tolerate porn. I understand that to guys, it's socially acceptable, but I'm not okay ...

I want to stop watching porn! Help!

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5237 days ago

22 June 2007 (F - I want to stop watching porn! How can I do it? Hi there! I have a problem, I don't can tell anyone esle. I don't know, is it normal that female watch prons? I don't do it about once in a month. Free ones from the internet. But I don't ac...

How can I stop my masturbation habit? It feels like I'm cheating on the girl I love!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4999 days ago

20 June 2007 (M - I am in great problem.. please someone help me get out of this crap.. i am not able to have a firm control on my mind.. I love a girl a lot. and she too loves me a lot.. now a days because of some problem at her place, we are not able to be in to...

He lied and said he wouldnt look at porn anymore!! But what else has he lied about!?

This question has 24 answers - newest was posted 4982 days ago

20 June 2007 (F - My boyfriend promised me something that he wouldn't do again, which was look at this NASTY site with a bunch of porn on it. I let him know the first time it kind of made me feel that I wasn't good enough for him. I wasn't even looking for anything ...

He says he relied on porn to get off as he was single, but doesnt anymore, do all single guys do this ?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6247 days ago

20 June 2007 (F - i just want to know if this is normal or if im making a big deal out of nothing. my fiance used to have some adult dvds and look at websites before he met me. before me he had never had a girlfriend and said he basically relied on it as he had need...

He'd rather look at porn than have real sex with me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6248 days ago

19 June 2007 (F - I don't know what to do anymore? I am 26 years old i have been with my husband 8 years (married for 2) He has a had a problem with porn, internet, movies, magizines. He would be on the computer for hours at night or when I was at work, but hardly...

She can't have sex but I crave it constantly

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6158 days ago

19 June 2007 (M - She can't have sex yet I crave it. What can I do? I've always been interested in girls and sex. When I first met my girlfriend online it took me a bit aback how she discussed her past sexual experience and sexual experimentation, but I f...

He has started with the online porn again and we have no sex life. Do I leave?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6254 days ago

14 June 2007 (F - My husband and I have been married a little over a year. He has told countless lies, primarily about money and online pornography. We went to couples counseling briefly, and it was pointless. Now I don't ever believe anything he says. He has ...

He still looked at porn after we had sex. Is he addicted or something because he said that when we don't have sex he is horny and needs porn, but we did have sex.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5513 days ago

12 June 2007 (F - I need some major advice from all you guys out there. Please just give me your opinion on this subject. I live with my boyfriend of 9 months. We are very happy together and a few months ago I noticed that he had been to porn websites. I asked hi...

Found out he's been having naughty DVDs made and is on!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6257 days ago

10 June 2007 (F - i’m not sure what to about this situation anymore. it’s been a year since I found out about my partner of 5 yrs having fetish DVDs made for him. it all started with me finding him looking at porn 3yrs ago then 4mths later I found that he had been ...

My husband has been watching shemale porn.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6257 days ago

9 June 2007 (F - My husband has been watching shemale porn....

I am addicted to watching sex movies and yet i am only 12.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6198 days ago

9 June 2007 (F - Hi, I am addicted to watching sex movies and yet i am only 12. I am a girl as well, and i watch lesbian porn. I am the straightest of straightest girl ever but lesbian porn, turns me on. I am addicted to sex, but when my bofriend who is 2 years ...

Bf spends excessive time on computer..comes to bed horny and wants me to perform! What should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6255 days ago

9 June 2007 (F - My boyfriend spends an excessive amount of time on the computer every day looking at sex sites. This seems like it is the only way he can get aroused any more. He will come to bed after hours and expect me to just please him after he is all worked ...

All he does is sit in the garage and look at porn - he even does it when his friends come over! Now our sex life is falling apart. Help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6260 days ago

7 June 2007 (F - my bf, of 2.5yrs, is addicted to porn- since the beginnig, every chance he gets he's on the computer- you guessed it- watching porn. it's all the time and he of couse denies it- always with an attitude- which is funny(ha) cuz i like porn and have ...

He watches porn! Do I not satisfy him anymore?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6237 days ago

6 June 2007 (F - I have been with my partner for 5 years, married for just over a year. Our sex life is great, but he watches porn when i'm not there. We had sex last night, but when i went to work this morning he masterbated. I've asked him about it, he says every ...

Husband looks at porn and we've not had sex for 8 months... how can I even contemplate a physical relationship with someone i consider to be a pervert?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6261 days ago

6 June 2007 (F - I haven't had sex with my husband for nearly 8 months. I went off sex quite a few years ago mainly because i had no confidence and felt that my husband was always criticising me. I lost confidence in everything, comfort eating and making every ...

He loves porn and I accept that, but he keeps trying to get me to watch it with him.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6261 days ago

3 June 2007 (F - Dear Cupid My boyfriend and I are both in our 30's. We've been together a year and a half. He loves porn and I accept that, but he keeps trying to get me to watch it with him. I keep telling him I hate it and it makes me uncomfortable an...

My mother discovered my husband looking at online porn! At the end of my tether and unsure what to do...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6244 days ago

3 June 2007 (F - PLEASE HELP. My husband and i have been together for 3 years+ I found pornographic dvd's 2years ago and explained to him how bad it made me feel. He promised it would not happen again, then my mother discovered him looking at online porn(humilating ...

My boyfriend watches porn when I'm asleep.

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 4835 days ago

2 June 2007 (F - my boyfriend watches porn when i am asleep! i feel like i am not good enough for him or i am not satisfying him. i feel like i cant be as good as porn stars so he will want to finish me!! please help!!...

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