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Archived questions from: September, 2011 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

How do I quit porn?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4659 days ago

30 September 2011 (F - I don't have sex but i just can't seem to leave porn(which i think is morally wrong).Someone please give me an advice on how to quit porn....

His sex drive is higher. I deny him probably 2 times a week, but how do I deal with him masturbating to porn?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4681 days ago

30 September 2011 (F - I know this question has been posted a million times, but I was hoping for an answer on my specific situation: My boyfriend (he's 26 and I'm 23) have been together for about a year and a half, and have been living together for 10 months. Some...

If men want their women to look like porn stars, why don't us women care that our men don't look like porn stars??

This question has 23 answers - newest was posted 4679 days ago

29 September 2011 (F - I'm 25, and I'm here to discuss pornography and men. Some but not all men complain their women don't look like porn stars/models etc. but how come women don't do the opposite and ask for 6-packs/chiselled bodies / big penises etc? Or if they do,...

I used her laptop to watch porn, and now she's mad at me. I don't understand the fuss!

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4677 days ago

28 September 2011 (M - Hey there, I got in somewhat of a shocking fight today with my girlfriend, let me explain. First of all she found out that Ive watched porn on her laptop in her house when she was in class. That day I woke up and she was already at class, I ...

I'm shocked at how ugly I look in our home-made porn film

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4603 days ago

27 September 2011 (F - I know this will sound like a stupid problem, but here it goes. My boyfriend had an idea last weekend, to record ourselves having sex with his phone. He sent me the videos, because he said they were a huge turn on and that he loved them. But I ...

Can you lose your virginity from too much porn?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4688 days ago

25 September 2011 (F - if u watch too much porn and have a little blood coming out from downtheir what does it mean? can you loose your virginity by seeing too much porn???...

My parents are disgusted by me after they caught me masturbating

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4688 days ago

24 September 2011 (F - Okay, so I'm around 19. I'm asian, and my family are catholic nuts. (No kidding, it's all they talk about) So lately i've been kind of stressed out because i recently got unemployed and looking for another job and school work was taking it's toll...

I'm insecure about my looks, Does he lie to me to make me feel better, because I don't look like a porn star?

This question has 32 answers - newest was posted 4289 days ago

21 September 2011 (F - I know, I know, another porn question. I need advice especially from females who "get it". I guess I have quite a degree of insecurity. The thing is, I know my boyfriend loves me. I know he lies to make me feel better, because he swears and insists ...

Sent a girl a dirty pic. Things are weird. Now what?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4693 days ago

20 September 2011 (M - I am sort of new top this online dating thing. I met this girl online and we hit it off real well. We started chatting via I'm and some of our chats got explicit. She sent me some photos of her bare legs (waist down) in the past. Last night, s...

I can't stop the porn and masturbating habits! Help!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4694 days ago

19 September 2011 (M - I am addicted to porn and masturbating and I can't stop, I've tried many things but i just can't do it help please!...

Losing trust... am I over-reacting?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4694 days ago

19 September 2011 (? - Over the weekend my husband got new parts for his computer. He didn't realize he was going to have to re-install his whole operating system and did so without doing a backup. Once it was too late he said, "I bet I lost somethings." But he doesn't ...

The danger of porn

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4694 days ago

19 September 2011 (M - What do you think about porn addiction? Many marriages are ending up because porn, prostitution....

BF wants us to watch porn together but I'm worried that witnessing my partner getting turned on by someone much better looking than myself will damage my self esteem

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4695 days ago

18 September 2011 (F - Yesterday, my boyfriend of 2 and a half years brought up the subject of watching porn together and said it was something he would like to try. Personally, I have never watched porn before as I have always thought of it as being degrading. I have no ...

My boyfriend linked me to a site with hentai on it?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4695 days ago

18 September 2011 (F - My boyfriend linked me to a website the other day for a clip of a painter we both like doing a tutorial. The first thing I noticed on opening the web page was all the "hottie women" galleries on the side, and links to hentai, sexy women, and many ...

Girlfriend wants her own nudes on her phone.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4695 days ago

16 September 2011 (M - Ok just a quick question, but first a little background. My girlfriend has in the past given me erotic pictures of her. and now she wants me to send them all to her phone. my questions is, why would she want this? ( im going to leave out the part ...

Is he immature sexually?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4698 days ago

15 September 2011 (F - My boyfriend doesn't seem like most guys I've known and he has me puzzled. I took his virginity about two months ago and the sex we have is pretty good. I'm his first for all things sexual, so ive been patient and so forth. He is very confused by ...

Illegal porn on my guys computer. What do I do

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4700 days ago

13 September 2011 (F - I have been with my partner for 8 months and we are in love. Maybe from being hurt in the past, or my inner feeling, I don't know, but I looked on his laptop and found a clip of illegal porn along with pics of men's private parts. What do I do? ...

How to I get over my porn addiction?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4699 days ago

13 September 2011 (M - Hello there I have been trying to get over my porn addiction, its really difficult, i will go about 3-4 days without it. But i just cant do it I am a Christian but i havnt gone to church in ages I really miss connecting with God, and i need ...

Is my husband turning to porn because he's bored with me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4701 days ago

12 September 2011 (F - My husband has cheated behind my back for 5 years with at least 2 other women, who he was meeting on internet dating sites. I have been tormented by this betrayal and lies for 2 years now. Although he seemed remorseful and promised to neve...

Could someone please explain men's choice of porn? Is who they watch the 'look' that really truly turns them on?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4702 days ago

10 September 2011 (F - So, I really want to understand how a man chooses what porn to watch... my bf watches videos featuring MILFs and latina women, but I am a young (same age as him), Swedish (same nationality as him) girl! Does it mean he prefers older and Latina ...

Am I being overly sensitive because he didn't say sorry for giving me a really bad cold?

This question has 22 answers - newest was posted 4702 days ago

8 September 2011 (F - I'm casually seeing this guy...he is seeing a few other women - to make a long story short, my best friend is his sister and they live together. She thought he was coming down with a cold, so when we went out and I got him some cold medicine. He ...

Do ALL men really watch porn??

This question has 21 answers - newest was posted 4697 days ago

7 September 2011 (F - I guess I should ask this as a curiousity question, aimed at men preferrably. Now, I have been on this site awhile and asked and answered a few questions. What I always hear on the topic of porn- ALL MEN WATCH PORN. Is this true? Now I will say...

I',m upset that I caught my husband with a dirty magagzine

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4684 days ago

6 September 2011 (F - Dear cupid i am married to my husband who i love so much and the other day i called into his work and caught him coming out of the bathroom at work with a dirty mag and i was upset and he was not bothered that i was upset but it made me feel ...

How can I get him to talk to me about his fetish for 'shemales' so we can start building the trust again?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4702 days ago

2 September 2011 (F - So i realize that other people have posted on here about this topic but i was kinda looking to see if anyone could give me advice on my paticular situation. I've been dating my bf for about 3 1/2 years now and we have lived together for a good ...

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