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Archived questions from: May, 2008 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Does his porn preferences mean he is gay or bi?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5889 days ago

30 May 2008 (F - My husband, Does mean he is gay or bi? Been married for a few years and have kids together. He often watches porn and masturbates. I know he likes to watch 2 girls or threesomes. He really loves going down and swears he is a p...y man. But lately ...

My husband always waits until I am at breaking point to say how sorry he is, the niceness then lasts for only weeks! I'm at my wit's end!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5861 days ago

30 May 2008 (F - i have been with my husband for ten years, married six. we have 2 kids. sex was never brilliant, he has ed, but the first year was great, then it slowly got worse. i will cut this down for the average reader!!! I have over the years caught him ...

Just found out that my bf has collected photos of women's breasts sent by email!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5903 days ago

29 May 2008 (F - I just discovered that my boyfriend has collected photos of womens breasts sent to him by email. He met these women online and made the requests personally. I also viewed some messages that he printed and kept, telling a few of the women that he had ...

A scream of orgasm? Or only a gasp?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5888 days ago

28 May 2008 (M - Is noisiness during sex overdone in films/dvds etc? When me and my girfriend have intercourse we do enjoy it but usually the only sounds we make are some gasps during the act and when I orgasm....

Why wont he stop looking at porn, I've bought all his favourite stuff, so why is he still doing it?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5903 days ago

28 May 2008 (F - I am 18 curently married to a 22 yr old and I just had our 6 week year old daughter. When my husband and i first got together there was never an issue of porn. But for the past 8 months he has been looking at porn every 2 or 3 days constantly ...

Is it normal to be jealous of your man watching porn?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5260 days ago

28 May 2008 (F - Hay qupid is it normal to be jealouse of your man watching porn? It seems to make me feel unwanted, i dont mind if he does it when im not around and dont let me know bout it but it makes me feel like he need somone prettier or im not pretty enought ...

My boyfriend uses porn a lot so I tried it too and now I feel awful!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5897 days ago

27 May 2008 (F - Hi Pleae help, I feel really terrible. I found out a few months ago that my boyfriend was fairly heavy porn user. I know it was probably naive but I really hadn't realised, and it really hurt me. I guess if I had known just that he used porn, bu...

He explained that he thinks he loves me but doesn't really know what love is or if he wants to spend his whole life with me!?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5905 days ago

26 May 2008 (F - I have been with my partner for 3 years, we haved lied together for a year and a half and have a 6month old son together. I am very much still in love with him and simply can't imagine not being! Although we've had a lot of problems in the past, ...

More porn on his computer and it's getting me down

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5908 days ago

23 May 2008 (F - hi, i have a bit of an issue, i am with a guy who is 3 yrs older than me, we've been going for 9 months, i stay at his flat on the weekends nd i use his laptop for internet access while im there, everytime i type an address in the address bar, it ...

Is it normal being turned on by incest?

This question has 22 answers - newest was posted 4112 days ago

23 May 2008 (F - i am easily turned on by incest!! watching it, not doing it!! is normal or weird?...

Is there any free software for Mac computers that you would recommend I use to block my access to porn websites?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5909 days ago

21 May 2008 (F - I get very turned on by porn (but wish I didn't). I will go for a long time without viewing it, but then go through a period where I will view a lot. On the one hand, I like to view it for ideas. I have seen some techniques that I hope to use with...

My friend found a condom wrapper. Did he cheat when she was in the hospital having his son?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5910 days ago

21 May 2008 (F - My friend is dating a guy and they just had a baby a couple weeks ago. He cheated on her with her "best friend" last summer, they were all drinking at her house, and her 6 year old daughter woke her up and asked why was Jeremy and laci naked ? ...

Too much porn in my face

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5905 days ago

21 May 2008 (F - For me, it is not that porn is available that is the issue. It is not being able to leave my local freesheet in the bathroom anymore (it contains ads for sheds, second hand wellies and baby rabbits) because it also contains a whole load of...

I looked up the net history: my dad has been viewing porn sites! I'm scandalised!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5909 days ago

18 May 2008 (M - im 16 and my mum and dad have split up and im fine with that and i have a great relationship with both of them. my dad recently bought a new laptop and ive been on it every now and again but now im starting to get worried. i looked up the hist...

What can I do to rebuild the trust he shattered?

This question has 25 answers - newest was posted 5898 days ago

17 May 2008 (F - There's a question here, I swear it. But, as per usual, there's a lot of back story. I'm 27 years old, not overly religious, not a femme-nazi, I don't follow fashion mags, or celebrities...I'm pierced, tattooed, experiment constantly with ...

If I want to look at porn, I have a right, right?

This question has 19 answers - newest was posted 5900 days ago

15 May 2008 (M - My girlfriend found porn on the computer yesterday that we share. I accidentally left the history up and she looked through it and saw what I had been looking at. I told her I was bored and those websites were in the magazine I was reading so I ...

Straight guy turned on by gay porn!!!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5627 days ago

14 May 2008 (M - i'm a normal, straight, 20 year old guy. I've had a couple of girlfriends before, and have one currently. Recently i've been getting attracted to gay porn. It turns me on much more than the straight stuff, so i'm beginning to wonder if i'm turning ...

His porn viewing has ruined our relationship!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5918 days ago

11 May 2008 (F - Hi everybody.I hope you can take sometime to read this, as i am in desperate need of some help. If i may say,i dont want to be told how stupid, immature or pathetic im being. I just need some advice,to really help me out, as my problem is ruini...

My boyfriend has an addiction to amateur porn, is this normal?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5764 days ago

11 May 2008 (F - Hi, My boyfriend and I are both 25. We have been dating for 4 months but he has an addiction to amatuer porn. On top of this I found he had a profile on a dating website which is just for sex. He says he only uses it to see amatuer porn and he delet...

Are there any men out there not obsessed with porn?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5811 days ago

11 May 2008 (F - I was in a long term relation-ship with a guy who was far from the type who goes after big breasted bimbos, and who was interested in feminism and wanted his girlfriend to be his intellectual partner. Sounds great.But it turned out that he had huge ...

If female nudity was not commercially exploited, would there be more cheating?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5920 days ago

11 May 2008 (F - Here's one for the guys...and women if you want to comment too!.... If there were no such thing as media, porn, dirty magazines, playboy, Hooters restaurants, or any exploitation of sexual suggestion, etc., if strip clubs were never invented...

My boyfriend has a fetish for black haired girls!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5048 days ago

10 May 2008 (F - Hi this is going to seem like an odd problem, but its been bothering me awhile. I've always known that my boyfriend of 3 years has had a fetish for black haired women. It's not a problem, until i begin to think about it, or find something, then it ...

He got caught masturbating in a shopping centre!!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5916 days ago

9 May 2008 (F - My b/f often masturbates to porn, i'm o.k with this and sometimes we watch it together. Anyhow last week he got caught masterbating in a shopping centre, now i think maybe i shouldn't have encouraged him. What do you think?...

I discovered my husband enjoys porn. Now I'm going off sex. How can I rebuild it?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5923 days ago

8 May 2008 (? - Okay. So, after I discovered my hubby enjoys watching internet porn, a little too much, I have not felt all. I have accepted my hubby's hobby, because it's just who he is, so that isn't my concern as much as my scarred sex ego. Im only 25, ...

Page 3 model on his phone. What next? Heaps of porn?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5922 days ago

8 May 2008 (F - My boyfriend and I were out with his friends the other day, and my boyfriend wanted to show us something on his phone. When he flipped the phone open, there was a picture of a page 3 model which he told us he is using as a screensaver. My ...

I can't cope with his porn habit-Could our marriage survive this?

This question has 33 answers - newest was posted 5469 days ago

8 May 2008 (F - Ok, deep breath, here we go. I'm in a lot of pain at the moment and don't know where to turn so I hope someone out there can help me. I've been married for nine months. Three years ago when we were due to move in together I found out that he'...

What do most women feel bout men going to strip clubs?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5896 days ago

8 May 2008 (F - Ive been in a relationship for 6 years and am now living with him. Last year he went travelling for a month in Europe and by accident i found a diary from when he was away saying that he'd been to a strip club and had two lap dances. One with one ...

I invited my father to my house to support him through his recovery, only I just discovered he watches child porn! What should my next steps be??

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5918 days ago

5 May 2008 (F - Where to start... My father had a heart attack nearly a year ago, as he was living on his own I demanded he moved in with me, my partner and our young daughter, until he made a complete recovery. He moved in, retired from his job, moved out his r...

Are his porn mags more important to him than me? Is this normal? What can I do?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5927 days ago

4 May 2008 (F - I wanted to know if it is normal for your bf to masterbate to porn mag.'s rather than have sex with me? I always want sex, and he knows it, he looks at porn mag.'s while and after work.He always makes sexual advances when i’m sleeping. I feel li...

My husband likes porn and I cant help but notice that the women in the porn he masturbates over always look very different to me?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5306 days ago

4 May 2008 (F - I have read a lot of the questions and answers on here about porn and there is some interesting reading for sure but I have a husband likes porn and I cant help but notice that the women in the porn he masturbates over always look very ...

My husband has a list of "booty" websites, so...what exactly am I dealing with here?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5930 days ago

2 May 2008 (F - I have been married for a little over a year and found out my husband had made this list of "booty" websites he says some guys at work had shown him. I asked why he wrote this stuff down and he says he was just being stupid, being one of the guys ...

My wife watches porn while I'm at work. Why?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5001 days ago

1 May 2008 (M - i recently discovered that my wife is watching porn when i'm at work. is this normal? is she doing it for personal pleasure because she is'nt satisfied by me?...

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