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Archived questions from: March, 2008 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Newlywed's husband addicted to porn!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5939 days ago

31 March 2008 (F - I have only been married a few months now and have recently discovered that my husband is, what I call, addicted to porn. I didn't really bother me at first and he didn't know that I knew what he was doing. But as time has passed it seems he is A ...

I have a problem with my boyfriend watching porn.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5962 days ago

30 March 2008 (F - I have a problem with my boyfriend watching porn. I just get really jealous. Is this normal or am I just being paranoid???? Should I just let him watch it??? ...

I know it's a sin, but I don't care!!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5790 days ago

29 March 2008 (F - Hello. Well, i'm young and I am very very horny..haha..I am a virgin so I like to masturbate alot..It is not secret..I don't care..anyhow. Pornagraphy is a sin..I am Christian and have been raised that its a sin..and it even says so in the ...

Should I ask her to let me watch porn to get me aroused when we have sex?

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 4868 days ago

28 March 2008 (M - Been in a relationship with a girl for 5 years now... she's my second long-term girlfriend. Before I met her I was into porn, and lad mags, and generally just liked looking at women all the time. After I ended my relationship with my first long term ...

Is my fiance gay??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5964 days ago

26 March 2008 (F - I recently got engaged to a guy I've been dating for 2 years. When we first started dating, a friend of mine mentioned she thought he was gay. I dismissed her, however started paying close attention to his movements (upward little finger, ...

I am so confused by my attraction to girls, I like guys!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5964 days ago

26 March 2008 (F - I have not ever been gay but I have fantasies about having sex with 3 girls at one time. I have had 1 crush on a girl at school in the ninth grade I really liked her she was real pretty and still is. But we didnt work out very well so i am so sad ...

15 and taking erotic pictures for my BF - is that bad?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5969 days ago

23 March 2008 (? - I'm 15 and I take pornagraphic pictures of myself for my boyfriend(16) and he loves them . I'm glad he likes them but somtimes I feel like it's worng for me to do it . Could you give me your opinion. I don't mind taking the pictures and I love ...

My boyfriend prefers masturbation/porn to sex???

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 5960 days ago

20 March 2008 (F - My boyfriend and I live together and have what others consider a perfect relationship. This is going to be a bit long winded, but I feel I need to start at the beginning so that it is all properly understood. When I first moved in, I quickly re...

I can't bear to think of him looking at porn when I am a willing bed partner, it makes me feel so angry and rejected and worthless any ideas what to do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5973 days ago

19 March 2008 (F - Hi I can relate to everything some of you say I met my partner 8 years ago at first although not frequent, sex was really good then four years ago he announced that he no longer wanted sex with me or any other woman I was a bit shocked but took ...

I'm a bit disturbed about some clips I've seen in my boyfriend's computer...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5966 days ago

19 March 2008 (F - I'm a bit disturbed about some clips I've seen in my boyfriend's computer. The setting is in the shower after a seven a side tag rugby match between men and adolescent boys and women, they're all taking a shower together but wearing underpants and ...

What do lads think about girls/girlfriend watching porn, a lot???

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 5954 days ago

19 March 2008 (F - What do lads think about girls/girlfriend watching porn, a lot!? I just want to know if ye have a problem with girls watching porn. Is it a turn off? I would really appreciate your comments!!!...

He lies about porn, can I trust him?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5940 days ago

17 March 2008 (F - I am currently with my bf of 6 months, we're living together already and although 6 months may not seem that long, it's like we've known each other for years. He was my first everything really and have given up allot to be with him properly. I am ...

I'm addicted to porn and I'm female!

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 4028 days ago

16 March 2008 (F - ok I am really starting to worry. I am a girl(16) and i have a boyfriend etc. I am like addicted to porn! seeing what people have wrote on this site, there so not as addicted as iam. i watch it like every single day!! i use to masterbate all the ...

Is it possible he doesn't masturbate to the porn on his computer??

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5673 days ago

15 March 2008 (F - I recently found some porn pictures of nude female models in pictures by themselves and a couple of videos of girls undressing on my boyfriend's computer. We have been dating almost 2 years, and from the time I met him he has always told me that ...

My husband watches porn without me and our sex life seems to suffer. Please help.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5954 days ago

15 March 2008 (F - We have sex about once every 10 days. My husband also watches porn as he says every 10 days. When I say: "Let's watch together." He says: "It's not a turn on". So he watches porn alone. He is unable to ejaculate with me, only with porn. Please ...

He looks at porn - does this mean he doesn't love me?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5728 days ago

14 March 2008 (F - hi my partner has a addiction to looking at porn magazines and acts on them masterbates over them i was just wondering how much of a percentage of partners do this is it that theyre not happy with there sex life and partner i dont know how to think ...

My friends think I am a slut for loving I normal??

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5968 days ago

12 March 2008 (F - Right, iam a girl and some of my friends thinks its weird to watch porn! I watch it like everyday and i always masturbate!! I think i should be a boy. My boyfriend doesnt think its weird; he loves it that i am open about myself but its the girls ...

Why does my boyfriend feel the need to lie or cover up the fact that he looks at porn when I know he does?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5899 days ago

12 March 2008 (F - Why does my boyfriend feel the need to lie or cover up the fact that he looks at porn? I was gone for 4 hours one day and when I came home he was gone and I know that I shouldn't do this and it's wrong of me to look at his computer but under hi...

His phone porn clips make me want to give my number to other men!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5791 days ago

12 March 2008 (F - Please help, i'm not sure if i'm acting the right way. well my bf is 'obsessed' with porn videos or that's what i think. Because he has a whole lot of porn clips on his phone. about 2 months ago I told him to delete these things on his phone and ...

I'm scared my boyfriend will beat me!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5977 days ago

12 March 2008 (F - Ive been going out with my boyfriend Steve for a year now. The thing is, he has troule erecting. He is always watching porn, and I am anorexic, which he finds extremely sexy. Also last year, Dan his friend raped me. I didn't tell Steve as I know he ...

My boyfriend is messing about on the internet. Has he cheated?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5981 days ago

11 March 2008 (F - I have been going out with my bf for nearly 2 yrs and he is 19 yrs old. In Feb 2007 he made an Faceparty account up on the internet and I didn't know about it. However, in Nov I found out about it just browsing through looking for my friends on the ...

I need an opinion from straight women who watch porn.

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4886 days ago

11 March 2008 (M - I need an opinion from straight women who watch porn. What type of porn do you watch - intercourse, lesbian, blowjobs etc. I also need an opinion from gay women who watch porn. What type of porn do you watch - intercourse, lesbian, blowjobs etc...

He always has porn on when he makes love to me...

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5980 days ago

9 March 2008 (F - I was sexually abused as a child and as a result I have problems in bed. I have had therapy on and off for years. I think I am doing better, but my partner tells me I am not, he has told me I am boring in bed and if it wasn't for porn he would not ...

My gf watches too much porn, it has not affected our sex life but I do feel somewhat insecure!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5957 days ago

8 March 2008 (M - This is probably an unusual question but I need help with it so please bear with me I've been with my girlfriend for nearly 4 years, and this has been a problem for about the last 2 and a half, we cannot seem to resolve it. She watches way too ...

My live-in partner has cybersex and watches porn. I want to leave but he always convinces me to give him another chance!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5946 days ago

8 March 2008 (F - I've been dealing with this problem for almost a year now... First of all, I'm 23, and my boyfriend is 42. We met 4 1/2 years ago, when he was still married, and stupid me, I was his "mistress" for a little while until he was busted and got ...

How can I get my husband to stop looking at porn? Should I take erotic pictures of myself?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5934 days ago

8 March 2008 (F - I married my husband a little over a year ago. We now have a baby together. While I was pregnant, I discovered for the first time that he had been looking at porn online, with repeated views of one particular girl. We had been living together for ...

How much porn do men watch? Should I be worried?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5984 days ago

8 March 2008 (F - This question is directed at men, but I'd like anybody's input I can get: I don't think there's anything wrong with porn, I watch a bit of it myself on occasion... but I recently moved in with my boyfriend and I'm realizing that he may be addicted ...

What am I do wrong that makes my husband watch internet porn instead of be with me?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5118 days ago

6 March 2008 (F - What am I doing wrong that makes my husband watch internet porn (daily), but doesn't want to be with me? He tells me he's tired or his back hurts or that I pressure him for sex and so he's not into it. I don't doubt that he loves me, but I am not ...

Cheating on Internet sites

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5987 days ago

4 March 2008 (F - How can I stop my boyfriend from going into porn and the chatting sites? He says he loves me but then again his talking dirty to all this women and lying to them. ...

How do you get your wife to forget the past when it comes to strip clubs / porn?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5290 days ago

3 March 2008 (M - How do you get your wife to forget the past when it comes to strip clubs / porn? Even if you cut way back she still keeps bringing it up and using that for a excuse to not have sex. ...

We used to have sex, multiple times a day. Now it's nothing!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5988 days ago

3 March 2008 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year. We have lived together for about 6 months. About 4 months ago i found out that he was regularly looking at porn on my laptop. I confronted him then and he said he would stop. A month or ...

How can I snoop on my boyfriend's cell phone to see if he's been looking at porn?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5063 days ago

1 March 2008 (F - How can I snoop on my boyfriend's cell phone to see if he's been looking at porn? How do you find out? Do you look at the Internet options on the phone? Please give me some help, I'm so nosy, but I don't want him to know I looked at his phone-ugh. ...

My dad almost discovered a call girl's number in our phone bill and I also can't stop watching porn!...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5989 days ago

1 March 2008 (M - Dear Agony Aunts/Uncles, I am 12 years old, and I can't stop looking at hardcore porn, it just makes me feel so happy. I know I should stop, it's ruining my school and my life, I look at it at least twice a week and spend three hours roughly ...

How can I trust my father to baby sit my newborn, if he is a porn addict?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5991 days ago

1 March 2008 (F - My mother and I are both having a huge issue with my father and online porn. He has always had porn in the house but always hidden and never brought out the whole time I was growing up. Now I am in my mid 20's and he has discovered the internet. ...

The porn debate. Who's right?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5960 days ago

1 March 2008 (F - Alright, after reading some of the discussions on pornography on this website I have some things to say, and a few questions to ask. So these are some of the things p...

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