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Archived questions from: September, 2009 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Isn't reality better than fantasy when it comes to sex?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5413 days ago

30 September 2009 (F - My Psychiatrist BF who is 41 has a 'collection' of over 100 DVD's almost ALL of which are about hetero anal sex, and a few male sex ones. He says he is only "curious" but this 'seems' different to me. I think in the past he had turned to it to ...

Why won't he be honest about watching porn, and share it with me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5415 days ago

28 September 2009 (F - Okay I'll try to make a long story short. I'm in my early 20's bf is in his mid 40's He "has" ed BUT when we first meet he COULDN'T keep his hands off of me. Now 3 years later he watches porn. Unlike many women I don't mind it, I watch it too BUT...

He masturbates to pictures of other women and it bothers me!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5415 days ago

28 September 2009 (F - I've been with my boyfriend for two and a half years now. I don't know whether there is something wrong with me because I know he masturbates to pictures of other women and it bothers me. I've talked to him about it before but he just tells me that ...

Why would he watch porn right after we have sex?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5416 days ago

27 September 2009 (F - Me and my boyfriend have a great sex life. It is always fun and full filling, one thing tho... Sometimes after we have sex and i leave or go to sleep he goes on the pc sometimes within the hour and watches porn. I have expressed how this makes me ...

Why why why?????

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5416 days ago

26 September 2009 (F - Ok I asked a question some hours ago... I'm having so many problems understanding this, and I just feel so bad! The thing is, I had lied to my boyfriend in the beginning of my relationship, and ever since he has judged me for being a liar, but last ...

Is it weird for a girl to enjoy porn?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5359 days ago

26 September 2009 (F - i'm a girl, with a pretty damn good sex life, but i secretly love to watch porn. is that weird? my ex thought it was hot, but he was very open and adventerous, to "normal" guys is it weird for me to like to watch porn?...

Why do I get upset when my boyfriend masturbates?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4429 days ago

25 September 2009 (F - I am wondering... why do i get so upset when my boyfriend masterbates? Why does it bug me he watches porn... i get so jealous as if he wants to be with those women on the porno and then he tells me sometimes he doesnt need porn and that its in his ...

Am I being punished for not being a male?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5419 days ago

25 September 2009 (F - Hi, I have gone through over 11 years of sexual and verbal abuse by my husband. The pain is too much for me. I have had suicidal thoughts of dying and wanted to do all sorts of crazy things that would cause me to die. The type of sexual a...

Porn addiction is ruining my life!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5421 days ago

22 September 2009 (M - I'm looking for advice on how to overcome a porn addiction. I started viewing it during my teenage years out of curiosity and then eventually started masturbating to it, and have been doing that for the past 8 years or so (since I was 22- I am now...

I can't get into sex anymore. I feel like we're just replicating porn scenes...

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5419 days ago

21 September 2009 (F - My partner's porn subscriptions have changed how I feel about him and our relationship. In the beginning, I was okay with it. But the longer we are together, the more turned off I become. I have sex w/ him to please him and derive no REAL pleasure ...

Confrontation or denial?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5418 days ago

17 September 2009 (F - I'm very conflicted over the porn issue. I don't mind watching it together, but I don't like it when he looks at it on his own (how screwed up is that?). I very rarely look at it on my own (except when i'm looking to see what he's been looking ...

Lost in an apparent man's world

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5422 days ago

17 September 2009 (F - So right now I am so upset and sick to my stomach. I feel hopeless.I think I should just be alone for the rest of my life. I know people think i must be crazy , but my boyfriend and I of 4 years were already fighting and I asked him why he deleted ...

How do I stop being so affected by my boyfriend watching porn?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5420 days ago

15 September 2009 (F - Hey guys. Okay this is gonna be pretty long so please bear with me! i have been with my boyfreind for 3 years and we're moving in together soon. The other day i borrowed my his laptop and on the visited websites list there was quite a lot of porn. I ...

He watches porn more than having sex with me, and then lies about it!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5429 days ago

12 September 2009 (F - (It's long, but please read the whole thing before giving advice so you understand everything. Thanks :-D) First off, I want to say, I do not have a problem with porn as long as it's not an addiction. I believe porn can be healthy for a relationsh...

Does downloading 50 gb of porn equate to the use of a vibe?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5433 days ago

10 September 2009 (F - My boyfriend and I are both 25 years old. We've been dating for around 2.5 years. Things are far from perfect, mostly concerning him and other women, and also my own insecurities. Anyhow, recently, the issue with us has been that of porn. In rece...

I'm not gay and don't like gays so why am I thinking like I am?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5383 days ago

6 September 2009 (M - Hi. I watch porn quite regularly and it's usually straight porn. I have sex with girls quite regularly and i do enjoy their company but for the past couple of years i've been thinking about boys too. I have started to watch gay porn and i love ...

I like masturbating to transexual porn, and I think this may be stopping me from losing my virginity...will things change?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5413 days ago

6 September 2009 (M - Hi i wrote a question in a while ago saying that i had a problem because i was very confused as i'm striaght but i am attracted to transexuals. Last time i wrote in i sed i was finding myself wanking over transexual porn and hardly ever over ...

Locked in his room all day looking at porn when I'm in the next room

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5437 days ago

5 September 2009 (F - Me and my boyfriend have been together just under a year. the relationship had a pretty rocky start as he was still in love with his ex. a few months ago we broke up, after he'd been to see her, and he told me that he didnt love me. he called me the ...

He has sexy pictures of women that he knows! Should I bring this up?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5438 days ago

5 September 2009 (F - Ok heres the situation I know alot guys look at porn, and i accept that, but recently our sex life has been next to nothing and we share a computer, and i recently found pictures saved on the computer of women...not just any women, women he ...

He's content, I'm confused: how much more should I take?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5440 days ago

4 September 2009 (F - I've been dating "Craig" for about a year and 3 months. Things were awesome at first we were crazy about each other, couldn't get enough of each other until one day out of the blue, he changed. He doesn't tell me he loves me anymore even if I say it ...

Why do we have to watch porn every single night?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5438 days ago

3 September 2009 (F - Unique porn problem ~ married very sexually active and outgoing have or will try anything at least once. My husband has always liked porn when we were younger it bothered me but, I have 5brothers and I know what boys do :) - but, now the porn is ...

Love problems, porn he's not into me anymore!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5440 days ago

3 September 2009 (F - Ok, where do i start? Me and my fiance have been together for about 8 yrs. I'm turning 21, and hes 30. My fiance used to be really interested in me, always touched me, did all the little things that count, like have a romantic song playing when i ...

He hates my daughter, I hate his porn, but he does have his good aspects!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5442 days ago

1 September 2009 (F - I have a real problem!!..I separated from husband of 17 yrs approx 5yrs ago..i then did the 'wild child thing!!' for approx 3 yrs ie. did one night stands etc.. but eventually settled down to just living on my own with my 2 girls and doing 'what was ...

He says he's not in the mood and then watches porn all night

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5442 days ago

1 September 2009 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly 3 years now and all was great until the past few months. Suddenly he seems very uninterested in me sexually. It makes me feel unattractive and not like a woman at all, I've tried everything from ...

Watching porn makes me feel ugly

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5443 days ago

1 September 2009 (F - I have quite an embarassing and weird problem. You see, fromt ime to time, I watch porn. I'm not a lesbian nor am I bi, but I get off on those women's bodies, because they are so perfect! However I'm very much into men, and I love my boyfriend very ...

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