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Archived questions from: June, 2008 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Can anyone tell me a good website where I can get videos on how to have sex?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5871 days ago

30 June 2008 (M - Can anyone tell me a good website where i can get videos on how to have sex?...

When is watching porn considered an addiction?? I'd love to hear LIERON's views....

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5872 days ago

28 June 2008 (F - Thank you guys for responding to my question: Is it normal for him to want other women? I'd love to hear what LIERON has to say-she seems pretty liberal about porn. I forgot to mention that he masturbates to porn daily, sometimes more, when is ...

How should I feel about my boyfriend looking at photos of naked women?

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 5868 days ago

26 June 2008 (F - How should I feel about my boyfriend looking at photos of naked women? At the moment, I feel like a) I'm not good enough for him and b) upset that he'd even want to look at these I need advice, please....

Another porn problem, with a twist...

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5871 days ago

26 June 2008 (F - OK, so I have a problem and searched it in Google and came across a thread on this site. The dilemma was similar to mine but with some key differences. My would be husband has been looking at porn and just like every other woman poster, it hurts. ...

I hate feeling like this because I feel like I'm a bitter please help me.

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5866 days ago

24 June 2008 (? - I hate teen sex comedies. I actually hate the way sex is presented in most western media. And I want to get over this, I want to be ok with it, I wanna enjoy it if it's possible. For example, all this "American Pie" things... where regular ug...

Porn or prostitution? Which is worse?

This question has 24 answers - newest was posted 5875 days ago

24 June 2008 (M - Is porn more degrading than prostitution? Just wondering what peeps opinions you think that been a porn star or working in a brothel is more degrading? serious answers please...

I've started feeling really paranoid about him checking out 'XXX' sites

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5709 days ago

24 June 2008 (F - I'm 18 and my boyfriend is 19 and i just needed some advice. Is it ok if he browses for girls to check out on sites such as myspace? And he also goes on a site where people put up sexy videos and pics. I have a feeling he gets off to them. I dont...

Is it because of excessively watching porn videos that I have difficulty in maintaining an erection?

This question has 29 answers - newest was posted 5877 days ago

21 June 2008 (M - who thinks that the porn industry wrecks men's sex lives? who thinks porn and to much sexual images causes damage in erections? the reason im asking this question is because for many years i used to masterbate to porn ( 11 years to be exact) b...

Shouldn't he be having a bit of variety (watching porn) as to not become bored with me? Should I encourage him to fantasize about other girls...?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5879 days ago

21 June 2008 (F - Is this too "good" to be true? I feel like something's wrong with it! Either my bf is a liar or seriously commited. The other day we were talking about sex and stuff. I asked him if he ever wanted to go to a strip club. He said he didn't, that it ...

I am having trouble reaching an orgasm with my boyfriend. Please help.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5879 days ago

21 June 2008 (F - I am having trouble having an orgasm with my b/f. It's so annoying because if i watch males stripping on videos, I can orgasm instantly thru masturbation very easily (5 minutes). He even went down on me and though it felt amazing and him touc...

I don't want to be the office whore!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5881 days ago

19 June 2008 (? - so i was in a porn movie about 5 years ago when i was 20, (i was in a very dire and bad situation in my life) but i have grown and learnt from that experience and i have gone to school and got myself a job on a magazine. I am very happy with how I ...

My fling is now sending me naked pics of himself?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5863 days ago

18 June 2008 (F - This guy who I had a fling with a few months ago has suddenly decided to get in contact with me in a hope to get with me again. Now he has sent me naked pictures of himself. I mean we only met once and he seemed really nice the non sleazy guy. We ...

How do I build up the spice in our marriage and allow my husband to keep his porn?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5882 days ago

16 June 2008 (F - okay i found out my hubby looks at porn occasionally which i don't mind really as long as it isn't excessive we have great sex and i know he loves me i mean i get a little jealous sometimes but i haven't talked to him about it yet i definitely want ...

Watching lesbian porn with my boyfriend, and I'm enjoying it!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5489 days ago

14 June 2008 (F - me and my boyfriend have recently been watchin porn togther before having sex and my boyfriend likes to watch lesbian porn because it turns him on alot more, but recently ive noticed that i quite enjoy watchin lesbian porn and it turns me on alot ...

Can men please tell me why they watch porn? Is it because of disatisfaction with you partner?

This question has 24 answers - newest was posted 5879 days ago

14 June 2008 (F - i have a question and i wish that most of the man can answer this. is woman or girl friend or wife needs to be jealous or angry or be mad or upset to their man when they are watching porn. do we woman needs to worry about it? what is you man ...

How can I make myself feel better and trust my boyfriend? and how can I get over my grandma's death?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5886 days ago

13 June 2008 (F - My grandma passed away almost 2 years ago. I was her favorite grandchild. And at the time I just found out I was pregnant and living with her. (When I was 14, my mom started dating a man who would push me around and tell me my family hated me ...

Can an 18 y.o. get in trouble for getting a 15 y.o. pregnant?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5887 days ago

13 June 2008 (F - can an 18 year old only get in trouble for getting a 15 year old pregnant if somone reports him? ...

I'm fed up with my boyfriend and his sexual carry-on!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5888 days ago

13 June 2008 (F - I'm fed up with my boyfriend and his sexual carry-on. We've been living together for almost a year and have sex only once every two months. To make matters worse, he is absolutely obsessed with porn. Every day after he comes home from work he spends ...

Sex Burgers - or people?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5887 days ago

11 June 2008 (F - Which of you out there feel the same as me. In an ideal world which would make me so happy it would be like this: Women would be celebrated for who they are in equal measure, whether it be because they were clever, great Mums, leaders, spo...

Where can a teenage girl who likes porn get it for free?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5379 days ago

10 June 2008 (F - i know that im gonna get alot of smart answers to this.. But im a 16 year old girl, and i'd like to try masturbating to porn.. are there any good free sites? apart from redtube?...

Is he only with me because I'm curvey? I'm insecure about his porn watching, should I give him a chance?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5891 days ago

9 June 2008 (F - Me and my boyfriend have been together for just over three years and throughout the relationship I've made it clear that I'm a bit insecure about my body and that if I found out he'd been looking at other women it would crush my confidence. I rece...

I still miss him, want to speak to him and get some answers and explanations! I feel such a fool but cannot let go!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5891 days ago

9 June 2008 (F - I dated a guy for 10months, we split up 4 months ago and i know i need to move on but need advice how to do this. I still think about him daily and sometimes still get that sickly pining feeling and all i want to do is contact him. It was a real ...

Does it mean he doesn't love me if he lied about the porn?

This question has 116 answers - newest was posted 5878 days ago

4 June 2008 (F - I am torn because my bf of about 8 months looks at porn. I found videos he dowloads, web cams vids and short movies. I am very hurt and feel betrayed. I asked him in the beginning if he looked at porn and he said no. Then i found it on the comp. I ...

He says he's suffering from loss of sex drive, but has been using porn as 'relief.' I'm confused!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5893 days ago

4 June 2008 (F - My partner has confessed that he is suffering from loss of sex drive. I recently found porn on his PC and he says that he used it as relief. He said that if guys don't have sex for a long time, their testicles fill up with semen and it can cause ...

I've tried watching porn with him, but it seems to have backfired and not rekindled our sex life! What do I do from here?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5886 days ago

2 June 2008 (F - I have been with my man for nearly two years now and in the beginning our sex life was fantastic, we couldn't get enough of each other. For the last 6 months he has been on antidepressants to deal with some old chilhood issues. However, we rarely ...

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