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Archived questions from: September, 2010 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

How can you justify looking at violent or rape porn?

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

30 September 2010 (F - I don't just mean like being beaten and screaming, I mean the stuff where the woman gets her head shoved in a toilet, where the guy does anything until she cries or gags, etc... Why is that OK to get off on so long as it's not child porn or ...

Is porn cheating?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4980 days ago

30 September 2010 (F - I don't no weather porn is cheating but every time I find out he is doing it he lies to me and says am inscure but when he promess he wouldt haw does he excpect me to react ????...

Troubles with my fiance: porn, trust, family ...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5048 days ago

29 September 2010 (F - I just stumbled on this site looking for answers to my relationship. Even though I think I already know. I just don't want to admit it! I don't know what my question is? I guess I just what opinions? I started dating this guy almost 4yrs ago. We ...

I have discovered my boyfriend has been contacting girls for webcam sex! What should I do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3068 days ago

29 September 2010 (F - Today I searched on google my boyfriend's mail and the results that appeared all where from comments he posted on porn blogs for girls to contact him (for webcam sex and I don't know for what more). One of them had the date of four days ago and we ...

Why does he look at porn? Am I not good enough for him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5050 days ago

28 September 2010 (F - My husband looks at pictures of hot girls in Maxim. He used to look at porn and it made me sick to think he was doing this behind my back. It wouldn't have been as big of deal if he included me in on it. I was a very attractive girl, but now I'...

Getting married in 6 weeks but can't get over my insecurity and self-esteem issues!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5048 days ago

27 September 2010 (F - Hi all. Im 23, getting married in 6wks (wow!) and i cant get over my self esteem/insecurity problems! My fiance is wonderful, always telling me he thinks im beautiful and the most gorgeous woman in the world etc etc, but most times i laugh or tell ...

Husband looks at young men pornography..has he turned gay?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5048 days ago

27 September 2010 (F - My hubby and i have been together for 15 years and now he has turned to porn and looking at gay site if he is doing this does it mean he is gay or is their mor to it cause i dont understand why he would do this. we have children and he looks at ...

I watch porn so I'll be ready for sex

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5040 days ago

27 September 2010 (F - I am a girl teen virgian and i like to watch porn so when i do have sex ill be ready is that weird and is in normal to masturbate?...

Bennefits of Porn

This question has 22 answers - newest was posted 5024 days ago

23 September 2010 (M - Hi: I have read a lot of negative things at forums about the dangers and evil of PORN (OMG) and wish to offer my perspective on Porn. When I got caught up in Porn, it was not because something was missing in my current marriage. I just liked ...

Am I the only one who hates the smell and taste or sperm?

This question has 22 answers - newest was posted 5043 days ago

22 September 2010 (F - This may be strange or maybe this is common...You tell me. I can not stand the smell or taste of sperm! I freely give my husband (of 25 yrs) BJ when he wants, let him cum on my chest and he has even rubbed it on my face BUT it makes me gag! ...

Husband doesn't like the looks of me. We have sex and then he watches porn!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5057 days ago

22 September 2010 (F - my husband watched porn after we had sex the other night. before we had our son we i always used to ask him sometimes argue about the fact that we dont get intimate.he would say so what big deal if i watched porn all men do it. i have always ...

Hes pretty much got a whole porno store should I just move on?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5057 days ago

21 September 2010 (F - My situation is this....I am 46 and my boyfriend of almost 2 years (whom lives with me in my house) he is almost 41. Little age difference there but not a LOT. Well, the first week after he moved in, I caught him in the office at his computer with a ...

Why do men in relationships watch porn?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5057 days ago

21 September 2010 (F - why do men in relationships have to look at porn sites of women and women as well as men and women and watch sites with other men jerking off?...

Is online flirting and porn entertainment... a sort of infidelity?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5050 days ago

21 September 2010 (M - My wife is really upset that I log into dating chatroom websites, sex webcam sites, and porn sites and view the contents and talk to online flirts, such as myself. I see this as a bit of harmless flirting and a diverting form of entertainment. Why ...

Why is LYING about porn and HIDING it even worse than the porn itself?

This question has 37 answers - newest was posted 5024 days ago

21 September 2010 (M - So from all the porn questions and answers on here, it seems many women think a guy's lying about his porn use and hiding it are actually WORSE than the porn itself. They cannot understand why anyone would lie about something like that and go behind ...

Will I always have to tolerate porn?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5058 days ago

19 September 2010 (F - I hate porn, will I always have to tolerate it being in a relationship? I mean, I only had one boyfriend, and we had sex, a lot. Of course, it bothered me he looked at other women naked. I didn't look at other men naked, because I knew it made him ...

My husband is into porn and ignores me, what should I do?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5059 days ago

18 September 2010 (F - I have a big problem... my husband is no longer intimate with and me but yet he finds time to watch all the porn he can. I dont understand it. Am i boring him? Am i not attractive to him any more? Its making it real hard for me especially since ive ...

My husband promised not to watch porn, but ...

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5047 days ago

16 September 2010 (F - Hi Everyone.Im glad i found this site.Im really depressed and angry that my husband watches porn every chance he gets behind my back.we have been maried for 6 years.we used to atch porn together but suddenly he told me he does not feel comfortable ...

Son looking at pornography on the computer?

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 5064 days ago

14 September 2010 (F - I recently caught my son on the computer looking up pornography and masturbating, i sent him to his room and told him not to ever again, and that it was wrong. i think i did the right thing, but I'm not sure. he's only 11 and it seemed like he was ...

Why do guys watch porn while they are in a stable relationship?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5062 days ago

13 September 2010 (? - Why do guys watch porn WHILE they are in a stable relationship? I found TEEN porn on my bf's computer. That makes me feel not good enough. Why do guys watch it, what is so interesting. I cant stand the thought that my bf is watching at other ...

Hurting mentally and emotionally in Ohio

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5056 days ago

13 September 2010 (F - I am sorry to say this, but, I am so glad there are others going through this and I'm not alone. My bf of 2 years is really bad into the porn all he wants to do is look at masturbation and not touch me, it hurts so much I cant even think straight, I ...

We have sex 5X a week and he still needs porn?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5065 days ago

13 September 2010 (F - Hello. My bf and I have sex about 5 times a week, but he still watches porn alone and masturbates. I have never had a problem with him watching porn, but does this reflect on me? Am I not enough?...

I feel I have to change myself to look like these pornstars he looks at daily......

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5068 days ago

10 September 2010 (F - hi im 25 and live with my partner of 6years,we have two children,together..we have a great sex life,we watch porn together sometimes and i know he also watches it a lot online by checking history. I dont mind him watching as I know all men do its n...

Does anyone else feel that by men constantly watching porn means that they will never be really happy with a real partner?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5062 days ago

8 September 2010 (F - Does anyone else feel that by men constantly watching porn means that they will never be really happy with a real partner? Of course most wives will never be as attractive as skinny teen porn stars - because they are not teenage any longer, pert boo...

Should I just leave him alone? I don't trust him now!

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5019 days ago

7 September 2010 (F - helow. Im 19 and im having problems wit my bf. He is 20 and we have been going owt 4 two n a half years nw. He always says he loves me. Bt i dnt trust him. A year ago i found porn on his phone. I confronted him abowt it n he sed he wil neva du it ...

Bad(ish) boyfriend suddenly becoming wonderful overnight, turns out he's been watching porn. Help?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5062 days ago

4 September 2010 (F - Sorry guys, it's another porn story, but please listen to me. I've been with my boyfriend for about 2/3 years now. He was wonderful at the start, but then he seemed to stop caring. He wouldn't do anything nice for me, didn't call me beautiful, di...

Is my guy lying to me ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5074 days ago

3 September 2010 (F - Hi i'm 26 yrs old my boyfriend is 24 we have been dating for a little over 2 month now. we have definatly started out hot and heavy already in love and having great sex. But I recently found out that he has had several porn internet sites that are ...

Violence in the marriage, wondering about another guy

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5076 days ago

3 September 2010 (F - I am 34 have been married for 10 years with 2 young children. My marriage has always had problems especially violence on occasions, husband committed more to work than family and husbands porn addiction, lots of lying for the majority of our ...

Is there anything I can suggest instead of porn blocking software that would be fair on both of us, and that would make him stop lying to my face?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5066 days ago

2 September 2010 (F - Towards the beginning of my relationship with my boyfriend I found out he looked at porn. I asked him not to, because the thought of it made me feel very insecure. He agreed, and promised that he'd stop looking. But he didn't, and after a while a ...

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