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Archived questions from: April, 2011 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Are there too many red flags that I am blind to?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4835 days ago

30 April 2011 (F - is my husband gay if he watches shamale porn, and yeah i know the question has been asked a biillion times but my case is a little different. first of all i am bi, so i can understand if he was to, but i didnt find out about the porn until a few ...

Boyfriend thinks he can watch all the porn he wants after our baby is born!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4837 days ago

29 April 2011 (F - My boyfriend likes porn. He watches it every chance he gets and I've told him I hate that he watches so much of it but he starts getting into the statistics that all guys watch a ton of porn and blah blah. It really irritates me. And I am already ...

I told b/f I hate him watching porn but he says its normal

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4838 days ago

28 April 2011 (? - my boyfriend watches porn and i am not happy about it. i think he watches far to much even though he has me. i am willing to experiment, but he chooses these porno girls. i have told him i hate it but he says it fine and natural. is it? i am also ...

Is this the beginning of the end?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4839 days ago

28 April 2011 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together 10 happy months. We are in a committed long-distance relationship currently and we get along very well. However, I'm concerned with the amount of time he spends "pleasuring himself." Since we are so far away and ...

What should I do? Should I Forgive Him For Watching Porn?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4839 days ago

27 April 2011 (F - I don't knoe what to do? I do feel weak and feel like going back to him, but this break ups always happen, but now i really need to think about it, i need help. Ever since we started out, he would leave me home and he would go drink with his f...

My husband lies about porn and looking at other women...I feel like he's a different person with me.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4833 days ago

27 April 2011 (F - My husband is always telling me that he looks at other women but does not drool or make inappropriate comments about them. The other day i called my husband and his phone was in his pocket and picked up without him knowing. I heard him talking to ...

Why would he have this type of porn on his computer?

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

27 April 2011 (F - I found heaps of Asian porn on my husbands computer. Now I am worried he prefers them to me and I am getting very upset about it. Everytime we go out I am worried he is perving at them and preferring them to me. We fight about it all the time. I am ...

My 'always tired' boyfriend looks at porn all day while I work. Is it time to leave him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4842 days ago

25 April 2011 (F - My boyfriend and i have been together four years in i'm starting to feel like i should leave him, because we hardly ever have sex i love him more than anything but i'm starting to get irratated at him.. he's always like i'm tired......

I've received an offer to work in the porn industry. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4761 days ago

24 April 2011 (? - i worked as a shot girl in a club. i basically wear a g string, a micro skirt and a crop top. for those who dont know a shot girl goes around dressed like i described handing out shots. anyway, i got chatting to a guy one work night. i finished earl...

I discovered my husband watches porn...I am threatening divorce

This question has 38 answers - newest was posted 4719 days ago

20 April 2011 (F - Hi, I have been reading various questions and answers recently and have a question of my own to ask you all: About 5 years ago I discovered husband had been watching porn, I came across this quite innocently while looking through our music librar...

Whom do men really have on their minds the next time they have sex after watching porn? Their partner or the hot chick from the last porn they watched ?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4847 days ago

18 April 2011 (F - My husband used to watch porn quite a lot, wich I found out by accident. I was shocked and confronted him later after I couln't keep those tremendous hurt feelings to myselfe anymore. After a while he was able to cut his visits to the pornsites ...

I am married but have no sex life because of my wife!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4841 days ago

18 April 2011 (M - I am married in long distance relationship, my wife come last year on my country to us get married .I know that she loves me, I don't have any doubt about it. her family in USA doesn't know that we got married here in my country Colombia. The pr...

He messed up our relationship, but he's not maing the effort to get me back!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4847 days ago

17 April 2011 (F - Hmm okay so this recent tuesday i was suppose 2 see my boyfriend and he never showed up cause he was in Jail and i never thought the reason would be this: so he told me he found a phone of a girl co-worker and it was those new high tech pho...

I told him I thought the decreasing intimacy in our relationship was a problem and he said I was moaning. Was I wrong?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4850 days ago

16 April 2011 (F - hi, i've been dating a guy for the past nine months and we get on well, both love each other but every other month our work patterns go out of sync for a month and then return into sync again because his shifts fall back in line with my weekends...

Looking at porn in a relationship. Is it cheating? Why is he pushing me away?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4851 days ago

16 April 2011 (F - Ive been with this guy for 5 years now. when we got together i told him my veiws about porn. its cheating. we have been through heaps together. We have a daughter together and everything. When i was pregnet everything changed. He started spending...

Ladies can you tell me why you hate porn or why you think other women hate it?

This question has 21 answers - newest was posted 4848 days ago

16 April 2011 (M - Why do women hate porn so much? I agree that when it becomes an addiction, their is a problem. However why, when a guy watches porn only occasionally, and has sex at least once every 2 days? I mean, it's not an addiction but only to spend time. ...

Guys- if you're in a good relationship, do you still watch porn?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4851 days ago

16 April 2011 (F - So about a month ago I found out my boyfriend was watching porn. Mainly on the days when we don't have sex. We've been living together for about two years and I've always been the sexually frustrated one bc I have a super high libido. I usually have ...

My husband has a sex addiction and I'm considering leaving him...Advice?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4852 days ago

16 April 2011 (F - I have been with my husband for going on 13 years now and we have three kids ....But he has had a problem with what I think is a sex-addiction. He has had problems calling sex chat lines , signing for up for single sites and so on, but now I have ...

Found Dad's history of porn on computer. Should I confront him or tell my mum?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4853 days ago

14 April 2011 (M - my mum and dad have been married for about 18 years and recently things have been a bit awkward. they have been arguing quite a bit and my mum even told me a few weeks ago that she was getting fed up of my dad because i was upset and said that i was ...

Are men aware of what porn does to their sex drive?

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 4844 days ago

11 April 2011 (F - With all this so easy to reach pornstuff these days and especially men of all age groups spending lots of time on pornsites, I wonder what happens to their sex drive and joy of having sex with there partners. It makes me sad to read from so many ...

Just had a baby and not feeling too great about my body, and now I find out my boyfriend is watching porn! What should I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4853 days ago

11 April 2011 (F - I've just had a baby so am not really comfy with my body at the minute, but I've just recently found out that my boyfriend and my babies dad has been watching porn on the internet and Im not sure how to feel or what I should do about it?...

I kicked him out because he watched too much porn, please advise.

This question has 19 answers - newest was posted 4849 days ago

10 April 2011 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for a year now (we are both 30) and we moved in with each other at the end of November. I have been blissfully happy and not even thought about anyone else, I was ready marry this person and have children. I used to go ...

Is animated "better" than real porn?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4842 days ago

10 April 2011 (M - Hi, I've been reading the questions regarding porn, and I was wondering if animated porn was "better" than real porn as it's just cartoons? Or are they as bad as eachother?...

After 5 years husband confesses addiction to Pornography?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4854 days ago

8 April 2011 (F - I have been married for 5 yrs. All this time I thoguht my husband was addicted to my body. But,Now my husband tells me that he loves big boobs and that all this time he has been entertained himself with porn videos on Youtube, watching women with ...

My dads porn addiction is hurting our family!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4857 days ago

8 April 2011 (F - A little back story: My mom and I are very close, so we talk to each other like friends often. Because of that, I know a lot about her and my dad's relationship. My dad has been experiencing some Erectile Dysfunction issues over the past two...

He says he got rid of his porn for me. Should I believe him?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4855 days ago

8 April 2011 (F - i have a question that is mostly for guys.. i want to start by saying that i am very aware that when a girl tells a guy she wants him to get rid of his porn, usually he just hides it.. but in my case, i never told him how i felt about it, the to...

I found out about my husband's sex secrets after he had an accident. Why doesn't he understand that I am upset?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4860 days ago

7 April 2011 (F - my husband has been addicted to porn for many yearswe have been to many councilors irecently found out he has been masterbating with abroomstick in rectum he had fallen and perferated his colon he had to get acolonostomy bag iwas devastated ifound ...

Why is Hardcore Porn so popular and why do people defend it so fiercely?

This question has 27 answers - newest was posted 667 days ago

5 April 2011 (F - Why do men get off on watching women being so obviously humiliated and abused in hardcore porn? For whatever reason the women are made to look as if they are being violated and taken violently for pleasure purposes of those watching.... I just re...

Why has he stopped mastubating over me and thinks about girls we know instead?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4862 days ago

5 April 2011 (F - my boyfriend told me he masturbates over me and porn which i was fine with, but yesterday he came out with the fact he doesn't masturbate over me anymore he does it over other girls we know and porn. This really upset me, why would he do it over ...

Boyfriend and I have completely opposing views on porn. Is this a possible deal breaker?

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 4861 days ago

5 April 2011 (F - Hi everyone, I'm 24 and I've been with my boyfriend, who's 25, for about four months and all had been going great; he's kind, caring, generous and always puts me first. However, I noticed on his internet browser history a couple of week...

Sexually Frustrated and in need of Suggestions.......

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4862 days ago

4 April 2011 (F - I am trying to find a way to express to my boyfriend of 9 months that I am sexually frustrated, and something has to change now, or I'm out. Age shouldn't be an issue as he is 32 and I am 42, we are both experienced, and we have both had long term ...

I have this amazing GF, but I watched porn and the guilt is killing me. What should I do?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4850 days ago

4 April 2011 (M - Hi, I'm living with housemates and girlfriend. I love my girlfriend very much, I think she is amazing and so beautiful and incredible. I'm so lucky to have her. Last summer when we were apart, I went on porn loads during the week and I felt...

When I leave the house boyfriend watches porn. Is he a weirdo?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4858 days ago

2 April 2011 (F - everytime i leave the house my b/f of 5 years watches porn and chats, he never admits it, and when i mention it he gets really mad and it's a major fight and he says i'm crazy that it's not true. when i get home and go on the computer he sometimes ...

I'm feeling unsettled about boyfrend's porn

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4866 days ago

1 April 2011 (M - I have been dating a guy of 35 for 18 months who is lovely and kind and caring and we get on really well. However it really is bugging me that when we first met I found he had a huge collection of porn and I mean huge. He has downloaded years and ...

Is setting up a webcam on a porn account cheating? Am I overreacting?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4858 days ago

1 April 2011 (F - my boyfriend of 2 years had an account with a webcam live porn site late last year and i freaked out about it saying its like cheating so he told me he wouldnt use it anymore. I told him I dont mind him looking at regular porn and that i just dont...

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