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Archived questions from: May, 2015 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

So men, does it have to be one or the other? Do you think he just doesn't want me?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3334 days ago

31 May 2015 (F - I am a good person, devoted and loyal to my boyfriend. Problem is his porn addiction and total obsession with woman, his rude comments hurt and he knows I don't like it, but hasn't stopped. Sex is very rare and mostly he wants oral sex. I'm lonely ...

How do I get past this betrayal so that we emerge stronger as a couple?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3346 days ago

28 May 2015 (F - Hi all My boyfriend of 5 years was addicted to porn and because he was desensitized to average porn he signed up to ^^^ buddy websites for a different kind of thrill (real women) He didn't contact anyone on these sites or even fill in his ...

Help! My 14 yr old daughter is viewing porn

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3344 days ago

23 May 2015 (F - My 14 yr old daughter has been viewing porn on the internet. We have discussed this and she said she was curious, my husband doesn't feel it's a big deal because he had playboys. I am more concerned because I was having sex at her age and don't want ...

My husband and porn..he has why does he need that?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3347 days ago

22 May 2015 (F - I feel so inadequate and undesired. I've been dealing with something for about a year now. I'm in a relationship for about 5 years and sex was so amazing the best I've had but in this last year it's taking a nose dive. I need some ideas and some ...

Why does so much of porn refer to women by using demeaning names for the women?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 3347 days ago

19 May 2015 (F - I was reading some other posts here and it got me thinking. Why does so much of porn refer to women by using demeaning names? I can't really repeat the titles as children may read her but even the biggest most popular sites have titles that refe...

Always young and physically perfect: Why do the porn mags and sites predominately use these type of women?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 3358 days ago

17 May 2015 (F - Lots of questions from women worried that they don't meet mens beauty standards and the usual answers say something along the lines of men are forgiving of flaws, women are their own worst enemies etc But when one looks at the images men consume ...

I am trying to understand how women are not supposd to feel hurt and objectified in this pornification culture

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3344 days ago

12 May 2015 (F - Really trying to understand how women are not supposd to feel hurt and objectified in this pornification culture It is true that men care about women’s look , at least a large majority of them do. One only has to look at their lads mags and porn...

I feel very guilty after I watch porn. How can I resolve these problems?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 3364 days ago

11 May 2015 (? - Hello, I feel very guilty after I watch porn. I typically only watch it once every few months, so it is by no means a habit or addiction. I have been single for a while, and don't feel comfortable with random hookups, but I do get rather sex...

How do I get my boyfriend's attention off of porn and on to me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3364 days ago

10 May 2015 (F - How do a get my boyfriends attention off of porn and back onto me cuz we have NO and when i say NO i mean NOOOOOO. sex life anymore. Plz help I'm desperate here he has a serious addiction to porn....

I'm broken, my husband is watching daddy-daughter porn

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 2213 days ago

9 May 2015 (F - Sorry if you get this twice I tried to do it secretly but closed out before I got the secret code. So I signed up to ask my question. My husband has battled porn all his life porn addiction isn't new to this family or the emotional effect it has ...

Are people today really so damaged by the porn culture that they can't even see the difference?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3366 days ago

9 May 2015 (F - I have a question about porn . Often I see the argument that potn is no differnet to a woman watching movies or novels . However this fails to address the fact that porn is largely based around glorifying calling women bakes like slurs whites and ...

My guy never wants sex yet he's always using porn. Is it ok for me to cheat?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 3366 days ago

8 May 2015 (F - Hello well i love sex who doesn't. MY MAN that's who we never have sex his always tired body hurts not to mention he doesn't take any notice when i dress up get my hair and nails done.when I'm out he is constantly watching porn like all the time ...

I'm pregnant and my partner would rather masturbate and watch porn then have sex with me

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3368 days ago

7 May 2015 (F - Hello, well... This feels very awkward for me. I've always been someone who figured things out on her own. I'm to the point of breaking that I turn to you all. I'm engaged to a great (or at least good) man. I'm also pregnant with a 7 year o...

Every man I've ever been involved with has sought out porn featuring women who look different than me!

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 3369 days ago

5 May 2015 (F - Why does every man I'm with seem to prefer the typical porn star look to me . Without fail every man I've ever been involved with has sought out potn Witb womrn who are compeltely different to me , usually young and blonde and thin I'm pretty s...

I like guys. Yet lesbian porn turns me on. Does this mean I might be bisexual?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3369 days ago

5 May 2015 (F - Okay, so first off I know it's impossible for me to be a lesbian because of my strong romantic, emotional and sexual attraction to men. I don't have an emotional or romantic attraction to any woman and never have. I remember in 9th grade, two of my ...

Is fantasizing sexually about people (real or fictionous) a sin? If so, how do I overcome it?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3371 days ago

4 May 2015 (F - I guess it started about twelve years ago. I was eleven and liked to read online stories about my favorite characters. They were written by people all across the world, fans who were just as fanatic as I was. It was an incredible way to live on ...

Is it normal for me to feel turned off by my bfs porn use? The porn is always portrayed with younger women

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3371 days ago

4 May 2015 (F - Is it normal for me to feel turned off by my bfs porn use? Knowing that he is watching and getting off to younger women who nearly always look perfect seems to affect my sex drive with him and I can't seem to feel sexy . I am a healthy woman in...

Does he love me or is staying married taking the easy way out?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3371 days ago

2 May 2015 (F - My husband and I seperated mainly due to growing apart over the years. We were more like buddies and although we had a solid sex life , he was always using porn behind my back when we had agreed this would not be part of relationship and he would ...

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