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Archived questions from: April, 2009 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

I need help! Why doesn't my husband want to have sex with me?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4389 days ago

29 April 2009 (F - My husband never wants to have sex with me. Our sex life consists of me giving him blow jobs and very, very occassionally he might grace me with a couple of minutes penetration to stop me grumbling. I am sooooooo sexually frustrated and m...

We agreed not have watch porn, now I've seen he's been searching it...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5565 days ago

29 April 2009 (F - Me and my boyfriend told each other that we would not watch porn when we weren't around each other - a mutual agreement... However, I have watched porn once and literally by accident just now, I have seen on his past searches that he has been loo...

I just found out my boyfriend has his own pornsite and sells viagra over the net.

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28 April 2009 (F - I work as a accountant and have just found out my boyfriend has his own pornsite and sells viagra over the net. He also films and recruits women from a local chat site. Hes making millions but im scared becuase we work for the same company. His site ...

Having a child with a man who doesn't know what his sexual preference is!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5512 days ago

28 April 2009 (F - I started dating this guy about three years ago before we ended it. We dated 3 months before we had sex and after that we only had sex once a week for about 2 months. I asked why were we only having sex once a week or 4 times a month - his answer ...

We only had sex 5 times that week and then he put porn on when I was sleeping!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5569 days ago

28 April 2009 (F - Hello all, I'm in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend. I see him every two months or so. I just got back from visiting him. I spent 7 days with him. We hardly made love. Maybe 5 times. Four days before I was about to leave, I was asl...

I've told him no more female friends

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5568 days ago

28 April 2009 (F - I have been with my partner for almost 15 years, we were both quite young when we men 18/20. I was his first sexual partner. All couples have ups and downs, we have managed to get through most problems. Of course the usual things bother me althou...

Going out for a year..cheating on me with porn

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5561 days ago

27 April 2009 (F - my boyfriend n ive been going out for the last year and a few months. despite our young age, we really do have a fantastic sex life, or so i thought. few days ago i found a folder in his computer that was created a month after we started going out, ...

Boyfriend chooses porn over me

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5570 days ago

27 April 2009 (F - iam 22 with a boyfriend who would rather look at porn then have any fun with me. iam so unhappy that he does that. i wish i knew what to do. i need advice on how to tell him how i feel ....

Porn - I want to be the only woman!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5566 days ago

26 April 2009 (F - I know this has to be a common complaint, but i found porn on my boyfriend's computer. I wasn't even looking for it...just came up when i was typing in a website. Well i checked his history then, and found porn were all the top sites. The probl...

I need your advice... How can I ever trust him again?

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26 April 2009 (F - I asked a question here at (however, I lost the password to the account, and can't remember the email address I signed up with, so please delete my old account!) Gina su...

Husband now asking when I will be home ect...pornography involved

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5567 days ago

25 April 2009 (F - hi i really do need some advice on this matter as i am driving myself mad, I have found out that my husband is looking at porn on the internet and that he had subscribed to a few sites that girls get back to you on, he is doing this when i am at ...

I feel so betrayed that he watches porn instead of having sex with me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5573 days ago

24 April 2009 (F - my boyfriend told me since he's been with me he hardly ever watches porn. i was fine with it at first, but now it really eats me up. when i look on the computer and find out he's been looking at it, i fell like i'm not enough, i mean i do everything ...

My husband watches porn over me

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5572 days ago

23 April 2009 (F - I don't know what to do anymore. My husband and I met about 4 1/2 years ago. At first it was all roses and sunny days. But after the first year he started wanting other women. I almost left me when I was pregnant because he was bored with me ...

We're finished and I don't want him, but why does it bother me that he is now engaged and has a child with someone else?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5573 days ago

23 April 2009 (F - I am struggling getting over a relationship from 9 years ago. He was my first real boyfriend and I gave everything to him. I broke it off with him after a year when I found out he was hiding the fact he was looking at porn on the computer and ...

Why does he need porn if he has me?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5566 days ago

23 April 2009 (F - Iv'e just found out my boyfriend has been watching pornography and i feel betrayed and inadequate if he loves me like he says he does why does he need to look at porn?...

Question for men: Does porn get you off or is it a fantasy that you would like to act out for real?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5575 days ago

21 April 2009 (F - I'd like to ask any men out there,if you get off on something on porn movies does this mean it is a fantasy that you would like to act out for real??? My partner of 7 years has been watching porn ,but 95% of it was anal sex!I decided to ask him if t...

Early childhood experiments

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5576 days ago

20 April 2009 (M - This might seem a little strange but what is the earliest age you remember experimenting sexually with girls and or boys (this is directed at both men and women, gay bi or straight.) I am trying to figure if I started at a 'norm' age you know what ...

We're getting married in 3 weeks time! Is he always going to be a liar?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5574 days ago

20 April 2009 (F - OK... I have been dating the same guy for 4 years. He use to always look at porn, I asked him to stop because it hurts me and he promised he would. I caught him doing it again! He then put a ring on my fingure and promised again he would not look at ...

Why does he always prefer porn to me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5576 days ago

20 April 2009 (F - I have been married to my 2nd husband now going on 18 years. In the beginning of the relationship we had a great sexual yearning for each other. We lived together for 2 years prior to marrying so 20 years altogether. This started about the year of ...

He goes to porn sites to see skinny women,anal sex, squirting!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5575 days ago

20 April 2009 (F - Hello,i am a 26 year old female with what i always thought was quite a lot of confidence about my body!Recently i have discovered that my partner of almost 7 years has been using porn frequently-now i don't mind the porn,its the skinny size 0 girls ...

Should I believe him? He said he didn't post profile and messages on online dating sites.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5572 days ago

17 April 2009 (F - hey there i need advice as im soo confused me n my bf hav bin 2gtha a yr, i had my doubts about him cheating as hes told me a few lies in the past, so i decided to do some hunting. i went on to google n typed in the user name he uses the most, t...

His comment to the porn and DVDs I found: "My private life is my private life". Is there hope in this marriage?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5579 days ago

17 April 2009 (F - I'm 33, and my husband's 35. I was off work yesterday and cleaning the house to make it look nice, since we have guests coming over at the weekend. Our house looked sparkling, and still does now. I was shocked however to discover DVDs hidden ...

Why does he use Porn to get off...and ignores me??I am more than willing!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5558 days ago

17 April 2009 (F - Hi... i feel kinda embarassed to asked this but i have to since i cant get answers from my bf.. We've been together for almost 7 months now, out of all that time he has been watching porn for like 1 1/2 almost EVERY DAY.. He didnt tell me he was ...

What do I do about all the trouble and insecurity I have in this relationship?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5580 days ago

16 April 2009 (F - me and my mate of 8 years are always arguing about everything and anything.he has trust issues with me and i have trust issues about him ever since i found porno flicks and a female video of him taping her ass and commenting on how her ass is big ...

My husband is into shemales

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5562 days ago

15 April 2009 (F - The sexual relationship with my husband is almost non-existent. We have sex once or twice a month on average. He doesn't seem sexually attracted to me. I tried talking to him about it, and he gave me a bunch of excuses, then suggested I should be m...

My husband prefers porn over me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5581 days ago

15 April 2009 (F - hello i have a question. I been married for 6 years my relation with my husband has gotten bad we fight allot and about a year a found out he was cheating on me so we often fight becouse of that. We havent had sex for about 5 months he always tells ...

Feeling insecure about my bf watching porn, would us watching it together help?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5581 days ago

15 April 2009 (F - I've been living with my boyfriend for almost 4 months now and we've been together for about a year. I had always assumed that he watched porn, and I've never had any issues with it because I know most people do (myself included). Although I've ...

My fiance likes to wear my daughter's underwear!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5577 days ago

15 April 2009 (F - I've been with my boyfriend/fiance for a year now and we live together along with my 15 yr old daughter and his 15 yr old son.. about 4 months into our relationship I did a load of laundry for him and found a pair of womens underware in his ...

B/f watches porn and doesn't care how I feel about it

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5576 days ago

14 April 2009 (F - My boyfriend and I have been dating for 1 year now and the other day i found out he had been watching porn on my computer and lying to be about what he was doing. I was so incredibly hurt by this I cried non stop for days, it feels like im not good ...

Curious: How does porn turn people on?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5583 days ago

14 April 2009 (F - Hey y'all what's up! How's it going? Okay I need to know how in the hell does porn turn ppl on? It's just naked ppl hooking up! Just go to your spouse or the one you love! And in my opinion Its gross!! But I just need to know how does porn turn u ...

Confessions of an Agony Uncle

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 775 days ago

13 April 2009 (M - On the 4th of November 2008 I signed up for a name and posted my first answer on this site. It was some quiet advice on career choices. Last night I posted my 100th. Just a bit of general advice on sex. In between I've gotten my ire up about ...

I found him downloading porn dealing with animals

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5584 days ago

12 April 2009 (F - I have been in a relationship with a guy for 2 and a half years now. I love him with all my heart, but I dont know what to do anymore. Long story short, when we first got together, anytime I asked him anything [about his past, about what...

Being forced to do things on a webcam

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5479 days ago

11 April 2009 (F - my boyfriend and i are long distance. he asks me to do things on webcam that i feel uncomfortable doing but i think if i dont then i'll loose him. i still dont do it. but idk what to do. if i had the confidence yeah i would. but i dont and when i ...

Straight, & watching lesbian porn??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5588 days ago

9 April 2009 (F - Kay so heres the deal guys. I'm straight.. but when it comes to watching porn.. I like lesbian porn more than straight porn! Now, what's up with that?? Just curious, thanks :)...

Do you think my husband is a sociopath?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5568 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - I just found out that my husband has a lust and masterbating problem. We have been married 22 years this june. I was just blown away when I figured it out. He confessed of the lies and lusting. He has been doing this for 22 years and because of all ...

Do women like to view porn?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5558 days ago

7 April 2009 (M - it is an old new quistion, please girls answer me i need more answers please GENERALY does women love to view porn?? because most of the girls that i know deny, while i am sure they do...

He still has porn in his computer. I feel like I cant trust him anymore

This question has 37 answers - newest was posted 5574 days ago

6 April 2009 (F - i was looking through my husbands computer and i found some porn movies i was shocked because i thought he stopped watching long time ago what should i do ? i will talk to him about , but how can i make sure that he doesn't watch again ? i feel like ...

15 and addicted to porn!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5582 days ago

5 April 2009 (M - I need help with my porn addiction, I have been looking at it for I don't know how long. I have tried to stop but I can't, I am Addicted. I need any help I can get....

PORN raises its ugly head again!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5591 days ago

5 April 2009 (F - I found porn on my boyfriends computer and it made me feel really betrayed and uncomfortable, I don't usually have a problem with that kind of thing, but he told me he doesn't watch it now. I don't know if I'm just being over dramatic which he says ...

Am I right to dump my long term partner?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5591 days ago

5 April 2009 (F - do you think i am right for dumping my long term partner over this? i hardly get to speak to friends as this guy is very paranoid and constantly thinks im up to something so i did everything to make him happy. once i done this we lived together ...

My wife watches porn when I am away!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5592 days ago

4 April 2009 (M - I am 32 and married. In some occasions I watched porn with my wife. Afterwords she said it was not a good idea and rejected it so I stopped. Lately I have seen she is watching porn while I am away. She is now in another country and when I call...

Questions on porn and sex... Guys? What am I doing wrong?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5593 days ago

4 April 2009 (F - GUYS! I have a question... or two. I am a very attractive girl, I'm thin, tall, awesome legs and a great body, I'm in shape, but not crazy gym rat style. I think that the only down side I have is I'm small chested, but it fits my frame. My boyfr...

Porn considered cheating?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5577 days ago

4 April 2009 (F - Is watching porn or looking at naked women considered cheating?...

He watches alot of porn!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5587 days ago

2 April 2009 (F - My Boyfriend watches porn (ALOT), this makes me jelouse in some way , and im worried this is going to effect our relationship also our sex. can porn actually effect our relationship or sex ?help?x...

Can't stop watching porn.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5595 days ago

1 April 2009 (F - Hi there, i really need some help. Ever since the age of 12 i have been download porn off the internet, its been 6 years now and i still keep doing it.. It is a complete waste of money! I really dont want to watch at all, it does not even do much ...

What do I do about porn in the workplace?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5596 days ago

1 April 2009 (F - Ok...i have had heaps of issues with my hubby and porn over the past 8 years. He has finally dealt with it through counselling talking etc... Everything is great with us now. Now my problem is at work. See my boss has been visiting porn sites...

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