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Archived questions from: January, 2010 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

I'm really angry right now. What can I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5274 days ago

31 January 2010 (F - I'm a bit angry right now. I just broke up with my boyfriend. Reason being that he had trust issues with me and my past, for the record in the past I wasn't a slut (although he thinks I was) and well, I gave oral sex to a guy we both know (I stopped ...

Told my gf I watch porn, and she doesn't understand. What can I say to her?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5288 days ago

31 January 2010 (M - i have been watching porn. i have been with my gf for 4 years so i told her that i watched porn. she got mad and was telling me that i shouldn't be watching those things cause it is all fake so i told her that even if it is fake the sex seems real. ...

How can I stop my jealousy, be secure again, be sexy, feel sexy again and get my relationship to a normal healthy state??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5293 days ago

28 January 2010 (F - hello, i am 20 and my boyfriend is 41. we have been together almost 2 years. we started our relationship "Long Distance". After 3 1/2- 4 months of being together. I had my school prom and went with my ex. I kissed my ex and danced with him. I know ...

Lately, I've developed a liking for transexual porn.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5258 days ago

28 January 2010 (M - I'll start off by saying that I'm a 16 year old male and I've been watching internet porn for quite some time. Lately, I've developed a liking for transexual porn. I have absolutely no desire for a relationship with a male or a transexual so I don't ...

My boyfriend buys porno mags and hides them but I don't understand!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5286 days ago

26 January 2010 (F - I was 17 when I fell for my brothers best friend. He was 25. He lived in Alabama and I lived in Michigan but he had come up to visit and that's when we got together. I moved to Alabama on my 18th birthday and I am now 21 years old and he is 28 ...

He's been lying to me this whole time. Should I leave him or try to forgive him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5296 days ago

25 January 2010 (F - My boyfriend lied to me for THREE YEARS about his porn use. Don't get me wrong, I know he wanks. He's told me so, and he had even shown me the website he used (a very well known free amateur site). Now here's the thing: he told me he didn't like ...

If a straight man in a relationship with a straight woman receives "a massage + a happy ending" from a male masseuse--no emotional intimacy involved--is that cheating?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5212 days ago

23 January 2010 (F - Brief facts: I'm female. Been with my boyfriend for nearly a year. I'm very, very open minded. Compared to other relationships I've been in, our sex life isn't so great (for various reasons), but there's a lot of love between us. I KNOW he's int...

How on earth can I get over him watching porn?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5293 days ago

22 January 2010 (F - Ok, so I have insecurity problems and feel embarassed and angry at myself because I feel I'm not "normal". I am one of those girls that feels really jealous, insecure, threatened, etc., about porn. I know it's my problem. But I just haven't been ...

Help! I have a very high sex drive and my fiance doesn't - yet he's watching porn?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5287 days ago

21 January 2010 (F - My fiance and I have been together for seven years. We're young- no older than 22 and We've lived together for three of the seven. A few months back i woke up randomly from having gone to sleep early and noticed pink light on the walls from t...

Husband addicted to prostitutes!

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4234 days ago

21 January 2010 (F - Can I regain trust in my husband, married for 28 years found out 3 weeks ago he has been seeing prostitutes for 11 years but stopped 14 months ago because he found one 55 miles away that he has seen twice a week, bought lots of presents for etc. ...

I watched gay porn but I don't think I'm gay.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5301 days ago

20 January 2010 (M - I've been having this problem for a few days now. You see I don't want to be gay and honestly I don't think I'm gay (I have nothing against gay people I just don't want to be if you know what I mean) but its become a bit of a problem for me. The ...

Is it worth staying in this marriage when my husband admits to wanting to have sex with porn stars?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5301 days ago

20 January 2010 (F - Usually when I read questions about porn the answers state that the men are usually more interested in the acts than the women and 'he wouldnt really want to have sex with them'. However my husband openly admits he wanted to have sex with the porn...

His looking at porn could be a big problem for me, especially as he lies about it...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5303 days ago

18 January 2010 (F - My husband likes to look at porn. I don't mind as long as he is truthful about it and offers to include me sometimes. No it's not my favorite thing to do, but I love him and if it's something he likes then why make a fight of it so long as he is ...

Why is my husband so lazy when it comes to sex?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5300 days ago

18 January 2010 (F - Hello My Dear Cupid friends, I been married for 8 1/2 months i'm 29 and he is 48,I wrote about him in a previous post.. I have had some problems with porn with him but he cooled out on it alot.. My husband does not like to kiss and is not affec...

Was it a heat of the moment thing my wife said?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5303 days ago

18 January 2010 (M - Help me out, what exactly does my wife mean? We have included porn (not all the time) in our sex life. We watch it together, never apart and typically it varies as to the content. Lately my wife has been wanting to see more gangbang scenes,...

My husband watches gay porn but denies he's gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5294 days ago

18 January 2010 (F - I am very confused... My husband and I have never really had much of a sex life and he hates french kissing, oral sex (given or received), as he says it's degrading. I ALWAYS have to initiate sex and even then it's such a chore to him. I always ...

His behaviour seems to be opposite to what he is saying

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5305 days ago

16 January 2010 (F - Oki, here's the problem, iv been with my bf or about 7 months and I love him so much but there's a major problem which is bothering me . I was left really hearbroken by my ex doing some online cheating stuff, and one day this came around into the ...

After 5 years what is a girl to do???

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5305 days ago

16 January 2010 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years. We now have 2 kids together. I am worried about our seems to be fading away slowly. For the last year he has been taking 30 to 45 minute showers. This made me wonder so I looked ...

Should I even try to fix this broken marriage?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5213 days ago

15 January 2010 (F - This is a re-write from an anonymous question I asked on January 11th. I am so lost. I need more help. My husband shown me a question and responses that he has placed on here too. But I don't want to share my question or feelings with him right n...

I hate my body. Is my boyfriend lying when he says he likes it?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5308 days ago

14 January 2010 (F - i hate my body.... i dont feel like a woman and im 20 i have small breats and i dont feel like i will ever truly saisfted my because i feel i dont look like one with my breats size.two because he likes to watch porn and the females he ...

I gave my boyfriend naked photographs and I'm regretting it! Help!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5310 days ago

10 January 2010 (F - I gave my boyfriend naked pics and a video of us. He keeps it in his laptop. I did as a private thing between he and I but lately every now and then he says thing like "they(the pictures)belong to me, and I can do what I want with them" I told him I ...

Is my husband just using me???

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5314 days ago

7 January 2010 (? - Me and my husband have been married about eighteen months now, our relationship is long distance as he works away so he views porn online of real life couples having sex. however he wants me to now go online and have sex in front of strangers too. ...

Girlfriend and porn...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5315 days ago

7 January 2010 (M - I've been in a relationship for almost 2 years with my current girlfriend. Things are going great, and we both confide in each other for pretty much everything. Porn has been a little bit of an issue in our relationship, though. I like to watch ...

How can I prove to my girlfriend I don't watch porn and I have no interest in ever watching it?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5316 days ago

6 January 2010 (M - How do I prove to my girlfriend that I'm not watching porn? She worries that she's not enough for me, we've been together for nearly 2 years and I want to be with her forever, but can't move forward until I feel like she's ready to be with me. P...

My husband has been watching real life couples having sex on a porn site whilst he is working away, is this normal?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5308 days ago

6 January 2010 (? - been married just less than a year and found out that my husband who works away has been viewing real life couples having sex on a porn sight. i am shocked and wonder if anybody thinks that this is what men do when working away and is it normal?...

Boyfriend lies about porn and accuses me of cheating!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5316 days ago

6 January 2010 (F - my boyfriend and i havent been getting along the greatest ill tell you why after i get throught this, after almost everyfight we have i talk to one of his friends ,lately it seems like his friend is hitting on me.. im not attracted to him at all ...

Should I be upset about the mens magazines?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5316 days ago

5 January 2010 (F - I recently talked to my boyfriend, last chrsitmas he brought home some "men's magazines" from home and had them in our bathroom. Technically I guess they weren't considered porn, but i think they were as they had naked girls EVERYWHERE. Anyway, s...

Husband looking at porn sites rating wives?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5314 days ago

5 January 2010 (? - Is it normal for a man to be looking at a porn sight which focuses on other adults rating videos posted in of them having sex with their wives (it is actually called something that is about rating wives) when he has only been married less than a ...

He shattered my heart but should I still hang in there?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5317 days ago

5 January 2010 (F - my boyfriend and i have a long history, we;ve been together for a year but we were best firends for 2 years before he asked me out , i recently foung out he had been messageing other women on a site called my year book , i found it on his computer , ...

Help... am I gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5306 days ago

3 January 2010 (M - im 17 year old male. i perfer watching gay porn thinking of boys and penis and using anal toys. i think that this makes me gay so i decided to watch straight porn and i didnt get erect or feel anything, but when i watch gay porn it really turns me ...

He won't have sex with me because I'm pregnant yet pleasures himself with porn!!!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5233 days ago

3 January 2010 (F - I'm 27 weeks pregnant with my partner. There is a 20 year age gap between us. He told me he is not sexually attracted to me any more and then tried to tell me that he didn't say that a few days later and that he meant it its because of the baby he ...

I don't think he's gay, but why would he look at gay porn?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5300 days ago

2 January 2010 (F - I have been in a good relationship with a strong black man for 5 years. He has always been interested in porn, and his brother explained that it was common when growing up because their Dad had tons of porn in the house. I started a high demand job ...

Is one woman never thrilling enough?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5320 days ago

2 January 2010 (F - Whenmy husband and I married we took vow to 'forsake all others'. To me this means not having relationships with others but also sving our sexual selves for one another . Not allowing our sexual stimultion to come from other. But he uses porn an ...

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