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Is this normal? I think I'm bordering on Asexual

Tagged as: Gay relationships, Pornography, Sex, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (1 August 2011) 4 Answers - (Newest, 3 August 2011)
A male New Zealand age 30-35, *redyn writes:

Okay, I'm confused.

So, I'm a seventeen year old male. I know I'm biromantic - I'm fine with being in a relationship with either a man or a woman, I do prefer men, but it's close; 40/60%

I have no trouble with my sex drive, I masturbate only to female masturbation or gay pornography - But the issue I have lies with my actual sex life. I've been with my boyfriend for just over 4 months, and although I am sexually and romantically attracted to him, I almost never actually like sexual activity with him. I prefer to either have full unprotected sex (I dislike it with a condom for some reason) or watch him get himself off, than have him touch me. I don't hate it, per se, but I don't...enjoy it. I just prefer to cuddle, or give him the pleasure, I guess.

Is this normal? Because, although I'll...get aroused, I'll never finish or particularly want to...I think I might be bordering on Asexual, or am I just a freak?

View related questions: condom, gay porn, porn, sex drive, sex life, unprotected sex

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A male reader, AvgGuy1 United States +, writes (3 August 2011):

AvgGuy1 agony auntIt's probably just a phase you're going through. I had a 'friend' once that I hooked up with a couple of times. He hated ORAL sex - at the time. Years later we hooked up a couple of times, again, but this time he would have made a hoover vacuum blush. He was totally into oral.

It could be that you're just trying to figure out what you like... but you're probably also disappointing your boyfriend a bit too. We all want to GIVE a little pleasure too. If you continue to not let him, or to exclude him from pleasuring you you may add stress to the relationship.

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A female reader, birdynumnums Canada +, writes (2 August 2011):

birdynumnums agony auntIf you still have fantasies about women, but have only explored your sexuality with men, that should probably be a telling point. You did not say if you had even explored your sexuality with a woman/on in the same room; but most men who are bi/gay adore women regardless. Fantasy lives in sexuality are not always exactly %1000 gay/bi/straight; or even in the same categories as your lover, but I think that your crushes and the people that you are drawn to are more of a telling point than anything as to who you wish to spend your time with. Like the first writer said; you are young, take your time.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 August 2011):

No no, not a freak. I think part of the problem you may have is that you fully don't understand what it is you want yet, you are still young. Anyway, were you like this with anyone else, guy or girl, in your past? Also, nobody really likes condoms. It helps protection issues though and it's worth it. Personally, the first thing you wrote explains it all: "Ok, i'm confused".

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A female reader, VSAddict United States +, writes (1 August 2011):

VSAddict agony auntYou're not asexual because you are attracted to him. But there's nothing wrong with you. You just have certain preferences that need to be met, so tell him and you can work on that together.

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