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Archived questions from: December, 2012 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

How is a woman who hates porn ever going to know for sure she's with someone who doesn't watch it?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4216 days ago

28 December 2012 (F - I've been on this site for awhile now, and one topic in particular really stands out to me: the whole porn debate. I've read many peoples' opinions from both sides of the issue, and I think they all make some good points, but there is one thing I ...

Why does he need to look at pictures of naked and semi-naked women? Is it because I've lost fullness in my breasts since breast feeding?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4202 days ago

25 December 2012 (F - Why would my partner look at naked/ semi naked pictures of women? Porn I can understand, but I guess he's looking at the naked women cos I lost the fullness of my breasts due to breast feeding. I was never big anyway. I don't feel the need to look ...

Thank you Dear Cupid. This is a WONDERFUL site. You showed me good directions when I was lost.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4230 days ago

24 December 2012 (F - I just want to say thanks to all the wonderful people at dear cupid. Since from the beginning of the you have shown love and good advices. Mostly thanks to the wonderful founder of dear cupid. Its so good to know that there's someone out there who ...

Is it wrong for me to do this? And even if it's not, is it wrong not to tell my new Gf that I do watch this type of porn?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4218 days ago

24 December 2012 (M - Ok I just got into watching cartoon porn nothing like animals or tenticle types mainly just like girls from tv shows like avatar or american dad any way I have a friend who broke up because his girlfriend didn't like him looking at henti I'm st...

I want to break up. What he is doing is very wrong. What can I do and how do I deal with his threat?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4231 days ago

23 December 2012 (F - Modnote: One this first occasion only your text speak was tidied up. Do NOT submit in text speak again. I need your help. I have this bf who I only know him through chatting He claims that he love me so much and that he's ready to get married to m...

I'm a virgin, how does porn differ from real life?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4205 days ago

23 December 2012 (M - I'm 23 year old Virgin. When I say I'm a virgin, I mean like I never even kissed or touched a girl in any sexual manner whatsoever. Hell, I can't even look at a girl I find attractive without my body trembling. So... I watch a lot of porn. However...

Our sex life is in the doldrums, are we doomed? He has the start of ED. His suggestion is a threesome, but I'm not so keen.

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4232 days ago

21 December 2012 (F - My husband and I were talking about our sex life just a moment ago. He mentioned how sore he is from all the sex (which has been almost everyday...and I know he masturbates as well, but I think he has done that more in the last week than we have had ...

Just feeling lost and confused...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4238 days ago

18 December 2012 (F - My husband and I will be married 6 years really soon. This year has been emotionally tumultuous as we have struggled through walls of miscommunication in several areas of our relationship. We were the best of friends in college for a whole, so our ...

Why does your partners use of pornography bother you?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4231 days ago

14 December 2012 (F - Why does your partner's use of porn bother you? My reason is because they are getting off on someone that isn't me, I have noticed alot of other women saying it is disgusting and degrading that doesn't bother me as much as the fact it is a woman ...

What goes through a man's mind when he watches porn?

This question has 33 answers - newest was posted 4242 days ago

12 December 2012 (F - Can some actually explain to us women what happens when watching porn? Does it make the man feel like he is having sex with the woman on the screen? Apparently I am told they are not watching it to pretend they are the man in the video. I am ...

Boyfriend Watching Porn In A Long Distance Relationship

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4242 days ago

12 December 2012 (F - Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 2 years now from opposite sides of the world. We are both 18 and we have not seen each other within the last 3 years. Everything is great except for the fact that he watches perverted things like women ...

I feel bad about my sex appeal knowing mean watch much better on a porn movie. Am I second best in a guy's estimation if he watches porn?

This question has 29 answers - newest was posted 4243 days ago

11 December 2012 (F - I know there are many questions about porn, but plese bear with me. So when men watch porn, do they watch it for the women's bodies? Especially girl on girl, or girls masturbating, or stripping, ie. porn that doesn't involve men at all (so it's not...

He says he's using porn to remind himself of me

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 4243 days ago

11 December 2012 (F - My ex boyfriend and i fell out over his porn use. He claimed he looked at women who look like me to recreate the joy he had from the night before, he was a virgin and claimed it left him buzzing. However he didn't say he often used to it to think ...

Why is my husband into this kind of disgusting porn?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 4227 days ago

10 December 2012 (? - My husband and I have been married for 15 years. I have always been aware that he watched porn (before marriage). The first time I found a video I threw it away, and I didn't say anything to him about it and neither did he. Needless to say he got ...

Why would he keep these intimate pics of his exes?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4238 days ago

10 December 2012 (F - Hi I have been with my partner for 3 years now. About 2 years ago I came across semi naked and naked pics of a couple of his ex girlfriends, he did get rid of them. Then I found more on his pc which he said he didnt realise they were there and has ...

Porn discretion for men, how to prevent porn ever becoming an issue in your relationship.

This question has 43 answers - newest was posted 4102 days ago

10 December 2012 (? - (Disclaimer: This article is not about lying to your partner. If you using porn in a relationship is a deal-breaker for her and has become a problem then this is not an article for you to break the conditions of your relationship by using these tips ...

Boyfriend uses porn to "practice". Should I be concerned?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4246 days ago

10 December 2012 (F - Me and my bf have been together for a little over a year. He occasionally watches porn when im not around. we dont live together...and only see each other about once a week. hes always honest, caring and loving and we have a great relationship. we ...

Did I ruin the relationship, due to my dislike of porn? Or are there bigger issues of concern in this relationship?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 4204 days ago

8 December 2012 (F - Disclaimer: This is long but I really need advice and help. Please! I'm having a hard time letting go of my ex boyfriend. We were together for 20 months and just broke up last Sunday. We were living together the past 2.5 months. He was my first ...

How do I forgive his porn usage so we can be happy?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4232 days ago

7 December 2012 (F - Hi all.I am in need of advice. I have looked up numberous articles but the advice is very generalized and not very helpful.How do you forgive someone that has betrayed your trust? I have been with my partner for almost 5 years and we have a family. ...

Do I need to just accept porn in our relationship?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4249 days ago

5 December 2012 (F - I just got out of a long term relationship in which majority of our fights were about porn. He watched it before we got together and during our entire relationship. He watched it regularly, pretty much once a day, about 5 times a week. We would ...

How can I tell if he settled for me against his apparent "type"?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4251 days ago

4 December 2012 (F - My boyfriend looks at porn. This is fine. Although he tends to look at girls who are the seem like the exact opposite of me. They, for example, have tattoos, have edge, and are usually brunette. His favorite girl buddies also look this way.I have ...

Was I wrong to end my long term relationship over my boyfriend's porn habits?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4247 days ago

4 December 2012 (F - I have always had a problem with my boyfriend’s porn use and we would get into fights about it where he would promise one day he would give it up when he was satisfied with our sex life. I would then promise to let it go and stop snooping on him. ...

My sister caught me watching porn and I'm afraid she'll tell my parents.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4252 days ago

2 December 2012 (F - my sister caught me watching porn. im to scared to talk to her now. she's always so nosey, she reads my diary and stalks me, i know i shouldn't be watching porn, and i have tried to curve the habit. how can i make it seem not that bad? what is she ...

Porn rears it's ugly head, again!

This question has 21 answers - newest was posted 4251 days ago

2 December 2012 (F - Hi everyone i have been with my bf for 6 yrs now. About 6 months back i found porn on his laptop.he apologized, we broke up and patched up again. He promised he would not watch again. I posted here regarding that and i got many answers which helped ...

I desperatly need help from the male readers to understand my husbands behaviour.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4255 days ago

1 December 2012 (F - I desperatly need help from the male readers to understand my husbands behaviour. We have a very active,loving(sometimes wild!) and happy sex life. So what does it tell me, if he sometimes has to sit down at the computer watching porn to please h...

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